A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 89: Fifteen years left

Chapter 89: Fifteen years left

Slowly, the time came to five.

During this time, I managed to prepare a large birthday cake for Tsunade and make a gift. In general, my beautiful cake can already be regarded as a gift, but I'm not sorry.

The gift was a huge set of seals made by me personally.

And yes, perhaps the choice of gift was not the best, but I want it to be useful to Tsuna.

Taking my gifts, I closed the door and went to the Senju residence.

Every second I was getting closer to my biological mother's house. Do I feel something at this moment? Yes and no.

I don't have any special feelings for Mito, but I can't say that I'm indifferent to her. I sympathize, respect her. And it would probably be a lie to say that I'm not interested in her.

Okay, let's not delve further into my feelings. Let me tell you what happened this year.

Jiraya, Orochimaru and Tsunade have become noticeably stronger and more experienced.

Jiraiya focused on training his summoning and fire transformation. And he also had his first thoughts on creating a "transparent escape" technique.

Orochimaru tried to develop comprehensively, but the emphasis was of course on ninjutsu. He hasn't signed a contract with the Snakes yet, but he's getting ready for it.

Tsunade concentrated on irenjutsu and taijutsu. In the latter, she has even surpassed the guys.

My strength and my height were the catalyst for this. If the children at the academy gave up and gave up, then my teammates, on the contrary, were inspired and began to work harder. There are many reasons for this, but mostly it was pride, of course. Still, they were called geniuses, and I began to question this title. Although only they themselves thought so. The people around us understood that they were geniuses, and I was a monster.

And it's funny that they call me a monster when I show only half of my powers.

Well, now my progress, which thanks to the clones just rushes forward.

I have used clones always and everywhere. Cooking, massage, fuinjutsu, ninjutsu, taijutsu, natural transformation, genjutsu and so on.

All I had to do was train my physical characteristics.



Strength 14 24

Dexterity 30 40

Perception 38 58

Endurance 185 190

Mind 69 90

Spirit 67 80


Fuinjutsu Is A Great Talent

Senjutsu Small Talent

The Wind Is An Average Talent

Water Is A Great Talent

Earth Is A Great Talent

Mokuton Small Talent

Yoton Is A Small Talent

Pain Tolerance Is A Great Talent

Energy Control Is A Great Talent

Massage Is A Great Talent

Taijutsu Average Talent

Cooking Is A Great Talent

Sensorics Average Talent

Stealth Is An Average Talent

Ninjutsu Average Talent

Iryenin Is An Average Talent

Genjutsu Average Talent


Gamer's Body

The Player's Mind

The Emperor's Eyes

Imperial Zone

Orgasm School

Arbitrary Meditation

Thunderstorm of the Undead

Overwhelming Undead Field

I focused on strength, but I didn't forget about other characteristics either. The strength parameter was quite difficult to raise, because I'm only five years old. Although if weights were used, things would go better, but it's too early for them.

I didn't do much dexterity, but she got up anyway. Still, my age does not slow down the improvement of this characteristic in any way and, on the contrary, contributes to its development.

Perception is quickly pumped up due to the fact that I constantly use the Imperial Zone, and in general I train the sensory clones.

Endurance has improved only because I'm growing. Just without weights, my endurance is almost endless. I have never been physically tired this year.

Well, the Mind and Spirit are flying forward thanks to the shadow clones that I create by the hundreds.

There was quite a bit of progress in Fuinjutsu, yet I have to study everything myself through trial and error.

I have learned to manage the earth perfectly and water and wind well.

Energy control has been allocated quite a lot of time, so I don't think there is anyone in Konoha whose control over the chakra is better than mine. Yes, it sounds self-confident, but not without reason.

All the techniques of ninjutsu and genjutsu were brought almost to the limit. Most of the jutsu required only one seal from my side. Some did not demand everything.

Well, in general terms, that's it. It doesn't make sense to tell more, since it will take me several hours, and I'm almost at the gate of the Senju residence. It would be easier to say that right now I am able to defeat an average Jonin or even two without the help of abilities. Naturally, this is only approximately.

From the third person

Tetsuya calmly approached the gate, where Tsunade was already standing, dressed in a warm-colored yukata.

The girl noticed a suitable hero and breathed a sigh of relief. It looks like she was worried that the red-haired teammate wouldn't come, yet Tetsuya came up almost exactly at five... or maybe she just really wanted to see him on her name day.

You've finally come! I thought I was going to have to give you a thrashing. Tsuna said with a relieved, joyful smile, cracking her fists threateningly.

I came at exactly five. And I don't think that an attempt to give me a thrashing will be successful, yet you have never defeated me. Uzumaki said, grinning, which caused an annoying squint from the girl, and then handed her gifts Here. .

Thanks Tetsuya. blushing a little, she said, accepting the gifts.

Be careful with this box, there's a cake inside.

Cake? she was surprised and asked with hope in her voice. Did you make it yourself?

Of course he himself. the hero said confidently, grinning. Mito-san has never tried my cooking.

Yes, I haven't tried it. I think Grandma will be very surprised how delicious you cook. anticipating the shocked face of her grandmother, Tsuna said. Okay, let's go. You came last. The others are already inside.

Well, let's not keep them waiting any longer. Tetsuya said before going after the girl.

With each step they heard the voices of the guests better and better.

Living room

By the time Tetsuya came here, everything was already ready in the living room. The table was set and the guests were burning with impatience to try everything on it, yet the wife of the Shinobi God, Mito Uzumaki, personally prepared it all.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya were sitting on one side of the table, entertaining Tsuna's younger brother, Navaki, who is due to turn three this year. Mostly, of course, he was entertained by Jiraya, the pessimistic Orochi was not very suitable for this role.

While the guys were playing with the baby, Hiruzen and Mito were sitting at the other end of the table, having a leisurely conversation.

And you've aged Hiruzen. How old are you there already? Thirty? Uzumaki said calmly, sipping hot tea.

Hokage, who was also drinking tea, almost choked.

Kha! Kha! I'm only twenty-seven, Mito-san! the village head exclaimed a little indignantly.

Mm-mm. And you look like you're already over thirty. This beard makes you old. she said calmly, even without looking at the Hokage, but he knew that she was teasing him.

"Nothing like that, and even if it is, I don't care. The main thing is that it adds seriousness to me. he spoke a little resentfully, stroking his beard, and then, with a slightly insidious smile, asked. Mito-san, you must be over eighty by now, right?"

The next second, the wife of the first Hokage looked at the third so that he instantly realized that he had stepped on a mine, but not a simple one, but an anti-tank one.

But the stars came together successfully today and Hiruzen was lucky. Mito closed her eyes and hid the "dangerous" look, calmly replied. I'm sixty-eight, will be this year.

Realizing that he was lucky today, Sarutobi finally exhaled with relief, feeling sweat running down his back.

And yet it would be a mistake to remain silent on such a thing, so he, with a slightly strained smile, said. Amazing, Mito-san. You look at most twenty-five. No one would have guessed your real age. Still, Uzumaki are amazing.

Yes, but it won't last long. she said calmly, peering into the tea inside the cup.

Hearing this, the third frowned slightly and asked, "What do you mean, Mitosan?"

Ten, fifteen years at most, and I will begin to age rapidly, before I leave, to meet my husband. she answered just as calmly, glancing briefly into the eyes of the interlocutor.

The widened eyes of the third clearly said that he was incredibly shocked by this information.

Mito-san! What does this mean?! he whispered in surprise, trying not to attract the attention of the guys having fun.

It means exactly what I said I have a maximum of fifteen years left to live. I can feel it clearly.

But... but how is that?" You're from the Uzumaki clan!

Yes, thank you for telling me, because I probably didn't know that. she replied tartly, and then continued as usual. I know that as an Uzumaki I could live up to one hundred and fifty years and this is not the limit, but it just so happened that I happened to become a jinchuriki. Not only did the demon cause quite a lot of damage to my life force when sealing it, but a lot of my body's resources are spent on containing it.

Not giving up, Hiruzen asked again What about the jinchuriki of other villages? Why can they calmly restrain their tailed ones?

Mito calmly poured herself tea and answered. "Don't forget, Hiruzen, that I'm holding back the ninetailed one, which has, even by biju standards, a huge amount of powerful, destructive chakra. In addition, when sealing it into myself, I was already fifty-three, and as you know, it's best to seal the bijou in a young vessel, not an old one. The young body can adapt to the destructive chakra, but the old one cannot. Well, as I already said, during the sealing, the demon caused serious damage to my life force, yet it's not an easy task to seal the nine-tailed one alone.

They were both silent for a while, each thinking about his own, until the third spoke again.

So we need to look for a new vessel right now? as if asking himself, he said.

Hiruzen was still in shock that such a strong woman as Uzumaki Mito, the wife of the "Shinobi God", would die relatively soon.

- Yes. Already now we need to think about it. Most likely you will have to turn to Uzushio Although even in Konoha, there is a suitable person. she said a little conspiratorially.

Intrigued, Hiruzen asked. "And who is it?"

Mito, smiling a little from the corner of her lips, replied. "Your student, Uzumaki Tetsuya.

Sarutobi seemed to be struck by lightning. He froze and opened his mouth in surprise, because it turned out that the right person was literally in front of his nose.

While the Hokage digested what he had heard, the woman continued. "This child has truly immense vitality even for our clan. His chakra is extremely powerful and tyrannical, while possessing incredible healing properties. This child is the perfect jinchuriki. According to my calculations, he can easily suppress even two such biju as the nine-tailed one without any consequences for his body right now.

It may surprise someone that Mito wants to make her child a jinchuriki, condemning him to the life of a jailer for a demon, but she had other thoughts about this.

At the very beginning, she wanted her child to be an ordinary civilian, deprived of all the "charms" of being a Shinobi But the plans changed dramatically due to the fact that her son was not only born with a heroic body, but also, as it turned out later, with a brilliant mind. In total, this made her child not just a child prodigy, but a real monster.

And since she failed to give her child a quiet life, then she decided to help him gain strength, which will give this quiet life.

Becoming a jinchuriki, just fits such plans, although she herself understood that the chance of this is extremely small. Still, no matter how Tetsuya is the ideal candidate for jinchuriki, politics will decide everything, basically.

Finally, with a sad exhalation, Hiruzen said. The chance to make Tetsuya jinchuriki is almost zero. My position as Hokage is still pretty flimsy. Neither the advisors nor the clans will allow my disciple to become a jinchuriki, especially if it is Tetsuya. Still, they are not fools and have long known about his monstrous talent. In fact, they are already pretty stressed out that I have a genius of this level under my wing.

For a second, Uzumaki's gaze sharpened, realizing this, she hurried to close her eyes in order to hide it before asking. Do you think they can make a move against Tetsuya?

Hiruzen did not notice this look in his thoughts, but the voiced question slightly confused him.

"Why would Mito be interested in the fate of my disciple? Maybe because he is also Uzumaki..." he thought with a dull look, looking at the jinchuriki.

no. They won't do anything to my student, I'm sure of that. Still, they understand that we lost a lot of forces in the war, including the First and Second Hokage, and that Tetsuya can become a pillar like them, holding not only Konoha, but the whole country of Fire. The only thing they can do is try to appease him somehow, persuade him to their side, or even, as an option, marry one of the representatives of their clan. he said, scratching his beard.

I see. Mito said, and then, with an imperceptible smile, continued. And here comes the main character of our conversation.

Three seconds later, the door to the living room slid open and a couple consisting of Uzumaki and Senju entered.

They immediately attracted all the attention in the room.

Under the general gaze of the entire living room, the guy walked a little, not at all embarrassed, before bowing with a smile and saying, "Sorry for being late, Tsunade was walking too slowly. My name is Uzumaki Tetsuya, and I am glad to meet you Mito-san, Navaki-kun.

There was silence in the room for a few seconds. Basically everyone was waiting for Mito's reaction.

"It's nice to meet you too, Tetsuya-kun. As you already know, my name is Mito Uzumaki. she answered with a smile, after five seconds of silence.

Everyone in the room decided that jinchuriki was surprised by Tetsuya's cute and beautiful appearance and that's why she took so long to answer.

No one could even imagine that this hitch occurred only because the mother just saw her child so close for the first time in five long years.

The slightly awkward atmosphere that had just formed was destroyed by a small Navaki.

Looking at the hero in surprise, the kid pointed his finger at Tetsuya and said. Wow! Brother, you look so much like Grandma!

This statement made everyone smile, except Mito. It made her shiver a little.

Navaki, didn't I teach you what to say when you get acquainted? And it's very ugly to point a finger at others. Uzumaki said calmly, squinting at the boy.

Navaki didn't quite understand what the grandmother's squint meant right now, but the priest signaled a possible danger pretty quickly, so he quickly bowed and said. I'm Navaki Senju, nice to meet you, Uzumaki Tetsuya.

Likewise. the hero replied, stroking his nephew on the top of his head.

Well, now that everything is in place, we can start eating. Tsunade, put Tetsuya at the table. Mito smiled with satisfaction.

All right, Grandma.

After a few minutes, everyone had already forgotten about the small incident, completely dissolving into the festive and even family atmosphere.

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