A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 90: The student greets the teacher

Chapter 90: The student greets the teacher

The feast was held in a calm, family atmosphere.

Everyone was chatting happily about all sorts of things.

Before Jiraya opened his mouth

Having eaten to the brim, the toad summoner with a wide smile, innocuously declared It was very tasty! True, Tetsuya still cooks much tastier

The room became quiet

Everyone except Mito looked at him as the last idiot who dared to enter the lion's cage and give him a pendal while the beast was sleeping.

Even Orochimaru hung a ritual wreath on Jiraya with just a glance.

Baby Navaki also sensed something was wrong and moved away from Jirai.

Noticing Orochi's gaze, Jiraiya thought for a second, and then froze like a deer in the headlights.

The guy literally flew a herd of goosebumps down his back, and his heart ran into his heels, because he knew that it was Mito who mainly brought up Tsunade.

And if Tsuna constantly gave him a lullaby for smaller offenses, then what should he expect from Mito Uzumaki, who is rumored to be the strongest woman in Konoha?

"I refuse to die like this! I haven't become a super-pervert yet!" he shouted in his head in fright and quietly, imperceptibly began to put seals under the table for a callback to Mount Myoboku.

But when he was ready to go to the toads, Mito, unexpectedly for him, intrigued, asked, raising an eyebrow Really?

Jiraya was already ready to move, looked at jinchuriki and did not see any negative emotions on her face.

Internally exhaling and tearfully thanking all the gods, he canceled the technique before saying Yes, Mito-san. You cook very well, but Tetsuya has a divine talent for cooking. You just have to try his cooking sometime.

Tsunade also decided to help Jirae a little He's telling the truth, Grandma. Tetsuya cooks on missions every time and that's why we go to them with great joy! she declared with a big enthusiastic smile.

Orochimaru only nodded, agreeing with the blonde's words.

It's very interesting. I'd like to try your Tetsuya-kun cooking. Still, Tsunade is the "princess" of the Senju clan and you will not please her with anything. she spoke with interest in her voice, with a small smile on her lips.

But our hero did not have time to respond to the praise, as Tsunade, as if grasping Mito's words, quickly said. You can try Grandma! Tetsuya brought a big cake as a gift! I think we can just try it with tea now!

"That's a good idea, Tsunade. I'll make tea, and you bring the cake.

All right, bah!

In just a few seconds, Tsuna managed to escape and return.

Putting a heavy, round box on the table, the girl began to untie the ribbons on it.

Everyone except Tetsuya watched with bated breath as Tsuna slowly opened the box, and in our case, Pandora's box.

Even when closed, the cake managed to penetrate the walls of the box with its aroma, seducing others.

Finally, the moment came when the birthday girl opened the box with a look of anticipation.

Burning with impatience, she opened it abruptly, quickly, but at the same time carefully.

By the simultaneous startled inhalation, it became immediately clear that everyone, to put it mildly, was pleased with what they saw.

All snow-white, covered with patterns similar to the distinctive symbol of the Uzumaki clan. The soft pink roses were just a pity to touch.

And the smell, like a boxer's blow, clouded the mind for a while.

It seemed that only from the aroma it was already possible to feel the taste in the mouth.

In general, this is all because Tetsuya has recently improved his talent in Cooking and in this regard has made, so to speak, a couple of breakthroughs in this field.

Even the team hasn't tried his improved cooking yet.

Very promising. Hiruzen said with a smile, examining the cake.

While everyone was hypnotized by examining the product, Mito did exactly the same thing, but only at the same time, brewing tea.

And so, while examining the cake, she caught sight of a small pattern at the very bottom of it. Looking closer, she realized that it was a fuinjutsu seal.

This confused her and at the same time intrigued her, because jinchuriki already relatively understood what she was for. The print itself is quite light and made very well, although Mito could have made it better, but what attracted her was that the print worked properly. For a moment, the seal was made of glaze, but it still worked properly. That's what surprised Mito.

Amazing. Mito said with surprise, which attracted attention to herself You know how to surprise Tetsuya. Can you tell me about this seal?

Interested glances converged on the hero, waiting for an answer, and he, quickly realizing what Mito was asking, answered with a slight smile.

This is my little improvisation. I was thinking how to keep the cake cool and it occurred to me to use seals. As you already understand, the purpose of printing is to maintain a cool temperature. And although it seems that everything seems to be working, in fact everything went wrong as I intended.

Wait! Tetsuya, did you use fuinjutsu to keep the cake cool? refusing to accept this information, Tsuna asked with surprise.

Mito decided to give the answer to this question.

Tsunade, some fuinjutsu masters are able to apply various seals with a simple touch. Tetsuya-kun tried to do the same, but he lacked the skill. And the glaze is not very suitable for storing the chakra. I feel like the chakra is constantly coming out of print, and quite quickly, and yet it is able to cool the cake for another two hours.


Smiling, Mito did not answer her granddaughter, but looking at Tetsuya, she asked. You just poured a whole reserve of Tsuna into this seal, right?

Smiling a little brighter, the hero replied. "I can't hide anything from you, Mito-san. Yes, you're right.

I used to do that once when I was a child. Mito said with nostalgia, and then noticed the hungry, expectant looks and began to make tea more actively.


A minute and everything is ready. Everyone had a saucer with a fragrant, cool dessert and a cup of hot tea.

At the same time, everyone at the table brought spoons with a delicacy to their lips and, closing their eyes, slowly sent it into their mouths.

Everyone except Tetsuya. When he was cooking everything, he tasted it, now it's more interesting for him to watch the faces that are now taking on a surprised look.

Or rather, no longer surprised, but amazed. God, how many emotions are on their faces right now.

Discouragement was replaced by pleasure, and then euphoria with ecstasy.

But the most interesting thing was with Tsunade and Mito.

Both women were literally having a phantom orgasm right now.

Their bodies were shaking with pleasure, unearthly taste.

Mito got especially badly, since she, unlike Tsunade, has long known the forbidden fruit.

- "What's going on!!!" Jinchuriki screamed in her mind.

The nine-tailed demon fox easily felt such strong emotions and, waking up, decided that his jailer was just a real pervert. And a pervert with extraordinary fetishes

- "Perverted old woman." the demon said mockingly.

"Shut up!" she replied hottempered.

"Hmph" he grunted in response, continuing to watch the unfolding events with interest.

Tetsuya continued to watch Tsuna and Mito's flushed faces with a small insidious smile.

The others were also sitting with faces full of pleasure, but Tetsuya was not interested in male physiognomies.

Finally, the first review sounded

It's just divine, Tetsuya. You've outdone yourself.

It was Orochimaru, who does not tend to talk so much, and most importantly emotionally.

- thanks. I hope this won't be the last time I do this.

Then, Mito, opening her slightly moistened eyes, said There are no words to adequately describe this taste. Jiraiya-kun said that you cook better than me, but I didn't expect that the difference is so great.

I am very pleased to hear the praise from you, Mito-san.

You're very talented. Cooking, fuinjutsu and even, as I heard, massage... in a few years, and crowds of girls will be ready to kill just to spend a little more time with you. Jinchuriki said with a satisfied smile, narrowing her eyes slyly.

This awakened Tsunade, who, opening her eyes, exclaimed indignantly. Bah! What are you saying!?

And what? Isn't that true?

Tsuna did not answer anything, but only turned away from her grandmother sulkily.

Suddenly, Hiruzen opened his eyes wide. After trying Tetsui's incredible cooking, he understood a lot. A puzzle came together in my head. Stop! Wait a minute! Did you walk so furiously and complete missions just because Tetsuya fed you during these very missions?!

Our hero's teammates turned away from Sensei's gaze pretending that they hadn't heard anything.

Sarutobi saw this, confirmed his guesses and breathed out in amazement. And I thought you lit up with the will of fire... but it turned out that you lit up with the will of gluttony.

Tsuna was embarrassed, and Orochimaru was still pretending to be a felt boot, and only Jiraya decided to justify himself.

Sensei, you're wrong! The will of fire is burning in us, we just decided to mix business with pleasure! the white-headed man spoke convincingly.

Hiruzen looked at Jiraya skeptically. And I was wondering why you chose the longest missions to complete.

It's just a coincidence! the white-headed man did not give up.

Before Sarutobi could answer, Mito cut in on the conversation. I don't think they can be blamed for anything. You've just tried Tetsui-kun's cooking yourself.

Eh, you're right. It's just that I've already made it up to myself. Hokage was a little bored, but the next spoonful of dessert instantly lifted his mood. "It's like a drug, Tetsuya. It's so delicious that I can't even believe it. Okay, it's really impossible to resist this. I think you need to come up with a new position where you will persuade the enemy Shinobi to our side.


Half an hour later, when the tea party was already close to the end, Mito made a shocking offer.

Tetsuya-kun. I suggest you become my disciple. You have a talent for fuin, and you are also Uzumaki. I think you are more than worthy to learn the art of our clan.

The whole room was shocked and waited with bated breath for the hero's answer.

He, in turn, smiled and said I agree to become a student, but not for nothing. Still, I don't want to take advantage of your kindness.

"You are not taking advantage of my kindness... son," she mentally thought, before answering Good. Then I want you to cook for me every day during your apprenticeship. Are you satisfied with this?

Grinning, Tetsuya got up from the table and bowed and said - Tetsuya's student greets his teacher.

So our hero became a student of the strongest Konoha woman for several years.

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