A Legion Grows From My Smartphone

Chapter 49: Legion VS Legion (3)

Chapter 49: Legion VS Legion (3)

[Proliferating Infectious Mutated Destructive Bacteria Small Colony: 6N1535]

"...So this is their name?

[Yes. They are a completely different species from the original destructive bacteria.]

"What does 'small colony* mean?

[According to the legion's analysis, they are just beginning to develop a proper hive consciousness.]

They seemed to be quite a troublesome bunch. Variant destructive bacteria were fundamentally the result of long-term growth, and their mutation was believed to be caused by cannibalism among their own kind.

[Unable to consume nourishment for extreme hibernation, they eventually resorted to cannibalism, giving birth to the mutated variants. These variants allowed two or three colonies to control a single body, resulting in twisted and grotesque physical transformations.]

"Why don't they eat each other?

[They have evolved through mutation.]

The mutant destructive bacteria had ceased their cannibalistic behavior. Instead, they had managed to survive by hunting and consuming other infected destructive bacteria. It was unclear what would transpire if they were pushed to the brink of starvation, but they hadn't reached that stage yet.

"Can we win?

I clicked my tongue in frustration and switched the screen. The war was raging on. Amidst the chaos, I spotted my sister battling the monsters. Her masked silhouette, brandishingl a sword charged with a crimson energy, was a sight that was hard to bear. The fact that she had been in combat for over 24 hours without a break made it even more distressing.

[It's uncertain at this point. According to the analysis, the current opponents are just a small colony. There's always the possibility of a more advanced megacolony appearing. Moreover, the legion's energy reserves are gradually decreasing. We need to find a more efficient way to utilize energy or secure additional supplies.]

"Ah, that's a bit difficult right now.

I focused on the surrounding sounds. Shouts and screams echoed from all around. Although they weren't directed at me, it was still unsettling.

"Oppa, are you okay?

"I'm more worried about you right now.

"I-I'm fine.

Kang Do Yeon momentarily stepped back from the frontlines, a courtesy extended by the legion.

"Express my gratitude to them. They'll understand, right?

"Of course.

Turning a blind eye had its consequences. Even with her non-human body and the mask that reduced mental fatigue, her face was etched with exhaustion. I frowned at her state.

"If I asked the legion to pull my sister from the battle, would they comply? She could take on a role like a librarian or something.

[Would they, though? From the legion's standpoint, Kang Do Yeon is an ideal leader. The legion believes in growth through struggle. This principle applies to you, and Kang Do Yeon is no exception. Under the legion's protection, she is immune to death and can grow infinitely stronger through endless battles. This is the legion's ultimate truth and the world's law.]

"Damn it.

A bitter laugh slipped from my lips. I had witnessed various relationships between players and units up until now. They ranged from dependable comrades who leaned on each other, to mere pawns, to cherished beings who were nurtured and protected.

One thing was clear: unless some method was employed, mere words held no sway over either the player or the unit. Even if the legion esteemed my words above all else, they could still distort them to suit their needs, and I was powerless to stop them. Particularly since they had already established their fundamental values, and it would be the obvious choice for them.

So, another method was needed, but I had no clue where to start.

"They must be buying time. Those bastards.

[Any more messages for your sister?]

"But how are you managing? Is there Wi-Fi there?

"Absolutely not. It's all thanks to this app.

Kang Do Yeon's words made me survey my surroundings. This place, where temporary barracks were erected, was the initial garrison chosen by the alliance forces. It was constructed to safeguard the gate linking Earth, and the troop deployment and barracks construction were still in progress.

"I wish I could show you.

I mused. This place, the epicenter of the monstrous creatures, was a truly enigmatic experience. I had stepped into another world without even needing a spacesuit. The numerous stars and moonlight were bright enough to light up the barren land of nothing but jagged rocks. I was momentarily awestruck at the sight of three moons suspended in the sky, like a scene from a fantasy novel.

"I want to see it. The sky.

"...You want to see the sky.

I was taken aback. Who was it that truly yearned to see the sky? Was it Kang Do Yeon, who had been living in a cave for weeks? Or was it the legion, who had never once seen the high sky?

"But what if your phone battery dies?!

"Don't worry. I found a solution just before it did.

When the legion first triumphed over the destructive bacteria, my account level reached 5. Honestly, I hadn't given it much thought since leveling up only increased the number of slots and the amount of food I could provide. However, when I reached level 5, a new feature was added.

[From now on, even without a phone, you can use the app by utilizing your corneas.]

The first time I used that feature, I was astounded by the large screen that materialized before me, and the sight of the legion moving within it.

"...It's absurd that I wouldn't be able to do anything without my phone. Besides, aliens wouldn't use phones anyway.

"Well, that's comforting.

"Anything else you want to share?

The question was posed to both my sister and the legion. I had wanted to communicate directly with the legion as soon as possible, but they had refused, forcing me to use this roundabout method.


The legion hesitated before responding. I understood they were trying to convey their intentions.


"You look bored.

"Well... I'm not doing anything.

"We can't do anything until the base construction is complete. We need a safe place to stay.

Robert chuckled, toying with a card. I glanced outside with a disquieted gaze. Even now, the soldiers and other people were laboring relentlessly. All we did was lounge in our barracks, idle.

"Our job is to fight when necessary, not to dig the ground with shovels. We're not soldiers. We're mercenaries who get paid to do our job.

"Right, I suppose.

The mercenaries seemed unperturbed by the situation, as if it was routine for them. I sat quietly by their side, but I knew I couldn't linger. Cha Ji Yeon summoned me.

"Huh? The lightning girl?

"Yes. I'll go see her.

"It's unusual. Our mission isn't with that lightning girl...

Robert's eyes widened in surprise, but another member, Sneaky, whispered something to him. Then, Robert looked at me with a smirk, his eyebrows and the corners of his eyes raised. It seemed he had a major misunderstanding.

"Enjoy yourself. But, uh, try not to be too conspicuous. Ahem.

"Don't jump to conclusions. She's a true professional.

Cha Ji Yeon's personality made the misunderstanding laughable. She was undeniably beautiful and captivating, but after spending a few days together, there was no hint of a romantic spark. She was a busy woman, always engrossed in training, even at home. Park Joon Seok confessed that he couldn't even look at her due to the admiration he felt for her dedication.

"I called you because I wanted to see you.

Upon arriving at her barracks, I was greeted with unexpected words.

"I need to see the results of your training. You're still doing individual training, right?

"Ah?! Oh, yes. Of course.

"It seems a bit more comfortable now.

She gave a faint smile. I was aware that the members of Evolution, herself included, were operating independently, despite technically being under the player's command.


"Until recently, I was a 24-year-old C-rank hunter with minimal experience. Now, I'm part of a separate squad in this large-scale operation. To be honest... sitting with people like the president and the commander is both uncomfortable and challenging.

"I see.

I often forgot that she was merely a year older than me.

"In that situation, conversing with someone my age, like you, Shin Woo, felt a bit more comfortable. Park Joon Seok may be 29, but he's a tad too cunning.

"Do you want us to start speaking more casually?

Without thinking, I posed the question. Truthfully, our excessively formal conversations had been bothering me. However, seeing her surprised expression, I hesitated, wondering if I had been too forward.

"Should we?

Nonetheless, she responded with a smile and agreement. Seeing her like that, I couldn't help but return the smile. At this point, I couldn't deny it. I definitely harbored feelings for her...

[The legion has noticed your emotions.]


Suddenly, a holographic text appeared before my eyes, causing me to cough awkwardly and flinch.

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