A Legion Grows From My Smartphone

Chapter 50: Legion VS Legion (4)

Chapter 50: Legion VS Legion (4)

All the bases have been set up, Robert said, his usually calm voice now serious. It was inevitable, as the chaotic preparation period had come to an end, and the real operation was about to begin. We had to carry out our mission.

Once the operation starts, the troops will move. Our task, as you know, is to escort the researchers from the Evolution Corporation.

Evolution was more than just a collection of units; it was a company integrated into society. They had sent researchers here, along with their primary force, the Step Up Hunters. Our duty was to ensure their safety.

Cleaning up after a battle may seem like a simple task, but remember, this isn't Earth. So, everyone, stay alert.

Our gazes shifted outside. The barren wasteland, a bleak expanse of rocks and dust, remained unchanged even under the sun's glare.

I doubt the entire place is like this. Rumor has it that those creatures burrow underground.

At that moment, a swarm of unmanned reconnaissance drones flew across the sky, their engines roaring, lust like the legion, reconnaissance was the basis of all actions. Especially in this uncharted world, even the relentless legion would halt their advance and explore first.

Once the reconnaissance is complete, one of the pre-established plans will be executed.

To be honest, it would be great if we could just launch a nuclear bomb or something. But one of the reasons we're here is to rescue the kidnapped people.

Not long after the reconnaissance drones took off, the main force began to move. So far, we hadn't had to step in. I stared blankly at the departing vehicles. Cha Ji Yeon, Chris, and other key hunters were among those leaving.

Do you think we'll lose? The problem so far has been that we couldn't attack first. The creatures that have been ambushing civilians are now facing our military.

A man named Cox, one of the members, spoke with a grin. His words held weight. Indeed, numerous analyses predicted that Earth's military would triumph when the two forces collided.

I honestly can't say. If they were the same mindless beasts as before, I'd agree. But the recent ones are... different. Robert had a keen intuition. I shared his sentiment; victory wouldn't come easily.

Over a dozen monster species were presumed to be units. Having witnessed the extent to which units could evolve and strengthen, I refrained from making a rash judgment.

[Indeed. The potential for growth. That's the key advantage units and players possess. Minor changes and opportunities can serve as catalysts, triggering explosive growth.]

Words invisible to others filled my vision. Using my phone in such a dire situation was impractical. The screen shifted, showing the legion still locked in combat with the mutated destructive bacteria. They were in the process of exterminating the entities responsible for the annihilation of an entire world.

This relentless war of attrition mirrored the previous one with the initial destructive bacteria.


These creatures possessed slender and agile bodies.


Each of them had four arms, all equipped with large hooked claws, and a tail that functioned like a whip. The only differences were the lethal venomous saliva dripping from their mouths and the grayish-white hue of their exoskeletons.

[These creatures are monstrous, mimicking the legion's all-purpose units, yet they are distinctly different.]

One of the creatures swung its hooked claws, slicing through an all-purpose legionnaire before sinking its teeth into it.

These creatures were unhinged. Through repeated clashes with the legion, they absorbed and replicated everything the legion had. In contrast, the legion had nothing to gain from

them. They were creatures that had nothing to begin with.

[Now, the only advantage the legion has over them is the use of Formative Force through their self-produced power engines in the higher-ranking units.]

A wave of crimson energy burst forth, incinerating and scattering over a dozen infected ones, ravaged by mutated destructive bacteria. The energy surged from a sword wielded by my

masked sister. As the enemy retaliated, two versatile legionnaires at her side raised their shields, deflecting the onslaught.

However, the glowing ore affixed to her arm soon dimmed and fell off. The legion could utilize Formative Force instantly and without calculation through their self-produced power engines, but this method necessitated constant recharging.

[The overwhelming exchange rate gap is gradually narrowing. The legion waged this war of attrition, believing in this overwhelming exchange rate, even though they didn't know the full scale of the enemy.]

If that's the case, we're in trouble.

[Indeed, the legion currently lacks reinforcements. If they lose, their power will diminish instantly. They must engage and emerge victorious.] A sense of dread washed over me.

The legion, which had always seemed invincible, was now on shaky ground.

And it was due to entities that could be considered their own kind. 'What can I do?'

The question loomed in my mind.

I had to find a way to navigate this predicament. Variable.

I murmured, almost in a trance.

The legion had already refined its most formidable soldiers using the data they had collected thus far.

To advance further, they needed fresh samples.

I wasn't here without purpose.

I had to assist the legion. *


A nose, similar to a dog's, sniffed the air.

A loud object whizzed across the sky.

In the past, if they were merely simple creatures, they wouldn't have understood.

But now, they recognized it was not a bird but a mechanical contraption under someone's control.

[The pact has been sealed. First, we'll eradicate the most troublesome entities. Proceed as planned.]

A voice resonated in their minds. The figure at the front snarled, baring its teeth. With a gleaming gaze and a hyena-like demeanor, it walked on two legs, hunched over. They were once known as 'Nols,' low-level demons that humans had mocked.

Our name, Ashkroud.

Contrary to the stereotype of being incredibly dim-witted, articulate language flowed from their sharp-toothed mouths. The snarling figure activated a device on its wrist. Simultaneously, a faint barrier began to radiate around them. This device was a divine gift from their god. Their forms, shrouded by the undulating barrier, gradually merged with the environment and began to vanish.


In their camouflaged state, they began to move silently. Their task was to lie in wait for the already gathering enemies and ambush them. The crescent-shaped sword in their hand gleamed menacingly.

No abnormalities. No particular movement. Good.

As the main force advanced, the control room that operated the drone provided a clear view of the enemy lines. It was as if they were observing the palm of their own hand. The scale is quite large, but they're just a bunch of low-level Nols.

I'd love to launch a few missiles at them, but it's overkill. No, I mean, it's like using a sledgehammer to catch a dog.

The commander's laughter echoed in the room, a natural response to the absurdity of the situation. The concept of a modern, heavily armed army losing to demons without proper weapons or equipment had been a topic of debate multiple times. It was a laughable notion.


That was until that moment.

A brief flash illuminated the screen before it went dark.

Ma, Major...? A junior officer, eyes wide with confusion, turned to him. But he was just as clueless about the sudden turn of events. The reconnaissance aircraft has been shot down.

A foreign officer stated, pointing out the harsh reality. We're in trouble! Our main force has been ambushed!

120km northeast! A massive group has suddenly appeared and is rapidly advancing towards us! News of the unexpected ambush flooded in immediately after the aircraft was shot down.

This is...

Chris, they must have had a plan too.

The incident occurred before they could even secure half of their intended territory. Cha Ji Yeon cradled a bottle in her arms, a gift from the player meant to be used in a crisis.

[They are units. Fight for now.]

The player's command came through, and she promptly exited the vehicle.

In that moment, something hurtled towards her forehead. She caught it with her bare hand, wincing at the sting. It was a heavy arrow, forged from solid steel. Shoot! Shoot them!

How did they scout...cough...

Gunfire reverberated from every direction. Soldiers fell in increasing numbers, their bulletproof helmets and vests pierced by sporadic sniper fire. The accompanying armored unit retaliated, launching shells at the elusive, silent enemies.

Look at that, Chris.

...It's an elite.

She indicated a lone Nol, a large shield clutched in its grasp. It deflected machine-gun bullets with its searing energy. The Nol unleashed its power, kicking off the ground, eliminating the machine gunner, and demolishing a tank with its shield.

Let's go.

Despite the chaos of the unexpected ambush, she remained calm, her eyes alight with determination. She had anticipated this battle scenario. She understood the variables and diversification created by the interaction between the player and the units. She had consistently warned the alliance force's upper echelons to be cautious, but unless she mentioned the 'game,' they dismissed her warnings about the demons becoming stronger as mere fantasy.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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