A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 82: The Scale of Malice

Chapter 82: The Scale of Malice

What was at the foot of Mirskronia Mountain was more than just a partition for arrows.

It was a blindfold to hide the trees brought from Bernaich.

They were thrown into a lightly dug trench along with its branches and leaves, and soaked in oil.

The large amount of fresh wood, which contained high moisture, produced a large amount of smoke along with a large flame.

And the winds from south to north----blocked by the Dargon's Maw----carry it away, covering the entire south face of the burnt-out Mirskronia.

The gongs and cries of the Christand army resounded from the foot of the mountain.

Some noticed it and shouted.

"They're going to take advantage of the smoke and climb up the mountain! It doesn't matter if you can't see it, keep shooting arrows!"

The bonfires were meaningless.

The smoke that had rolled in covered everything.

Soldiers coughed and shoot arrows in a frenzy fighting with their fear of death.

Many were so frightened that they threw down their swords and ran away.

In a situation where they can't see.

And the head-hunters of Bernaich and the black-clad Century were there.

The forest is gone. Visibility is secured by a massive bonfire.

So they felt safe.

No tragedy that took countless brave men ever happen----

This smoke was enough to break their hearts.

If their vision is blocked, there is no telling where it will appear from.

The sight of the Kingdom's General being dismembered was seared into their eyes.

The body was left out in the open. And it was still left there.

If you go against her, she will do the same to you.


One person, two people, five people, ten people.

If the one next to them ran away, then they will run away too.

They will be killed. They will be killed. They will be killed.

If one who went crazy with fear screamed, the others mistakenly believed that the enemy has appeared was only natural.

What they caused by the unbearable terror could only be called mass hysteria.

Screams were raised from everywhere------it made them imagine a one-sided massacre.

Deprived of sight, their imagination was stirred.

The rumored Black-Coated soldiers and silver hair. They imagined their friends killed one after another, and run away.

This situation, where the commander was out of sight, was rather an opportunity for them.

In order to protect their own lives rather than a noble mission, they can follow their instincts and escape without being reproached.

The screams overlapped, transmitted, and spread to the entire mountain.

Those who were facing the Christand Army in the north also began to tremble when they saw the smoke covering the sky and heard the screams from the south.

The Christand army has built countless bonfires and was forming up in an orderly fashion.

It was not for an attack.

It was to watch them so that they could not escape.

If the enemy appears from the south, then they will be attacked in the rear with no escape.

Death crosses their minds as well, and screams covered the entire mountain.

Everyone was afraid of being killed, and the control of the army broke down.

"...Rubens, I leave it to you."

"...Yes sir."

------And Gertz Wiring, who was on the mountain ridge, left the fort.

Climbing up the mountain in the smoke------it's not that simple.

He did not think the enemy will close in on them through the smoke, which made breathing difficult.

They had no need to do so.

They just covered their vision with smoke.

That alone rendered Gertz's soldiers useless.

Frightened and confused, imagining the monster coming toward them, most of them were no longer soldiers.

His soldiers, exhausted from the siege in the mountains, were at their limit.

The enemy only needs to add one push in the right place.

Gertz continued westward along the mountain ridge, and when the smoke cleared, he saw the figure he had expected to see.

It was a marching army emerging from the western mountain ridge where the trees still remained.

The one in the lead was recognizable from a distance.

The General------Nozan Verreich.

The banner depicted a pair of graceful wings and a howling wolf.

Although drawing a hawk that represents the Christand is considered an honor, he still draws wings to show that he is a wolf that protects Christand.

----A flock of wolves that devoured everything that harmed the hawk.

With the crest that was permeated by his reverence for his dead lord above his head, Nozan Verreich marched towards them up the mountain ridge.

"So it ends here."

The enemy numbered about 5,000 men.

Not that many.

However, there were less than 2000 soldiers gathered around him who were confused and out of control.

Through the gaps in the smoke, he could see the backs of his own soldiers running away.

The enemy, deployed at the foot of the mountains to the south, was shouting.

'Advance, kill them, kill them all, Krische-sama is coming', they shouted, but they did not seem to be advancing.

However, the soldiers in the smoke did not know what was going on.

Even those soldiers who had barely escaped were under the illusion that they were really being attacked, and their fatigue only increased as they shot countless arrows.

They would eventually collapse. Without a single attack.

No matter how much Gertz shouted, it would be meaningless.

His words wouldn't reach those who went mad with fear.

"... as expected, huh. Brave soldiers gathered here, listen!"

Gertz raised his voice.

Soldiers who still followed him even in the face of inevitable defeat.

Everyone there was a hero.

Some may be trembling. Some may be frightened.

Still, they suppressed those feelings and stood together with Gertz.

Whether it was for honor, faith, or friends----they were here for something beautiful.

Gertz had nothing but gratitude for them.

"Ahead of us is the mighty foe, Nozan Verreich. The one under the hero Christand, the man who was said to be the strongest of them all. There is no more victory for us, and ahead of us is the road to death. Knowing this, you are here as soldiers----as warriors, stronger and braver than anyone."

Gertz saluted toward everyone that stood there.

Gertz saluted not as a superior, but as their equal, with a flat hand pressed to his chest.

"You guys have gathered here. That alone is enough for me. To have soldiers like you under my command----that's what I'm most proud of in this lifetime."

HeI closed his eyes for a moment.

Defeat was inevitable.

Today would be his last battle.

"And that's why I say to you... treasure your life."

His words left everyone perplexed.

The only reason they were able to hold on was because they were with the general.

"I will now move forward, aiming for General Verreich's head. There may not be the slightest hope. And I will not allow you----the brave soldiers who are to carry the Kingdom in the future, to go along with me. You will remain in this fortress, and if I am defeated, you will surrender with my adjutant, Rubens."

There was no longer much hope of fighting to reduce his forces.

With such a collapse, organized resistance was impossible.

What good would it do to take hundreds, or at best, more than a thousand enemy soldiers with them?

If that were the case, at least as many as possible.

Gertz's decision was based on this.

"Although we crossed blades because of our differences in ideology, I still respect the hero Bogan Christand. He is a man who prided himself of being a warrior than anyone else. And I belive that that man, who was his trusted retainer also felt the same. ...The previous example was aimed at the collapse of the army. He will not behave violently against those who surrender."

He has gained experience at the cost of many lives.

His body, trained under countless blades, can still fight.

He is unremarkable and has a body that does not exceed the realm of ordinary people, but he still has pride as a warrior.

"It's fine as long as you witness my fight. ...I'm grateful to you guys for sticking with me in my selfishness."

He got off his horse.

It was no longer useful here.

A body that transcends humans through magic does not need a horse.


His footsteps were sure. His mind was clear.

Several soldiers followed behind him.

From few to dozens.

Then over a hundred, over three hundred.

He didn't know the exact number.

But Gertz laughed.

"...you idiots"

"Haha, not as much as General, I bet."

One of the centurions said, and laughed.

"We'll us our lives and pave the way. As expected t would be lame if after all that talk, General didn't even managed to meet with the enemy's general."

The next person to speak was the fat battalion commander who has a large stature.

The battalion commander speaks lightly to the general. Depending on the situation, it was a word that could have been severely punished, but Gertz didn't get angry and just laughed.

"Kuku, that certainly won't look good. Don't worry, I used to be in the same position as you, with a sword and a spear in my hand. I'm not going to show you that much of shameful figure."

"That's good. If there is an opportunity even after we die, I definitely want to ask for a match."

"Ah, I promise."

Gertz nodded.

The centurion by his side laughed.

"Woah, I've never seen the battalion commander wield a sword."

"Alba, you bastard. Haven't I shown you many times."

"To think you called that wielding a sword. At best it's only swinging a stick. I thought you climbed up here to surrender, but it's not like you, battalion commander. Did your rotten nature got switched?"

"Just saying whatever you want. I'll whip you next time."

Gertz looked at the situation happily and nodded.

Then he asked.

"What is your name?"

"I am the commander of the 2nd battalion of the 1st Corps, Takirus Nea Senger, General."

"And you are Alba-kun? The second battalion should have been the defending of the south."

"I don't know what to say... Most of the soldiers have run away. So I had no choice but to come here and what I saw was this."

"...I see"

"The only thing that gives this battalion commander dignity is his mouth and his stomach. The soldiers all ran away because they didn't want to die under this kind of battalion commander. ...I can't help but think that my last days will be with a battalion commander like him. How to say it, It's a very empty feeling."

'Bastard', Takirus bellowed, pointing his finger behind him.

"Look, dozens of people are full of motivation to die with me. You understande, I've earned that much respect."

"Several dozen out of 1,000 men. Most of them are my soldiers. Who among you would want to die for the commander Zenge!!"

The words 'No one, Captain Alba', and such were returned, and the laughter echoed around the people who had been listening to the conversation.

"Hahahaha, that's good, really good. I wish I had gotten to know you guys a little earlier. Sitting down and have a drink together."

Gertz said happily and tapped Takirus and Alba on the shoulders.

"Thanks to you guys, the coward bug that remained inside of me seems to have flown away somewhere. Seeing what's in front made my legs trembled, until just now that is."

He nodded deeply and continued.

"Let's show them that even a cornered mouse will bite a wolf."

"Yeah, now that's the only choice. But Alba, you can protect me and risk your life to let me escape you know."

"That's the role of the battalion commander. Unlike your daughter, my son is my biological child."


And so, they proceeded to their deaths.

Smoke is only a temporary distraction. It faded as they advance.

The distance between the two armies closed.

Gertz and Nozan came out in front of the two armies that had formed up.

Both generals were the same as the other day------the only difference would be the number of soldiers and whether they were on horseback or not.

A youthful voice resounded.

He raised his visor of his winged helmet and held a steel shield in his left hand.

The man with reddish-bronze hair smiled with his teeth bared, distorting his beautiful face.

It was a smile that was like that of a wolf.

"If I can become the foundation for future soldiers, that's fine with me. Like you, I dislike needless bloodshed. Let's settle this."

"Hmm... I see."

Nozan smiled at those words and looked at Gertz, observing him.

After thinking a little, he said.

"If you say so, this is probably the crossroads. ...Before it's too late, I'll ask you, why don't you surrender for the sake of the brave soldiers here who haven't fled yet?" "

"At this point you still expect me to nod?"

"Choose your words wisely, General Wiring."

There was a half-pitying look in his eyes.

"It's easy whichever you choose. at least for me. ......That's why I'm only asking this out of mercy for you and your soldiers."

Nozan said roundaboutly.

Gertz frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, think about it."

Nozan laughed. Showing his fangs.

Gertz pondered what he means and shook his head, wondering if he's stalling for time.

"Win or lose, it will be by blade. The answer will not change."

"Is that so. ...What a shame, at least I'll offer those words."

Nozan pull back the visor and turned on his heel.

He then drew his sword.

Gertz also turns back and pulls out his sword.

A battle cry echoed through the mountains.

----It would be apt to say that the battle was one-sided.

About 5000 against 300.

It was a number that was essentially can't even be called a batlle.

Gertz and his men were immediately surrounded----but they were determined.

They were originally dead soldiers. They were brave men who were determined enough not to fear even their own deaths.

All the soldiers were going for the enemy general, Nozan Verreich.

Leading the way was Gekar, a centurion known for his valor even within Gerz army.

He wields a huge hammer on his huge, bear-like body, and knocks down the enemy.

Those around him were fascinated by it and wielded their blades.

Soldiers who are prepared to die are strong.

By giving up on the life that lies ahead, they turned their own lives into fuel and moved forward as if to burn it all up.

At the beginning of the battle, it was their rapid march.

----But that ended immediately

What they saw in front of them was a silver-winged armor.

and a large shield of steel.


A blow from the sledgehammer that was raised above his head----it was easily parried by the large shield.

Then, as he slipped through, Nozan stabbed his leg with the longsword in his right hand, and pierced the shoulder, then thrusting his blade into the opening, ending his life

----A shield in his left hand and a blade in his right.

Lorka swordsmanship, which is famous as a battlefield swordsmanship, demonstrates its true power when the shield is held up.

In front of Nozan, who has mastered it, a person who is simply strong cannot be said to be his opponent.

He uses his shield as a blow, as a defense, or even to crush the skulls of his enemies with its steel.

To those who faced him, it seemed as if he was a castle wall.

Everything in sight was covered with a steel shield, and the sword that was suddenly unleashed was sharp.

Nozan Verreich was at the forefront of the melee, yet it was as if he was walking through an empty field.

As if the flowing torrent was split by a huge rock, the soldiers who were cut down beside him piled up.

A trained body and bravery that does not fear death.

Although they were hastily created, they were all fierce men who could be called elite.

Even so, Nozan progress was unstoppable.

Full body armor and steel shield.

Although the total weight exceeds that of an ordinary human body, his movements maintain the speed and accuracy of bare skin.

Not a single person could scratch the graceful armor or the sculpture of the falcon's wings.

Only fresh blood-colored its silver.

He was one of the corps commanders in the army of the Hero Christand.

Nozan was also a monster of a monster-slayer.

He surpassed even his lord Bogan in swordsmanship, and his shield and blade, which had slaughtered countless fierce warriors, were without a single blemish.

A single blow from his shield can knock several people off their feet, and he can defeat his opponents with sheer physical strength.

When a sword is pointed at him, the blade was misdirected, splitting the empty air, and that will be your last swing.

There was no one rhere who could defeat the shadow hero who possessed both power and skill.


"Battalion Commander!!"

A well-dressed battalion commander was knocked off by the shield.

A centurion raised his blade to protect him.

And the shield gleamed as if scooping up from the base of the raised sword.

----A dull roar resounded.

The centurion's arm was snapped off by the impact----a sword line runs down his neck, and he died.

"Alba!! You bastard...!!"

As soon as the battalion commander regained his stance, he stepped forward with his body and readied his sword.

Stab each other, or at least one blow.

The earth sunk foot as he stepped forward.

The distance between the two was crushed

----However, the silver-winged warrior remained calm.

He lowered his posture against the man's blow, who was quicker than he looked.

Using his momentum, Nozan throws his giant body overhead with his shield.


Then, he brilliantly cut the neck of the man who was floating in the air.

Blood rains down, and there was no longer a single sign of interest toward there.

Only a pair of glazed eyes looked forward through the visor that represented a pair of wings.

Ahead of his line of sight----there was the veteran General wearing a simple armor.

His long beard was slightly shaken as he offered a moment of silent prayer for the deaths of the two men, and then he readied his spear.

"Let's fight, General Verreich!

"I appreciate your spirit, but----"

----Gertz stepped forward.

He was an old man------but his movements are incomparable to those of ordinary people.

The hand spear swung around with force that seemed to crush the wind.

The spear bends sharply, at the silver-winged warrior.

If he were a mere soldier, that alone would shatter his spine along with his armor.

Nozan easily parried the blow with his shield------but Gertz was no longer there.

Gertz went around to the left of Nozan's shield and drew his long sword.

The spear was a feint attack from the beginning.

He had slipped around the flanks and used all of the skills he had trained in the past.

He was betting it all on that one sword.

The blade was sharp as it aimed at the seam of the armor.

Gertz, as if sinking his body into the ground, delivered a brilliant thrust that could be said to be the very model of swordsmanship.

"------It's no use, old general."


Nozan didn't even turn around.

On top of that, Nozan's foot pierced Gertz's torso with precision.

A blow that warped even steel armor.

Gertz was slammed into the soldier's body, rolled over, and coughed.

"...I acknowledge your courge to face me. But this body, trained in the service of the hero Bogan Christand, cannot be scratched with that level of skill."

"Ku, not yet..."

He gave a pitying look to Gertz, who still tried to get up.

"Even this... I was intending to be merciful though. Look, old general. ----The smoke has cleared."

Nozan said and pointed somewhere.

It was Mirskronia's main camp------the fortress.

It was burning before he knew it, and there was a black banner with a crescent skull on it.

"Uh... no way"

"It should be said that time is up. It seems that you were so absorbed in it that you didn't notice----"

Suddenly, a series of screams echoed.

It was from the soldiers led by Gertz.

"You had your last chance when I asked you just now. You turned it down, and now you can't take that choice back. ----it is already over."

With Nozan words.

----Innumerable blood flowers bloomed from the soldier rank, and a silver shadow descended.

A battlefield between two generals.

What appeared in this intentionally created space was a girl who was out of place.

Her long silver hair tied in two, and her shirt and skirt were hidden by her cloak.

Her beauty shining in the moonlight was like a fairy's, and her purple eyes showed a quiet radiance.

Her slender petite body----not a drop of dirt on her pure white skin as she dives through the drizzling blood.

In the hands of this dainty girl was a graceful blade that undulates like that of a woman's naked body.

Only the distorted curved sword, smeared with blood, shone with a somewhat obscene and bewitching radiance.

The figure of a girl who was not suited to the battlefield.

However, there is probably no other girl who is more suited to the battlefield than she.

Her mere presence freezes even the heat of the moment.

Everyone here knew her.

As the embodiment of the fear that clings around the Dragon's Maw.

----The Cursed Child, Krische Christand.

Seeing that figure, Gertz trembled and dropped the sword he was holding in his hand.

"I've been going around the fort, searching every last one, but he is here after all."

Her sweet voice traveled far and wide on the silent battlefield and tickled their ears.

Like a bell ringing, like a bird chirping.

The sound of her voice----detached from fear and tension, was beautiful, and if it were not on the battlefield, it might have been a voice they want to listen to.

"Yes, Krische-sama.... here."

Nozan saluted with a natural motion in the frozen air as he gripped his sword.

The victory had already been decided.

No one attacked Nozan, who was showing an opening.

And, as a matter of course, not to Krische, who stood there.

"So that person is General Wiring. I saw his face briefly the other day, though from a distance."

Her cherry-colored lips were gently smiling.

"Every last one, you mean...the soldiers on the fort are..."

Gertz asked in a mumbled voice.

Rubens. The face of the adjutant he had left behind comes to mind.

"Because Krische is only after you after all. Krische thought you were hiding somewhere, ...but you see, even if Krische wanted to look for you, it was in that smoke."

The girl covered her mouth with her cloak and makes a troubled face.

Innocent, without malice.

'Krische also killed your adjutant.'

She informed him with a mad smile.

----Rubens Linea Alkeld was born into a noble family, the son of a concubine.

In a family of male lineage----all the children were born female it was said that he would be the heir to the family until the age of ten or so, and Rubens continued to live up to that expectation.

He worked extraordinarily hard, in his studies, in his swordsmanship.

For his sickly mother.

Even though he was called a child prodigy, he continued to show results without being arrogant, and even though he was a concubine's child, Rubens studied so hard that he was said to be worthy of inheriting the name of Alkeld.

The turning point for him was the birth of a boy between his father and his legal wife.

It was a very common story.

The way he treats him and his mother changed.

Rubens no longer had any other way to live but in the military.

If he took credit, if he rose in the ranks.

He would be able to take back what he once held in his hands and save his mother.

He would spend every waking moment training, learning tactics, wielding sword and spear----his good fortune was that he had a respected superior officer.

It was Gertz Wiring who spotted his talent, when he was less than 30, and appointed him as his adjutant.

He was a man who rose to the rank of general not because of his good birth, but because of his ability, which is rare in the Kingdom's center.

Gertz was not a man who was arrogant with his men.

But his education was always rigorous, and he imparted all the experience and knowledge he had to Rubens.

One careless move could end the lives of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of people.

A commander must never be lenient with himself.

Many of them have been unable to endure his excessive training and have asked to be transferred.

But Rubens was the only one who did not run away and desperately tried to follow his instructions.

This was an opportunity that Rubens would not let go of even if he died.

The position of General's Adjutant is sometimes recognized as acting command on behalf of General and is number two in the military both in name and reality.

It is not so rare that someone who has no connections and no power as a noble is chosen as an adjutant.

Rubens could not think of throwing away this opportunity.

Rubens, a brilliant man from the start, absorbed more knowledge than Gertz could ever hope to.

As soon as he learned one thing, he would learn another.

Polite and enthusiastic, Rubens was a good student.

Looking at this, Gertz's face began to show more kindness than harshness----one day, he said to Rubens.

'I know I have no talent. That's why I've learned to not lose even one bit of experience but...there are many time that I wished I had just a little bit more wisdom. So, before I finished my role, I wanted to entrust everything I had to someone with talent. Will you please accept it?

----Rubens, I think I can entrust everything I have so far to you.

The words were heavy, yet sent a shiver down his spine.

He knew that he was wanted, that his past had been recognized.

Th meaning of Gertz's word was the word he wanted from his father.

He worked harder than ever before.

He worked harder than ever before.

As Gertz Wiring adjutant, as the successor to receive all of it.


"Hmm, too bad. It's a miss. Seems the General is not here."

Nipping that in the bud was a girl.

In a single breath, she killed all the soldiers at the top of the fort, shook her silver hair, and tilted her head.

Her somewhat inorganic eyes, as if she were a doll or something, stared at him.

The purple color of her eyes shines with an eerie, cold radiance, and her well-formed face makes a somewhat distorted expression, like a doll imitating a human being.

Not even a few moments have passed since the bell rang to warn of an enemy attack.

She appeared before the bells had stopped ringing and killed twelve men in a haphazard manner----with a precise cleave to their necks and stood before Rubens' eyes.

"You're adjutant Alkeld, right? Where is the general----oops, there"

A soldier who climbed the ladder from downstairs was killed by stabbing him with a corpse's sword.

It was more elegant and beautiful than any sword he've ever seen----no wasted movement.

He already knew too well that there was no way to win.

She was a monster that could kill people with the ease of kicking a pebble.

----We should surrender.

His reason whispered.

But Gertz was still fighting.

His emotions rejected reason.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you go------"

His right hand is on his left hip, on the hilt of his sword.

The drawn sword, however,

"...n, so you won't tell Krische."


The sword, along with his right arm, rolled noisily onto the floorboards.

The voice came from behind him, and the floor was in front of him.

Before Rubens knew it, his body was on his knees.

"Well, that's okay, if Krische just asks at random, eventually someone will--"

"------Usa-chan, did you find it?"



She grabbed the collar of his armor, and Rubens' body floats in the air.

With a momentary feeling of floating, his body on the third floor of the fort was slammed to the ground.

The girl lightly landed on the side of Rubens, who was writhing in severe pain and was unable to take a decent defensive posture.

Squad 1 and Squad 2 were there, with Mia in command.

"Only the adjutant, it's a miss. Mia."

"...Nothing so far."

The chestnut-haired centurion distorted his face and looked at Rubens.

Around them, Wiring's soldiers stopped fighting the black-painted century and look at the girl.

Some of them even threw down their swords, realizing that the Cursed Child in front of them was Krische, and that the one-armed man who has fallen is Rubens, the second-in-command.

They do not seem to have the will to fight.


"----Kalua, don't slack off. Krische's hope is safety first.


A curved sword like an ax was swung at them whose heart already broke.

Two heads flew off and they screamed.


And with that as a signal, the black-coated soldiers mercilessly attacked them.

It's hard to get your energy back once it's lost.

The men, who had been maintaining a slight coordination, were killed one by one, as if they were being devoured limb by limb by a beast.

Rubens watched in agony.

"How is it, Mia?"

"Yes, I think we have taken care of about 70% of them, since they have escaped. Tagel's squad will continue to deal with the remaining enemies, while Corinth's squad will be setting fire to them as planned."

"Hmm... that's right. Please do so."

Battle of Forts--Fighting in such obstacles and uneven terrain was the most comfortable situation for the Black Centurion.

Battle of Forts------Fighting in such obstacles and uneven terrain was the most comfortable situation for the Black Centurion.

If pressed, they would jump onto the tops of turrets, huts, and other structures to escape.

Then, they would do the opposite and smash the heads of unsuspecting soldiers from overhead.

Soldiers who could only maneuver on a flat surface could not catch them moving three-dimensionally.

Krische nodded and asked Rubens, who was wriggling on his back.

"Krische's going to ask you one more time, where is the general?"

"The general said...here. Surrender, so----"

It was no longer possible to resist.

Rubens gives up everything and throws away even his pride.

"It's no good, you surrendered arbitrarily as an adjutant while the General is still alive."

But Krische said, admonishing him.

When surrendering, if there is a possibility of suffering damage due to confusion in the chain of command, the receiving side can reject it. This was to prevent counterattacks from units that had not been notified of the surrender, or from higher-ranking units, after stopping the attack at the word surrender.

If the condition of the general's survival overlaps with the situation falling into chaos, the general's orders will take precedence.

It is also justifiable for a general to withdraw the lieutenant's surrender declaration later and move on to a counterattack.

Given the risk, she had no intention of allowing him to surrender.

Thoroughly kill all those who oppose her and ensure safety.

To not make a second Dagra.

It was already decided in Krische what to do.

"N-no way..."

"Sorry. Krische doesn't intend to take prisoners at the fort this time. It would have been a different story if there was a general though."

Rubens stared dumbfounded at the screams that echoed around him and the soldiers being killed.

That's all he can do, and he looks up with tears running down his face as if clinging to the smiling mad girl.

"I beg you, please------"

"Krische-sama, the general seems to have led a small group to the west----General Verreich's place."

"Huh, he headed there. Well then... Ah, that's enough, take a rest."


The inorganic purple eye and his gaze met for a moment.

Krische stomped and crushed the neck of the wriggling adjutant.


"Then Krische will go to the General. Mia, you understand right?"

Mia nods, trying not to see her adjutant's corpse.

"Umm... yes. If there is a counterattack from others, we will quickly withdraw."

"Good. That's what a centurion is."

Krische proudly puffed up her chest and shook her head, as if she was the boss.

"The victory has already been decided. Krische doesn't think there will be resistance, but it's a pointless battle. Don't let anyone die."


Mia happily salutes, and Krische nodded satisfactorily.

She then looked at Kalua.

"Mia is so bad (noob) at swords that it's better to start counting from the bottom, so Kalua, please protect her properly. It's a big deal if Mia gets hurt."


"Of course, leave the clumsy (noob) Mia to me!"


Mia glared at her, but Kalua didn't care.

Krische saw it and turned her gaze to the other three.

The three salute as if they understood.

"Well then Krische wil be going. Krische'll arrange for all o youto rest in the city for at least one day, so do yout best."

After she said this, Krische ran west in the direction of Northern and Goertz.

Naturally, there were enemy soldiers, but visibility was poor, and the situation was chaotic. But she did not run to an obstacle.

Those who were frightened by her appearance made way for her, and the brave men who were not frightened were cut down and killed.

There was no one chasing her.

Everyone knew it was suicide.

And the direction she was headed in------the direction of the fort, they understood.

Fall of the fort.

That they were defeated by the Cursed Child who visited them as declared.

Krische cuts down anything that gets in her way as she runs through the thinning smoke of the mountain ridge.

Krische stepped into the place where the two generals of the two armies were facing each other.

"Krische thinks we should avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Will you surrender completely?"

Krische slowly approaches Gertz.

"Now only General Wiring can make that decision."

She walked with a light gait.

"Krische's sure the general will think that there is no way I will surrender. And you were reckless enough to fight General Verreich with such a small force."

Gertz's actions were not based on logical judgment.

It was too reckless and pointless.

They would not affect the outcome of the battle, nor would they inflict a crushing blow.

But it was not hard to understand why he made this choice.

"Krische doesn't understand it, but the general has an aesthetic sense that respects death, just cause and honor, right? Even knowing Krische wants you to surrender."

She smiled and nodded to herself.

Besides her, no one speaks a word.

Everyone was taken in by the peculiar atmosphere she had.

"I swear I won't do anything wrong. I threatened you during the day, but unlike General Hilkinthos, Krische will follow the rules properly. Krische I won't treat prisoners badly, and properly protect them as a citizen of the same kingdom. But------"

The mad purple eyes looked down at Gertz Wiring.

"------If the general refuses, Krische will kill all the remaining soldiers on this mountain for the sake of the future. So that all opponents who fight Krische from now on will think that they should surrender rather than fight Krische."

Her sane mind was consciously drowned in madness.

"An army with no command and control, frightened soldiers, the darkness of night. You know how easy it is, right? After that, no matter who declared surrender, Krische will kill him. As you know, surrender by self-judgment can be refused if one considers that the battle is continuing."

And she asked with a smile.

"General keep that in mind and give your response after careful consideration. Honestly, Krische is fine either way, since the result is not bad."

It is a smile that is endlessly lovely, charming, and devoid of humanity.

The curved sword in her hand glistens red with blood and shakes.

"But after all, if you're going in line with general ethics, isn't it true that the fewer people die, the better?  If you think about the lives that can be saved just by the General's words, Krische think the answer is obvious though."


The moment he refused, she will cut his head and do what she said.

She didn't even have the hesitation she should have as a person.


"Hmm, um, Krische can't hear you like that Say it again clearly so that everyone here can hear you.... What are you going to do?"

Gertz clenched his fists and repeated.

"I will... surrunder. Please help the soldiers."

The person who he tried to entrust his future to was killed, but he was not even allowed to die as a General on the battlefield.

"... Yes. That's wonderful decision. Fufu, Krische is glad General is understanding."

In front of him was despair that took away everything.

The girl's heart was distorted to the extent that everything Gertz had piled up was broken.

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