A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 83: Idiot

Chapter 83: Idiot


Selene was already used to military service.

Christand's main army suffered almost no damage.

Repetition of the phony offensive----their role this time was to inflame the enemy's vigilance and anxiety and exhaust them, so there was no chaos even while they were undertaking the majority of processing the prisoners.

After giving out a set of instructions, she left the northern part to Gallen and headed south through the Dragon's Maw to its center.

Selene was accompanied by about thirty cavalrymen.

If she leaves her camp for even a moment, she will always have her bodyguard, even in her own camp.

She couldn't say that Bogan, who was killed the other day, was not careless.

Speaking in what if----If he had had a little more escort, he might have been able to escape, and if he had, the Christand would have won the battle that day.

Even though he was the general of an army, her father took his own safety lightly.

That was the cause of the previous defeat.

Serene was already simply looking at her father's death with the eyes of a commander.

"......That is"

South through the Dragon's Maw.

Abandoned in front of Mirskronia were a mutilated corpse and a flag.

Aurugorn Hilkintos----it was his pitiful figure.

Selene furrowed her brows and lowered her eyes.

She's been told by Nozan about Krische's actions.

It was a semi-ex post facto approval.

He probably knew how Serene would react to it.

Why did they leave him there?

To show it to the surrendered captives.

Plain and simple, just like hanging a dead raven to avoid a raven.

If it's Krische then she could do it calmly.

She didn't wonder why she would do such a thing.

Something that was worthless to her, didn't have any value for her

And if she could make use of the thing that was worthless to her, she would do so without feeling anything.

'Should I order a burial?'----she give it some thought and stopped.

It would be pointless to do so now. Besides, the soldiers were busy.

Then it would be better to continue and make the best use of the effect.

Selene passed by, her golden hair swaying like a horse's tail.

The cavalrymen who followed her averted their eyes from the corpse.

The corpse's face already pecked by ravens, was frozen in time while contorted in pain.

Then to the headquarters of the Verreich army.

As they headed for the commander's tent where Nozan was, they naturally saw Krlische's Century.

Since it was a forced march with just a hundred men, they borrowed Nozan's tent

They saluted Selene as soon as they recognized her, and Selene politely responded.

"Where is Krische?"

"The corps commander is----"


Along with the voice, a shadow suddenly appeared from the side and hugged Selene like horseback.

After a beat, the horse (Selene) snorted in surprise, but it doesn't go berserk.

The impact of Selene being hugged was light compared to its momentum.

Selene, who had imagined what would happen after hearing the voice, didn't seem surprised.

Even though Selene makes a troubled face, she stroked her silver hair and scolded her.

"What will you do if you fall, you idiot?"

"Ehehe...Selene is a reasonably good horse rider, so it's fine, uuu..."

"It's not that kind of problem... Good grief."

Krische's cheek----Pinching and stretching the soft white flesh, Selene smiled wryly.

Her face and cloak were spotless and clean.

It probably wasn't that hard of a job for her.

Once relieved that Krische wasn't fatigued, Selene lifted Krische's dainty body, carrying her like a baby, and stroked her cheek.

"Krische sure is energetic. Were you lonely?"

"... Yes, Krische might have been very lonely."

After she told him, Krische relaxed and leaned back against Selene's body.

She regretted ait little, thinking she should have taken off her armor if she's going to do this.

Seeing Krische, who was leaning closer, frowning at the feel of the armor, made her look both funny and a little pitiful.

"Krische, what about your work?"

"Krische only brought the Black ones, so the Krische (our) job is done. Krische thought Selene was coming, so Krische prepared breakfast..."

She looked up at her with puppy eyes.

Her lips were puffy, and her large eyes were a little sleepy.

Growl, her stomach growled

Eat together and then sleep together with her, that's probably what she wanted.

Serene smiled as she saw through Krische's mind.

"I'm going to visit General Verreich for a little while. Shall we eat together after that?"


"Elitz, I'm going to have a little rest with Krische, so you guys should also rest. Gather the corps commanders here at noon for a meeting."

"Yes ma'am"

After interacting with Krische for a short while, she took off her armor in Krishce's tent.

Then she left her and went to Nozan.

It's just a greeting----the meeting will be held later, so there was no need for Krische to accompany her.

Rather, it would be better to say that Krische, who wanted to cook for Selene, left voluntarily.

Krische was in a better mood than usual.

"I thought I would get yelled at first thing first, but it seems I don't have to worry about that."

Nozan smiled wryly when he saw Selene.

"Then that will just be me venting my anger. I'm not that short-tempered."

When Selene glared at him and sighed, Nozan ruffled his hair and smiled.

"The general often asked me for advice because of Lady Selene's tantrums."

"...That was a long time ago. Of course, I'll grow up."

"Haha, Selene-sama has become a lot calmer since Krische come after all."

Selene sat down on her chair blushing.

"Thanks to Krische and General Verreich we had it easy. It's also become a good opportunity for the drill, thank you for that."

"Of course. From here on, stability in the rear led by Selene-sama will be important."

"Yes. I didn't think the west would be cleared up so easily, so it may be excessive though."

From now on, they will the Dragon's Maw as their main supply route.

The battle with the Holy Empire that happened the other day----the eastern part, whose wounds had yet to heal, didn't have much strength.

The Empire had looted many parts of the country, and it was possible to hire people who had lost their jobs after their villages were burned as soldiers, it would be difficult to come up with a long-term supply to feed them.

This was one of the reasons why the invasion of the Dragon's Maw was hastened.

By stabilizing the dragon's jaws, they would finally be able to provide enough logistics to freely operate in the center of the country.

And the role of Selene and the Christand army this time is to maintain the rear communication line leading from the Dragon's Maw, if the Verreich army was the sword, the Christand army was the shield.

If the Hilkintos army was late in joining the war, the Christand army would face them, and the Verreich army would invade the royal capital.

"Excessive is fine. His Royal Highness is scattering money from the national treasury after all."

Selene nodded in agreement.

There were rumors that even national treasures are being sold in large quantities from the royal palace's treasury.

It seems that Gildanstein was thinking only about winning first rather than what would happen after the war.

They didn't know how many troops he would be able to gather, but 5,000 new soldiers the Christand army been able to recruit since then would be nothing compared to it.

Together with the Verreich army, Their number settle down to around 60,000 strong, but the enemy will definitely outnumber them.

It was possible if he spit out a lot of money from the national treasury.

Regardless of the just cause, that's what it means to deal with a 'state' that has the royal palace in its hands.

"Rather, we are equal now that we have defeated Hilkintos. It is better to see it that way."

"...Right. I'd like to hear your opinion about General Garhka?"

"From my personal point of view... I like him. He's a great noble, but he's not interested in politics... let me see, he's similar to General----to Bogan-sama."

Selene thought of her father's face for a moment, but didn't show any reaction in particular.

"Can we rest assured then?"

"I wonder about that. From his character I don't think he will move, but that doesn't mean we can't be unguarded. I don't think there's much point in thinking about it, though I understand how Selen-sama feel."

'I don't want him to move either', Nozan chuckled.

"Well, true. It's no use thinking about it."

Selene stretched with her hands above her head.

"... I'll take all the prisoners here. Is that okay?"

"Yes. We are close to the limit here. ... and also, It would be better to keep then separate from Krische-sama and her soldier."

Selene froze for a moment and glared at him.

"...You're saying to let Krische take the blame alone?"

"I'm sure Krische-sama would like that to be the case. ...It's just her role. A candy and a whip mixed together is useless."

"Even so..."

"It depends on how one thinks about it. It has already passed. Then it is the proper courtesy to make the most effective use of it. In the same way you shouldn't take pity on a soldier who is going to his death and not extend a hand to the soldier who took the rear. ...it's the same thing."

Nozan said it as coldly as he could.

Selene clenched her fists so that they were white, and her gaze shook weakly.

"Putting aside how you feel, Selene-sama understand right?"

Seeing Selene unable to answer, Nozan spread out his hands as if troubled.

"... well, it's up to the General Selene-sama to decide what to do. I won't force it, but... no matter what, it will be like that after the war."

"...after the war?"

"Peace is just a preparation period. Until the next war. ......At that time, where will Krische-sama be?"

Serene tried to glare at Nozan again and stopped.

She sighed as told him.

"...Thank you for the advice. But you sure have a bad personality."

"Haha, you need someone who can scold you after all. I hope Selene-sama won't hate me for it."

"But, yeah. ...what you said wasn't wrong. I'm powerless."

After saying that, Selene continued.

"...But more than anyone else, I want Krische to be happy. As much as possible, as much as I can, even if it's just a little."

"If Selene-sama say that then it's true for me too, I wish for Selene-sama and Krische-sama happiness. On top of that, I said it... well, it might be an unnecessary concern."

'Besides', Nozan then stared at Selene.

The tone of his voice was admonishing.

"I'm sure this is what Krische-sama has been thinking about. If Selene is so worried about it, it will also worry her. She is a kind person after all, ...Selene-sama understands that, right?"

Selene did not answer.

Krische's tent----inside the blanket.



"... Ehehe, chu"

Krische kissed her.

She clung to her, rub her cheeks against her, and kissed her.

Krische was Krische after all----an idiot.

Selene was exasperated and stretched Krische's cheeks with a wry smile.

After finishing the meal, they took a short rest before the lunch meeting.

It was a rather extravagant breakfast to eat on the battlefield.

With the chance to meet Selene, Krische oversaw the breakfast while fighting her drowsiness. In addition to soup and boiled food, she even borrowed a kiln and prepared pizza.

She was troubled by Krische who acted unrestrained and spoiled even in front of the soldiers, but she was too cute and lovely, so she couldn't scold her too hard.

Selene thought Krische was like this because she experienced the thorough pampering when she was in bed the other day because of an injury.

She has become more and more of a spoiled child.

It was difficult for Selene to conclude whether Krische becoming an idiot was a good thing or a bad thing.

If it made her happy, she thought it might be a good thing.

Even if it was only for a short time, like a comforting moment, whatever it was.

Even if they successfully ended the civil war, there is no guarantee that peace would come after the war.

If other countries moved, it will be on the scale of what the Holy Empire did the other day.

If that happened, inevitably----she would need to ask for Krische's help.

If it continued in a chain.

When will she be able to fulfill the promise she made to her?

She didn't know what the future holds. Only anxiety appeared on her face.

The world she wanted seemed so far away.

"...What does Krische think will happen from now on?"

"From now on?"

"Our future, maybe. Since it's you we're talking about, do you have any specific predictions about what will happen?"

"Ah, I see"

Krische happy smile faded a little.

"If Krische is the king of the surrounding countries, Krische will not miss this opportunity. If Krische wants to invade the kingdom, there will be no better opportunity than now. Krische believes that the reason why it is not being done at present, or if it will not be done in the future, is simply that there are political problems over there that are not profitable. There is a high probability that some country will move."

While stroking Selene's cheek, her eyes were somewhat vacant.

"If more than one comes, it will be extremely difficult to maintain the territory as it is. Reducing the strategic defensive surface----It's probably the best choice for the kingdom to shift to an internal line operation centered on the royal capital. With the forest as the western edge in the west and Wolfeit as the eastern edge in the east, we will strive to maintain our national strength."

'----After that, Krische will crush them one by one.'

It was a voice without any hesitation.

Her eyes were transparent, neither warm nor cold.

While looking at Selene, but as if looking at the void.

"Selene and the others protect the royal capital, and the ones who move will be Krische. Sometimes when Krische gets tired, Krische will come back and rests----when everyone is in the capital, Krische will feels safe. Krische won't get separated and anxious as Krische does now."

Her eyes narrowed slightly sadly, and Selene stroke her cheek.

Krische smiled softly.

"It's a short distance, so Krische can go home anytime, and that's fine for a while. Krische'd like to finish it as soon as possible, but well, it will need several years though."

It's fine if Krische just kills them all.

She whispered in a sweet voice.

She pressed their forehead together and rubbed the tips of their nose.

Her eyelids sleepily and happily wrap around the purple gem, and she continued.

"... If Krische (we) threaten them that, if we let everyone around know that----then everyone will be peaceful and happy every day. Krische might have to do a little work, but every day in the estate will be happy. Cooking, drinking tea, and sleeping together like before."

If so, Krische will be very happy.

It was as if she was reading a fairytale.

Like talking about a distant dream.

"...Krische "

During the meal, she heard about how Dagra was injured.

That's how this all started.

Krische was not interested in honor, a cause, mercy, or charity.

She simply follows the rules and conforms to those around her.

If her opponent breaks them, she will retaliate with even more than that.

She would go to any lengths to achieve her goal, without limit.

That's what Selene was afraid of.

"Krische will put up with it until then... Selene is worried about Cliche, right?"


When Selene answered, Krische happily kissed her.

"Ehehe, recently, Krische thinks Krische has come to understand what people are thinking. Krische is also very worried about Selene, it's the one called empathy right."

She held Selene's cheek and repeated it again

The feel of the soft lips. There was nothing obscene there, just pure goodwill.

Everything about Krische always shone like a jewel.

"Selene is always thinking about various things for Krische. That makes Krische really happy, but Krische doesn't want Selene to be troubled about it. That's why Krische wants Selene not to think about anything and just leave it to Krische. "

The gold and silver were tangled on the blanket.

Krische lifted it, and it flowed silkily and mixed together

"Krische used to think that...she should be better than everyone else. Krische was the best at everything she did, so she really valued what other people thought of Krische, but...not so these days."

The jewel wrapped in long eyelashes like that of silverwork simply stared at Selene.

"...Now Krische doesn't care if someone hates her, how they think of her, or how they evaluate her. However, if Selene and the others, who loved Krische, said they liked Krische and cared for her... then that's enough for Krische."

She buried her face in Selene's chest, doing so like a child.

She seems to want a safe place----maybe it's a reaction to her not getting her love when she needed it most.

What Krische always wanted was something that a child would want from a parent.

"Even so, I can't leave you alone because I'm worried about you. I don't want you to be hated, scared, or called bad.... I want you to understand that."

"......yes. Krische knew Selene would say something like that. Krische thinks Berry would probably say the same thing."

She put her hands behind her back and clung to them.

Selene just strokes her head gently and holds her.

"Sorry. ...But Krische thinks this is the best thing for Krische to do."

Selene's beautiful face contorted for a moment and lowered her eyes.

Then she sighed and told Krische.

"... Really, what a silly child. I wonder if I will need to take care of this idiot for my whole life?"

Krische's hands tightened.

Rubbing her cheek against Selene's bulge.

As if entrusting that small body to her.

"Ehehe, Krische is very clever, but..."

'----Sometimes, just a little bit, Krische might be an idiot.'

She whispered.

Her reply was filled with passion.

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