A Reincarnated Mage's Tower Dungeon Management

Volume 8, 7 – Reviving Anya Bain

Volume 8, Chapter 7 – Reviving Anya Bain

“――Nanbu Aya. That’s her real name.”

It was the first time in this life that I mentioned that name, yet my chest was already being filled with a sense of nostalgia.

“Her real name? Why? What’s the problem with her name that she changed it?”

Elise questioned. As everyone also wondered, all our eyes rolled to Belle.

“Ah, that. You seem for Aya, who was a bit more chuniibyou- let’s just say a bit more bonkers than I, being transported to another world is like a fantasy come true for her, more or less. That name is the name she prepared when we were still undergoing that phase. Let’s just say it’s an alias for beginning a new life in this world”

And that’s why I immediately ended the topic. It’s pretty shameful, you know? What would we do if everyone finds out prestigious family name is created from our predecessor’s childish delusions?

“……if that’s the case, then why is are you still calling yourself Bele? Wouldn’t it be better if we address you with your real name?”

“I have thought of that too, but considering I’m a completely different person now due to my reincarnation, and with my figure changed in pretty much everything, adding to that the horrifying actions I have done in the past, my identity as the Demon Lord Belle is pretty much solid now. Changing it this late will only cause confusion.”

It was a really strange feeling, Belle being logical and all.

Nevertheless, it really suits her.

“Now that the memories of Gilles have completely returned, let’s put it all aside for now. Anya is waiting.”

“Yeah. Okay”

Now that we discovered the existence being sealed in the 101st floor is Anya, we readied ourselves once more to unseal her.

After that, Belle and I activated our transfer magic and flew everyone to the hall of the 100th floor.

We passed through the door that has been left open by Belle’s sudden collapse.

“……this place is much plainer than I expected.

Sarah spoke her frank impression.

She’s right, as there is almost nothing to see in the entire chamber of the 101st floor.

It was an ordinary, at most.

There is a dresser to the side, and also a magic tool for turning on the lights.

The only thing abnormal was the fine jet-black casket at the center.

“Is this setup Anya’s idea?”

I gave a weird look at Belle.

“As much as it hurts to say, yes. All we have to do is to open the coffin’s lid, and Anya will wake up……probably.”

Albeit the chunii setup, Belle’s tone turned uneasy at the last note.

What if the cryostasis had failed?

Because of lack of subjects to test on at that time, we still don’t know if this magic has been successful.

Even Belle’s reincarnation had a lot of problems after all.

What if once we opened the casket, all that remains is a skeleton?

That would really be bad, even as a joke.

“Okay. I’ll open it now”

Tension started running through my hands as I reached out to he lid of the coffin.


In contrast to its menacing appearance, the casket’s cover slid without any resistance.


One of my companions who was watching behind me immediately raised her voice.

In the coffin, a girl so beautiful as if she came out of a fairy tale was sleeping quietly, as if waiting for her Prince Charming to wake her up.

Her lustrous black hair, dominant to Asian descent, was really long. It stretched all way to her waist, with a part tied at the side of her head, forming a side ponytail.

Her body, which has become much more slender due to growing up, it really gave a shocking impression from the Anya I saw in my memory.

Is this really the same Anya I knew back then?

I questioned as I stare at that figure who grew maginificently from that small and snotty build. But all the doubts were erased the moment I saw her face.

――She really is Nanbu Aya.

That slightly timid looks, those gentle eyes.

That said, contrary to those features, she has a stubborn personality who will never change her opinion once she has decided.

Ah, the nostalgia.

For me, this is our first reunion in over tens of decades. However, for these two, it’s our first in over a thousand years.


As we gaze over while holding our breaths, Aya stirred up a bit,

“Nnu~? Akari-chan?”

Perhaps her consciousness was still a bit hazy from sleeping for so long, Aya went and looked around her in an absentminded state.

“……Good morning, Aya”

I spoke softly to those sleepy eyes of hers.

“……You are?”

My current appearance is entirely different from the time I was in Japan.

So, I didn’t put hopes in the slightest at all that she will be able to recognize me from that.

――The moment I thought so,

Large drops of tears spilled from Aya’s eyes.

“……are you, perhaps, ――kun?”


I could hear Belle gasping at my back.

Well, I also felt the same way, and for that, I was confused.

How did Aya notice, with me being reincarnated and all?

Various questions appeared in my head, but before even thinking about such things, I was already hugging Aya.

“Aya……I’m so glad”

I was already in tears, which is really out of my character.

“Me too. You know, when I was sleeping, I was thinking of you all the time”

Perhaps she had just confirmed who I was, Aya also reached her arms and embraced me.

“I wished really, really hard you know, that you’ll be the prince who will wake me up.”

I felt warm drops on my shoulder. Aya is crying once again.

“……I go by the name of Gilles right now. Also, sorry to break your expectations, I was reborn as a mage, not a prince.”

I made a light joke to cover up my embarrassment.

“Fufufu, you really didn’t change, not even a bit”

Aya’s feelings of nostalgia may be stronger than those of myself.

After laughing a little, she leaned her body towards me.

“Nn, Nnn, Ehem! Though I apologize to disturb your sweet wonderland, please don’t forget that we are here as well”

Belle who cleared her throat suddenly threw cold water on our deeply moving reunion.

……This gal, she’s just getting jealous of seeing Aya and me getting along.

“ahh, there really are so many………uhm, Gilles, who are these people?”

As if also perceiving the situation, her body immediately released herself from her embrace, although she still showed her reluctance to part.

“These are all my companions; I wouldn’t be able to unlock the seal without their help.”

Upon hearing my explanation, Aya wiped her tears and tried to stand, albeit unsteadily, on her feet. Then, after taking a good look at everyone,

“Thank you very much for your help. You may already have known this, but I am Anya Bain. It was nice meeting you all.”

just like the old days, Aya is as quick as ever in switching emotions.

When we were still kids, that girl whom I thought was crying a while ago, before I knew it, was already smiling with us as we play another game.

Even such a small reaction of hers makes me feel this nostalgic.

Was that as a result of being deeply moved by my emotions earlier? I felt like I came back to being a crybaby.

While I was thinking about that,


Aya suddenly raised a queer cry.

“Wh-what happened?”

I worried if something happened to her body.

Ignoring my voice, Aya began walking to one of my companions who is near the entrance of the room.

“I knew it, there is no mistake”

“――E, eeeh!?”

Then, Aya approached and pointed her finger at the shocked girl at the door――at Belle.

“Though you have changed your appearance, you are Akari-chan, right?”

I was even more surprised.

Aya found out Belle’s identity so easily.

Is this her special power?

“……A, Aya-chan!”

Probably because she was too happy when Aya had exposed her real identity, Belle shouted her name out loud while jumping to Aya’s chest.


Howver, maybe because Belle’s momentum is just too much, Aya wasn’t able to withstand and collapsed to the floor below her.

Aya was about to hit her head to the floor, but just in time, I was able to reach out my arm to support her.

If that hit, our efforts will all be wasted.

Thank goodness I was able to catch her in time!

“Oi, Belle!”

“……ah, ahahaha. I’m sorry.”

Perhaps I exerted a bit more volume to my voice, Belle frantically gave a quick apology.

“――pu, puhahahha! It’s really like you, Akari-chan. Nothing has really changed!”

Seeing our familiar interactions, Aya couldn’t help but burst to laughter.

My other companions, too, joined the laughter, perhaps seeing our aloof behavior that is way too uncommon for our personas.

“How dare you laugh so hard at us! mou~ Aya-chan you idiot!”

Whether she was annoyed at the sudden twist in the reunion, Belle puffed her cheeks in a pout.

“Ah, ahhahah, ――I’m really sorry, Akari-chan. I didn’t mean any offense.”

Aya apologized to Belle, still holding her laughter.


However, Belle, who had been messing around like a child earlier, responded by just looking the other way.

“If you like, Akari-chan can introduce me to your fellow companions”

Aya tried to forcibly change the topic.

“I just woke up, so Akari is the only one I can rely on. So, Please?””

Aya put her hands together and with a matching ‘pleading beam’, she asked Belle once more.

Belle who was looking the other way, catched glimpses on that face from time to time.

“…………Sigh. Geez I guess I can’t help it then”

Belle, who usually takes a long time to recover after being in a bad mood,

was easily tamed just like that. As expected of our childhood friend and her best friend, she really knows how to handle Belle the most.

It was just a matter of time, and Belle had already cheered up.

After that, Belle introduced her to each of her companions, one by one, with a big smile on her face.

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