A Reincarnated Mage's Tower Dungeon Management

Volume 8, 8 – The Curse’s Reemergence

Volume 8, Chapter 8 – The Curse’s Reemergence

“――and so, just like that, we became Gilles’s companions, or more like, became his women.”

Belle finishes with a brief history of how they helped her breaking the seal of the 101st floor, ending up rescuing her.

“Un. I think I get it now. Thank you, Akari. Oh, should I call you Belle?”

“Yep, Belle is better. Besides, it has been my name for countless years now, so let’s do just that. Plus, it’s more comfortable for me that way.”

“Okay. Then, call me Anya too. Besides, this is easier for everyone to understand, right?”

It looks like the two had wholly reconciled with each other from the slipping incident earlier, as Akari and Aya are now conversing happily together.

No matter how much I saw it, the friendship between the two of them still didn’t not change.

“……Still, it’s a bit shocking that Gilles suddenly became such a gigolo.”

Aya spoke with a slightly sad tone.

Well, somewhat, I understand her feelings.

I mean, who wouldn’t be shocked to find out that the person you’ve been crazy for a long time has been embracing one woman after another while you’re unaware?

“Think on the bright side. If it weren’t for Gilles’ unparalleled debauchery, we wouldn’t be able to lift the curse. Besides, isn’t that what the seal is intended for in the first place? Or you don’t want Gilles to be your first time?”

“――Wha, Belle-chan!?”

Just like that, Belle declared the virginity of Anya without paying any care to the other party at all.

Because of that, Anya’s face turned beet red.

Well, at least we now know the purpose of why the seal was set up that way.

“Ah, ahahaha~, that was careless of me, my bad.”

Belle gave an apology without even a hint of reflecting, instead she’s smiling as if happy with the situation of exposing her best friend being inexperienced. Maybe because she’s glad to have a friend that fell for the same man? Honestly, that sounds so wrong, but if you’re the other party like me, and there’s no bloodshed nor fighting like them, it’s not bad at all.

――hmm, a virgin but is already a mother, albeit an artificial one. Honestly, I don’t really mind at all.

I mean, it’s also a kind of pleasure too, as I can train the woman I like from scratch based on my preferences.

When I was busy thinking about that,

“――, Kuh”

Perhaps she’s unable to endure the shame anymore, Anya covered her face with both hands as she crouched to the ground.

“Geez, you’re putting it up like it’s a big deal. Here, Anya, cheer up. Look at me.”

Belle approached the crouching Anya.

“I mean, yes, I went overboard for the moment there, but to be so embarrassed like this――, Anya!?”

Belle’s joking tone suddenly shifted to worry.

Has something happened to Anya? I rushed to get closer to them.

“……This……this is-”

Belle went stuttering for some reason. Perhaps the thought of not recognizing Anya having a problem gave her a bit of a shock.

Then, as if a puppet with strings cut, she collapsed to the ground.

“Are you alright? What happened? Tell me. I’ll do anything!”

Before I knew it, I was already embracing Anya,

“……Haahaaa, ……Gilles”

Anya in my arms then spoke, cheeks in deep red, and breaths filled with pain.

“Damn it, what should I do. Belle, Anya is-!”

I wasn’t already thinking straight now that I got my top blown from the impatience.

It’s been a thousand years, a thousand years! She finally woke up, and yet, and yet,

No, I can’t let you die like this.

“Ah, you see, Gilles……”

Belle then called out to me.

“Have you already found out why she’s behaving like this?”

“Her behavior……I think it’s the curse. No, it can only be it. She acts like this when she’s in heat, as far as I remember.”

“I see. So this is because of the curse, and now she’s in heat. ――What!?”

I was thinking about the aftereffects of the sealing magic, like lack of nutrients or some sort, or degrading organs and the like. After all, she’s frozen for a thousand years. This caused me to delay the understanding of Belle’s words for a moment.

“I think Anya’s awakening may have also caused the curse to come back. Maybe due to that, her body was throbbing all the time, regardless whether it’s the full moon or not.”

Belle supplemented her explanation.

To confirm it, I then spoke to Anya in my arms, in the gentlest voice possible.

“Anya, what Belle had said, is all of it correct? Please, tell me.”

“…………I’m sorry. ………I’m sorry to have this shameful body.”

Despite enduring her shame, Anya still affirmed to my question.

――Belle-san is entirely right. This was really unexpected.

This, too, was this a skill that only best friends can do?

“You don’t have to worry about that. Besides, I also prefer girls who are a little naughty.”

I spoke about my antics to ease the troubled Anya.

Still, it doesn’t deny that I have to solve this situation and fast.

So, having no other choice, I laid Anya on the bed and explained the situation to my companions.

Beren was the one who immediately understood the situation.

As expected of the human being who has been through a similar curse, her response is quick.

She quickly urged the other members to rush out of the room along with her.

Only I, Belle, and Anya remained.

“Is there anything else you want me to do before I leave?”

At the door, Belle spoke a question, with her eyes still filled with worry.

“I don’t know how long the curse will subside, so let’s settle with a few days’ worth of food and stuff for now.”

“Okay. I understand. Then, Gilles, I’ll leave Anya to you.”

“Yeah. You can count on me. Once the curse is lifted, let’s have a nice bestie threesome sandwich while reminiscing our memories, all the three of us.”

I gave a nasty joke, making Belle relieved for a moment, before closing the door with a smile on our faces.

And thus, only Anya and I became the only ones left.

“……Haaan, ……Haaan”

Unknown whether she was still conscious of it or not, Anya kept on touching her private region while having pained breaths.

I sat on the bed and spoke to her.

“Anya, are you alright?”

And in my anxious voice, Anya got up and sat next to me, albeit it’s obvious she’s forcing herself to do so.

“……Yes…… I think I can still endure it. It’s that my body ached all of a sudden, so I wasn’t able to prepare myself.”

Though she said that, and she might be doing this unconsciously, but I can see her ogling at my crotch from time to time since she got up.

“Now that I notice it, isn’t this the first time we spoke to each other, just the two of us? You were always together with Akari.”

Back in our childhood days, we always acted on threes. There was never a moment that I saw them far apart, albeit knowing them for only a month.

It’s like Aya and Akari were born twins.

Perhaps there wasn’t even a moment where they got separated from each other.

“……ah. Un.”

Unknown whether she really understood the question or because the pain was just too much to bear, Anya nodded absentmindedly.

“Is it that severe?”

This time. I faced Anya to her front.

“N-no, not that much. I’m fine. Th-therefore, let’s talk about our memories a little bit more.”

Anya spoke as she faced the other way, still embarrassed about meeting my face.

That reaction……Is it alright to have sex now?

Then, I came up with a good idea.

“I see……let’s talk a bit more then”

Though I said that, I instead crawled over to the secret place of Anya.

”Uh, un――, Hyaaa!?”

Wow, the way she shook straight up is just adorable. She’s like a poked squirrel.

And her secret place……it’s so wet I could even see its wetness on top of her panties.

“I thought we’ll be talking about the good old days. Why did you stop?”

I kept her going as if nothing had happened.

At first, Anya was trying to hold my arms with both hands, preventing it from touching her precious place.

But when she heard what I had said, she suddenly let go of my hands and kept talking. At this point, I’m not really sure if it was intentional, or she was that na?ve.

“Nnn, ……I, I see, you’re right. ……Ahhn, do you remember when we first met?”

“Of course, I remember. Painfully, in fact. It was when I saved you two from being bullied.”

“……you were really cool at that time, so cool we both fell in love with you instantly.”

“To say that I was cool when I was being pathetic back then, honestly, it’s making me feel awkward.”

As I confessed to Anya’s confession, I made my hands move even more violently.

“Aah! N-no, hyaaa! Even though I said no–!”

“I see. I became such a womanizer after all. Of course, you won’t like me.”

“N-no, that’s not what I mean! A-after all, I still love you, Gilles!”

Anya shouted as she straightens up her spine in her nervousness.

Then, our faces both turned red.

To be confessed by my long-time childhood friend face-to-face, even I feel embarrassed, more so that we’re in a very awkward position right now.

Also, maybe because of the sudden act, she wasn’t able to hold back. I mean, the curse has been revived, so she’s pretty sensitive.

I could feel the wetness oozing out from both of my hands as she came over her panties.

“Hnnnnu, ……Aaah! It’s so embarrassing!”

Unable to hold her shyness anymore, Anya covered herself with the part of the bedsheets that hasn’t been soaked yet.

“hahaha, Anya’s face as she cums is the cutest thing ever! Oh, how I wish you could see that face of yours!”

“――! Geez! Gilles you idiot!”

Anya then threw a pillow at me.

“Still, I want you to show me more.”

I tossed the pillow that went to my face under the bed, then proceed to remove the sheets covering her body.

And when I grabbed both of her hands that were about to hide her face again, I saw the shamefully blushing Anya.

“Did you know that we both have the same thing in mind?”

With my face now close, I whispered to Anya’s ear.

“……Really? ……you love me too?”

Anya repeats to confirm my words.

Fufu, really, what a cute creature.

Still, if you look at me with such a yearning face, I wouldn’t be able to help myself to have sadistic thoughts about it.

“Hey, look over here.”

“Ah, un――, Nnn, Nn.”

Still in a daze, I went on and stole Anya’s lips.

The preparation to save Anya from her curse, I have already done it long ago.

――Now, our long battle has begun.

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