A Story of Evil

Chapter 102: The Trial

Chapter 102: The Trial

There are twelve members of the council which holds high authority in the king's courts. These area all apart of noble houses. All bearing a considerable amount of authority within the inner and outer walls. They also have informants; reliable sources of information. Yet, none of them were informed of the king's actions.

That is why they didn't understand why the people were such in a rush. They didn't understand what all the fuss and clamor was about. Not until their attendants have finally caught wind of the news. Placing them all in a state of surprise as they hurriedly made their way to where the king was.

The group rushed to the grounds of the castle and saw that it was already jam packed with people. There were [Odd Balls] displaying all that was happening. Allowing those further at the back to witness things as the main actors of the event were being displayed through multiple [Image Cores].

"Make all, these filth move!" Atla, one member of the council mentioned. With her guards doing as was told. Swaying the people to the side as she navigated her way through. 

It didn't take long for other members of the council to arrive. All rugged in breath as they rushed to the scene as soon as they could. All bearing a look of irritation on their faces.

"That buffoon! Does he take us for fools? What kind of game is he paying?" Alexa, another council member noted.

"I'm not sure but, whatever happens this day, he will fall. This stage is perfect for us." Bistro replied, with the remaining members of the council all having a hard time.

They pushed through the crowd little by little. Finally arriving in front. There they saw Jubilee sitting high and mighty on a throne. Elevated four feet up due to the stairs that led to the castle's front door. On both his sides were the children Sol and Alice. Both being cuffed by the knights Onyx and Col. 

"Took you long enough, the people have been growing impatient. Jubilee said, infuriating the crowd even more while the elders were just the same.

"Jubilee, what is the meaning of this?" The elder of the council, Lasley, said. 

"What does it look like old man? I'm holding a public trial for these children."

"On whose authority do you think you are doing this?"

"Oh god, did you go senile from old age?"

"Do not mock me boy!" Lasley screamed.

"Fine, no need to get grumpy about it. But here's the thing. As long as the king is present and, as long as at least a thousand people are present, I can perform this action."

"How are you even sure that there are a thousand people here?" Another member of the council asked.

"Well you can count if you want but, I doubt they'd wait that long." King Jubilee mentioned. Rousing up the crowd even more who gave their replies one by one.

"Yeah old man!"

"We just want the trial to get over with!"


It was a very chaotic scene. Sol could see nothing but the anger of the people. The fury of the elders. The doubt of the soldiers. All of this mixed up as, the larger part of the populace were like rabid beasts. Thirsty for blood.

It was only him and Alice that actually trusted the king. A person who, despite all of the commotion and mess, could still manage to pull off a smile on his face.

One which made one thing clear to Sol. That things were playing just as Jubilee wanted it to and that, there was a method to this madness. A plan which successfully progressed as Lasley finally gave his response.

"Fine! If it is a public trial that you want, then it is that which you would get!" 

Loud cheers of the people accompanied this. With the other members of the council agreeing to this as, they finally donned their robes. Stepping on the elevated area until they were on top of the platform. Standing at the left and right side of the king. With the trial finally commencing.

"People of the Void! We are gathered here today to witness the trial of the orphans Solomon and Alice."

"WAIT!" Lasley halted as the voice of the king echoed throughout the whole place. Placing everyone's attention on Jubilee who added something.

"There's something wrong with that statement." The Void king said, irritating the council elder who grew impatient by the second.

"What are you on about Jubilee?" The elder asked, creating a wide grin which formed on the Void King's lips as he gave his response.

"It's not just them who are being tried today. This trial is for all three of us."

This was another surprise brought by the king. All of the elders widened their eyes in surprise. The crowd which gathered also began murmuring among themselves. Lasley didn't understand what the king had to gain. However, he knew that they, the council, had everything to gain from this decision. Making their lips slightly curve to a grin.

"As Our king himself declared, he is also part of the accused for this trial! Thus I, Lasley, will be taking up the position of main judge!" The old man declared - looking at the people around who began cheering. Shouting things like:

"Death to the king!"

"Cleanse the Void!"

"Kill the orphans!"

It was rowdy. Even that early on, one would be able to determine that the elders had the upper hand. There was no way for Jubilee to win in that state. Something which brought excitement to the elders.

A public trial made use of the voice of the populace present in order to pass judgement. There would be testimonial witnesses to be used both for and against the accused. At the end of the day however, the voice of the people would be the one determining the outcome. 

At that moment, the people were nothing less than displeased with Jubilee. The elders all knew this. Even Sol and Alice knew that this was a fact. But still, Solomon placed his trust in King Jubilee.

"Let us resume then! Solomon and Alice are accused of the crime of treachery by killing the queen. Meanwhile, the king is accused of sacrilegious acts and heresy by killing the bishop and raising the devils."

There was nothing but the silent air for a couple of seconds. Alice could feel her heartbeat raise as bead of sweats formed on her forehead. But even this silence didn't last long as Lasley finally declared:

"We will now begin!"

Everything which the main members of the jury accused could be proven without the shadow of a doubt. All of these have been witnessed by the people present during the incidents. And, just by getting enough testimony, Sol and Alice could be executed in the spot. A fact which gave Lasley even more confidence.

"If anyone wants to testify on the killing of the queen, please step forward." The council elder said. With two people doing just this. 

These were the guards positioned at the front of the gates that day. The same ones which Sol flung inside as he and Alice killed the queen.

"State your names and your occupation."

"My name is John and, my friend is Peter. We're both guards of the castle."

"John and Peter, where were you during the scene of the crime?"

"We were both on duty that day."

"Yeah we were guarding the front gate so we witnessed everything that happened."

"Oh? And what did you witness?"

"We saw the queen get shot without hesitation."

"And who were the ones who did that?"

"It was them." the two guards pointed at Sol and Alice. Making the crowd talk among themselves in audible whispers filling up the air.

"Silence! We will not accept such disrespect in court!" Another elder said. Hiding the fact that he was actually happy with how the prosecution was going. 

Two more witnesses were called up. One was an old man while the other was a woman. Both testifying to the exact same thing, That they saw Alice shooting the queen with their own eyes, And, that, the accomplice to this act was Solomon.

"People of the Void! We now know what kind of individuals are champions are! While it is true that they have brought honor to us, it seems that they are a bit too dangerous to be kept alive." Lasley triumphantly declared.

Alice was clenching her fist at that time. She thought how ungrateful the nobles were and, how unfair the trial was proceeding. Yet she was the only one making such an expression. Both Sol and king Jubilee watched in boredom. With the Void king actually yawning after all the testaments were made.

"Let's see how long you can keep up that act of yours Jubilee. There's no way for you to turn this around." Lasley thought, glancing at the lax king.

This was the sentiment shared by all of the council members. They all thought that, the king has dug his own grave. That he created  pitfall for himself. They simply needed to play their part and, the king would easily be dethroned at that time.

"Now that we are finished, does anyone want to testify on behalf of the children?" 

The trial was nearing a dead end for the accused. There was nothing but silence in the crowd that time around. Nobody stepped up and, the only voice that came from the crowd were curses. Cussing and badmouthing the king along with the champions of the Void.

It was a hopeless case. They were about to get executed at that point just because nobody wants to testify for them. That is, until someone raised his hand. Shocking everyone who was present. 

It was King Jubilee. And with a smile on his face he declared:

"I will testify for myself."

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