A Story of Evil

Chapter 103: The Trial II

Chapter 103: The Trial II

"What nonsense are you spouting? Do you take all the people here for fools?" Lasley showed great distaste towards Jubilee's decision. Something which was shared by everyone in the council.

"Well nobody wants to testify right? If that's the case then, I should do it myself."

Once again, the council was left speechless with what Jubilee just did. Not only them but everyone present were shocked as well.

"I am just as much of a valid witness as everyone here right?" King Jubilee asked in a teasing tone. 


"Hey just get on with it!" Someone from the crowd spoke.

"Yeah, we wanna see some punishment made so, why not allow him?"  Another one said. Cornering Lasley and the council as more people voiced out their thoughts fomr the crowd. All approving of Jubilee's decision. Leaving the council no choice but to permit it. 

"Fine! Come to the center so everyone can see you." Jubilee was still lax even at that point. Proving that nothing which the council did would ever get to him.

"State both your name and your occupation to all who are present."

"I am the Void King, Jubilee Pendragon. And I have come to testify on behalf of myself and the champions of the Void." Jubilee said, without any nervousness or anxiety in his voice. Completely calm. Something which got on the nerves of most council members once again.

"Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?"

"Of course I do. That's the only reason why I'm standing here in front of all of you." There was sarcasm in his voice. Something which Lasley decided to disregard as he began asking.

"Okay let us begin. Jubilee where - "

"PEOPLE OF THE VOID! WHO HAS BROUGHT YOU VICTORY?" The king screamed from the top of his lungs, turning the whole crowd silent instantly. 

His expression quickly changed from idleness to rage. One which he seemed to have been bottling up for quite a while. 

"Jubilee what nonsense are you saying?" Lasley asked; his fuse already at its limit.

"Nonsense? Under the law, you cannot silence me until I've given my  testimony correct? I'm just following the protocols council elder." Jubilee answered finally making the old man snap.

"What kind of degenerate imbecile do you think we are? Stop talking nonsense before we execute you on the spot!"

"Will you?" King Jubilee unsheathed his sword. Walking towards Lasley who was prepared to run away.

All of the elders began backing off at that point and, so did the people. Thinking that King Jubilee would begin massacring them and, repeat what has happened to the slums during the Crimson Harvest.

Yet instead of firing it, he gave it to Lasley. Moving the old man's hand so as the blade of the weapon sat dangerously close next to his neck. Making the old man even more confused as, he didn't know what to do with the weapon.

"Execute me then. If you are so sure that I am wrong then why don't you pull the trigger yourself?" Jubilee declared with conviction in his voice. 

"What are you doing! T-that's"

"What? Not possible? Are you scared? Can you not take life on your own? Fine then." Jubilee took the sword from the old mans' hand and flailed made it's tip hit the ground. With the pommel used by both his palms which rested on top of it.

"Anyone who thinks that they can rule better than me! Anyone who thinks they can continue the restoration from this point! Why don't you step forward!" The king commanded.

All of a sudden the crowd turned into a docile bunch. It was an unusual sight to behold. Seeing the accused stand up for himself and, put a sense of nervousness on everyone present. As if they were the ones being prosecuted at that moment.

"Well? Does anyone know how to operate the [Cores]? Does anyone know how to properly use the irrigation system? What about the things that would come after that? Is there anyone who can carry the same burden as I?"

"I can do that." 

A voice finally spoke out from the crowd. Most of the people didn't know who it was but, King Jubilee recognized the voice fairly well. It was his son. 

A person who stepped in front of the crowd at that point. With rage filled eyes. Standing proudly, as if his victory was set. 

"Jules, don't dishonor your mother any more than this." The Void king said. Yet, the crowd had a different stand. 

"What the hell are you saying king?" 

"Yeah! You're the one dishonoring your wife!" 

"You have a son! He can rule perfectly fine after you!"

Once again the tides was brought back to the favor of the council. Even Prince Jules had a smile on his face that had victory written all over it. But this didn't last for long as, Jubilee gave his reply. 

"Can he really?" The question was voiced openly. With some already forming the same question in their heads. But the Void King's goal was far from simply wanting to confuse the people. That's why he continued speaking.

"Jules, what are the names of all the workers assigned to you in the farm?"

"What are you talking about. How can I know that?"

"Okay, then do you at least know the types of plant present in the farm?" 

"I do! But I don't have them memorized."

"How about the time of harvest for each plant? Did you at least memorize that part?" 

The people began whispering among themselves again. Doubting the capabilities of prince Jules all of a sudden.


Unknown to everyone, things were actually proceeding according to Jubilee's plan. Every part of it. Including the presence of his son.

"For that reason alone? Fine, let me show you something then." King Jubilee snapped his fingers, changing the feed on the image cores.  Showing a truck move as if it was being driven by a drunk man.

This same vehicle crashed into a house and, out of the diver's seat came none other than Queen Olivia. The people were once again talking among themselves as they watched what happened next. How the vehicle was set ablaze and exploded immediately.

"That event happened two days before. The very same scene which I went to myself. The very same event that lead to the death of a lot of people. And do you know why that is?" King Jubilee changed the feed once again, showing a man inside a cage.

The man screamed for help as he slowly turn into a monster. A horrendous mutation which send shivers down everyone's spine. It was the perfect setup which Jubilee used to continue speaking.

"Within that truck were seeds harvested from outside the domains. These things, once burned, mixes with the air and slowly turns humans into monsters. That is why I needed to kill them." 

"That is not enough evidence! How can you prove that when all of the bodies have been burned?" Lasley asked, making the king turn to him with a smile worn on his face. 

"Well if you are so sure that I'm wrong, why don't you go there yourselves and test it out? Since you're all so confident that I'm lying.


"What? Not possible again for some reason?" Lasley had no words to say after this. He was cornered by the king who continued speaking.

"Within this month, I've done nothing but feed all your stomachs! I've slowly began restoring the lands and gave you enough food and shelter! Yet this is how you repay me? You gang up on your king just because of some false and baseless rumors? And for what? For you to return to your deplorable state?"

"Jubilee! This is nonsense! What you are doing is outside the prosecution protocols! This is not valid!"

"Valid? Who is to say if my argument is valid or not? Isn't that the job of the people present here?" The king said, stretching his arm to all those who were present.

"So tell me, does anyone object to what I am saying right now?" He said, facing the crowd which was nothing but silent.

"I am your king! The life you are living now is not a dream anymore. We are slowly getting out of this long nightmare! Yet just because of an impulse you want to dethrone me? Just because you do not understand my methods?"

The crowd still refused to make a sound. Shrinking bit by bit from shame. There was nobody who dared oppose the king. Even prince Jules disappeared into the crowd. With this, all the pieces have finally been placed. And triumphantly, the king spoke once again:

"Those who wish to follow me! Those who believe in the change that I am bringing! KNEEL BEFORE YOUR KING!" Just like that everything turned upside down. None of the citizens dared stand up after all that had been said. They all fell to their knees, bowing to their one true king.

Even the members of the council were forced to do the same. Knowing that their heads would roll on the ground if they opposed more than they already had.

With this, Jubilee's victory was secured. And so the Void King gave his final order. Dispelling all the illusions formed by the gossips.

"This prosecution is finished. Go home!"

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