A Story of Evil

Chapter 104: The Answers

Chapter 104: The Answers

A mountain of corpses lay in the middle of nowhere. There was a pool of blood filling the ground. Drenching the solid and feeding the chaos pants nearby. On top of it were five individuals. All looking like humans yet, having the aura of a monster.

As they stood there, a strong gust of wind suddenly blew. With a sound that almost resembled that of murmuring, making them close their eyes as they tried understanding what it was. And as soon as the message was delivered, the wind finally passed.

"So Kingsley died huh?" A woman said. Her skin having scales on some parts.

"That's a given. He's the weakest among us after all." Another one mentioned, wielding a sword twice his size.

"Still, don't you think it's too early? He did promise us to bring back results." A third one mentioned. With all of them looking at the leader of the group. A man filled with markings on his upper body who finally spoke.

"He did."

"What do you mean Damian?"

"Him being dead means, there's someone there strong enough to defeat him. And we all know that is not possible for those weak second generations."

"Hahahaha! You're right about that part."

"So what do we do then?" The snake-like woman asked. With their leader gazing at the vast horizon before them.

"Let's allow them to live peacefully for a while. With how things are, there won't be any fun destroying them. We should give them the paradise that they want. Only then would we destroy them."

"So, where should we start kid?" Jubilee together with both Sol and Alice went inside Pandora's core. With the Seraphim herself materializing due to the urgency of the matter.

"Before that. Are you sure that it's fine to include me in this my liege?" Alice asked, thinking that she was out of place.

"Of course! You're the same as Solomon and I plus, this will help open up your eyes even more." King Jubilee said, taking away some of Alice's anxiety. 

"Still, it's a bit shocking to know that somebody handed you that information." Pandora entered into the conversation. Talking to the boy who already explained everything to everyone present.

"But judging by how Sol described her, I guess she's one of those." King Jubilee mentioned. Not making clear what "those" are.

"Agreed." Was Pandora's short reply which didn't aid in giving any clues.

"Anyway, let's start." King Jubilee snapped his fingers and, in an instant, the whole group was transported back to a familiar scene. One which Sol already saw before.

It was the first year of the ten domains. A point in time which was already explained by king Jubilee before.

"Basically, what you're asking me is to tell you all the truths right? You want to be handed the reality of things?"

"Yes. I want to know what really happened." Sol clarified.

"Okay then. First of all do you remember what I said about the Seraphims leaving us after the failure?" 

"Yes my liege." 

"Well yous see, that is where the lies actually began." 

"What do you mean?" The boy asked, wondering which part in the story was a lie.

"They didn't leave because they thought we were useless. The reason why they left was because they were scared of us." Just by these words alone, Sol  was already at a loss for what he could say.

"Scared?" The boy repeated. Finding it difficult to believe. 

"Yes. The first generation was  a group oozing with power. And, because your kind has not yet adopted to mana, many of you turned into monsters. That is the reason why a lot of monsters run rampant. Because, aside from the animals that have been horrendously influenced by mana, most humans were also affected." Pandora explained, a fact which was still difficult for both Sol and Alice to take in. 

"However, we aren't a race that could easily die out. We have continuously evolved throughout the centuries and, even at that moment, we displayed the same power of adaptation." King Jubilee furthered as, he pointed to a person on the simulated domain.

Sol and Alice watched the man turn into a monster when, something strange happened. The transformation was reversed; turning the man into a kind of half human half monster. 

"One by one these creatures came up. The numbers exponentially increased and, soon enough, they overthrew the Seraphims. Matching them in strength and even devouring some of them." King Jubilee said, looking down at the simulated specimen.


"Yes. That is how fearsome the first generation was. That is why we needed to back away. And because my fellow Seraphims hated what occurred there, we wiped out the populace that we created."

"Then how come were still alive? And why are the domains still intact?" Alice asked, unable to follow this part. But it wasn't Jubilee or Pandora who replied. It was Sol.

"It's because they relocated right?"

"Correct. The first generation of Void humans were just the same as every other normal human being. The only difference is that, we are ones produced by a mixture of humans and Seraphims. Hence, we Voids have once again been made into vessels. Bearing the children of the Seraphims. Creating the second generation. Ones which are more powerful yet more controlled in using mana." King Jubilee explained.

"Even though we were able to do this, my fellow Seraphims have still failed in producing the said God. That's why they left us to fend for ourselves. Created a second set of the the domains. With the Garden of Eden in the middle of it all." Pandora furthered.

"Why didn't you tell me all of this before?" Sol asked.

"Because it is too much information for a child to take in. A lot of it is also classified so, as you can see, I couldn't just disclose everything to a twelve year old. Not without a better assurance of your quality and your performance."

"And that's something I already reached?"

"Why else would you be here? You have exceeded all my expectations and acted better than my son in handling the farm. I couldn't ask for anything more. You and Alice deserve to know all of this."

"Thank you my liege." Sol said in reply, bowing together with Alice.

"No need to be so formal about it. Plus, this is actually a good thing because, these are the same creatures which we'd be fighting now." King Jubilee said, making Alice raise her head immediately. 

"Okay back up. Back up!" She began.

"Why? Is there a problem Alice?" King Jubilee asked.

"Is there a problem? Yeah there is. I thought the first generation was already wiped out by the Seraphims?" She asked, with the Void king being more than willing to answer.

"That's also what I believed. But during my fight with the ringleader of all this commotion, I figured something out. That his power level and skill set would be something resembling that of the first generation." 

It was one surprise after the next. With both Alice and Sol being handed the most classified of information. Something which, not even the knights nor any other monarch knew about.

"That's why I've devoted these past two days to examining the remains of our enemies. Both the monster that we are now keeping in Pentagon and, the piece of skin that was left by him. With all these pieces put together, there's no doubt that they are the next opponent."

"So what do we do my liege?" Sol asked. Making the king grin at the boy's resolve.

"That should be obvious Sol. Get stronger." The king said, putting a slight pause before he continued speaking.

"The two of you will lead this domain into a better future. There's nothing we can do with opponents we cannot see. The only thing we can do is to keep developing this nation. Turn it into something that can withstand their havoc. But before all of that, there's something I need to do." 

King Jubilee knelt down. His head hitting the floor which surprised everyone including Pandora. It was the first time Jubilee bowed and, the recipients of this was a couple of children. Ones who went a bit frantic.

"My liege that is unnecessary." Alice mentioned.

No. It is. What I'm asking is a deprivation of your childhood and your growing years with the plans I have in mind. You won't grow up as regular teens with normal lives. For that alone, I already ask for forgiveness. However" King Jubilee finally stood up at that point. Materializing two swords from the shadows

"If you still want to pursue this bloody road with me. Then pick up your weapon and swear your allegiance."

"My king, are those" Alice's voice trailed off in the distance. With the Void king answering the question even before it was made.

"They are. I plan on turning you both into knights of the round table."

"Now this should be interesting." Pandora told herself, looking at the children who have yet to understand the full weight of the responsibility being handed to them. But they couldn't care less because, just like Jubilee, the only path they know is forward.

"What do you say Sol?" Alice suggested with a nervous smile on her face.

"I say it's better than wasting our abilities." The boy said in reply, finally grabbing his sword which broke free from its shadow. With Alice following him.

Both of them looked at the king, with Sol finally giving his response.

"King Jubilee, let's shatter this nightmare with our own hands."

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