A Story of Evil

Chapter 117: Unfortunate Creatures - Conclusion

Chapter 117: Unfortunate Creatures - Conclusion

As soon as the fight ended, Jubilee collected the [Cores] of the enemy. Unlike what he expected, there were actually three [Cores]. Lighting. Fire. Summoning. All being darker in shade which meant that, it was somehow corrupted. Leading King Jubilee to conclude on one thing.

"So each pair of wings gives them a certain type of power." He said, remembering how his opponent mentioned that he did not have all of his wings intact. Using it as a reasoning as to why he lost in the fight. 

"He wasn't going to win anyway. Not against me at least." The king said, leaving the area and teleporting to where Sol and the others were.

Although the Domain Expansion Division was far from the fight, it didn't mean that they didn't feel it. Every tremor of the earth. Every grand skill casted. Every release of inhuman amounts of mana. All of this was felt by the group.

As soon as all the commotion ceased, most of the soldiers became worried. The stillness and the calm was unbearable. With some of them even thinking that King Jubilee lost. However, Sol assured them otherwise.

"King Jubilee is going to win."

"How are you so sure my lord?"

"Because he is King Jubilee." Was all that Sol said, with confidence in his voice.

This wasn't the only thing the soldiers wanted to ask There were still a lot of questions in their heads. All centered on the Void King himself. Yet, they decided not to force their commander to ask this as, there were more pressing matters during that time. Namely, the healing of all the wounded. Most especially Jade.

"How are you?" Sol said, going to the said person who was still on a stretcher. His body quickly regenerating from all the damage. 

"The fire users already fed me with enough flames. My passive should heal all of this soon enough, you should worry about the others." Jade said, as if his fourth degree burns wasn't something to be worried about.

"Yeah well, the others didn't get burnt head on by our dear enemy." Sol jokingly said, making Jade grin, just a bit.

"Guess you're right about that my lord." Jade continued, also noticing the deep silence just like everyone else. Deciding to take it upon himself to be the one to ask about it.

"How about the king? Care to explain what just happened there." 

"I could. Except I'm prohibited from doing so."

"So it's something that cannot be disclosed to the public huh."

"Well, that was before. That rule is broken now however."

"What do you mean?"

Well what else? Of course he'd be here to discuss it himself." Sol said, seeing his crystal glow again.

The item served as the waypoint for King Jubilee's teleportation. He could appear within close proximity to where the crystal was. Since Sol was the one wearing it, Jubilee was able to teleport in the middle of the team's makeshift camp. With everyone having stupefied expressions as they looked at the Void King. Standing still and looking at the area.

"My liege." Sol began, moving to a half knelt position with everyone else following suit.

"At ease. Everyone, I would like to speak to your commander and his vice. Continue doing your work."

"Understood my liege!" Everyone responded.

"What a lively bunch." Jubilee commented, smirking as Sol and Alice were finally within talking range.

"How's the team?"

"Just as you asked, nobody died from the recent operation. One is heavily wounded but his passive is healing him up right now." 

"That's good. You never fail to impress me. Both you and Alice."

"But my king, does this mean that we'll be moving to the second phase of the plan?"

Of course. There's no other way around it. With another one of their ally dying, I'm sure they'd be out for blood."

"So we'll be using that?"

"Yeah. Gather everyone, they'd be the first to find out."

It was a moment which Sol and Alice actually longed for. They wanted their king to be respected even more. Yet because of the concept that he was powerless, there were still a lot of people belittling him. By revealing the concept of the seed this will change. Drastically. 

Hence the soldiers were placed into a file. All standing straight while the wounded sat instead. Right in front was Jubilee with Sol and Alice at his sides. With everything in place, the king finally spoke.

"I won't be taking much of your time. I know that most of you are tired and beaten. But I also know that you are more likely in doubt. Questioning who and what I am. And to that my answer is simple."

The king made a short pause. Everyone eagerly waited for what he had to say. They waited for the kind of explanation the Void king had for them. But instead of anything sophisticated, Jubilee began by saying:

"I am the Void King."

This caught everyone off guard. Dumbfounded and, not knowing how to respond. With King Jubilee gladly continuing his explanation at that moment. 

"I am Jubilee Pendragon. I always have been. The only thing different between your former perception about me is the fact that, I also have powers."

The soldiers didn't talk among themselves even with all the shock. They weren't about to humiliate their commander who trained them to be decent soldiers after all. And so, even with all the questions in their heads, they remained silent. Making the king even more impressed as he continued speaking.

"It is not only me who has powers but, Sol and Alice as well. They've unlocked this through a very special method. Something which, unfortunately, I cannot disclose to any of you."

Of course the king wasn't planning on revealing anything. He just gave bit sized pieces of what the soldiers needed to know.

"But what I can say is this. That the opponent you faced tonight is only the beginning. On the uncharted territories, there will be more of these. There would be creatures wanting to take us down and, there would be creatures who'd attack us head on."

King Jubilee proceeded to disseminating the history. Telling the soldiers of the Seraphims while also excluding the mention of Pandora. Speaking of the first generation and how they returned from mutation. With the opponent they just faced being from the same type of humans.

Just as the Void King expected, it was too much for the soldiers to handle. All the information beaten into their brains all at once. Coupled with the shock and, the logic required to accept all of these at face value.

If what I say isn't enough to make you believe. Then you should look at these." King Jubilee snapped his fingers, taking out the three [Corrupted Cores] out of thin air. Surprising the group which needed no other proof for the Void King's claim that he has powers. With Jubilee continuing his explanation by saying:

"These things were taken from the enemy I just killed."

Everyone understood what the king meant. [Cores] were only extracted from humans. No other creature could crystallize their cores. This property was solely given to the humans. Although what the king held were darker in shade, they were sure that, these were legitimate cores.

"I will be announcing these things to the general public soon. Before that, I want you all to keep your mouths shut and to focus on what your personal lives. The team will be disbanded from this day forth and, your respective domains will hold a ceremony for you."

It was only at this point that a soldier raised his hand. With the king entertaining it as the question was raised.

"But what about the remaining areas? Doesn't going back now mean that we failed?"

Don't worry about the remaining areas, I already have that covered. You guys have done more than enough. In fact, you've even accomplished your goals faster than the agreed upon timeline. For that alone, nobody will ridicule you and the monarchs will surely reward you." King Jubilee mentioned. Making the soldier breath a sigh of relief.

"We can't risk another encounter with the first generation. Even I can only take so much for one night." The king said, preparing the transportation for everyone.

"I know you all have your sentiments but, leave that for when you meet each other again." King Jubilee snapped his fingers as he said:

"You are dismissed."

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