A Story of Evil

Chapter 118: Lilia

Chapter 118: Lilia

A day has passed after the event. Once again, Sol and Alice were inside Pentagon. But this isn't due to any offense. The king simply wanted them to be close-by for what they needed to do on that day.

After all, with the results of Solomon's division being constantly broadcasted throughout the months. Every member of the Void was properly motivated, Having no excuse to slack off because, a thirteen year old boy, powerless at that, could perfectly lead a whole platoon comprised of different domains.

Not only this. Adding insult to injury was Alice who fought in the frontlines. Another thirteen year old and, a girl at that. Shaming the lazy adult males who keep complaining that work is too had for them.

They brought a heavy change to the Void. Another part of King Jubilee's plan which actually worked. Making the Voids busier than ever as everyone worked towards rebuilding the domain.

Meanwhile these same rays of hope have just entered Pandora's core. With King Jubilee standing at the middle and taking a glance at them.

"You guys ready yet?" He asked.

"Yes my liege. We've done everything needed for this morning." Jubilee courteously replied.

"You two are so stiff you know that? As orphaned knights, I allowed you to have my last name and that is not just for decoration. I want the both of you to act normally around me. We are bound by something thicker than blood. So keep practicing on that part okay?" King Jubilee said, patting both children in the head as both Alice and Sol replied:

"Understood my liege."

"Right, let's go then. I'm sure my dear sweetheart is waiting for us." Jubilee mentioned, creating the runes necessary for them to finally head out.

Meanwhile, in the far distance, Lilia sneezed. Wiping it with her handkerchief as she felt a shiver on her spine.

"Who's the creep remembering me so early in the morning?" She thought to herself, hearing footsteps come close as someone's words soon followed.

"Queen Lilia."

"God I hate that title so much." The researcher said to herself as she turned around to face the soldier that came for her. 

"Yes? What is it?" She replied in a kind and polite tone. Just as Jubilee pleaded her to always do.

"We've finished planting all of the necessary Core Seals your grace." The soldier furthered. With the hair on Lilia's skin rising from being called "your grace" a title she wasn't used to until that point.

"Did you make sure to check their energy level before doing so?"

"Yes your grace. All of them are fully charged."

"Good. That means it has a month before needing to be replaced. Is there anything else you have to report?"

"Nothing more your grace."

"Then you may take your leave."

"Thank you, your grace." The soldiers said, walking away as another thought popped up on Lilia's head.

"How many times did he call me your grace? Four?" Lilia stroked the feathers of her griffin. Sitting calmly beside her as both of them looked at the vast land before them. She then rode the creature, finishing her replay of the conversation. Finding out that she was indeed called "your grace" four times.

"Come on Octavia, time to do our rounds." She told the griffin which understood her words as it stretched out its wings and stood up. With Lilia climbing at the griffin's back as the creature ran to the edge of the tall ruin and, as it leapt, flew to the unrestricted sky.

Lilia gazed at the vast horizon before her. There were ruins of the old civilization as far as the eye could see. So much so that, she would never ask to be placed anywhere else.

Below were the workers assigned to her. Each doing their task. With some creating fire. While others demolished torn down buildings. With water being supplied. With arable fields being created. With houses being formed while a gigantic wall was raised at its end. The same spot where Lilia finally landed.

"Right, what do I need to do today?"

With the death of Queen Octavia, Lilia as the second wife naturally ascended to the throne. Of course she tried divorcing Jubilee right away but, after the king gave her some offers, Lilia was naturally hooked.

However, the role was not without it's problems. Lilia became the target of the nobility who wanted her dead more than anything else. Hence, to escape this while Jubilee cleaned up the Void Domain, the researcher was assigned to the excavation and restoration team. The group that was in charge of cleaning out an area after Solomon's unit has dealt with all the dangers.

Of course this is not something which a powerless Void could do alone. Hence, just like Sol's unit, Lilia's team is comprised of citizens from all domains.

"Gibli. Shawn." The queen said over her communication device. With those in question making fidgeting noises over the line a few seconds before answering.

"What is it your highness?"

"We're heading out to a new area. Make sure that you fix all the cracks on the earth before we go there. Tell the steel unit to gather all the scrap metals."

"Like the usual your highness?"

"Yeah. Smelt them all, that's a piece of cake for the fire unit."

"Understood your highness."

Lilia was busy everyday. Aside from her research on the old civilization, she also needed to keep an eye on the work of everyone. Both jobs were done exceedingly well. Showing that she was truly a proper ruler. Something which her warrior type family members failed to take into account when she was still a teen.

Because of this same trait, she was rapidly gaining fame. Not only on her own domain but on the other domains as well. A plan which was also devised by Jubilee in order to make sure that, once she returns, there would be no qualms or doubts to her position anymore. After all, the difference between her and Octavia was like sun and moon. Where Lilia shone brighter than any other queen has in the history of the Void.

"Man, all this work is tiring. That Jubilee has been scamming me for so long. I'm not getting any rest at all." She mentioned, enjoying the breeze from high up and admiring the infrastructure.

Jubilee took care of the runes used on the walls while, she was the one who designed the technology hidden within it. The two of them worked hand in hand like they always did. Creating optimal results despite the fact that, they were still short on time.

"Come on let's take one more round buddy." She told her griffin which stood up. Yet even before they could leave, she saw the black crystal on her bracelet glow. Making her sigh as she stayed there. Waiting for her visitor who began materializing at that point. 

"This is a bit higher than I expected." Jubilee said, with both Sol and Alice being transported on top of the wall. Surprising Alice who grabbed on to Sol's arm momentarily yet letting go just as quick.

"You're lucky. I was actually planning on flying a few seconds ago."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. Anyway, you bringing the two of them hereis it a good news or a bad news?"

There were only two possible reasons for Alice and Sol returning early. One was that they finished their task quicker than expected. Of course this also entailed that Lilia's division needed to work faster but, nevertheless it was something good. 

However, the second reason was because of the appearance of the first generation. One which King Jubilee confirmed by nodding at the queen.

"And here I thought I'd actually get some decent rest for once."

"I can offer more compensations for your vacation?" Jubilee suggested, getting Lilia to squint her eyes. 

"I don't wanna hear it you punk. Let's just get this over with." Lilia said, ridding on top of her griffin.

"I'll gather everyone and make them go a bit overtime. You three should  assist. We'll need all the help we could get f you want to set up [Lucifer] this early."

"Yes ma'am." Jubilee said, as Lilia finally flew of.

"Come on you two we've got a long day ahead of us." The king told Sol and Alice.

"Yes my liege." The two responded as they finally jumped from on top of the forty feet wall.

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