A Story of Evil

Chapter 119: Preparations

Chapter 119: Preparations

Within the empty field where Herald fought against Sol and the second generation, Damian and the three other emperors showed up. There was nothing but ruins around them. With the ground evidently scorched and, signs of other forms of battle making themselves known in the state of the surroundings.

It didn't take them long to find one of Herald's wings. Stabbed by a sword with runes glowing on it.

"Don't come near that." Damian ordered as Aeolus tried doing so.

"But it's a wing Damian. It's the most sacred part of our body."

"Yeah. And that sword has a trap set on it so do as I say before you tick me off." Damian commanded, already pissed by the fact that Herald still went against his orders. The worst part about it was that, he lost. Ruining the reputation of the emperors who were then only four.

"Just get the details on how that idiot died. We don't need anything more than that."

"Wind, tell me what happened here." He said, as the winds blew towards him gently. Caressing his skin and speaking to him in faint whispers. Nothing has ever disturbed Aeolus when he does this mantra. However, at that time, he was forced out of it. Breathing heavily and sweating profusely as he dropped to his knees, gasping for air. 

"What happened Aeolus?" Damian said in an uncaring tone. With every other emperor being just as indifferent as they waited for their seer to recover.

"D-DamianOne of them has the same power as you."

The emperors had their eyes widening at the revelation. Especially Damian who thought his magic was unique. He was nevertheless calm about the situation. Smiling as he already began thinking of what they needed to do.

"That explains why they were able to beat Herald." He said, remarking that his power was the strongest among the emperors. Something which the others couldn't deny.

"What's the plan then?" Meidi, the serpent like female asked.

"As we are right now, we can't go on with what we agreed upon. With the recent events, we know that they have something that could beat us."

"Are you saying we should run away?" 

"No. We'll never run away. Not until we have the Shadoweaver's head." Damian declared with conviction. Getting the approval of his allies who resented the creatures just as much.

"However, we also need to conserve our energy. It's time to offer our wings to the [Trinity] again. With Kingsley and Herald gone, we need to sacrifice more of our wings just to continue the ritual."

"You're not making it sound like we're attacking Damian." Aeolus commented.

"Oh we are. It's just that we won't be joining in the fight." Damian replied.

"What do you mean?" Meidi asked, making their strongest grin at them.

"Gather all of the troops left by Herald. We have no need for them anymore. Make them rally to our enemies. I'll decide on what we need to do after that."

Just as King Jubilee declared the day was a lot busier than usual. The workers were bustling with life. Moving as efficiently as they could. One could hear the sound  of steel being moved. The sound of hammers hitting nail and wood. The sound of metals being attached. The sound of electric currents. And, the busy Lilia who used a megaphone to continue giving out instructions.

"Nobody is allowed to take a rest until all I ordered get's done. Come on everyone double time."

"YES YOUR HIGHNESS!" Was the collective response of the workers. Not minding the extra business that day.

There were beams of steal created from thin air. Enhancers would then bring these to the location where it is needed. Where the fire users would link the beams together, forming whatever structure was assigned to them.

There is a reason as to why the steel users couldn't simply make houses themselves. Although they  could create something all by themselves, they couldn't add the mechanisms inside. They could only produce steel. That is why they needed to do their work bit by bit. With the Void Queen and the Void technicians she brought along the way working on the wiring. Something which the other domains didn't quite understand but, nevertheless adored.

Remembering the time when the team was just starting out. With the queen explaining everything to all her workers in order to give them a general idea.

"This will make water run through the whole house. It'll only come out of the desired location. It's called a faucet." 

"This works on a similar idea except, you use electrical wirings instead. It's like mana veins but on a house."

These were only some of the things she made he workers understand.

Before the expansion, all the buildings, the image cores and the oddballs were supplied by the Seraphims. Every house that exists within the ten domains were also supplied by the Seraphims before they left. Making sure that there were enough to last for two thousand years.

Hence the humans lived without ever questioning these. For lighting, every household would simply make use of light crystals or, lamps for those who can't afford it. As for water sources, everyone had a form of river and lake. With deep wells located all around the domains. 

That is why they faced their first crisis when the expansion began. They needed someone with expertise and, the only person crazy enough to dig through the things left by old earth was Lilia.

This was how she began building the modern houses and also, how she continued building good ones. 

There was a sizable distance in between houses. All of which had steel as their foundation while cement was used to fill the frames. Creating sturdy walls. 

The roof is made primarily of a dense amount of light yet sturdy steel. In a triangular angle, slanted in order to allow more air to pass through. Where one roof is higher than the other. With windows being placed just bellow the higher roof. Opened in order for the wind to pass through windows placed one the direction where the air will flow.

Plants are placed on the front yard of these and, all are  beneficial. Some ward off insects while some cleanse the air. There are also quite a few plants which can be harvested by the family which will live there. These are placed on the backyard.

A hundred homes in total are made like this. With their center being a huge garden where people can stay for leisure and relaxation. Where there are small establishments designed as cabins such as a library, a cafe, and a spa.

Arable  lands and graze lands also being part of the designs. These are placed near the newly constructed walls. Allowing surveillance from the guards on watchtowers which prevents any form of looting. Something which was designed primarily because of Sol's report of harvest thieves. Being close to the walls also assured that the citizens themselves are not the first ones to get attacked if the defenses ever break.

All of these were made through the combined efforts of the king and Lilia. Both of which were active figures even in that moment. Helping in the restoration more than anyone else.

This same power couple met at that moment. With Jubilee waving at Lilia who made her griffin descend. Allowing them to talk between themselves.

"We've finished scouting the entirety of the area. There aren't any monsters that's going to come in anytime soon." Jubilee began.

"Good. The wall should be finished after three more days. We can activate [Michael] after that." Lilia said, noticing Jubilee's eyes going over the entirety of her body.

"What the hell man?" Lilia said, using her arms to cover her chest as Jubilee remarked:

"You seem to have grown a bit thin my queen."

"Who's fault do you think that is numbskull?" She said in reply, sighing as she continued with the order of business.

"Anyway, just continue patrolling the area. The guard towers are fully equipped and, the weapons I placed there are fully loaded. We shouldn't have any trouble even if a small group of monsters come for us."

"You sound so confident."

"Of course I am. We're the ones who designed those after all."

"Aweeee is my Queen finally going soft on me?"

"I swear to god Jubilee. I'm gonna leave you hanging if you keep acting like a brain deprived ten year old." Jubilee simply laughed at this remark, also returning to his normal conversing side.

"Things are only going to get harder after this though. Think you can still handle it?"

It's not like I have a choice do I? You gave me the chance to continue learning about old earth. That alone is enough of a bargain for me to continue serving you."

"I see. I'll be counting on you then my queen." Jubilee said, extending his hand. With Lilia sighing again as she reached out to it and replied:

"Likewise my king." 

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