A Story of Evil

Chapter 136: Fourth Day of the Festival

Chapter 136: Fourth Day of the Festival

The following day, Sol's team went to King Jubilee to make their report. The thing about the festival is that, it only starts getting busy once the sun rises over the walls. Before that people are still busy trying to wake up, preparing the things they would sell, or packing up to leave.

Hence there wasn't much people when Sol's team went back to the inner wall. With the boy calling upon his griffin. Using a whistle designed by Queen Lilia which only releases a frequency that is audible to the said monster.

"Why didn't we use that before?"

"It attracts too much attention to us Rick. The people of the Void aren't used to seeing monsters yet."

"You say that like it's going to happen soon."

"Because it will. With the function of the summoner cores finally being made known, I'm sure King Jubilee has something planned already. For now though, I need to be discreet when to use him."

"That's a shame, riding such a majestic creature is fitting for your status as paladins." Hendrickson said, with the creature in sight. It's wings spread wide flapping these from time to time in order to retain its flight.

"Well I'm not complaining. Besides, I prefer a horse than a griffin." Alice said, also starring at Sol's mount which finally descended where they were.

"She's just saying that because there weren't any spare griffins." Sol said to Hendrickson.

"I am not! Horses are better for my weapon of choice! Plus it's a more accessible partner on ground fights!" Alice defended.

"It was just a joke Alice." Sol said.

"Yeah, chill." Hendrickson added.

The three rode Sol's mount and went on their way. Flying past all the houses and establishments. With the gentle morning breeze hitting their skin. Something which they could only enjoy because of King Jubilee's [Core Seals]. Cleansing earth, air, and water.

The whole of the Void was something to behold at that time. It didn't look as hopeless anymore, quite the opposite it was brimming with it. And the person who made this possible was standing at the highest tower of his castle. Training his skills even more as he created small black holes around him.

As soon as he noticed the children however, he made the orbs vanish. Wiping all of his sweat away as he waited for the children to descend.

"My liege I have something to report." Sol began, moving to a half knelt pose together with Alice and Hendrickson.

"Is this about the incident with the League of Thieves?"

The group was surprised that the king already knew this. Of course informants would tell him of the news but, the incident happened at night. During a time when the king isn't supposed to be disturbed from his slumber.

"I forgot to mention it to you guys but, I've been able to extend the shadows even more." King Jubilee said, omitting the mention of Pandora's name as Hendrickson, an outsider, was also there.

He knew that he owe the Paladins an explanation. After all, they are people he'd be working with for quite some time.

"The cores I gathered from the recent threats we've faced have been used to strengthen this. That's all I can say for now." The king finished, with the paladins understanding that Jubilee couldn't say much because of Hendrickson's presence. A person who was completely oblivious of this.

"I'm glad that you were able to clean up what Anthe and the soldiers couldn't. Taking down those thieves in the middle of the festival and, without disturbing public order, I couldn't ask for a better result." Jubilee said in his casual tone.

"Thank you my liege."

"As for your friend." The Void King stared intently at Hendrickson who simply looked down.

"I believe that you were also part of both the Culling and the mission beyond the walls am I correct?"

"Yes my liege!"

"Woah no need to scream."

"I'm sorry my liege! I'm a big fan!" Hendrickson was nervous. It was his first time getting that close to the king and, being spoken to directly by him. The steel user couldn't help but get his heart pumping faster from the experience.

"Right. Of course you are." The king mused.

"Anyway, I'm glad to see that you've formed a connection with my dear paladins. I hope the raid you got yourself in didn't ruin your visit to the Void."

"It didn't my lord!"

"That's good to hear. I'll make sure to put in a good word of you to King Sylas."

"Thank you my liege!"

"Right. Let's continue this chat later if you have nothing else to say."

"Nothing more my liege."

"Good. I'm glad that you updated me as soon as you could. You may take your leave."

With this, the three rode Sol's griffin and went on their way. King Jubilee watched them move away slowly. Waiting until they were completely out of sight before he continued with his training. But that time, he focused on something else entirely as he gathered Pandora's shadows. A black shade crept from all around the streets, slithering its way up of the bricked walls. Until they finally reached the top of the castle. Condensing in such a way that, it began creating a visual copy of the Seraphim.

"How does the power feel now?" The Void King said as soon as a whole ethereal form of Pandora was in front of him.

"Still lacking. Those creatures did consume Seraphims but only low level ones." Pandora said in reply.

"So we can't proceed to the next phase of our plan?" The king asked.

"Are you kidding? Of course we can. It's gonna take some time but after the borders open, I should be able to do it.

"Good. I'm counting on you Pandora."

"It's not like I can fail you Jubilee, we're under a contract after all."

"Yeah. I'll be busy doing my part as well." The king said in reply, with the shadow beginning to fade. Crawling back to where they needed to be.

There were still a lot of things which the king kept to himself. Secrets as dark as his past. As dark as the shadows of oblivion itself where his fate hung. But at that moment he was nothing more than the king of the Void. A realization which made him chuckle as he went back to training.

"I guess I need to be 'King Jubilee' for a while longer." He thought to himself, creating the spheres of black hole once again.

While he was at it, the griffin riding trio finally reached hospital. Hendrickson's friend was finally discharged that morning his bodily functions completely restored. This was the last thing Hendrickson needed, a necessity at that because, he was bound to come back to his own domain during that same day.

"Thank you for assisting lord Hendrickson during my absence." Seth said, bowing diligently to the paladins.

"Hey don't sweat it." Alice said in reply. Flashing a smile worry-free smile to Hendrickson's attendant.

"Yeah we only did our jobs as paladins." Sol added.

Hendrickson thought how lucky he was to have met the two. Of course he liked everyone in the division. But he also knew deep down that, they wouldn't be as likable if they weren't an organized squad. That's why Sol and Alice were a special to him.

In that moment, they made him feel like family. They made him feel welcome and accepted. Something which he couldn't get much from his own noble household. One where people always fight for power and authority. Where the only measure of worth is strength.

At that moment, he was about to thank the two. He already did so of course but, he still thought that this was needed. However, even before he could do so, Alice followed up with a few remarks.

"Besides, we were worried about your lord."

"Yeah, he would've probably run around the whole of the slums looking for the thieves if it wasn't for us." Sol added. Speaking factually.

"Come on guys that's a bit too much." Hendrickson said in a light tone.

"Yup. Knowing those guys, Rick would've gotten himself tortured and killed, with all of his belongings getting stolen from him. In fact he would've probably even gotten castrated." Alice teased. With Seth already imagining the humiliation his lord could've gone through.

"That would definitely destroy the honor and dignity of the squad I led. I couldn't just let that happen." Sol jokingly added.

"Hey!" Hendrickson finally snapped. Getting Sol and Alice laughing, together with the attendant who couldn't help but join in.

None of it was meant of course. Sol and Alice helped because Hendrickson was their comrade. A brother in arms and, a reliable vanguard. There was a bond connecting them. One thicker than even blood and, something which they didn't need to talk about to recognize.

With this, Hendrickson finally extended his hand to the two. With Sol and Alice gladly accepting the handshake before the steel users left.

"So you need to return huh." Sol remarked.

"Well there's really not much I can do about it. A new set of citizens will arrive today from my domain and they won't be able to enter until all of us who came first finally move out." Hendrickson explained.

"That's a shame, we haven't even given you a tour of the inner walls yet." Alice added.

"What are you talking about? I already had a lot of fun staying here in the outer walls. All the fighting and, the exotic food shop. Nothing could make this experience any better."

"You should come back soon then. We have a lot more to show you."

"Gladly." Was the steel user's reply. Heading out along with the rest of the third day's visitors.

Meanwhile the fourth wave began coming in. Bringing along another familiar face. Jade.

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