A Story of Evil

Chapter 137: Wielder of the Green Flames

Chapter 137: Wielder of the Green Flames

An audience with the Fire King isn't something easily gained. No matter what the status of a person is, they needed to go through the same procedure. They needed to undergo a meticulous step by step process. One which some even fail at along the way.

That is why Nova always ensures that he converses well with whoever it is that comes through this. Using his own throne room as the meeting place. An area filled by lamps of green flames stuck on the black marble pillars. With walls just as dark where the royal family's emblem hung in red banners.

There was a strange warmness to the room. Fierce yet calm. A temperature which only strong flame users would be able to tolerate for long. Fortunately, the person kneeling in front of him at that time fit this criteria.

"That's what you want?" The king asked.

"Yes. I want to visit the Void together with my former team in the Culling." Jade said in reply, looking at nothing but the red carpet below him. Averting the gaze of King Nova.

"You do realize that I do not hold King Jubilee in high regard right?" King Nova began.

"Yes my king." Was Jade's short and clear response.

The teen felt the flames in the room grow even stronger. To the point that it was too warm for comfort. With the light on the torches burning even greater. Swayed by Nova who spoke at that moment.

"And you also know that I do not fancy what happened in the Culling, as well as the results you've brought?"

"Of course my liege." Jade calmly replied, his body still fine even in the intensity of flames around them.

"Then let me ask you again..." King Nova slammed his fist to the arm of his chair. Making the green flames on the torches rise to full height. Covering the whole ceiling in flames. With some small tongues of it dripping down.

"Why do you want to visit the Void!"

Any normal citizen would be fazed. In fact, even the remaining sons of Nova would flinch. After all, it was the greatest of all flames. The one which can burn even fire itself.

However Jade was an exception. He looked at king Nova without any sign of fear. He wasn't even shaking. Jade still held respect for the king in his eyes, but he refused to submit to such emotions. One which he was already numb of because of the late prince Blaze.

"Because like you my liege, I do not trust their king." Both the gaze and the answer were things which Nova did not expect. Making him calm his flames down as Jade continued speaking.

"Do you think you'd gain my favor by hating my enemy? What grounds do you have to claim that he's suspicious?"

"I have none. It's only that the flames inside my body grew cold when I was near him. Whenever I'm near a person it'll get warm towards good people and hot towards the bad ones. That's the only basis I have. But King Jubilee gave a different feeling altogether."

"And what is that?"

"It was neither warm, nor hot. It was cold. To the point that I thought I was dead. I need to talk with Solomon and Alice. People who share the same roots of power as he. I need to warn them."

"You expect me to believe that?"

"I do not my liege. I am only saying my intentions to you."

King Nova stared at Jade's eyes. He searched for whatever lie could be hidden in them. Any sign of hiding some information. However he found none. Making him recline on his throne. With his fingers placed at the point in the middle of his eyes. Rubbing them while he thought of his response.

"Fine. I'll arrange the necessary documents for you and the others. You'd leave on the fourth day of the Void's Harvest Festival and would only stay there for a day. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal my liege."

"Good. You may take your leave."

It was the first time Nova talked to Jade after handing the boy over to his son. He always thought that a green flamed person born of a prostitute would be no good. But there he was. Proving every expectation wrong. Speaking to the king without any fear. Without any cowardice. Without any lies.

"Be careful kid. Even we can get burned." Nova thought to himself as Jade finally left the room.

There Jade saw his teammates all sticking their ears to the wall. Giving Jade a thumbs up as soon as he was out. With Nathan and Tristan both seating profusely.

"Man, that was really intense Jade. I thought you would really get killed by King Nova." Nathan said.

"Yeah, we could feel his flames from out here. We thought you were a goner." Tristan added.

"Well as you can see, I am perfectly alive." Jade said, patting them on the shoulders as he walked past them.

"We'll be heading to the Void on the Harvest Festival's fourth day. You're free to do what you want until then." Jade added. With his whole team following right behind.

Days passed by quickly after that point. Jade had nothing in his head but the idea of going to the Void. He didn't intend to warn Sol and Alice right away. He decided that this should be done after he met the king again. After he confirmed if he was right. Only then would he actually warn them.

Thus the day finally came of their departure for the Void. Together with the other visitors from the flame domain, Jade's group was welcomed by the high iron gates. Ones which were opened wide not only for them but for every other domain that came that day.

"You guys can take your time and enjoy. I can do this by myself." Jade said as soon as they passed through the gate.

"What are you talking about man, we're gonna come with you of course." Nathan replied, with his signature smile being flashed.

"Yeah our great leader should never be left by himself." Tristan added.

"I mean, I do want to enjoy but it won't be that fun if I keep worrying about you." Cinder commented.

"I appreciate the gesture guys but, this isn't something we should be doing as a group. I don't want to raise any suspicion and, if I end up doing more than what I intended, I don't want to get you dragged into it."

Despite Jade's distant attitude, he is actually caring to those close to him. Specifically, the three were close to his heart. Although they moved based on Blaze's orders, they would still aid him after the late prince turned his back. Offering healing. Food. Company.

At first he thought that they helped him because they had something to gain from it. He thought that, they would report to Blaze once he tells them anything stupid. But the opposite was true. They covered up for him. Restrained him whenever his fuse was about to blow.

Jade's time with Blaze was a living hell. But even this hell was made a bit more bearable. All because they cushioned the blows.

Jade never fully understood this. He never got why the three were so loyal to him. But that is only because he never saw things from their perspective. To them, Jade was a light of hope. A beacon of light in a stormy sea. A radiance at the end of a long, dark and suffocating tunnel.

Jade never gave up no matter what he went through. He would always be level headed, facing all difficulties to the best of his abilities. Calculatingly. While also placing his teammates into consideration.

Even that visit to the Void was a selfless act. One which he did for people he respected. He had nothing to gain from it but the safety of the paladins.

He may have the same flames as King Nova. He may look like a complete snob who cares for nobody else but himself. But Jade was everything but these. That is why the three were watching him closely. Walking in the same road as he because, they wanted to turn that same light into a dazzling radiance. One which could illumine the whole of the fire domain. With the people screaming his name in cheers of joy.

This was the only future they would allow. And they are willing to risk flesh and bone in order to ensure that it becomes a reality.

"Fine we'll follow you then your highness." Nathan said, raising his hands in complete defeat.

"But the moment anything happens, you can't stop us from burning everything got it?"

"Isn't that a bit intense?" Jade said, knowing that they really meant what they said.

"Hey we're only going to follow what you want if you also listen to our conditions. So what will it be?" Cinder insisted, having it no other way and finally making Jade give up.

"Fine. Now can you guys please go and have some fun?"

"Is that an order your highness?" Nathan asked.

"Can you stop calling me that?"

"Not until you accept your fate as the next king." Tristan insisted.

"Fine. Just go, I have a long day ahead of me." With this the three walked in front of him. Kneeling down as they said in unison:

"Understood your highness." The three ran off immediately after that. With Jade getting the attention of the other visitors who walked through the gate. Making Jade raise the hood of his cloak in embarrassment.

"I swear I'm gonna burn you guys when I get the chance." Jade jokingly said as he also began running.

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