A Story of Evil

Chapter 160: Hendrickson and Nathaniel III

Chapter 160: Hendrickson and Nathaniel III

The nest of the monkeys sits on an area where tall trees are located. These are larger than the common trees of the forest, standing at a solid three feet higher. However, not all of the monkeys are allowed to go to its top. Only the strongest and the most important members of the tribe are given the safety of this spot. Meanwhile the other members need to focus on the regular duties.

Because of this properly established hierarchy, they became the fear of other normal monsters. Placing them on a level that could rival the stronger monsters of the forest. In fact, it is because of this same hierarchy that they are able to ward off stronger monsters.

Rick and Nathan aren't aware of this. Not of the level of intellect which the monkeys had, nor their hierarchy. But they didn't need to know such a thing because, whether they were informed of it or not, Nathan's plan would remain the same. That is, to charge ahead and take the monsters by surprise.

One by one the trees surrounding their nest fell down. There was no stop to this and, monkeys were dispatched in order to look for what was going on. Yet even before they cloud leave their area, a huge hurricane of flames surrounded them from every side. Preventing them from coming out and, burning the trees at the trees which were unfortunate enough to come in contact to it.

The monkeys shrieked in alarm as they heard more of the trees coming down. Yet they couldn't do anything. That is, until a person dashed through the blue flames. His gigantic weapon was the first thing noticed by the monkeys which saw him as Hendrickson screamed:


One by one Hendrickson also took down the trees on the end of the nest creating a clod of dust which left the monkeys both alarmed and confused. They began screaming in a strange tone resonating within

which was used to alarm the others of an invasion. Then there were other monsters ringing a bell that signaled the other monkeys to prepare for battle.

But it was no use. Henderson's shadow continued swiftly moving around the expanse of the monkeys' territory. Cutting down more and more trees. The monkeys couldn't simply fire their bombs for fear that there were injured comrades caught in the fall.

Nathan, however, wasn't as forgiving. With his ultimate skill, the hurricane of flame, finally dying down, he rushed inside and began igniting the trees that fell down. Creating a large field of smoke which hindered the monsters from seeing what was happening.

The blue flames rose higher and higher, surrounding them on every corner just like the hurricane. Even the ones on the main tree have been alarmed yet, they coudln't simply go down their tree for fear that they would also be burnt along the way.

No monkey was able to escape as the walls of flame surrounding the expanse of the territory on every side. And just like that, the monsters have been forced to an infight. One which they couldn't escape from anymore.

"Good job Rick." Nathan said, through the communication bracelet.

"Yeah but I don't see any crystal yet." Hendrickson replied in excitement and delight.

"That's probably because they've left it on that high tree in the middle." Was the witty response of the flame user.

"Want me to cut it down?"

"Of course I do but we should leave that for later. For now let's focus on the next phase of the plan."

"Roger that."

The monkeys were forced to use their explosives on the flames. They blew bomb after bomb on these. With the injure monkeys also detonating in order to lessen the flames.

Nathan and Rick were forced to take cover during this time because, the shockwave and tremors were enough to shake the nearby trees. In fact, it was so strong that the tremors reached further. Causing other monsters within close proximity to run away. Other monkeys began spraying water over the flames which have greatly reduced it even more. Creating larger and thicker smoke that served as a smokescreen.

This was one thing which Nathan gambled on. Knowing that their opponents were explosives users; he was sure of one thing. That they were bound to have a way to take out fires. This is something which exists in the fire domain as cases of fire needed to be prevented on a day to day basis. Walls resistant to fire, reduction of flammable materials and, having a large water source. If the domain had all of this then, the monkeys were sure to have a safety measure as well. After all, the forest was still unburnt up to that day.

The monkeys were the only ones making noises at that point. Going everywhere there were flames. Holding pouches of water and spraying its contents over the area. There were others which threw what seemed to be water bombs. Splashing over the fire and killing it.

This was Nathan and Hendrickson's way to track their opponents. With all the noise and business made by the monkeys in order to protect their place, the two knew exactly where to go. Navigating through the field of smoke until they reached their targets and, with this, they've finally secured a few more kills.

The sound of monkeys shrieking as they died was heard by the others. They went into battle stance. Making sounds that meant they were ready to fight. But all they wet was the tail of Nathan's whip. Burning them with the flames that crackled with every stroke made by the fire user's weapon.

Meanwhile Hendrickson charged head on. With the numbers of the monkeys trimmed down and, with their mentality in shambles, there was no way for all their attacks to hit. Hence ensuring that his [Iron Clad] would remain much longer.

Nathan and Rick threw away the corpses as far as they could. The monsters, although already dead, continued exploding one by one. This sustained the chaos which the two wanted to keep for a while longer as, they continued killing the other monkeys that remained.

Without their trees. Without any vision. With their allies scattered all around there was no way for them to utilize their explosions. They were left in the dark, awaiting the inevitable death. With the grim reaper's scythe being delivered by Nathaniel and Hendrickson.

One by one they killed the remaining monkeys and, on top of the high tree, the top monkeys could do noting but wait. They were still stuck there after all...but not for long.

The sound of monkeys dying was intense for a couple of second. Accompanying this are the sounds of explosions and other noises caused by the fight. But then it finally diminished bit by bit until, there was none of it left.

Everything was too late at this point. They felt something shaking the tree and, soon enough, the tallest tree began crashing down. The monkeys all jumped off of it and, as this hit the ground, a strong gust of wind was created. Blowing away all the leftover smoke and dust and, leaving only the culprits of the act on the area.

The monsters didn't waste any time and began their counter attack. Taking revenge for their fallen brethren. There was one the size of an ape while another was a standard sized monkey with more bombs than usual. A third uses a staff which meant that it was a sorcerer.

Hendrickson took care of the ape facing it head on. Meanwhile, the bomb user too the liberty of freely attacking Nathan who began distancing himself so as to not hit his partner. While at it, fireballs began flying at him in high speed.

"Well this should be a bit difficult." Was all that Nathan could comment as he immediately shifted his center of balance. Putting all of it on one foot as he spun his body, gaining enough momentum as he crackled his whip again. Hitting all the bombs that were aimed at him and, the fireballs along thee way.

Due to him being a fire user, his whip was also made to be resistant to flames. Hence explaining how he was able to destroy the fireballs. The monkeys moved to their next spell but Nathan was faster than them. He launched another fire spell, creating smaller hurricanes of flames in front of them which both obstructed their sight and surprised them.

Within this interval, Nathan made his whip go through the hurricanes. Absorbing the blue flames as the weapon inevitably made contact with the two monkeys. Burning them as the hurricanes also began moving toward their direction and consuming them inside of it.

Meanwhile Hendrickson was having an almost even fight with the ape. It's body was coated in a skill similar to his own [Rock Solid]. However, the steel user's skill proved to be superior as, even in their exchange of blows, eh was the only one who didn't flinch. Getting the upper hand is he continued swinging his weapon wildly, one hit after the other. Until, his weapon finally pierced through the ape's flesh.

Hendrickson didn't waste any time and pulled the trigger of his claymore. Activating the chainsaw which ripped through the flesh even more. Making the ape scream in pain as it tried taking the weapon out. Yet it was to no avail. Hendrickson was superior even in terms of raw strength and, this proved to be the deciding factor in that situation as the steel user finally cut the creatures body in half. Killing it instantly as its blood sprayed on the floor.

"Well that was tougher than I expected." Hendrickson commented.

"Yeah, it's a good thing we saved up some mana for an unexpected fight."

"Ha! We would've won either way." 

"Yeah yeah. Anyway, I don't know about you but, I wanna check out what we've got for ourselves." Nathan said as he pointed to the main cabin of the tree. With his partner gladly taking him up on the offer as they ran toward the reward which they expected.

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