A Story of Evil

Chapter 161: Solomon and Cain

Chapter 161: Solomon and Cain

Unfortunately for Sol and Cain, the route they took had the most number of monsters on its road. There are goblin camps. Iron bears. Shark-teeth hounds. And many more.

However they have yet to learn this and, were simply focusing on killing all the killer bees which were their first prey.

Cain changed his bullet to a lightning one and set up metal rods around the area. Meanwhile Sol squashed a large portion of this down on the ground. Using the same gravity magic to place them on a single spot as he threw a grenade at them. Exploding as soon as it made contact with the pack of bees.

"Man that skill is really like a cheat." Cain thought to himself as he was still meticulously placing all the rod while shooting bees from time to time.

"Cain you better hurry up, I'm already done with my part."

"Well this would've been a lot more fair if you didn't have powers Sol." He exclaimed, placing the last rod as he dodged the barrage of stinger needles fired by the bees. He then charged his gun with the lightning bullets loaded and, fired at one of the rods.

This immediately created a chain, with the rods sharing the lightning while also keeping its power level to the maximum. The display lasted for a few seconds, frying the remainder of the bees and making their burnt flesh mix with the forest air.

The monsters scattered to the ground afterward. These aren't the regular sized bees but ones which are as big as average sized sparrows. Plus, they are also carnivorous, with their stinger serving as a suction tool that can absorb any flesh it comes into contact with.

Fortunately both Sol and Cain managed to dodge every attack. Leaving them standing in the middle of a corpse filled ground.

"That attack was kinda nasty don't you think?" Sol commented.

"Says the one who made the body parts blow up."

"Fair enough." Was Sol's short reply as his friend looked at a distance before asking.

"Where do we go from here?"

When the bees attacked them, the creatures actually came from every corner. Thus, there was no way to know what direction they came from. That is, if one couldn't look through the details properly.

"Most of the bees came from the left while the least amount came from the right. If we follow the logic of how any living being would position themselves, the larger swarm was probably where the real nest of the bees was while, the right side was them running from something."

"Then what about the other bees which came from other directions?" 

"Well they're closer to the location where the smaller swarm was. Meaning, that is the real nest and the other one serves the purpose of confusing predators."

"Aren't you giving too much credit to the bees? They don't seem that intelligent to me." Cain was right about this. The two fought fairly well against the swarm despite the number of bees. Inf act, both of them set up traps and, the monsters easily fell for this without any sign of reading through the movements of the humans.

"I'm not giving them credit. I'm crediting whatever it is that's controlling them." Sol said, using his [Analyze] on one corpse.

[Monster Name: None]

[Species: Insect]

[Specification: Controlled Carnivorous Bee]


[Information: A higher class monster is controlling the bees. Due to the level difference between you and the creature, no other information can be provided.]

"Won't your thinking skills get dull by constantly using that skill?"

"Nah. I don't rely on this for a lot of occasions plus, it's not like I get a lot of information from it." Sol said in reply, referring to the fact that his level was still too low.

"That's good then, I don't want you dulling out on me."

"You should worry more about yourself. I have my skills to back me up."

"You've become really cheeky huh. Anyway, what direction do we need to take."

"Let's head straight up north."

"Wait didn't you just say that the bees were most likely nesting from the left and the right side?"

"I did. But if they suddenly attacked us it means that we are right on track. Those bees were probably used as diversions in order to confuse us and make us go to another direction."

"That's actually pretty smart."

"Of course it is. I'm the one who thought of it after all." Sol said in reply, grinning at his friend who simply sighed back at him.

It was the first time that the two got back together after a long time. Sol didn't intend for things to be this way though. He simply wanted to assess Cain's skills more in order for more combinations and tactics to be usable during fights.

Nevertheless it was still a great chance for them to catch up. With the two being more than willing to talk with one another. There was no rewason not to after all. They are best friends and, in both their heads this still holds true.

Yet at the same time they had a mission to finish. That is why Sol insisted that they move a bit faster while also being on high alert. He even activated his [Spatial Awareness] just to make sure that they won't suddenly get ambushed again.

Meanwhile, Cain made sure that the night vision on his mask was turned on. It was still daytime but, since there was so much shade provided by the trees, it was a bit difficult for him to make out the surroundings. Plus his night vision also worked as a heat signature detector. Allowing him to see if any kind of lifeform aside from plants was nearby.

Little by little, the conversation of the two died off. It wasn't because they were bored with each other nor because they lost interest. The only reason why the two didn't speak so much was because, they needed to focus on their work. There was a time for everything. Even during their time in the plantation, the two respected this rule between themselves. And that moment was no different.

They had a clear picture of what they needed to do and, were properly driven by it. If it was Hendrickson and Nathaniel who were placed on the same route; they would've probably been placed in trouble multiple times over. The same thing which Sol and Cain were tio face once again as both of them sensed another group of monsters.

"Can they see us?" Cain murmured to his partner; cocking his guns in preparation.

"I doubt but, that won't be the case for long." Was Sol's reply as both of them felt the rumbling on the ground.

There wasn't any explosion. Nor any earthquake. The cause of the tremors were the monsters which the two detected a whole wave of rock bulls charging towards where they were.

"Sol we I'd be really grateful if you think up of a strategy right about now."

"Working on it." Was the boy's response as he began working his brain on a possible solution.

He thought that it was impossible for them to escape the predicament. There are various reasons for this but, there were two things which came at the top of his head. The first was that there was probably a way for the leader of the monsters to chase them even though they already ran away; thus making the effort futile. Then there was also a large possibility for the bulls to catch them in their escape as, the creatures are faster than humans.

Hence the only solution was to face them head on. Something which made Sol smile as he thought about it.

"You know that look of yours still makes me nervous." Cain said as he looked at his partner's face.

"What are you talking about? This is a perfectly normal facial expression."

"Expression wise, sure it's normal. But as for the situation where you use it, I bet you're the only one crazy enough to be happy right now."

"I'm not though. I just thought up of a plan to defeat them."

"Of course you have." Cain sarcastically said in reply, as if it was normal for a person to come up with a solution in such a situation.

"Well let's hear it then." He furthered, making Sol come close to him as the command was whispered.

The sound of the bulls running increased quickly and so did the tremors. But the two boys didn't care about it at that moment. In fact, Cain was so immersed into Sol's plan that his eyes widened in a realization that was so simple that he overlooked it.

"You crazy son of a..."

"No time for curses Cain, we need to get moving." Sol said, standing immediately.

"Fine. But we should rest after this fight." Cain said in reply, changing his weapon into a machine gun.

"Of course we will. So just focus on your part and I'll handle the rest." Sol said in reply as Cain's weapon began warming up.

"Roger that." Was all that the gun wielder said in reply as he finally pulled the trigger.

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