A Story of Evil

Chapter 88: The Company

Chapter 88: The Company


"Honestly, why are all my wives so noisy today." The Void king said, turning to see Lilia show showed up the minute he stepped inside Pentagon. She looked at him in a strange way, as if something was missing. King Jubilee guessed what this was easily.

"If you're looking for Sol, he's not here. I made him accompany my son."

"You made him what?"

"Sol accompanied Jules. They should be making their way to the plantation as we speak." Lilia looked at the king like he was some sort of madman.

"Jubileehas all this work fried your brain cells? You made Sol accompany your crazed lunatic of a son?"

"Lilia, calm down it's not like the world would end."

"Oh it might as well if that boy gets injured again." Lilia said; a headache forming in his head at that moment.

Meanwhile, Jubilee was just silent. He stood perfectly still which unsettled Lilia a bit.

"Hey don't tell me you got hurt by what I said? That wasn't even a good blow." As soon as she said this, the Void king began coughing.

Jubilee held on to the wall with his fingers shaking. He looked at the hand that covered his mouth. With blood spilled on it as his vision began getting a bit hazy and, his legs softening up like noodles. Lilia moved to assist him. However, the king shook his head, making the researcher stop on her tracks.

"I don't have much time Lilia. Whether you like it or not, my son will step up soon."

"Dammit Jubilee. You know I hate it when you talk like that." She said, doing as she initially intended. Carrying some of Jubilee's weight as she placed his arm over her shoulders. 

"fine. Have it your way. Just don't die before you fulfill your promise." 

"Don't worry. I won't."

"Before we begin, let's establish some ground rules." Prince Jules began.

"Uhmokay?" Sol said in reply, getting the prince to furrow his eyebrows.

"Even your voice is irritating." He said in a disgusted tone.

The two were at the front gate of the Void domain. The two maids of the prince were also with them, ensuring that all of the needs of Jules were attended to. Apart from this, they were on their own.

There was no vehicle for them to use. Not that it was a problem. The plantation has changed so drastically that, even the walk itself was not a drag if one was to visit the plantation.

"Stay at least five feet away from me. You are not to speak unless spoken to and, you are not to close our distance unless I say so. Do I make myself clear?"


"I also don't like your tone. Refer to me as 'your lordship' if you want to keep your head intact."

Sol's gut was already twisting at that time. It was yet again another typical nobility that he was facing. One who thought highly of himself and spoke as if he has control over the world. Wherein fact, Sol knew that he could easily mop the floor with the said prince.

"Understood?" Prince Jules repeated, with Sol forcing a smile on his face as he replied.

"Yes your lordship." He said, cringing from the title he needed to pronounce.

"Good. For a mule you learn fast."

"I swear this guy is gonna die early." Sol thought to himself as, they finally went their way.

Things have changed quite drastically from when Sol was still a worker in the plantation. Just as they left the gate, there were already workers all around. Everyone was busy doing their jobs. Yet Sol could see a visible happiness on their faces. And he understood why.

Seedlings, ones which stood at 5 feet in height filed up in straight lines. There were varieties of fruit bearing trees and, some were wood to be used for construction. Not a single one of the plants looked to be withering and, their number stretched out until the entrance of the real plantation. The Garden of Eden.

All the monsters within that area have been exterminated which wasn't that much. In fact, there was only a sizeable amount which Onyx and the other knights took care off. As for the land, it was enriched using the earth [Core Seal]. This is accompanied by an irrigation system developed by Lilia and the King which, the other domains also imitated.

"Mule, come here." The prince said.

"What is it your lordship?" Sol said, moving close to the prince.

"What are those things that look like miniature rivers?"

"That is the irrigation system your lordship."


"Yes, it is a way for the plants to be continually watered without the need for workers to go near them."

Sol then gave a short explanation. The idea is that there is a canal made of steel placed near the plants. Small tubes are attached to these, piercing in a downward slanted pipe buried on the ground. Water is constantly running on the canal and, only a minimal amount goes through the pipes. Just enough to nurture the plants.

"I see. This is truly a magnificent invention then. What else is there mule?"

Sol began pointing the trees one by one. Giving short descriptions of each while also giving some useful facts about them. Sol was completely immersed and, so was Jules. They didn't quite notice it but, the 5ft distance rule established by the prince was abolished right away.

Yet as they neared the gate, Jules came to this realization. Telling Sol "know your place" as the boy made a bow and retreated.

"This guy's personality is really weird." Sol thought to himself as they finally arrived at the Void domain's plantation.

Unlike the outside, the real plantation was quite different. Intercropping was being practiced, mixing plants of different variety together instead of simply a single file of the same kind of crop. Most of these are food crops while some cash crops are also available. This including crops used for making both cigars and liquor.

The people immediately recognized those that came. They walked towards the two. With prince Jules having visible pleasure written all over his face.

"That's right. Welcome your future king." He said awaiting the people to flock to him yet, the opposite happened. They all went past him and towards Sol.

"It's the kid who won from the Culling!" A female worker announced. In a tone befitting a fan.

"Sol, do you remember me? I'm the one who gave you the rat that you asked." Said a man who took all of Sol's harvest before and threw the rat at his face.

"My children are big fans of yours. Do you want to take a visit to our place?" Said another who once said that orphans should just die.

"Hey come on guys don't flock over the child! By the way if you want to be adopted, my house will gladly welcome you."

The words were as shallow as they could get. Sol knew that these were nothing but empty praises. But to the eyes of the proud prince, this was nothing but an insult.

"You people dare disregard your me!" Prince Jules screamed. He thought the people would kneel in fear right away but, all he could see on their faces was confusion.

"Hey who is that kid?" One worker whispered.

"Don't ask me. I'm just as clueless as you are." Another said.

Unlike King Jubilee, the prince didn't frequent the slums that much. The only reason he ever went there was to get his personal pleasure maids and nothing else. Apart from this, he was never broadcasted. There wasn't even much news about him. Jules, although noble in appearance, was just another normal citizen for the workers.

Sol knew that this was bad news. He can't have the prince blowing up on the first day. That's why he acted on his own.

"But of course they recognize you Prince Jules!" He began, moving in front of the group.

"They must be tired, that is why they didn't recognize you right away. The sun isn't merciful after all." The workers followed Solomon's lead - kneeling in front of the prince.

"That's more like it. From here on out I will be the one in charge of overseeing the Void plantation. You will all follow my command if you wish to keep your heads intact." The people were quiet. They were shocked about the news but, knew that they could do nothing about it.

"Do you understand?" 

"Yes, your lordship."

"Good. Now, back to your businesses." He said, diffusing the crowd which went back to their work. As soon as they all left, he placed his attention on Sol. 

"Mule, come closer." He was just about to raise his hand but, remembered that the boy was also favored by his father. Yet this didn't mean that he had no way of doing so.

"Didn't I tell you to keep that mouth of your shut and to stay five feet away from me?" It was a trap set for Solomon. Jules knew that even his father would not be bothered if he hurt the boy. So long as Solomon went against his orders. He was still the prince after all.

"Well? Aren't you going to say anything?" Prince Jules said as the boy was quiet.

"You have yet given me permission to speak." The boy said in a flat tone. Irritating the prince even more.

"Speak." He said.

"With all due respect your lordship, the workers were directly disrespecting you by going straight to me. I could not allow such a defilement of the nobility to go on. That is why I needed to step out of line."

Prince Jules looked even more furious at that moment. Not because Sol's answer was stupid. But because it was as logical as it could get. He couldn't raise a hand on Sol. Not at that moment at least.

"Fine. You are forgiven from your offense." The prince said, walking away together with his two maids.

"This is gonna be a long day." Sol thought to himself. Following the prince around the plantation.

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