A Story of Evil

Chapter 89: The Queen

Chapter 89: The Queen

"Are you sure you're allowed to fight?" Alice held a wooden training sword on her hand. Waiting for her opponent who was still stretching at that moment. Sol.

"Yeah. I'm basically fully healed now so you shouldn't worry too much about me." The boy said, wanting to get some sweat going. He was idle for so long that his muscles needed to be stretched again and, the best way he knew how was to move every inch of it. Namely, through sparring.

"HehYou know, come to think of it. We've never actually had a real duel before." Alice mentioned, swinging her arm in a clockwise motion.

"Pretty much, we've always been caught up on a bunch of stuff where dueling wasn't necessary. So, you know." Sol raised his own sword; signaling that he was ready.

"Shall we begin?" He said, with an excited smile forming on his opponent's face.

"This will be your first loss." Alice declared.

"I doubt it."

The first to strike was Alice moving in a straight path and throwing her sword at Sol. Although surprised, Sol was able to pivot his body to the side. Parrying the sword and making it fling across the other side of the room.

Meanwhile Alice simply pressed forward. Closing the distance between them perfectly. There was no room for Sol to either strike or back away. Alice used this opportunity to grab Sol's right arm which held the sword. Moving in for a grapple as they began falling to the ground.

Sol activated [Spatial Awareness] at that moment. Releasing his sword and hitting it with his right foot. Flinging it towards his left hand which perfectly caught the weapon. Hence as soon as they reached the ground, Sol went for a strike.

Yet Alice was as nimble in getting away as she was getting close. She released her hold on Sol. Making her way to her sword for a reset. Leaving a fair amount of distance once again open between the two of them.

"Using skills isn't fair you know." Alice said, knowing full well that Sol's normal reaction wouldn't have made that play possible.

"Says the woman who can kill ten lightning wolves without any passive skill." Sol said in reply.

"Fair enough." Alice said, as the fight resumed.

Their training happened on the same night after Sol's visit to the plantation. A lot of things happened that day yet, unknowingly, there was still more to come.

With the Culling finished, the stage has been set for the real enemies to appear. Ones which worked in the shadows. Waiting for the time to strike.

In the dead of the night, a single hooded figure moved hastily across the alleys. Because of Jubilee's meddling, the streets were beginning to light up better than before. All because of a secret method he was using to harness more electricity. This made stealth almost non-existent.

"No matter what I do, he's always meddling and making it difficult." The hooded figure said, finally reaching the gates of the inner wall. Handing out a pouch to the guards positioned there. The small container made clinking sounds; drawing a satisfied smile on both guard's faces as they opened it.

Only after passing through did she take off her hood. Revealing her face to the people who waited for her there.

"Welcome to the slums Queen Octavia."

"Mention my name again and I'll order your execution by tomorrow."

"Oh now we can't have that. Let's get going then."

Just like Jules, Queen Octavia didn't like frequenting the slums. In fact, she avoided it as much as possible. Of course it was getting better. Trees and other plants were beginning to thrive within the area. Yet everything was just too barbaric for her taste. The people were too wild and unruly and, their ways primitive as much as it was revolting.

"After you." The man said as they finally reached their destination. A delivery truck filled with crates inside.

"How sure are you that this is going to work?" The queen asked. Suspicious of the methods of the man up to that point.

"Oh I'm plenty sure. I've done this more times than I can count. You aren't the first to request my service after all." He simply said as a foxlike grin formed on his face.

"Fine then. I'll leave the rest to you." She said, entering the back of the truck which was closed right away.

Octavia positioned herself at that frontmost part. Hidden within a stack of crates. It was dark, cramped, and smelled like dead rats inside. But she had to endure. All because her husband didn't approve of her request.

They began moving right away. On the side of the vehicle was a small hole. Just enough for Octavia to peek through and, ensure that they were going to the right place. The sound of an engine starting soon came and, a few seconds later, they were on their way.

It was obvious where she was going to. With how persistent the queen was, she wouldn't allow her plans to be foiled that easily. Hence, she made her way to the bishop himself. To the prison which held him. Hoping that things would flow in her favor while also checking in on the bishop's current state.

The vehicle moved fast. They passed by a few rundown sheds and, a bunch of drunkards. The slums was still true to its name. With most of its citizens holding on to sin like their own children. Nurturing these until they are consumed.

"Vile filths." Octavia whispered, holding on to her shoulder which began shaking at that point.'

"You people disgust me." She decided to close her eyes at that point, waiting to reach their real destination. Something which didn't take that long.

"Hey Matheo, you're back early." The guard of the prison said, moving close to the window of the vehicle.

"Yeah well, I've got some deliveries to make." He said, sliding a few gold coins to the hand of the guard who looked around.

"What cell number?"

"Two hundred and sixty." The guard whistled, understanding the danger he was in.

"Your delivery seems to be heavier than usual." The guard put out his palm, making Matheo scratch the back of his head as he gave two more gold coins.

"That'll do. Just follow the usual routine. I'll handle my buddies on the other side."

The two slowly made their way inside. There were a lot of soldiers around the area. Watchtowers were also filled by guards. But nobody minded the midnight transfer of goods. It was usual for things to be delivered at night hours and so, everyone at the facility got used to it.

Upon reaching the garage, Matheo knocked on the vehicle. A bunch of sounds were made by the queen as she got out.

"It took longer than you said it would."

"Well, these things aren't that easy to arrange you know. Especially because nobody is allowed to visit that Bishop of yours." Matheo said, opening another crate and taking out a soldier uniform for the queen.

"Wear this. The armor should be able to hide that bust of yours."

"Thank you for your concern pervert." The queen said, moving to the other side of the vehicle as she began changing clothes.

"While you're at it, I want you to understand a few things. One, you must follow the route I told you. Don't take any detour. Two, put on your cap and leave it on. Make sure that it hides even your eyes. Third, don't initiate conversation until you reach the cell."

"Is that all?" The queen said, coming out with the outfit already worn,

"Oh and, please refrain from walking the way you do. Your hips sway too much."

"One more insult from you and I'll make sure you never do business again." The queen said with an irritate glare.

"Hey, I'm just concerned for my client is all." He said, raising his hands in defeat.

"You don't need to worry about me. I can handle this perfectly on my own." The queen said, finally heading out.

The only part of the facility which the queen had on her head was her destination. The whole structure of the building in itself as well as the chain of command were foreign to her. She has never visited the place after all. Making that illegal entry of hers the first.

"Jubilee sure knows how to spend all the resources." She thought to herself as she continued walking.

Every part of the facility had proper lighting. There were soldiers everywhere and, although they tried to hide it, most of them were actually sleeping where they stood. Some were gambling while, some were eating.

While it was true that the location was heavily guarded, the guards themselves weren't necessarily that true to their jobs. It was just as Matheo told her. Most of the soldiers weren't fired when Jubilee began the reform. They retained their positions while Knights were appointed to lead them.

But at such an hour, even the knight would be resting. Leaving security laxer than it should actually be. With this, the queen had no trouble reaching her goal. To one of the farthest prison cell inside the facility.

There was a door right in front of her. With the sign of [Solitary Confinement] written on top. She brought out a crystal on her pocket. Something which was also given by Matheo to her.

"Okay, I'm supposed to use this now." She placed it on the hole in the middle of the door. It lighted up immediately and, the door began sliding open for the queen.

"This is a piece of cake." She said, stepping inside as the lights opened up only for her eyes to widen in at what was in front of her. Sitting on top of a table, was a Knight of king Jubilee.

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