A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 139: NHASC-001(Part-1)

Chapter 139: NHASC-001(Part-1)

Ryan looked at the metallic ore in front of him, which itself did not look different from its normal counterpart, except for the fact that it was incredibly cold, so cold that water froze instantly upon coming into contact, as such everyone had to wear gloves or use tongs to even touch it.

"Incredible this cold iron is incredible, so is it difficult to use?"

The dwarven smith gave a nod as he spoke with a sigh, "Yes Your Holiness, because of it cold nature heating it up is very difficult not to mention it cools down extremely fast, and as such it requires special process to smelt and create something out of it."

"I see so can it be used to create something like steel."

The Dwarven smith nodded in agreement as he spoke, "Yes, it is advisable to convert it to either convert it into steel or store it under oil as it rusts too fast, but even after being converted into steel it still retains its coldness."

Ryan's frown deepened as he spoke, "I see so it is useless if used to created armor."

"Yes, it is as you have said Your Holiness, it can only be used to create weapons or items that are used to store others in cooler environment."

"I see then but then how do you protect the user from his weapon, a doubt a simply handle would work."

"We make a concoction with various herbs that we soak the cloth that is used to wrap the weapon handle part, and in some cases extra layer of wood is used."

Ryan frowned as hard as he spoke, "I see, so can you make me cold steel ingots and that special concoction for me?"

The Dwarven smith gave an enthusiastic nod as he spoke, "Yes Your Holiness I am skilled enough to make it."

"Then please make me as much as possible fast."

"Your Holiness can I get help because alone it would be difficult for me to finish them fast."

"Of course feel free to ask for any help including mine."

The Dwarven smith gave a small nod as he spoke, "Thank you, Your Highness and I would immediately ask for your help when it is required."

With that Ryan walked away while his mind was swimming with thoughts about his latest project, according to the advice that he had received from his patron God his latest project would need the lightest material possible, he had at first suggested using various alloys that were used for the creation of aircraft but Avtis did not agree with him and was instructed to search for other options.

'How long are you trying to just be satisfied with simply copying something, I know that you share ancestors with monkeys but taking the saying 'monkey see, monkey do', as you life's mantra is ridiculous, sad and pathetic.'

Ryan sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair as a small sense of relief seemed to blossom inside him, 'My idea of consulting the Dwarves proved out to be the correct one, they are masters of their craft and know their metals well.'

Ryan closed his eyes as the blueprint of his project floated in front of his eyes, 'It is so complicated and I need to make it within four days, and then there is also the matter of gears for the team, so much work and so little time.'

Ryan suddenly swayed as a sudden bout of dizziness hit him, the blueprint disappeared as he opened his eyes only for his vision to turn black but before he could fall on the ground he was caught by a strong pair of arms.

"Easy there Ryan, easy I think you have done enough for today and you need some bed rest at the very least until the Dwarves have finished their job."

Ryan's vision returned as he spoke with a tired smile, "Thank you aunt Zhan."

Zhan smiled back at him before a frown formed on her face as she spoke, "Ryan, you seemed to have become even more lighter, are you taking care of yourself."

Ryan huffed at her words as he replied to her, "Auntie you have grown stronger enough to bench press tank so of course I will feel lighter to you, though I believe you are right I would like to take to some nap."

Meanwhile, Catherine had just returned home or rather the apartment that their family had been allocated to, and as she entered the apartment she was assaulted with the smell of food being cooked.

Although they had managed to acquire an apartment, their living condition was not good, as Catherine's eyes roamed around their apartment a sigh escaped her lips, 'It is 2BHK only in name, it is so small and tiny even my bathroom back at home was bigger than the rooms, not to mention the kitchen, dining, hall and living space was all rolled into one, the bathroom is so tiny that it ended as soon as it began but more importantly'

Her eyes then fell on her grandmother as a brief distaste flickered through her face, and as she watched her mother giving her a tight smile followed by the scowl on Beth's face it did not take much for her to understand that another fight had taken place between them.

'Ugh, why do we have to deal with the old hag, always complaining about everything yet she sits in the corner all day brooding without doing any work, not to mention how we are forced to share room with her, especially at night when she passes gas while sleeping, so disgusting I want to throw up.'

"Is everything alright, Catherine?'

Broken out of her inner thoughts Catherine hastily spoke with a tired smile on her face, "Nothing mom, I am just tired."

"I see, so how was your day?"

"Same old stuff, learning new things creating pills nothing new."

"So are you enjoying your work?"

Catherine turned to look at the speaker as she spoke with a smile, "Welcome home father so how was your day."

Marcel smiled back at her as he spoke, "It is tiring but I seemed to be enjoying the work, seems like I am finally losing my gut and working my way towards some as you mom says 'yummy' abs."

Catherine grimaced but before she could speak Ileana had already arrived at the scene as she spoke in a tired voice, "Yes whatever but neither sis nor I wish to hear what mom things about your body, on the other hand mom is the food ready, I am about to drop dead."

Marcel helped her bruised covered daughter to slowly enter their place of stay as Ileana grumbled as she spoke, "I wish we were at the ground floor."

"Ileana! You seemed to be more worn out than you normally are, did something happen?"

"Nothing dad, just one of my fellow militia recruits angered our drill instructor and she ran us to the ground."

As Marcel helped Ileana to seat down, Catherine pinched her nose as she spoke, "You stink very bad."

Ileana scowled at her as she spoke, "If I had strength left in me I would have flipped you, but enough of that did you see the missiles."

Catherine shook her head as she spoke with a sigh, "No I was busy studying, I heard tidbits about it, but did you see it."

Ileana had a smug look on her face as she spoke, "Yes I did, and it was so cool seeing the barrage of missiles."

Marcel gave a nod as he spoke, "I might have seen it too from a distance but it looked cool."

Eleanora frowned as she spoke, "So, what was different about it, they had been practicing it for a few times now."

"Yes mom they had been but this time it was a large barrage that brother used to kill some kind of supersized creature."

Ileana's words garnered her undivided attention as Beth spoke for the first time, "What creature needed those missiles?"

"Well unfortunately I have not seen it but from what I have heard from the grapevine, the creature was as big as twenty story building."

Hearing that everyone's eyes widen as Eleanora spoke with disbelief in her voice, "Surely you are joking."

Ileana shook her head as she spoke, "No I am not, and the creature is called Hive, from what I have heard it is like a mobile fortress which carries hundreds of undead inside it and it moves by jumping from one place to another, and also I have heard that Ryan and one of his fellow apostle had come into contact with it and barely escaped with their lives."

Marcel frowned as he spoke, "That child always risking his life needlessly."

"True father but because of him many of us are alive and now we have a thriving community."

"True, Ileana so true, but I hope he would stop charging ahead like that, there are plenty of people stronger than him."

"Once again true father but you are forgetting currently our world is like survival of the strongest, as long as you are strong you would have no problem, upon saying that I believe it is high time you two apply for hunting party license."

Beth frowned as she spoke, "I do not see the need for you all to risk your life for some level increase, even if you leave a normal life your level would increase."

Catherine rolled her eyes as she spoke, "Yes, it would if leave for a hundred years of normal life then you would scrap by to the lower thirties by the time you die."

Ileana gave a nod as she spoke, "Yes grandma, naturally waiting for is a waste of time and increasing one's level also increases one's life force, thus the chances of you falling sick is low not to mention your lifespan increases as well as your youth."

Eleanora sighed as she spoke, "Even then I do not know if I can face any dangerous creature head on."

Catherine gave a nod as she spoke a sigh, "I understand mom, and others do too as such joining a hunt is voluntary, but you have to remember that the stronger you grow the better your immunity becomes."

Ileana let out a sigh as she spoke, "Not to mention we are still escorted and helped by the black wolves, but they are getting restless and I do not know how long they will keep on escorting us."

Beth frowned as she spoke, "But it is their job."

Ileana shook her head as she spoke, "To them escorting the hunt is waste of time as they get nothing in return except wasting their time, their ultimate goal is to grow stronger and even the weakest of them is in the mid twenties level, not to mention many of them wish to join Ryan."

Marcel frowned as he could not help but ask out loud, "What do you mean by 'Join Rya'?"

Ileana sighed as she spoke, "You have seen how a group follows with an apostle similar is going to happen as Ryan would soon create one.", Ileana was silent for a moment before she spoke again, "Before he leaves I want to be part of his group."

Catherine sighed lowly as she whispered lowly, "Me too sis, but it would be nigh impossible for us there are so many talented people but I want to join his group before he leaves."

Beth frowned as she spoke, "Leaving? Is he going somewhere?"

Both Catherine and Ileana looked at each other as Catherine began to speak, "Apostles unless it is required of them do not stay in a place for very long, and from what I have overheard the subordinates of the other two are restless and are speaking about leaving."

Ileana gave a nod of confirmation as she spoke, "Yes, I have heard something similar and that is why I am trying hard to join him and if I am not wrong Ryan would leave as well."

Eleanora frowned hard as she spoke, "You are speaking as if we would not see him at all."

Ileana simply gave a nod as she found the floor too interesting to look at as she spoke, "Yes, we would not see him for months, years and maybe never again."

Eleanora dropped the ladle from shock while a certain apostle sneezed hard as Michalina spoke with a smile, "Bless you."

Ryan grumbled as he spoke, "So they have finished making them."

Michalina gave a nod as she spoke, "Yes."

Ryan stretched as he stood up from his bed as he spoke with a yawn, "Then it is time for me to begin."

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