A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 140: NHASC-001(Part-2)

Chapter 140: NHASC-001(Part-2)

Michalina was watching Ryan closely since he had begun working on his latest project, and all she could do was stare at Ryan's creation with confusion on her face.

"Brother, can you please tell me what is that you are creating it looks bizarre."

Ryan did not glance towards her as he replied to her while fiddling with some wires, "This is an aircraft that can take off vertically and can travel on water."

"Huh, is that why it looks so weird? I have never seen something like that, what a weird idea."

"Actually big sis this is idea is not a new one, in the early 1970s a Soviet scientist named Robert Bartini proposed the design of an aircraft that uses ground effect to fly, as well as land on water, land or in any place on earth no matter the extreme condition of that place, unfortunately he died before the aircraft could be completed, but the one that I am making is based on the same principle and derived from similar designed but it looks like a love child of a Trimaran and a Concorde."

"It looks incredibly complicated."

"It is big sis, and I cannot make any mistake during its creation otherwise we might end up dying, I wish I had a way to automate the creation of a vehicle."

"I know that you will one day have a means to mass produce vehicles, just look at how you have created such marvels around, those apartments, the food gardens, the water and sewage treatment and then the industrial sector, brother you have created such wonderful bustling town."

A silence descended amongst them as Ryan finished wiring the left-wing as Michalina spoke again, "Brother, I have been wondering for sometime about something?"

"What is it Sis?"

"Do you think that one day we will have to venture out into space? Or do you think that we might have to venture out into those creatures's world to fight against them?"

Ryan let out a brief chuckle as he spoke, "That's a given sis, one day we will but may be not in the immediate future, also sis do you remember how I said that the blueprint for this aircraft was given by my patron God."

As Michalina nodded in acknowledgement Ryan continued, "When he gave me the blueprint as well as made some changes to it, he mentioned the beings, who created had created the aircraft as genius, according to Him their world had very little resources easily available to them and yet they created miracles, I noticed how he made changes to create a human friendly craft, do you understand where I am going to Micha."

Michalina's eyes widen as she spoke, "Yes I do brother, I understand that this craft is a copy of the original that had designed and created by aliens."

Ryan flashed Michalina a small smile before he let out a groan as he spoke, "My back is killing me."

"Then you should take a rest brother, you have been working hard and have already done a lot of work so I believe that you have earned your rest."

Ryan looked at the framework of the aircraft that he had created, the aircraft that was as big as a medium-sized commercial aircraft and working hard for an entire day he had managed to complete the lower part of the aircraft, as well as parts of the fuselage along with any wirings of the left-wing of the craft.

"I think I will take some rest, but I have so much to do."

Michalina gave him a pat on his back as she began to speak, "Also there is something you should know, Xuelong has picked Shakidra and Ylerias has picked Siora to accompany her."

Ryan looked at the expected look on Michalina's face, while the grip on his shoulder increased making Ryan wince a bit before he spoke with a smile, "Then I would chose you to watch my back."

The grip loosens as Ryan inwardly let out a sigh of relief, his mother Ciara had wanted to accompany him on a mission for some time now and he had wanted her to accompany him but seeing the look on Michalina's face he caved in.

'Mom is like the Mayor of the town so she cannot absent for a prolonged period of time, so I think it is for the best, not to mention no matter what Micha will always have my back.'

Ryan was about to lay down on the floor of the aircraft but he changed his mind as he felt a pang of hunger as he spoke, "Sis I think it is time for lunch is it not?"

Michalina looked up towards the sky before she spoke with a small gasp, "You are right it is time for lunch."

Even though many of the citizens, especially those that already had managed to get an apartment have started cooking off their own the communal kitchen was yet to find itself out of work.

As such the duo made their way towards the kitchen waiting for their turn to get food, and it was then that they came face to face with Siora.

Siora gave a deep bow as she greeted Ryan, "Your Holiness."

Ryan gave a small smile towards Siora as he spoke, "Raise your head Lady Siora, how is your training going on?"

"Your Holiness, it has been going well the female warriors of 'Black Wolves' have taught us very well and now I can wield a gun very well."

"That is good news so how is your preparation going on?"

"It has been going well Your Holiness, though I hope you would not mind if I still use my bow during the expedition instead of the weapons provided by you."

Ryan quickly shook his head as he spoke, "No no please feel free to use whatever weapon that you are comfortable with, I have seen various fighting tactics of yours with the bow and stripping you off of it during such a vital mission would be a great folly."

Siora bowed once again as she spoke, "Thank you for understanding Your Holiness, though we are trying to create new tactics using guns, but it might take some time researching spells that can be used properly with a gun."

"That is good and if you have any problem feel free to ask.", with that the siblings left while Siora simply bowed at the departing Apostle.

Ryan looked at the queue as he spoke with a sigh, "Let us wait a bit for the queue to die down, I do not want to stand in line."

A quick wave of his hand created a couple of chairs which the duo occupied but unfortunately, they did not have the luxury of privacy as they soon found themselves surrounded by many people most of them incredibly young.

Ryan gave a small smile and wave at them, making the awed children gush even more while a few braved themselves to approach the duo.

"Hello, what is your name?"

The small child wearing a yellow missing his front teeth and wearing a yellow tee-shirt gave a big toothy smile as he spoke up, "My name is John and I am five years."

"Nice too meet you John."

As Ryan spoke he tousled John's hair, and that seemed to break the dam as the others approached the duo.

The smallest of them being little over four years while the oldest was eight years, they had heard an about apostles a lot and had wanted to approach them but were always prevented by the adults, to them an Apostle was the most mysterious existence and finally they managed to meet with one of them up close.

"So my young friends did you have your lunch already?"

The group gave a collective nod as one of the older ones spoke up, "Your Holiness there is something that I want to ask you."

As Ryan gave an encouraging nod the girl blurted out, "How do you become an Apostle?"

Ryan hummed in deep thought before he spoke with a serious tone in his voice, "The road to become an Apostle is not an easy one so would still like to know?"

The group gave a few uneasy nods as Ryan continued to speak in a similar tone, "The road to becoming an Apostle is a tough one, you will have to listen to your parents, always try to be good and not be a fussy eater, you have to be helpful, brave and then one day if you prove yourself able the Goddess or Gods would take you as their Apostle."

The group watched with rapt attention as he spoke, "Now, you have to remember being an Apostle is an Honor that only a select few receives so please work hard, and may be one day I might have one of you as my comrades."

"I hope they are not disturbing you, Your Holiness?"

A mature voice interrupted them as Ryan looked up to see a red-headed woman who had gained some years which was evident from the streaks of white on her head.

"Hello, and I am sorry but I do not seem to recognize you."

"Ah, please pardon Your Holiness my name is Emilia Jones and I along with a few of my friends have opened a school for the little ones."

Ryan's eyes widen momentarily as he spoke with a large smile on his face, "Ah, I have heard about you and your friends, and that is something great that you all have done, please feel free to tell me if you need anything for your endeavor, children are our future and we all should nurture them."

"Thank you for your kind words Your Holiness.", the woman grimaced as he continued to speak, "Your Holiness there are some who wish to train this poor children to fight can you please tell them otherwise."

"Ah, about that please rest assured they will not be sent out to fight in the wilderness but will receive survival training so that when worse come to worse at least they can escape."

"But still they are children not to mention they are safe here, it protected us from that beast flood a few months ago."

Hearing her words Michalina could not help but speak with a snort, "With all due respect ma'am nowhere is safe there are creatures out there that can easily crossover the walls, and as for the beast flood my brother almost died trying to slay the dragon."

"Madam Jones, my entire family except for me are in the army, before the apocalypse took palce I was supposed to go to the US to pursue higher degree but that did not mean my mom did not taught me survival tactics, and because of those I am still alive, before I came to know about my status as an apostle I had due to an accident ended up in Navalach City, the entire city is comprised of nightmarish creature and with no help I escaped even if my leg was broken I escaped with my life and that was only because used every knowledge of survival that my mother taught me."

"What my brother her wants to say is that the world is much different than before, it is very deadly as such let them learn a few survival tactics it would not go wrong as at the very least it would keep them alive."

Emilia was silent for a moment before she spoke with a frown, "You have given me lot to think about."

But before anyone could say anything else Ryan's stomach let out a gurgle as he spoke with a blush, "I think it is high time for me to have my lunch so please excuse me."

Once they were out of earshot, Michalina spoke with a huff, "That woman was making a huge mistake."

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "I know but I hope that she will make the right choice, but at the same time I cannot blame her she is trying to let them enjoy what little is left of their childhood while trying to grasp what semblance of life she had left before everything went to hell."

"So true brother, so true though now I believe it is high time for you to slay the dragon roaring inside your stomach."

Ryan blushed hard from Michalina's teasing as he spoke with a huff, "Shut up Micha."

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