A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 34: The Kingdom of Slaves(Part-4)

Chapter 34: The Kingdom of Slaves(Part-4)

"Ryan, how did you manage to stop the trailer?"

"Not now Jessica, TURRETS!!!"

With Ryan's words, the turrets of Raven swivelled as they aimed for the elf look alike as Michalina spoke, "Ryan go and check inside, I want my getaway vehicle outside of any foreign control."

"Thanks, Sis, but are you going to be alright?"

"Yes now go."

Ryan glared at the kidnappers as he made his way inside the trailer, as he stepped inside he found both Nikita and Nigella were sitting on their chair limp, seeing them like that his heart hammered out loudly, 'Are they dead?', a thought that chilled him down to his bones as he gulped while moving towards them.

'If they are dead then I swear on my name those three are going to die no matter how much they plead, 'The Black Wolves' are like my family and no one harms my family.'

He aimed his gun towards the driver cabin as he crouched low, he turned his head towards his back as he slowly made his way towards the cabin on his way there he made sure to check for a pulse and found Nikita grunting a bit.

"Nikita are you alright?", but no matter how much Ryan called her Nikita could not move at all nor could she even open her eyes properly all she could do was grunt and as did Nigella.

Ryan did not like what he was seeing then all of a sudden with a cry a small girl jumped on him, he simply caught her by her throat before flinging him to the side of the trailer, as the metallic part of the trailer seemed to move like cloth as it wrapped around the girl's arms tying her to a place, despite how much she struggled.

Ryan glared at the girl whose eyes had taken a glazed look before he made his way to the driver cabin his gun raised to turn the transgressor into a pincushion.

As he neared the driver seat, Florence who was occupying the driver seat snarled as she jumped towards him, he raised his leg to kick her away from him, but as soon as his foot connected with her his vision fizzled as it went blank momentarily.




He opened his eyes as his vision swam while his head throbbed hard, 'One of these days I will die because of headache.'

"Ryan I got you.", a familiar voice came to his ears as he looked up blearily he was greeted by the sight of Nikita who helped him to stand up.

"I think I need to wear a helmet all the time, my head is killing me."

Nikita gave him a weak smile as she spoke, "These few days have been hectic for you." before her eyes fell on the prone form of Florence as her eyes harden.

"That bitch paralyzed us."

"Please I beg of you, please do not harm my wife and daughter."

As Harrison's voice came to their ears Nigella spoke with barely concealed anger in her voice, "Shut up! We rescued you and this is how you repay us, your wife paralyzed us and then tried to steal our vehicle."

"I am sorry, I am so sorry, I am so sorry for the way they acted, they are not in control, so please show mercy."

This time Ryan spoke with anger, "Shut up, yesterday when I pointed out your daughter's case, why did you not mention that your wife was also enslaved, because of you, our lives were in danger."

"I am sorry but please understand we were afraid as well as ashamed to confess to you all, so please show some mercy."

Nigella looked at the man directly into his eyes as he began to speak, "Doctor Harrison, where were you during all this chaos."

Harrison suddenly found the ground interesting as he spoke, "Well she paralyzed me."

Nigella frowned at his reply as she spoke, "Then carry her towards the living area, and Ryan tie her up."

Ryan nodded at that as Harrison protested against it, "It is inhuman what you are all trying to do, and tying up another human is against human rights."

Nikita growled at that as she spoke, "So you are telling us to let her lose so that she can paralyze us again.", at her words he tried to speak again only to stop as she raised her hand as she spoke, "Enough I am more than lenient than any other military personnel as if there was anyone else in my shoes they would have asked shot her first before asking any questions, now either you comply or get lost, we will not allow someone who would attack us at random and paralyze us lose."

"But, she is not under control, the King is influencing her."

The trio had their eyes wide open as Nigella spoke in a worried tone in her voice, "Damn it, if the information you gave is correct then he is nearby and is influencing them, you better cooperate or we are dumping you, we have to leave fast."

Harrison quickly nodded as he picked up Florence as he took her with him to the living area, where she was promptly put up in chains by Ryan, whereas Nigella dragged the struggling and screaming daughter who was sentenced the same way as her mother to be tied to the trailer with chains.

"If I find anything amiss Doctor Harrison, I will kill you and I hope you will come clean today if you know what is good for you.", the bionic eye of the speaker made Harrison a bit unnerved as he nodded in acceptance.

With his piece being said he dashed towards his sister's location, 'Damn it, I took a lot of time, who knows what is happening outside.'

As Ryan stepped outside he was greeted by the sight of at least ten strong men armed, who had appeared in front of them, as one of them stepped forward as he spoke, "Greetings fellow survivors, I am a humble emissary of our King, we want nothing from you but the dangerous fugitives that you are harbouring, and in return, we would welcome you as our guest as well as deal with those creatures that are befouling you with their presence."

The leering of the group grated on Michalina's nerves and she knew that even a blind person could see that these people have less than noble intentions, and her hunch was proven correct as Ryan approached her and whispered to her, "The wife is a slave and the King took control of her, he is lurking around here somewhere and was controlling them, the wife paralyzed everyone except her daughter and tried to flee."

Michalina gave a small nod as Ryan went and stood by her side waiting for orders whereas the Elves, who stood near holding Angela as hostage had their bows trained towards them as they watched with stoic visage but Ryan could see the fear and uncertainty in their eyes.

Angela meanwhile slowly crept away from them while her captors were otherwise occupied by the presence of the newly arrived enemy, the tension was so thick that it could be cut by a knife and once she was near enough Jessica grabbed her and cut off the rope tying her, and for the first time, the trio of elves had fear on their face.

"You will never take us alive you vile human.", one of them spoke with a snarl.

As one of the spoke, "Shut up creature no one is talking to you.", only for his foot to be stamped by his companion who hissed at him, "Shut up or they will catch the ruse."

Angela deadpanned at that as she spoke loud enough for her companions to hear her perfectly, "Are they idiot or what? They are practically announcing to the whole world that they have some kind of nefarious ideas in their head."

"Your King tried to control one of his so-called slaves to steal our trailer and now you are saying to accept his invitation."

The person who spoke had his eyes harden when all of a sudden there were sounds of popping as a group of balls letting out wisps of yellowish smoke appeared as it neared to their spot.

"RUN!!!", a word that uttered from Michalina's throat as Ryan looked at a trio of Elves looking helpless at as the canister descended upon them, while he jumped inside the trailer.

"What are you three gawking at? Enter NOW!!!!", Michalina shouted out as she stood near the door, and it was all the three needed to as they ran like the wind as the balls exploded on coming with contact with the ground as they exploded while a yellowish cloud of smoke spread around the area.

'If we were like the normal people before the apocalypse took place we would have died but now it is different, we dodged them easily.', his eyes then fell on the newcomers as he stared at them warily while Angela glared at them.

"Brother go and occupy the driver's seat, and engage anything that is needed for us to breathe clean air, others commander the turrets.", at her words everyone dashed to their respective position.

"Now you three, to be frank, I do not know why I save you when you have harmed my sister-in-arms and my brother, but looking out I see a common enemy and I hope like civilized beings, for the time being, we would work together or do I have to throw you out."

The trio looked at each other as whom Michalina presumed to be the leader gave a tired nod, as Michalina spoke with a smile, "Excellent, now hold on to something, my brother would be driving and I think you would appreciate not getting hurt, so please move to the rear part of the trailer and I believe you would find something to hold on to.", with that she pointed to the living area as the trio left swiftly.

A look of confusion spread throws the trios face as they gave a nod, while Michalina moved towards the driver cabin as she took the passenger seat she winced upon seeing the broken radio as she spoke, "On my mark start driving."

Ryan nodded as Michalina quickly took command, as she pressed the switch the microphone and speaker system activate inside the trailer.

"Slaughter them.", was the command she gave to her subordinates as she sends a nod to Ryan.

Raven jumped into action as it snaked its way through the area, while the turrets roared before he found himself staring at the open ground as the trailer sped off.

Bobby Geary or as he called himself nowadays as the 'King of Humanity', cried out in pain he had at first thought of stealing the trailer but when he failed he tried to lower the guard and capture them, in a way it had worked but then it all fell apart the two groups joined hands together and with guns blazing they left, and while doing so the trailer ran over him and now he laid on the ground with incredible pain as his legs were broken.

'I should not have listened to that idiot, I should have attacked first and spoken later.', he cried in pain as he cursed his subordinates while waiting for rescue.

He had arrived here with over twenty strong men and now he would be lucky to have about five of them left, not to mention he doubted any of them would be intact, while he lay on the ground on the ground he stewed with anger and pain swearing revenge on Ryan and his group.

Meanwhile, Ryan drove like a crazy psychopath as he made his way to a spot at least a few dozen kilometres away from the spot that they were staying temporarily, to set up camp for the day and stay out of trouble for the time being.

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