A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 35: Building Forces(Part-1)

Chapter 35: Building Forces(Part-1)


With a loud screech and groan the trailer finally came to a halt, the door seemed to have been torn from the hinges as its occupants bar a few fell on the ground with tears in their eyes.

Harrison kissed the ground and holding onto it like a lifeline as he spoke with disbelief in his voice, "What was that? Who was that maniac that drove in such a way? That person should be locked in a mental asylum."

"How rude of you, instead of complaining you should praise me for driving in such a manner that saved your life."

Ryan's voice full of condescending tone came to his ears, as another voice entered the conversation, "I do not know why you all are acting as such but the boy here moved this metal cart fast and well I enjoyed it."

Ryan looked at the speaker as he beamed at her only for his face to form a scowl as he spoke, "Oh it is you my kidnapper."

The person in question blushed slightly as she spoke with a bow an action the other two imitated, "I apologize for our rude behaviour, as we thought you were working for that slaver and we acted without thinking too much, also we would like to convey our gratitude for saving our lives."

Ryan's eyes narrowed as he spoke, "You should show gratitude towards our commander, she was the reason you are alive and unharmed."

The woman nodded as Michalina arrived at the scene as the woman once again bowed as did the other two as she spoke, "I would like to apologize for acting and harming your charge, and words cannot convey how ashamed I am for acting as such."

Michalina nodded at that as she spoke, "I understand and as long as you do not harm any of us I have no problem with you."

The woman nodded before her eyes fell on Angela as she looked at her with a glare as she spoke, "I am sorry to offend you so soon but could you please hand us that traitor over there."

Angela's brow twitched and if it were not for both Jessica and Nikita she would have plummeted the Elven woman to the ground as she bellowed out in anger, "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME TRAITOR? HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF BEING A TRAITOR? I HAVE EARNED MY RIGHT TO WEAR MY UN...", she was promptly shut up as Nigella had placed her hands preventing her from shouting any longer.

Michalina looked infuriated at that as she let out a growl as she spoke, "I do not know who you are, but I am going to have a serious problem with you if you do not stop SLANDERING MY SISTER-IN-ARMS."

As she thundered at the Elven woman, who simply snorted at that as she spoke, "The mandate of our Holy Lady Ylerias Luvenari apostle of the Goddess of Moon and Hunt Oena, supersedes any oath of allegiance that she had sworn herself to others."

Michalina rubbed her forehead in exasperation as she spoke, "Your fantasy is gone on for too long she is a resident of the 'Republic of Blaonia', and a proud member of the 'Black Wolves Regiment', I will not tolerate you besmirching her honour."

"How dare you accuse us of lying I am her Holiness proud soldier and I will not stand for your slander either.", with that she had aimed her bow towards Michalina who had already electricity flowing through her body, while the others aimed their guns at the trio.

It was tense standoff from such a distance it would be very difficult for her to miss, yet she would not survive the encounter as the guns trained against her would make short work of her.

Harrison gulped seeing the standoff, he knew that if a fight breaks more than one would die and he was sure that with his luck a stray arrow or bullet would kill him as such he tried to think of a plan to get him out of this mess and suddenly his eyes widen as he remembered something from the conversation he had just heard as she quickly spoke, "Excuse me, instead of trying to kill each other I think we should come down and try to speak as I believe we are making some kind of mistake here please calm down."

"Harrison shut up, and get lost."

Harrison gulped as he looked at Jessica who was glaring at him as he quickly spoke, "I do not know why but I think some kind of misunderstanding is occurring here, so please calm down and let us speak and clear any form of misunderstanding."

He winced as the owner of the bionic eye looked at him before the said owner of the eyes spoke with a sigh, "In a way he is right, even if they get killed, we would suffer serious injuries if not death on our side as well as such I propose, why don't we seat and discuss calmly like civilized beings and clear the misunderstandings."

Michalina looked at her brother before she spoke after taking a deep breath, "I concur with my brother, why don't we all calm down and speak like a civilized person."

The trio slowly lowered their bow as their leader gave a small nod as she spoke, "Yes I agree with you."

A few hours later Ryan sat on top of the trailer as his mind was reeling with the hard facts that had been shoved down his throat no matter how much he wanted he could not disagree with the fact that their newly acquainted Elven friends had presented them with, in other words, they were genuine and the real deal, unlike Angela who they have now started calling as fake.

A sound of footsteps drew his attention towards the newcomer as he winced upon seeing the distraught Angela standing looking a bit lost with her eyes unfocused and red.

'It is so not fair she had to suffer so much, firstly she was not too enthused with the thought of taking such a shape and now, she thought herself to be an abomination and when she finally got used to it, these people came up accusing her of being traitor at first and now fake, I feel sorry for her and I do not know what I should do.'

"Angela, please take a seat.", Ryan's words brought her out of her dazed state as she looked down at him, Ryan simply patted on the ground next to him as he spoke, "Seat down."

Angela sat down wordlessly by his side as they sat in silence for a long time when after a great internal battle Ryan began to speak with a nostalgic look on his face, "Do you remember how we first met?"

Angela suddenly gained a small smile on her face as she spoke, "Yes I remember I thought you were an intruder."

"And you chased me through the entire base."

"NO matter how much I shouted, 'I am not an intruder', you did not believe me."

Angela blushed at that as she spoke with indignation, "Hey it was not my fault, the superiors not only did not say anything to me about you but they were egging me to catch you, but why should have stopped and explained it to me."

"I believe my memories of the events were a bit different, I remember a trigger happy woman with paint gun chasing after me firing paintballs and screaming for my head."

Angela spluttered as she spoke, "Hey it was not my fault and I was even told to chase and capture you by my superiors."

Ryan huffed at that as he spoke, "Again I remember differently your so-called superiors were lounging and watching the chase with barely concealed humour and the only thing that they were missing was a bowl of popcorn and did you forget they told you, 'Go and catch him if you want to.', nowhere did they ordered you to catch me."

Angela suddenly found the surrounding to be interesting as before she spoke with a wide eye, "Ha well your mother was also present and she did not seem to have been enjoying herself and did not intervene and I distinctly remember someone shouting out 'Save me Save me' to her."

Ryan sighed as he spoke with a melancholic look on his face, "Yes I remember that too, shouting out to my mother, 'Save me Save me Save me from this trigger happy homicidal maniac', and upon hearing that mom double over in laughter."

"Why you insolent brat", with that she pounced on Ryan, who quickly moved from his position as he moved towards the hatch, with Angela behind him in hot pursuit.

The door of the trailer was almost torn open as Ryan jumped out of it, stumbling on the ground before he took off fast, so fast that even the most accomplished Olympic runner would be green with envy and he was not alone as Angela appeared soon after roaring like a dragon, "GET BACK HERE YOU BRAT!!!!"

Her shout was answered by Ryan's laughter as he taunted her, "Come and catch me if you can." while turning his head to briefly make a mocking face, that managed to anger her more.

Michalina snorted at that as she watched Angela was losing slowly as Ryan was slowly and surely getting further and further away from her, "You two do not wander too far away.", she shouted at them as Ryan turned and dodged when Angela lunged at him.

Michalina shook her head with a small smile on her face, as Florence who was nearby spoke with a small smile on her face, "They make a cute coup", only to get showered by freshwater from the bottle that was in Michalina's hand.

"I am so sorry, my hand slipped.", Florence gulped seeing the crushed bottle and murderous look which was accompanied by a deranged smile on Michalina's face.

"No no it is alright, you do not need to apologize."

Michalina nodded as she spoke, "My baby brother is too young maybe in a couple of decades he would be ready to pursue relation but not now."

Angela fell on the ground panting hard as Ryan stood a few feet away from her grinning as he spoke, "Tsk, tsk this is unbecoming of a soldier to be outdone by mere civilians."

"Calm back here and say that to my face."

"Breakfast is ready for everyone."

As Nikita's voice came to their ears Ryan went and helped Angela to her feet as he ended up getting rewarded with a punch from her.

"I hope you all like the food, as we have limited resources as such I was only able to make some noodles."

Harrison waved off her concern as he spoke, "Please you do not have to worry about it, what you have presented is already heavenly.", Florence nodded in agreement with her husband at that.

The leader of the Elven trio who identified herself as Delimira of House Luvenari, she was one of the guards of their Holy Lady and as such, she had discarded her previous family name and is now known as a member of House Luvenari and would stay as such until she is dead or has committed treason and is stripped of her title.

The trio took the noodles as they poked and prodded as Delimira spoke with a frown, "Why are you not foraging for fruits, vegetables and herbs?"

Ryan took a bite of his food as he spoke, "Well since most things have mutated and many unknown fruits and vegetables have started to grow we are hesitant to consume something that might cause harm to us."

Delimira nodded at that as she spoke, "Well if you allow us we might find something edible as well various herbs that can be used for healing amongst many other things."

Nikita's eyes widen before she looked at Michalina who nodded at her as she spoke, "Very well you may and thank you."

Delimira shook her head as she spoke, "There is no need to thank after everything suddenly went bizarre we can overcome this situation only through working together, also if possible I would like for your friend Angela to accompany us, it would be good for her to learn something useful."

Michalina looked at Angela as she spoke with a sigh, "Well only if she wants to I will not force her and she will not be alone."

Delimira tilted her head as she spoke, "That is acceptable, she may not be born as one of us but circumstances made her like us as such more she learns to be like us and the more it would benefit her in the long run, though I have a request to make of you."

Michalina gave a small nod of affirmation as she began to speak, "We wish to learn more about you and your culture like the carriage that brought us here among many things."

Michalina shrugged as she spoke, "No problem."

"Sis there is something I would like to mention."

"What is it, Ryan?"

"While on our way to this site I found what seemed to be a junkyard, I wish to visit it, repair the trailer and if possible upgrade it, but unfortunately I do not know the danger that might be lurking in that place so I would like for some help."

Michalina simply smiled at that as she spoke, "No problem brother I will help you with anything you want."

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