A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 37: Building Forces (Part-3)

Chapter 37: Building Forces (Part-3)

Delimira looked as she saw a part of the wall appear and formed before her eyes, a wall that was the part of much larger construction that would be their fortress which they would take shelter.

"Dasyra what do you think of him?"

"Well he is curious, has a good head and overall nice until you threaten someone he cares, but most importantly he is a kid and you know how kids are though I believe sister Ilrune would like him as his apprentice."

Delimira looked sceptical at her as she spoke, "Her taking him as an apprentice, please she barely tolerates anything that is not an Elf."

Dasyra shrugged at that as she spoke, "Well it is her bad luck then we have to share this world with them."

Ilorva the last one of the trio who was sitting by their side was looking intently at Ryan for a moment before she felt a shiver down her spine she turned to find the source of her dread but finding none she turned her attention to the conversation between the other two.

"So did you find anything about this weird 'traders' we were riding?"

Dasyra gained an amused look on her face as she spoke, "It is not 'trader' but 'trailers', well what I learned about them was that there are similar things like that, and they come in all shapes and sizes."

Ilorva's eyes shone at that as she spoke, "I would love to see more of them."

Dasyra simply shook her head as she spoke with a sigh, "The only working you will find in the whole world is this one when the Great Change took place, their civilization got pushed back a thousand years at the very least and everything that held their civilizations their advancement made by the hard work of their ancestors fell apart and stopped working."

Both Delimira and Ilorva eyes widen at that, just the thought of their entire civilization pushed back so many years in the blink of the eye was scary.

Ilorva narrowed her eyes as she looked at Ryan before she spoke with a sigh, "Then how does this trailer work, is it related to that boy over there?"

Dasyra nodded as she spoke, "Yes it is, his magic enables to recreate and make various things of his civilization."

Delimira tilted her head as she spoke, "Interesting, then he would be in great trouble if others learn of his talent, I can already see people trying to capture him and use him for his powers, he is very vital if someone wants to restore their civilization before the Great the Change to place."

Ilorva sighed as she spoke, "That means he is also the target of people who do not want law and order, I can very well doubt people like that pig king would have him killed if he cannot get hold of him."

Dasyra frowned for a moment as she spoke, "There is also something that I would like to mention."

Both Delimira and Ilorva gave her their undivided attention as Ilorva spoke with a frown of her own, "What is it Dasyra?"

"Delimira you have been with her Holiness for a long time as such you should remember how it felt to be around her when she killed someone."

Both Delimira and Ilorva's eyes widen as they Delimira spoke with disbelief in her voice, "You do not mean"

Ryan wiped his brow as he placed the last of the wall, 'I am glad that I have that portable constructor installed inside my trailer, though unfortunately, I cannot use it while the trailer is moving otherwise it would drain the tanks too fast, but it helped me set up the portable base, for us to rest properly as well as take shelter if suddenly we are under attack.'

"Did you finish everything Ryan?", as Michalina's voice came to his ears a small smile blossomed on his face as he spoke, "Yes big sis."

"Well, you better go and take your bath you stink."

Ryan frowned for a moment before he spoke with a frown, "Hey I was working hard, really really hard."

Michalina rolled her eyes as she spoke, "Yes I know and now go take a bath."

A few minutes and a bath later Ryan found himself present in a meeting, the topic was simply how to deal with the 'King'.

"We have to scout the area, have general directions, try to find their weakness and most importantly make sure to find their real strength.", everyone hung onto Jessica's words as she continued, "But most importantly we have to find a means to accomplish as such our trailer is big and is not meant for a swift retreat.", everyone nodded except Ryan who let out an indignant "Oi."

Jessica looked at him as she smirked as she spoke, "Well it seems that I made a mistake.", a small smile blossomed on the scowling face of Ryan which soon turned into a fully-fledged scowl as Jessica spoke the next words, "A trailer that is not made for swift retreat if not driven by a maniac driver."

As Ryan huffed while Michalina took over the meeting as she spoke, "Now that would require us to move a lot as such we need means of travel.", her eyes fell on Ryan as she spoke, "I hope you can have something for us to use."

Ryan rubbed his chin as he spoke, "Well I can but you have to give me specifics like how many are you going and what type of vehicle would like to use."

Upon hearing that Angela's eyes widen as she spoke, "Then can we have something that can fly?"

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "I can make a Gyrocopter that would look as if it was created during World War I era, well it might fail during mid-flight and it would alert them of your arrival miles before you are even near their base."

Angela grumbled at that as Nigella spoke, "What about bikes? Can you make them?"

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "Yes I can but it will be a bit noisy."

"Just like your trailer?"

Ryan's head swivelled towards Nikita as he spoke with a frown, "Yes it will be noisy and yes just like the trailer compared to its counterparts it will be silent but you should not forget about the fact that, we are in wilderness so the sound even if it is low will be dangerous."

Michalina waved off his concern as she spoke, "There is no need for you to worry about it, Ryan, it would be fine.", her eyes then focused on the husband and wife duo as she spoke, "I hope for your good you have not hidden anything from us."

The duo shook their head while Florence scowled since the incident the other day she and her daughter were treated like prisoners and she did not like it, but all she could do was swallow her pride and keep her head down after all the only other option was getting thrown out of the group and were forced to fend out in the wild, where they would not survive.

Delimira cleared her throat as she spoke drawing attention towards her, "We are exceptional scouts and are good at going behind enemies unseen, as your charges can confirm as such if possible I wish to lend one of us to help you."

Michalina nodded at that as she spoke, "That all depends on what Ryan makes, the Terrain is much more suited for bikes and when Ryan finishes making them, you can check and see if you are comfortable with them."

Delimira nodded while both Dasyra and Ilorva looked like kids who have just been told they will be going to Disneyland on vacation.

Ryan simply smiled back as he spoke, "Well then I will better go and start my work.", with that he left towards an empty seat which he promptly occupied as he went to check his 'Inner Blueprint Library.'

Dasyra narrowed her eyes as she spoke, "What is he doing?"

Michalina looked at her with narrowed eyes as she spoke, "He is mentally preparing himself to create those bikes if he has a clear image of the thing that he is about to make it becomes easier for him to make it."

Meanwhile, Ryan was back was searching from the pile of 'blueprints' for the perfect bike for them, there were various from sports, to combat, long drive and many other types but he discarded them what he needed was one that was fast, having great agility and mobility in difficult terrain, and after some searching, he found one that made him smile, 'Let's see what I can make of you now.'

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