A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 36: Building Forces (Part-2)

Chapter 36: Building Forces (Part-2)

"It must be tough for you all after suddenly losing all of your strength like that?"

Dasyra sighed as she spoke with a sad smile on her face, "It was and that was how that pig was able to capture us, except us three we should have died than let him capture her holiness, we betrayed her."

Ryan shook his head as he spoke, "No you did not betray her and you three not dying is a boon to her and your captured comrades, you have now the chance to rescue them, will it be easy? No, will it take time? Yes, and that is you three have done, now that you have met us we would try to help you all as best as we could."

Dasyra nodded as Ryan continued with a serious look on her face, "What we have here is a very unique and dangerous situation, I do not know what happened to our worlds, but I know that different groups of people have been brought together for reasons unknown, and because of our lack of knowledge about each other we are bound to have some problems but the world is now extremely dangerous as such no matter the differences we have to work together to stay alive."

Dasyra nodded at that as she spoke, "You are a wise child."

Ryan simply blushed at that before he spoke with a frown, "There is something that I wished to request of you and your companions."

"What is it, Ryan?"

Ryan bit his lips as he slowly began to formulate his request in his head before he began to speak, "Angela was born a human in a world where magic is just fantasy, yet suddenly after the apocalyptic event she changed into your race, she became a night elf, think how would you react if you were one day suddenly without any warning changed it to a human."

Dasyra's brow scrunched in deep thought before she spoke with a slight hint of fear, "I do not mean to sound rude but it is disturbing, just the thought of my race being changed is making me shiver with fear."

Ryan nodded at that as he continued, "When she finally came to terms with her changes she met you and not to sound rude but you attacked her called her traitor and now you all are calling her fake as such I request you to please go easy on her."

Dasyra sighed as she nodded as she spoke, "I understand child where you are coming from and no matter how many excuses I give you are right, I know that Delimira is already trying to atone by offering her some advice as such I would along with my comrade also like to extend help in making her learn to live like an elf, no one knows if she will ever change or not but I will help her to become a respectable elf."

Ryan gave her a short bow as he spoke, "Thank you."

"So Ryan I hope you do not mind teaching me more about these things from your world."

Ryan beamed back at her as he spoke, "I would be happy to teach you."

A few minutes later the group consisting of Dasyra, Ryan and Nigella stood in front of what seemed to be a large junkyard full of broken and discarded vehicles.

"So these things are cars?"

"Yes they are of various same and sizes, and the big blue one over there is a bus, it is a bit larger and meant to carry a large number of people."

Nigella who was nearby stifled a laugh as she looked at Dasyra who was looking at the cars with the same look a child in a candy shop, it was refreshing to watch an adult look at them in such a manner especially when the cars present here was already placed in the junkyard long before the apocalypse hit them.

"So Dasyra are there different types of magic in your world?"

Dasyra frowned at Nigella as she decided how to answer her question before she spoke with a sigh, "There are so many types of magic that if I were to list it would take days but if I were to generalize them then there are only two types that you need to know, internal and external."

"Internal magic are those that will work inside one's body for example spells that increase your speed or strength whereas there spells like a fireball that is counted as external types."

Ryan was interested in her lecture as he spoke, "Really can everyone learn magic."

"Well they could but now I do not know if it is the same as before, why do you wish to learn?"

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke, "Of course I wish to."

Dasyra smiled at his enthusiasm as she spoke, "Well then worry not we will teach you, though you might have to work hard since you were suddenly bestowed with the gift of magic and it could prove difficult for you to understand learn things which might be as easy as breathing for us."

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "I understand I will work hard."

Nigella suddenly remembered something that she had heard yesterday as she could not help but ask Dasyra out loud, "Hey Dasyra there is something I would like to ask you if you do not mind."

"What is it Nigella? You said Her Holiness as an Apostle of Goddess what does it mean? Does she have something different kind of magic than others?"

Dasyra's jaw hardened before she spoke with a sigh, "I am sorry but that is something I cannot answer."

Nigella raised her hand in surrender as she spoke hurriedly, "No no there is no need to apologize I completely understand there are times we also have to be discreet and avoid answering to prevent National Security Breach."

Dasyra nodded at that as she spoke, "Thank you for understanding, but since you asked I will tell you one secret Her Holiness's power derives from Goddess herself as such her magic is a bit different."

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke, "I see, I hope to meet her then one day."

Nigella frowned at that as she spoke, "Ryan, Her Holiness is a busy person she might not have time for us."

Dasyra shook her head as she replied urgently, "Please our Holiness always says that children are the future, of course, she would like to meet someone who has helped her."

Ryan beamed back at her extremely pleased at her words, 'It would be glad to know to meet a leader of great standing and if I have heard correctly she might be like 'Pope', and I always wanted to meet the Pope it was in my list of 'Ten thousand things I need to do before I die', at least I will fulfil one of them, but most importantly why did I even make the list, meh a thought for another time.'

"So what are you going to do here, Ryan?"

"Well, I will take parts from here and try to reuse them again?"

Dasyra narrowed her eyes as she spoke, "Why are you taking parts off of them can they not be used?"

Ryan shook her head as he spoke with a sad smile, "No they cannot be, this place is known as a junkyard, here various cars, vehicles amongst many other things that no longer work are thrown here and from here they are turned into scraps and them the metals are extracted and are used to make other things, sometimes you can find other things here that can be extremely useful when repaired but after that day, almost everything had stopped working completely."

Dasyra frowned as she spoke, "What do you mean by that?"

Ryan simply placed his hand on the nearest car as he spoke with a sigh, "We do not know what happened but every bit of progression our civilization had made, everything that had defined us was no more, they had stopped working all of a sudden without any warning, you will find similar cars lying on the roadside but will never move again."

"It might have been a great problematic situation for your people."

Ryan sends a grim nod towards her as he spoke, "Yes it was just thing, every achievement that you have made, everything thing that your ancestors worked hard to achieve and advance your civilization to the current state gone in a matter of minutes and the entire progress of civilization pushed back a few thousand years into the past."

Dasyra shivered at his words it was inconceivable and scary to think of before she spoke to Ryan with a frown as a sudden realization struck her, "So then how does your car works?"

Ryan smiles back at her as she winced slightly seeing what they were calling 'freaky eyes', behind his back, as he spoke, "Well the correct term would be an 'Articulated Trailer', and it works because I use my powers to do so."

Dasyra eyes widen at that as she spoke, "So you can make things work again?"

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke, "Yes to simply put it yes, though because of the unique nature of my powers I was able to create it and make it work."

Dasyra slightly narrowed her eyes momentarily but she did not say anything when all of a sudden she went ramrod, "Enemy ahead."

Ryan's gun was already raised as with a roar a group of zombies appeared from behind various vehicles already deformed and various appendages growing on them.

"By Oena, we are facing lesser demons."

Nigella simply spared a glanced at Oena as she pulled the trigger of her gun, meanwhile, Ryan who was firing at the closest zombie to him was taken aback as multiple arrows rained down on them fast and true to its aim towards the zombie as if it was being fired from the gun, he watched with wide eyes as the Dasyra dashed as she danced amongst the zombies, gathering the arrows, then firing them, using her bow to push back or stab them when required."

Nigella clicked her tongue as she spoke with slight annoyance, "She is too close for you to fire Ryan."

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke, "I think I will engage in melee, what about you?"

"I am good sniper and I will provide range support, but be careful."

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke, "Well same to you too, keep an eye out.", with that Ryan dashed towards Dasyra with his sword drawn.

Meanwhile with Dashyra although she was busy killing the zombies she did not forget to pay attention to her surroundings, as such she suddenly noticed that one of the weapons called 'gun' had stopped 'firing', 'Did they got attack? While I was busy dealing with them? But why was there no.', her thoughts came to a halt as she heard the sound of footsteps as a sword took the head of one of the lesser demons that got too close for comfort.

'So he is decent with sword and the type he uses is meant for the swift and precise strike he could do great to apprentice under one of my fellow sisters.'

A few minutes later they had finished dealing with those that should not have been moving even after their death, while Ryan put his sword back into his inventory as he tiredly grinned back at her as he spoke, "Well since we have finished dealing with them we are going to move on with my mission."

"Not so fast we have not finished dealing with them, yet."

Ryan frowned at that as he spoke, "What do you mean by that? We have already killed them."

Dasyra shook her head as she spoke with a sigh, "This corpse has not only risen from dead but have turned into lesser demons, if we do not deal with them, an abomination may rise from their corpse, not to mention any who eats them might end up becoming a demonic being."

Nigella frowned at her explanation as she spoke, "But we killed similar beings and let their corpse to rot"

"Well they take time to change, you might not have been neared one for a long time and dealing with abominations is not only difficult but they are deadly as well."

Ryan frowned at that, 'What is she saying? If that were the case, then how does my power work, I get blood points and souls from killing them, should I ask her then, no not yet.'

Nigella looked at her as she spoke, "So how do you deal with them?"

"Well, we offer a prayer for their salvation, absolving of their sins when they had become the undead and safe journey to the afterlife, then we burn their bodies."

Hearing that Nigella relaxed as she spoke, "When the apocalypse happened many of my sister-in-arms had fallen, our leader had their bodies cremated we cremate any dead whether they be animals or humans as soon as they are dead to prevent them from becoming undead."

Dasyra nodded in appreciation as she spoke, "Your leader is a wise one.", she paused for a moment before she spoke again, "Will you help me to gather the bodies."

Ryan nodded at that as Nigella stopped him as she spoke, "Ryan why don't you keep an eye out while I help her."

Dasyra mulled for a moment before she spoke with a nod, "A wise choice though I might be able to detect enemies there is nothing known as overly cautious."

Ryan watched with rapt attention as the two women quickly gathered the bodies together and laid it on top of one another, he then watched Dasyra stand straight with her head bowed and the two fingers of her right hand touching her forehead.

"May Goddess of Death, carry them to beyond,

May they be cleansed of the taint of the corrupt,

May God of Justice, judge them fair,

May they find peace and salvation."

As she finished the hymn she dragged her fingers down to her chin like a small yellowish glow formed over her face, before she threw a small ball of fire that lit the corpse aflame.

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