A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 39: I spy with my little eye(Part-2)

Chapter 39: I spy with my little eye(Part-2)

Ryan had never tasted something so tasty in his entire life, it was marvellous and simply otherworldly there were no words for him to describe something so horribly good, that he doubted that the modern dictionary has any word that can be used to describe it.

As he eagerly chewed at his food, Ryan spoke with a smile towards Dasyra, "I wish to thank you in my entire life I have never eaten such a slice of delicious meat."

Dasyra simply smiled back at him as she spoke, "Worry not Ryan, just stick with us and we will treat you to much more appetizing and delicious foods."

Michalina shook her head as she took a bit of her piece of meat as she spoke, "Really it was extremely delicious and thank you, with your knowledge the people of our base will not have to suffer too much."

Jessica nodded at that as she spoke, "So true, our base might be protected but we have a serious problem with food."

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke, "So true the food back base was simply yucky."

As the small talks progressed for sometime before Michalina looked towards Angela as she spoke, "Well start with your report."

Angela pouted as she began to speak, "Well, we had.."

A few hours ago Angela and her group had just finished mapping the entire enemy base as Angela looked towards Nigella as she spoke, "So what now? Do we return back?"

Nigella bit her lips as she spoke, "Well I wanted to know a bit more about their base, like their strength, how many of them have any special abilities, any hidden entry and exit points, the location of the hostages, what methods these people use to neutralize them, things like that."

Ilorva tapped the filter of her mask before her voice carried over to their ears through the soft crackle of their radio, "I can deal with that, I just need to capture one of his minions and a few minutes and he will spill everything that we want to know."

Angela looked at her as she spoke, "Meh we were going to capture one and interrogate, Nigella is an expert in that but it would be great to learn from how you interrogate as well."

Ilorva simply nodded as Nigella spoke, "Well then we can capture those two over there.", as she spoke she indicated towards a certain direction with a small tilt of her head.

The other two followed towards where Nigella had pointed them as a small but vicious smile grace their face.

Hugo and Brody had joined their boss for the simple reason, he was their boss before the apocalypse and he was their boss after the apocalypse and he had yet to steer them wrong before the apocalypse their boss Bobby was the not only the leader of the union but was also a very understanding person as such he helped them earned extra by selling a few products from the factory, they would never forget his words when they first joined him in his sales operation, 'That fast bastard of an owner earns a rather fat paycheck by selling the goods that we produce as such he should not whine when we take our share.'

Those were the words that had brought tears in the duo's eyes as such they had decided to follow him, the respect for him even increased when they planted the proof of their selling the stuff in what their boss eloquently dubbed as the 'owner's dog', and now the same boss is going to rule the world, the thought of being the helper of such a great man, made their hearts swell with pride, but then it changed to anger at the thought of the injuries their 'King' had to suffer swearing vengeance the duo had ventured forth into the forest their objective is to get hold of some healing berries that they had accidentally found that can be used for healing.

"Hey Hugo, since Bradley has died do you think we could get the promotion?"

Brody picked his nose as he spoke, "Hmm, should be after all who else boss can ", before he could say anything something heavy fell on him effectively knocking him out as it did Hugo as well.

As Angela stood up from the top of her victim she spoke with a sigh, "Well you two both work on your magic then."

A few minutes later Nigella looked at Ilorva with awe, she had just witnessed Ilorva placed her hands on her victim's temple and with a brief period of shouting and screaming of pain, followed by the trickle of blood from his nose Ilorva new every secret about the people as well as the base itself, it nearly moved her to tears.

Ryan looked at the near reverence that Nigella was showing towards someone that had virtually torn the information out of a now brain dead person, he watched at Ilorva smiled at her as she spoke, "Tell you what if her Holiness allows it, I will personally teach you the skill."

Ryan frowned at that slightly but he chose not to say anything as he focused on his meals.

A few hours later the moon was high up in the sky, various critters were chirping around, both Michalina and Ryan were awake and on guard duty.

They sat quietly for a long time listening to the sound of the critters around their base when all of a sudden Ryan spoke with a frown, "I do not like this."

Michalina raised one of her brows as she questioned him, "What is it that you not like, brother?"

Ryan spread his hands as he spoke in a heated tone, "This, I do not like how we are all cosying up with someone unknown people what if they"

"They betray us and kill us, right? 'Black Wolves' are not the 'Elite Unit' we are 'The Elite', and we are trained in various forms of psychological warfare I know that things might seem to be a bit ridiculous and worrying for you, but trust us when we say that we know what we are doing, just like them we are also trying to make them lower their guard., but promise me something Ryan please promise me."

Ryan was taken aback at seeing the urgency in his sister's voice as he replied back with a nod, "Of course sister what do you want me to promise you."

"Always have someone to back you up never be in their presence when you are alone, Nigella told me how horrible it was to witness that healthy person reduced to brain dead state in a matter of minutes, I do not know what I would do if you were forced into a similar situation."

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke in a sombre tone, "I will sister, though promise me you all will follow the same."

Michalina nodded at that before she spoke again, "So now spill Ryan, how much lie about your abilities you were spouting to them."

Ryan smirked at her as he spoke, "Well I can only make either work or make it stop working at least when it is within a range of a few feet."

Michalina's eyes widen at that as she spoke, "That means everything was a lie."

Ryan shrugged at that as he spoke, "Of course it was." before he gained an annoyed look on his face as he spoke, "You can blame everything on Jessica who told her to question me in front of others."

Michalina wiped out some false tears as she spoke with a sniff, "I am so proud of you, my baby brother is growing up."

Ryan simply huffed at that before he went ramrod as he spoke, "Intruders, a large number of them."

Michalina's eyes widen at that as Ryan simply went and peered down from the balcony his eyes peering through the darkness as he looked down and watched with horror as he whispered back to his sister, "It is a horde, a large one, wake up others."

As if hearing his words a loud howl tore through the night sky as the horde began to run towards the temporary base as the alarm blared inside the base, waking everyone up.

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