A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 40: I spy with my little eye(Part-3)

Chapter 40: I spy with my little eye(Part-3)

The base or as Michalina was calling it as a cross between blockhouse and pillbox bunker, which Ryan vehemently denied as they lacked the oval shape that his creation possessed, the structure created by Eyan had only two openings one was the path which the trailer took to enter, which was sealed shut, and the second was the balcony which now sported a plethora of mounted heavy machine guns that resembled M2A1 heavy machine guns, each accompanied by enough explosive and incendiary rounds.

"Ryan open fire at them, whereas I will wake everyone up."

Ryan nodded at his sister's command, as he commandeered the nearby heavy machine gun, as he squeezed the trigger heard, it spat out bullets at whatever it was aimed at, whether it was trees or zombies, everything was torn to shreds as the explosive rounds hit them.

Ryan gagged upon seeing the result of the bullets hitting the mutated Zombie, 'I can see now why explosive rounds are banned, ugh I feel sick.'

Each bullet was like a miniature grenade which exploded upon contact and with each explosion the blood and guts of his opponents showered over those who were nearby, and those who could still move could be seen feasting on the remains of their fellow zombie while marching forward.

Ryan fired more and more but it seemed to be an endless sea of zombies, each faster than the other, not to mention some were extremely agile, while a few of them were incredibly sturdy, to the point that it took quite a few rounds to deal with them.

"Ryan what is t..", Jessica appeared soon, along with others before she sucked a deep breath seeing the sea of such creatures before she ran and took hold of another by Ryan's side, as she pressed the trigger she shouted back towards Michalina, "This is completely FUBAR, this is a sea of enemies, not a horde."

As more and more guns came online, for a moment it looked as if they would turn the tide, when all of a sudden one of them lunged with a roar towards them and slowly many of them followed that particular zombie's example.

The trees began fell apart as an extremely large creature appeared, it then let out a loud howl, so loud that they felt their bones rattle, as the trio of elves looked at that creature with fear in their eyes, as Dasyra whispered lowly, "An abomination."

Harrison had decided to wait inside the trailer along with his family, the sound of screams and howls filled the air, along with gunfire as he held his wife and his daughter close.

"Shh, it is alright Anne everything is going to be alright."

Although he was trying to calm his crying daughter, he himself was greatly afraid, afraid of the what would their future be, whether they will be alive and see the next dawn or perish as zombie food, then all of sudden a loud roar was heard, so loud that he felt his bones shake, his wife cast a fearful look towards him as he held them close, he had already given on the fact that they might be alive to see the next dawn.

Ryan looked at the creature and gagged, it looked as various creatures had been semi-melted before they were fused together to create the creature, as its rancid smell entered their noise, they could not help but gag at the smell, as they with great difficulty managed to push the bile down their throat.

"Dasyra how do we kill it?", Michalina's voice cut through the tension like a hot knife through butter.

As Dasyra spoke in a fearful tone, "They are tough to kill, and if we had access to our powers we would have taken it out easily but now"

Michalina bit her lips as she spoke, "What are its weakness? And how does it attack?"

Ilorva looked at the abomination as she spoke with a slight quiver in his voice, "It had basically no weakness, it is greatly strong but slow, not to mention it has poisonous breath."

At her words a couple of sharp breath was heard as none of them were wearing their masks as such they were in a great vulnerable position.

"So what do we do now, Michalina?", Nikita could not help but ask out loud at the commander of their scouting mission, while Michalina was staring at the creature who had all the other zombies cowering in front of him.

Meanwhile, Ryan's eyes saw a different story, 'A level 6 creature', he forcibly pushed back the memory of the incident with the lion as he spoke, "Sis you take someone and get the masks, whereas I will prepare something special for it, also make it first, its appearance might have stopped the assault but it is temporary so please hurry."

At his words they hurriedly put the plan into action as Ilorva, Dasyra and Nigella followed after them while Ryan looked towards the enemy for a moment before he spoke with a sigh, "Girls I will be taking a break, I will preparing the ultimate weapon against it, but remember do not attack until it attacks you, I want as much time as you can provide me."

With his said he went back and sat down in a meditative position, as another guttural roar ripped through the air, followed by more howls and roars of zombies as the assault resumed again.

It lifted its gigantic hand up before bringing it down on the building hard, Jessica swore out loud at that as she spoke, "Damn it, it feels as if it is raining mortars."

Another hit came as a bit more dust landed on her shoulder, while Michalina appeared soon dressed in complete gear, as did the other four, "Quickly step out and wear them, we will hold the line and where is Ryan?"

"I am here, Ryan stood up shakily as he wiped the sweat off his brow as he spoke with a huff, "I am ready, give me my gear and I will deploy my weapon against it."

It took them a couple of minutes before they had changed into their gear and it seemed to be the right thing to do, as the 'abomination', opened its mouth and let out a purplish gas that covered the entire base.

"Move.", Ryan's voice came to their ears as he forced Nikita and Angela out of his way before he removed their heavy machine gun as well part of the railing leaving himself exposed, but he did not stop there as he placed a giant gun in its place, with its eight foot long barrel pointing out, he turned towards Angela as he spoke, "Help me feed my gun."

Michalina looked at the gun with a wide eye as she spoke, "Is that an M242 Bushmaster?"

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "Yup it is, though I wiped out every extra resource I had just to make this and its rounds, also I do not think I can fire it for more than a couple of minutes as I could make ammo for only that period time."

Michalina bit her lips as she concentrated on firing on the zombies as she spoke, "it better work Ryan or else we all are toast."

Ryan aimed his big gun towards the head as he spoke, "If I were to blow its head will it work?"

Delimira shook her head as she spoke, "No it would not, as it has something in it called the core, as long as the body has the core inside it, it would not die but slowly regenerate."

Ryan tilted his head as he spoke, "Oh well then I hope I hit the mark.", with that he pulls the trigger.

The gun roared into action as it bombarded the creatures head with the 25mm round, which was made in such a way that some were expulsive, some explosive and others incendiary, and they worked well extremely well, as it began to tear the creature apart.

'If it were before the apocalypse I would have earned a one-way ticket to jail for creating those highly illegal and banned rounds.'

Angela did not pay any attention as she solely focused on feeding the gun as Ryan kept on firing and then within a span of a couple of minutes he had turned the abomination into a pile of twisted putrid flesh that was now burning with a vengeance and he was about to run out of ammunition but unfortunately, he had yet to kill the still moving mass if flesh.

"How much do I have to fire at it to kill it?", a frustrated Ryan could not help but shout out.

In the other front, the situation of others was not that well, they were facing the horde in the darkness of the night, the incendiary had managed to make the forest surrounding them go up in flames and thus it had managed to improve their visibility, which was further enhanced due to presence of the full moon, as its gentle blue light bathed the surrounding as well.

But what made them anxious and fearful was the pile of zombie bodies that was slowly beginning to grow up at the side of the bunker and any second it would reach the top and they would be able to reach them, although they were confident that a few had already jumped up and had managed to reach the top and were searching for ways to climb down as such they could only hope that Ryan's building was tough enough to prevent them from breaking and dropping from the ceiling.

A small explosion was heard from the abomination as it lit up in bluish flames making the trio of elves sigh with relief as Delimira congratulated Ryan, "Good work, you managed to kill it I never thought your guns could be this powerful."

Ryan simply gave her a small bow as Angela turned towards Nikita who had hauled a couple of crates, as Angela went towards her to pick up a couple of Molotov cocktails that they had been made during spare time, Ryan had morphed the place back into the familiar balcony with the two guns mounted back into their place, he loaded the ammunition for the gun as a couple of Molotov Cocktails flew above his head and landed on the ground as a large boom was heard before it went up in a large fireball.

Everyone turned to look at Angela who herself was stunned momentarily, as she spoke with disbelief, "What just happened?"

The trio of elves looked at the stunned group as Delimira shouted out, "What are you all doing keep killing those things."

Her shouts brought them out of their stunned state as Michalina shouted towards Angela, "We can debate why a Molotov is acting as a bomb and why it was much more dangerous later, for now, aim them and use them wisely."

Angela nodded as she flung a few of them around, Dasyra briefly looked at her before she focused on the enemies in front of her with a disturbing grin on her face, she was in sugar high as she used the 'Gun' that she was using with glee, she was having the time of her life as killed more and more zombies with the help of the gun.

"I am out.", Jessica's voice was the first one that came to their ears as Michalina spoke to her with urgency in her voice, "The trailer had some for its turrets bring them, fast I do not think others will be able to hold the horde for too long."

Then it happened just like Jessica Dasyra's gun was the first to die out because of lack of ammo, and zombie went past her as it jumped on her trying to take out her head with a bite but was saved by the timely intervention of Angela, who killed it with her gun.

"Use the guns you have, until Jessica brings the ammo, hold and do not give in.", Angela shouted as she kept on firing her gun, while Dasyra took upon herself the task of flinging the Molotov towards the zombie.

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