A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 43: Regicide (Part-2)

Chapter 43: Regicide (Part-2)

Ryan looked around what he dubbed at his 'inner world', whenever he entered he was always naked and he always had to walk over the ice-cold stone floor towards the 'Ancient Quantum Stochasts' for installation of the new perk.

A shiver went down his spine as he dashed towards the 'Ancient Quantum Stochasts', as fast as he could.

'When I first found it was not this cold, I do not think that I will be able to use all this if it becomes colder than this.'

He jumped on to his chair, before letting out a sigh of satisfaction, 'At least the chair is warm and cosy.', his eyes then fell on to his machine and then with a few push of buttons he began to upgrade himself.

'With that goes my hundred souls, taken as payment for the perk.'

'Core' Perk installation in Progress...

Core install at Tier 2, (Failed)

Tier 'Orange Core', Condition not met

Status: Lost.

Core install at Tier 3, (Failed)

Unable to qualify for an additional reward.

Tier 'Red Core', condition not met.

Status: Lost.

Tier 'White' installation in progress.. (0% Complete)

Ryan gawked at that as he spoke barely above a whisper, "You got to have been kidding me I would have gained a bit more powerful core if only I had installed the core perk earlier, damn it, such a great loss."

Ryan was extremely put off thinking about missing such a great opportunity, but before he could further mourn his loss the room shook violently causing him to nearly fall off his chair.

"What the he", his shout was stopped as he a part of the floor caved in and various metallic structures rose from underneath the floor.

Ryan looked at awe, as the structure that slowly began to take shape in front of his eyes and it was simply breathtaking to watch it unfold before his very eyes.

He watched as the metallic beams twisted, into what seemed to form a cage of some sort as the glass began to grow inside it.

'It looks some kind of large cool looking Gothic lantern coupled with the pure white paint it simply looks marvellous.'

A small pulse went out of it making Ryan to tense when all of a sudden a colourless liquid seemed to fill the large lantern, as the lantern began to fill, the chilliness of the air and room began to decrease as comfortable warmth slowly began to spread around.

Ryan gained a sour look on his face as he spoke, "If I had known the effects of the core beforehand then I would have installed it long ago if nothing else but to make this place a bit warmer."

Ryan opened his eyes with a groan, as he looked up he was greeted by the concerned eyes of Michalina who helped him to sit up properly despite his protest.

"I am fine Sis I feel greatly energized enough to take on an army, but how long was I unconscious?"

Michalina looked sceptical at that as she spoke with a sigh, "If you say so, Ryan and as for how long you were out, well a few minutes at most, but I believe it was by far the calmest upgrade you had till date."

Her sceptical look turned into anger as she spoke, "That was rather callous of you, you do remember the number of times you were knocked out for hours what would you have done if similar situation took place."

Ryan pouted at that as he spoke, "But it worked out in the end as such there is nothing to worry about."

Michalina simply sends him a stink eye at that but she did not say anything else to him.

An unknown amount of time later, Michalina stood up as she spoke, "Well I believe that it is time for the next shift to take their place on the watch."

Ryan stood up as he stretched himself as he spoke with a yawn, "About time if you ask me."

They made their way into the trailer, as they stepped inside they were greeted with the sight of Jessica who was preparing some tea for her and her companion who was none other than Ilorva, who opened her mouth and screamed towards Ryan, "How did you manage to get a core all of a sudden what are you?"

Her shout seemed to jolt everyone awake as Ryan simply deadpanned at her as he spoke, "I think your voice was not loud enough to rouse the people on the other side of the planet."

"Is something wrong, Ilorva?", Delimira who had been awakened by her scream asked her with barely concealed anxiousness in her voice, while the others were getting ready for another invasion.

Ryan rubbed his forehead as he spoke tiredly, "Well there is nothing wrong, and I would like to get some sleep if you all do not mind."

With that Ryan was about to leave but Ilorva stopped him as she spoke, "Hold it, Ryan, how did you gain a core, something you did not seem to possess a few hours ago."

At her words, the other two elves narrowed their eyes as they looked at Ryan before they gasped in disbelief as Dasyra spoke, "How is it possible that you have a core?"

Ryan put up a look of confusion on his face, "What are you talking about? First, you are saying I have no core and now you are saying I do please make your mind."

Ilorva's eyes narrowed as she began to speak with a glare, "Do not lie to me Boy! I want to know how you got a core all of a sudden within the span of a few hours, and do remember you cannot lie to me."

Ryan narrowed his eyes as he glared back with full force as he spoke, "Make me."

Michalina stepped in between them as she spoke, "Wah stop, we are going on a mission a few hours from now, stop fighting against each other."

Ryan turned his head with a huff, as Ilorva kept on glaring only to turn her attention as Michalina cleared her throat.

"Ilorva your people and you have some secrets, secrets that we are not trying to pry out of you, as such we hope you will bestow the same courtesy."

Ilorva wanted to protest only to stop as Delimira placed her hand over her shoulder as she spoke, "Ilorva leave it.", she then turned towards Michalina as she spoke, "I apologize for her outburst as you can see your brother did something that blew our common sense apart and as such she reacted poorly."

Michalina waved her off before she dragged Ryan off to a corner as she spoke barely above a whisper but still in a heated tone, "Why are you acting in such a way? There are so many ways the situation could have been handled but you chose to anger her why?"

Ryan sighed as he ran his hand through his hair as he spoke, "Sorry, I let my temper get the best of me."

Michalina simply gave him a small smile as she spoke, "Try to rein it a bit more dear brother, for we have to live with them from now on and getting on their wrong side would be extremely unwise."

Meanwhile, Jessica grabbed Ilorva's cup as she carried it towards a fuming Jessica, upon seeing her in an enraged state she grimaced, 'Great because of Ryan's temper tantrum I will now have to spend my watch with an angry partner.'

"Sorry about that Ilorva here have some tea.", with that she extended the cup of tea towards her.

Ilorva sighed as she took her cup of tea from Jessica's hand before she took a sip from it which was followed shortly by a content sigh.

"Sorry, I overreacted as well, a few hours ago he was like asking everything there was to know about core, and then all of sudden he had a core inside of him, I was taken aback at that."

Jessica gave a small smile before she spoke, "Well strange things happen around him, you see his powers are a bit special, maybe one day you will be able to trust us and vice versa and you will learn more about his powers."

Ilorva nodded at that as she spoke with a slight yawn, "Maybe one day, till then well thank you for the nice tea."

"Mention not", with that the duo stood in silence staring into the forest with the cup of piping hot beverage on the hand.

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