A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 44: Regicide (Part-3)

Chapter 44: Regicide (Part-3)

Ryan rapped his fingers on the dashboard while Nikita sat by the radio waiting for any news of their companions.

"Ryan I know you are worried but will you stop that, it is getting annoying."

Ryan simply grumbled as he spoke, "Hey I so wanted to go with them, I am strong and I could have helped them."

Nikita shook her head as she spoke, "Ryan I understand that you are strong, but you are nowhere near as experienced and well trained for such a difficult mission, not to mention did you forget the mission that had been entrusted to us."

Ryan huffed at that as he spoke, "Of course not why would I forget such a boring mission, where I just have to drive around."

Nikita had a bemused look on her face as she spoke, "Correction, one where you will have to act as a decoy to lure the guards out acting as bait while they commence their mission."

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke, "What if they do not take the bait then what?"

Nikita simply smiled at that as she spoke, "Well your sister's mission would become incredibly dangerous."

"So true, I just hope that they would return safe and sound."

Ryan looked towards Dasyra as he gave her a small nod when the radio crackled as Michalina's voice came from the other side, "Team alpha in position, team raven you have the go, over"

Ryan sighed as he took his seat, starting the engine as he spoke, "Nikita warn Harrison and Dasyra, take a seat."

Dasyra need not be told as she ran towards the nearest turret control seat, which she promptly took control of, a few hours of coaching can do wonders to someone who had never even seen or heard about the electric kettle.

With a screech the trailer moved forward as Harrison wearing a helmet and vest held on to the side of the bed praying to God, while his wife and daughter were not only asleep because of the elf trio, they were tightly bound as well so that they might not cause any problem for them.

Bobby Geary's eyes shot open as he tried to sit up only for a blinding pain to shoot through his body making him scream out loud at that.

"Oh no not again, I am getting tired of his shouting and moaning and cursing, can we not kill the cripple already boss?"

A person wearing leather jacket spoke with a scowl as the person who was referred to as the boss simply laughed at that as he spoke, "Billy the cripple still has his uses, he can still control his slaves and that is why we need him until we can find some other way to control this many people, and secondly many are still loyal to him after all if nothing else his silvery tongue was great."

Billy nodded as his 'boss' continued to speak, "Well let us go and see what that bloated buffoon wants now."

As soon as he entered the room Jake ducked as a tin can hit Billy on his head, as Bobby bellowed out loud, "What was taking you so long you incompetent whelp, I had been shouting myself hoarse for hours."

Jake's eyes twitched at that but he managed to gain a sheepish look on his face as he spoke, "Sorry boss I was making around at the other side of the base, so."

"Save your excuses.", Bobby snarled at him as he spoke, "The wench is only a few kilometres away from my base, you take as many men as you can, and go get them alive, and take as many as you want I want them captured, you might find a few goods looking girls with them including those pointy ears you were so fascinated with, well do as you want with them."

Jake's eyes widen at that Bobby just gave him the chance to curry favour with others and maybe sway him to his cause, after all as long as Bobby was comfortable and the way he was now with everything waist down not working, he doubted that he would step out of his room anytime soon and as long as he could maintain the illusion that Bobby was in charge and he could rule them from behind the scene.

Meanwhile, a few minutes Michalina was crouching in front of a metallic gate as she signalled Jessica, she took a torch-like substance, which she placed against the gate, and with a fizz like sound bright white-hot sparks came out of it, as she swiftly melted the bars of the gate, before removing them one by one.

Michalina took the front, followed by Ilorva, Angela, and then it was Dlimira's turn with Nigella followed her with Jessica bringing the rear.

Ilorva gagged behind her mask as she spoke, "So this is your grand idea of entrance it is so disgusting."

Michalina simply shrugged as she spoke, "As long as it works it is fine for me."

"I will never be able to look at corn anymore.", the mournful voice of Delimira came to their ears as Angela snickered at that.

"Everyone focus we have work to do.", Michalina spoke in an annoyed tone as she continued, "And the faster we complete our mission, the faster we can leave the sewage."

A few more minutes later they found themselves directly below the stairs that lead them towards their target's room, but there were too many guards as such she radioed back to their command vehicle.

"Team alpha in position, team raven you have the go, over."

"Acknowledged over.", Nikita's voice came from over the soft crackle of the radio.

"Well, now we have to wait.", Jessica spoke with a sigh.

But fortunately for them, the wait was not too long as a few minutes after Michalina had given out her orders to the command vehicle a shout was heard followed by many more which was accompanied by rapidly fading steps of a great number of people.

"Delimira you are up."

Upon hearing her name escape from Michalina's lips Delimira closed her eyes for a moment before she spoke with excitement in her voice, "Three are in that room, if the one inside is the 'Pig King', then the two outside are the guards, and as for the people who were held there are four of them guarding them, and five are on the wall and the rest are moving away towards a certain direction must be the trailer."

Michalina nodded at that as she spoke, "Jessica you along with Ilorva proceed as planned, you are to kill him whereas the rest of us are going to free the people, but do remember to move fast, I do not wish to wait too long to rescue them, we have to set up defences for their eventual return and a cornered rat is extremely deadly."

Jessica smirked at her from behind her mask as she spoke, "Well I will be done before you could blink, come on Ilorva we have the honour of killing a 'King'."

Ilorva shook her head in a disapproving manner as she chided her softly, "Jessica, you should use assassinating instead of killing for a King."

"Oops, my mistake.", with that she jumped out of their hiding place while Michalina simply shook her head in exasperation.

Jessica and Ilorva silently moved up the stairs as they reached the top, they saw the two men chatting with each other without any care, they tiptoed behind them, before they both quickly held them by covering their mouth, using their knives to slit their victims' throats and driving it deep into their hearts effectively killing them.

"Now to perform the act of regicide, if only he was a King."

Jessica nodded at that as she whispered back to Ilorva, "So true if only he was the real one, damn it, my name would have been told to people for ages."

Bobby was not in a great mood, he might not have said it, but he could see the dissension in his ranks miles away, with how he was he doubted that he would be able to change that any time in forever, but his mood would elevate if only the..

His internal monologue or musings were cut short when all of a sudden the door to his room was swung open as two female donning military equipment stepped inside the room, "Who", was the only thing that he could utter before Jessica's knife was firmly embedded in his head.

Jessica did not waste her time as she radioed back to others, "Regicide complete."

"That is cheating! We were to do it together, not to mention I lost the chance of asking him about his connection with Florence."

Jessica was about to apologize to Ilorva when all of a sudden her eyes were drawn to a particular photograph as she spoke, "Well now what do we have here."

Ilorva frowned at Jessica's behaviour as she spoke, "Is something wrong?"

Jessica showed him a picture as she spoke, "Well I found out the relation between the King and Florence."

Ilorva tilted her head as she spoke, "I do not understand, the woman is wearing a white dress and the man is wearing blue cloths with flowers in Florence's hands and they are smiling, so what does it mean?"

"That means they are married if Booby was the King our dear Florence is his wife the 'Queen'."

"Oh my never thought they would have such a connection."

Jessica nodded at that as she spoke, "Me too, well we can show it to others later for now, and we have to help them clear out the mess."

A distant sound of gunfire reached their ears as Jessica spoke with a sigh, "We better hurry it looks like the party has begun already, I hope they are doing well."

Meanwhile, Ryan was driving the trailer as he had never driven before, it moved and stalked like a snake, a snake made out of metal that was immune to the various attacks of the attacker, a snake that had turrets mounted on it that were firing and tearing the enemies apart, it was a matter of time before their enemies would try to flee, but for the time being, they would try to lower their number as much as possible.

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