A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 29: Sparring (2)

Chapter 29: Sparring (2)

If the Academy Collapse arc is a branching point for difficulty, the Tatar arcs are a turning point for nurturing.

The outcome in the Tatars arcs, and the battle pattern displayed, will determine the chosen nurturing way for particular individuals.

As I said before, there's no need to choose the same nurturing path unconditionally. If it doesn't fit one's characteristics, there's no problem in choosing another path.

However, the difference between having and not having a nurturing path is vast. Without a nurturing path in the initial run, growth halts.

There's no particular problem with the social status.'

Nationality doesn't make much sense to commoners unless they're aristocrats. The place where they can eat and live well is their homeland.

Therefore, the targets that nurturers aim for are commoners who show talent and prominence. Luna, who was admitted as the top student, is the best example.

It may have been different a long time ago, but the United Academy has long been transformed into an institution where numerous countries compete.

It is a small comfort that they are suppressing wars between countries, but it is a ticking time bomb.

The very last stronghold falls during the Academy's collapse arc, plunging everything into chaos. For now, it's a time of relative peace.

It would be nice if it could progress like sports, but I guess that's wishful thinking.'

War constitutes half of human history.

We're fortunate that there exists a common enemy named the devil; if not, humans would have fought amongst themselves long ago.

Moreover, one of the empires advocates expansionism, so they aim to gather talents wherever they exist.

By now, they would know about Luna being a commoner and would be preparing. According to Luna's character, she wouldn't choose their path.

It's just a choice of nurturing path, but actually, it's about choosing a faction.'

Each nurturer is divided by the country they belong to, and naturally, the nurturing method also changes according to that choice.

If you choose a country that values honor and fairness, it's easier to gain a reputation, but it's slower to learn techniques.

On the other hand, if you choose a country that values power, your technique acquisition speed increases, but gaining honor is difficult.

Various choices will diverge, and so does the diverse methods of nurturing based on the choice.

Doing it multiple times is really fun.'

During multiple runs, one could see how the powerful countries scramble to get the talents.

Of course, during multiple runs, things are fixed in place, so the nurturing doesnt have any real significance. It's just about choosing paths.

That's why many people prefer to start a new game and nurture it from the beginning. You can also verify new paths along the way.

"That looks like the Granada Empire."

While pondering about nurturers, Rods murmur reached my ears.

As I heard him, I shifted my gaze in the direction he was looking.

Unlike the general audience, there are a few people having a conversation in the much more refined stands.

Among them, one person was particularly noticeable for their muscular body and fierce countenance.

That person.'

I distinctly remember him. Hes one of the nurturers.

As you can tell by his stature, hes a nurturer that efficiently exerts power'.

"Since thats the Granada Empire, the opposite side should be"

I turned my head towards the opposite side of the stand. As expected, a completely different ambiance was emitted by the people gathered there.

If the Granada Empire's atmosphere was heavy and serious, the people here were generally calm with a noble ambiance.

Unlike the Granada Empire, which emphasizes power, the Matra Empire pursues honor and justice. Its Elvin and Grace's home country.

It appears their nurturer hasn't arrived yet.'

I noticed several familiar faces, but the main nurturer wasn't present. I guess theyll be showing up later.

Various figures were present, but that wasnt what mattered right now. What mattered was the Tatars that were to come.

Currently, Im sitting with Rod in the VIP seats. Perhaps because of that, unlike the general audience, I was able to see the entirety of the Tatars stadium.

Considering its a special stadium, its tremendously spacious.'

When describing spacious places, you often compare it to the size of a soccer field.

The general arena isn't particularly large, yet the special arena takes pride in its size, equivalent to that of a soccer field.

Consequently, the spectators' seats are also impressively large. So much so, that it can accommodate all the students in the Academy.

However, the true charm of the special arena lies in the actual stadium. What you see now is nothing more than an ordinary dirt floor.

In a moment, once the contest kicks off, that dirt floor will transform into diverse environments.

They say it's a fusion of magic and science, right?'

I don't understand the principle, but let's just go with it. After all, this is a fantasy world where common sense doesn't apply.

Putting that aside, I quietly sat next to Rod and waited for the contest to commence.

The very first match promises a stunning event. A face-off between the top incoming student and a barbarian.

This implies that Luna and Kara will be competing against each other right from the first round.

Kara will likely win.'

I quietly waited while enjoying the scorched rice candy that Rod had given me.

To be honest, I'd rather be eating something other than candy. Something like a refreshing beer.

Now that I think about it, I haven't had a drink since I arrived here.'

Such thoughts crossed my mind as I kept sucking on the candy.

"You were here."

Someone spoke from behind where Rod and I were sitting. The voice was deep and solemn.

I had already sensed that someone was approaching, so I turned around without much thought.

"You must have had a hard time finding me."

"Hmm. There was no need for you to go out of your way to find me."

The man's attire consisted of a carelessly thrown-off shirt, a leather cape thrown over it, and a lower garment more like a skirt than trousers.

His attire seemed to echo ancient Egypt, but what stood out more was his bronze skin and red hair.

"It seems like you've aged since last I saw you."

"You still haven't gotten over your habit of running around half-naked."

The well-kept beard and hair, grown out like a lion's mane, gave off a strong impression.

To the uninformed, his appearance might prompt the term barbarian'. However, anyone who dared utter such a word to this man may find themselves bent in half.

"But this personis he really as I've heard?"

"I told you, yes."

"Do those bright red eyes not make him feel like a human? Isn't he really a beast?"

"Regardless of appearance, Sivar is a human."

Upon hearing Rod's response, the red-haired man regarded me analytically. I gazed back at him in return.

Although I couldn't find many resemblances between him and Kara, his red hair and green eyes were undoubtedly distinctive.

"It doesn't seem like you have any right to talk."

I internally retorted as I scrutinized him from top to bottom. His entire body was filled with muscles.

Even Kara was quite tall, similar to an adult male. Looking at this man, one could guess where those genes came from.

In addition, as if to prove he had fought in countless battles, his exposed skin was filled with scars.

He is Kara's biological father and the king of the nascent nation, Tatars, Hector.

He's known by another name as well.

"Did you break anything on your way here?"

"Chamberlain, I am now a dignified king. I can't just randomly smash things; it gets annoying."

"Your personality has quieted down a lot. When was the last time you lunged at me?"

"That was a story from more than 10 years ago."

The King of Destruction, Hector.

The title was earned before the formal establishment of Tatars, by capturing numerous cities and villages, and subsequently razing them to the ground.

As one may infer from his moniker as the King of Destruction, he is a being of formidable strength.

Taking it a step further, coupled with advanced techniques, he is akin to a walking human tank.

However, independent of his formidable combat power, his enlightenment' is low, making his depth rather shallow.

Consider him a human obsessed with warfare.

"Can I sit here?"

"Only the Principal, myself, can sit here."

"What about that kid?"

"He's under my protection. If you don't want to make a fuss, politically, go find a seat elsewhere."


Contrary to his terrifying title, he is notably lighthearted and talkative.

In fact, the vast majority of the Tatars people are surprisingly talkative. This is part of the unique Tatars culture, and Kara is no different.

The problem is, they keep babbling while getting everything done.'

So, he babble on as he splits his opponent's head open.

Of course, he is not always noisy. When he is serious, he is truly serious.

Remember that Hector's title is The King of Destruction'. His power is real.

"I see. I think I'll have to go over to the Gradana Empire then."

"Don't you like the Matra Empire?"

"They disrespect me, calling me a barbarian. It'd be unusual if I didn't let my fist fly first. But before that"

Before leaving, Hector locked eyes with me. Deep curiosity colored his bright green pupils.

Following that, he revealed his pearly white teeth with a grin, pointing towards me as he spoke.

"Have a good fight with my daughter. I'll be keeping a close eye on you."


With those parting words, Hector turned and walked towards the stands.

His broad back matched his size. How could one man be so massive?

"There's no need to mind him. It's merely a greeting."

It was a somewhat fierce greeting, I thought to myself.

Even as unexpected encounters took place, the stands filled with students and stakeholders.

Given the size, it was surprising how quickly the stands were getting filled.

After all, the face-off between the top incoming student and the barbarian princess was bound to attract attention.

How long will it be with Kara and me?'

Just as I found myself pondering this,

"They are here."

"Is that her? The top incoming student. And there"

"The barbarian princess. Her skin gives it away."

The already buzzing crowd erupted into a louder frenzy.

On focusing on the competition stadium to verify the reason, sure enough,

Luna and Kara, armed with their weapons, were making their entrance.

[The match will commence soon. Please take your seats.]

Concurrently with the broadcast, a semi-transparent barrier started enveloping the competition field.

It was a shock absorption mechanism coming into play in anticipation of any unforeseen circumstances.

The barrier completely covered the field suddenly, turning transparent.

[We will create the combat environment.]

Following another announcement, the competition field enveloped by the barrier started to transform.

The hard ground, previously only dirt, began to glow green as the terrain slowly changed.

However, nothing emerged from the ground. It indeed did not seem to be undergoing drastic changes.

[The environment setup is complete.]

[The battle environment is a plain.]

[The battle will commence shortly.]

The shining blue light disappeared and the battle arena for Luna and Kara unfolded before my eyes.

A plain filled with green grass. The battle environment felt ordinary if anything.

There were small rocks here and there, but it didnt seem like they would greatly influence the outcome of the battle.

It'll come down to the basics.'

All variables have been eliminated. The only factors that may come into play are the rocks and the risk of being cornered against the wall.

However, considering the size of the stadium, forcing someone against the wall would be challenging as well.

[The battle will commence in 5 seconds.]


The big event was finally about to start. I wanted to eat popcorn, where could I find it?

My eyes darted around to see what I could snack on. Every spectator in the stands already seemed to have something to munch on.

[1. The battle will commence.]

A broadcast notified them of the beginning of the fight, but they wouldn't start fighting immediately. Initially, it would just be a phase of observation.

Right now, whats important is popcorn or some snack. However, there was nothing in sight, no matter how hard I looked.

"Do you need anything?"

Rod, noticing my unusual behavior, asked me. I nodded and opened my mouth.


"A snack?"


I used the term bored' while pointing at my mouth. This caused Rod's expression to change.

He must not have expected me to use such an expression. Snacks are indispensable when watching anything interesting.

"Werent you already given candy?"

No. Not that.

I shook my head vigorously and expressed myself again.


"You want a different snack?"


I felt hopeful that he finally understood what I wanted.

Rod rummaged through his thoughts before replying in a stern voice.

"That cant happen."


"If I say no, its no."

Could he be worried about me picking up bad habits? It's somewhat a plausible thought.

Ellie and others often show signs of considering me immature.

I dont understand'

I shot Rod a fierce glare to show my protest. I didn't talk, but I trust that my intentions were conveyed clearly.

However, Rod maintained a stern expression.

"Focus on the battle for now. I'll give you something to eat later."


"Shush. When I say no, its a no."


"Why is he behaving like this?"

In the midst of our quarrel.


A sudden noise of metal clashing resonated in my ears. The noise came from the battle arena.

This sudden noise caused me to stop arguing with Rod and turn my attention back to the arena.

Why is she lying down?'

Then I noticed Luna lying on the ground.

Considering that no broadcasts had intervened, she had not fainted. She mustve just tripped or been knocked off balance.

Or perhaps she was hit. Even from a distance, I could see her dazed expression.

"Sigh I missed that. It seemed like an important event"


I felt somewhat guilty and kept my mouth shut.


Luna, the top academic achiever and someone who had shown talent early on was fully confident.

No matter how strong Kara was, if the fight was decided by swordsmanship, not combat skills, she believed she could win.

In the case of Sivar, he was an exceptionally strong being who did not conform to the norm, so she did not include him in her calculations. However, she thought she could defeat Kara.

I can't understand.'

Why was Kara so confident? Why did Sivar choose Kara instead of himself?

She couldn't comprehend it, but that misunderstanding made her realize her mistake.

In that case, Sivar will also start to see things from a new perspective. He would also have to admit that his instinct was wrong.

I don't intend to teach him'

But you can't always live relying only on your instincts. Her mentor had told her that.

While instinct is crucial for a warrior, blindly trusting it can lead to calamity one day.

Given that Sivar had lived in the wild, he likely had a strong inclination towards this. So she decided to change this during this encounter.

"Wow. Is this something the Academy can do? The world is truly amazing."

Across the arena, Kara was looking around in wonder.

The ground, once nothing but dirt, had transformed into a green plain. Luna had to agree with Kara on this point.

However, they were in the middle of a battle. Luna meticulously examined Kara, who was playing with the dirt.

Unlike during independent training, Kara was now wearing light armor. Her midsection was as exposed as ever.

Her weapons a sword and a one-handed axe.'

The sword was a curved blade, one of the weapons commonly used by the Tatars.

The one-handed axe seemed to be auxiliary armament. Given Kara's strength, it must be to take advantage of that.

Did they say a protective shield would appear from the bracelet when unconscious?'

Luna played with the bracelet attached to her wrist. A protective shield automatically activates when one loses consciousness completely.

It also automatically activates when there's a critical hit or puncture wound.

So they can fight to their heart's content. The battle is specifically organized to bring out one's skills.

I have to win.'

Luna tightly gripped her sword with both hands. She could take any weapon she wanted for the match.

In the meantime, Kara had been checking out the arena and now her face was beaming as she looked forward.

Compared to the at-ease Kara, Luna was looking rather tense.

"Why are you so nervous? It's just a fight, right? We should both enjoy it."

"You probably think so."

"Is that so? In Tatars, fights are a form of play. It's a culture naturally developed from constantly going through real battles."

Who asked for that knowledge? Luna narrowed her eyes.

Some are sincere, while others just chatter without doing anything.

She must be showing off her composure. For some reason, it made Luna increasingly agitated.

"You talk too much."

"Hmm. Is that so?"


"Sorry. Sorry. It's just a habit. Call it culture, if you will."

The way she laughed freely made her seem like a mischievous child. Her bright white teeth contrasted starkly against her tan skin.

Just as Luna was starting to get irritated, Kara, still laughing, made her move.

Thud- Thud- Thud-

"Anyway, as I said before, ignoring hand-to-hand combat can get you in trouble."

" "

"I'll show you what a real fight is like. For starters"

Before she knew it, Kara had approached Luna and lifted her curved blade. Luna, anticipating the next attack, raised her sword.

To make the defense easier, she supported the blade with one hand.


It was as she expected. Kara, who had lifted the curved sword, brought it straight down.

The sound of the metal hitting created a ringing in the ears. But it was somewhat easy to defend.

Next, Luna smiled and tried to retaliate as she was taught by her master.

No. More precisely, she was about to attempt to retaliate.



That was until Kara's sharp kick landed on Luna's stomach.

With one leg acting as a pivot, she naturally twisted her body into the attack.

She had taken advantage of the moment Luna was preparing to retaliate.


Luna flew backward and awkwardly fell over. The attack was so sudden that she couldn't even respond.

How could such a kick naturally come out in that situation? On the ground, Luna barely managed to lift her head.

Despite being disoriented from the pain, she never took her eyes off of the enemy, as she was taught.

As she lifted her head, she could see Kara slowly approaching.

"What do you think? Ah, no."

The sight of Kara still grinning from ear to ear.

"You probably can't believe it yet, can you?"

It was more than enough to instill a sense of unease in Luna.

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