A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 30: Sparring (3)

Chapter 30: Sparring (3)


"Why do you call?"

Luna recalled her master, who had taught her swordsmanship. Her master always wore a mask with a smiling visage. Her master's voice and physique were so ambiguous that even their gender was unknown, along with other details like name, age, and hometown. So she simply called them "Master." The master didn't seem to mind.

"Master, why did you teach me swordsmanship?"

"Because you have talent. And those mysterious eyes, don't you have them?"

"Is that so? I'm not sure myself."

Even after hearing this, Luna, who lived in the countryside rather than in the city, reacted indifferently. Without anything to compare to, the words didn't resonate with her. Her hometown was focused on farming. It was amazing that her master had come all this way. She had known about her "eyes" for a long time. It was an ability she had since birth, so she never paid it much mind.

"So continue to diligently progress. You will surely become the light that will illuminate this world."

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Have you ever read the fairy tale where the hero defeats the demon?"

Luna nodded. That fairy tale was too famous; no one was unaware of it. Moreover, it wasn't just a simple story; it was based on true events. The United Academy was one piece of evidence of that. The fame of the United Academy spread worldwide and became the dream of many. Luna was one of them. In such circumstances, the fact that the master in front of her had come to teach her martial arts was like a step closer to her dreams.

"You can be the protagonist of that story."


"Of course."

The master replied with certainty as if behind the smiling mask, they were also smiling in earnest.

"Hardships will come your way, but your incredible persistence will surely carry you through them."

Luna believed those words to heart and polished her swordsmanship. In fact, her talent was such that she was admitted to the United Academy. And as the top student. Marlboro, her professor at the time, couldn't help but marvel at her skill. Of course, that marveling was separate from the fact that she got hit the moment she was caught off guard and fainted. Thanks to that, she realized she still had a long way to go.


Luna grimaced from the sharp pain in her abdomen as she slowly stood up. Using her sword as a cane, she managed to stand, and the sight of Kara's grinning face came into view.

I must avoid close combat.'

She realized it after the last blow. She can't allow herself to get too close to Kara. Just as Kara emphasized before, martial arts come into play during close quarters. In other words, if they're not in close combat, then martial arts don't have a chance to be utilized.

So that's why I need to learn martial arts.'

The reason Luna hadn't learned martial arts from Kara was nothing significant. It was a matter of pride. If the age difference had been significant, maybe, but Kara was only a year or two older than her. Rather than learning skills from someone her own age, she'd prefer to improve her swordsmanship. Above all, time was decisive. With less than a week left, she declined because she was uncertain she could learn it wholly.

I wonder if Sivar has learned everything?'

She recalled Sivar, who also learned martial arts from Kara. Every time he practiced boxing, the sandbags were completely destroyed. Filled with sand, and yet he burst them with bare hands, and without a scratch. Having grown up in the wild, his physical abilities were incredibly strong. It had even taken three professors to barely subdue him before.

Anyway, lets leverage my strengths.'

Luna tightly gripped her sword handles with both hands. Her admission to the academy as the top student wasn't just due to her swordsmanship. Realized martial arts is advantageous in close quarters? Then, just lead the fight in a way that close combat doesn't happen. If that happens, the other side will have no choice but to realize and charge. Just be wary of that.

"You seem thoughtful."

Kara commented on Luna's expression with a sly smile, a clear provocation. But Luna did not take the bait and took her stance. Engaging in banter now would only disadvantage her.


Here she comes.'

At that moment, Kara's feet left the ground. Luna narrowed her eyes at the sight. Soon, as expected, Kara closed the distance in an instant and rushed forward. At the same time, she brought down her curved sword from top to bottom as she had done just before.


Instead of defending, Luna lightly dodged the attack by stepping back. Without hesitation, she counterattacked. An upward slash from below. Clang! There was a loud clash as sword met sword. Though it was a quick counter, Kara had managed to raise her sword in defense during that brief span. At least by cleverly using distance, she left no room for Kara to squeeze through.

Clash! Clang! Clang! The rapid exchange continued between the straight sword and the curved blade. When one's attack ended, the other's began. When Luna had the advantage, she didn't recklessly move in. Doing so would only invite a kick, which was all too obvious. Kara even resorted to stepping back instead of engaging in a test of strength.

Since she didn't know any martial arts techniques, close combat was disadvantageous. So she decided not to close the gap at all. Keeping distance and fighting in this manner kept her constantly on her toes.

"Isn't this too obvious? Looks like you came to your senses quickly after that kick."

Kara smirked, finding Luna's strategy far too transparent. However, Luna didn't respond. As mentioned before, engaging would only be detrimental. It was time to focus on the fight. Kara shrugged when Luna didn't reply, suggesting it didn't bother her and continued.

"Well, if that's how you want it. Your footwork is a bit annoying, though"

Kara glanced at Luna's legs. Even if everything else was set aside, that footwork was excellent. Footwork or stancesall forms of martial arts are based on them. It was clear why she was admitted as the top student.

"Try to cope with this too."

Once again, Kara closed the distance. Even faster than before. Luna, completely unfazed, predicted her next move. She knew well enough that Kara was holding back on her skills.

Swhish! The characteristic sharp slash of the curved sword followed. A diagonal attack from above. Impossible to block, so Luna lightly retreated backward to dodge. She would normally counterattack immediately, but Kara's assault didnt cease there.

When does it end?'

Kara relentlessly swung her curved sword, the sound of it cutting the air was captivating. Luna was forced to only focus on evasion and occasionally looked behind to prepare for any obstacles. To anticipate if she was being backed into a wall. Fortunately, there was still plenty of distance from the walls.

Clang! Just as Luna grew curious about the intent of the continuous strikes, an attack came that needed to be blocked. Kara had caught on to Luna's footwork, gradually adjusting her body to cover more ground. Now, she would have to re-engage in an exchange of blows. Having been read, she had no other choice.

"What will you do now?"


So talkative. Luna frowned at Kara, who wouldn't stop running her mouth. If she had been read, the only option was to confront her head-on. An obvious response.


Luna swung her sword diagonally from above. Normally, Kara would defend against such an attack with ease. But Kara unexpectedly performed an action far beyond Luna's imagination.

Click- She let go of the curved sword she had been gripping tightly. She had thrown away her own weapon. Luna's eyes widened in shock at the sight, but her sword was already in motion.

Woosh! The sword sliced through empty air. The diagonal slash allowed Kara to exploit the opening. Exploiting the opening meant close quarters were imminentthe very situation Luna wished to avoid. In desperation, Luna tried to back away, but Karas move was quicker.

Thump! "Cough!"

Kara grabbed Luna's slender throat. Luna was too shaken by Kara's weapon drop that her response was just slightly delayed.


Not stopping there, Kara threw her to the ground forcefully. A combination of the hard floor and gravity makes for great impact. Receiving the full force, Luna's eyes opened wide. Her mouth was agape, but she couldn't breathe.

But even though she couldn't breathe, her gaze remained fixed on Kara. She clearly saw that Kara was now holding a one-handed axe when she had drawn it was anybody's guess.

"Let's start with your arms!"

Kara said with a refreshing smile, swinging the axe down. Despite the smiling face, it was a chilling statement. It was probably a joke, but considering Kara's background, it felt deadly serious.


Luna rolled her body, narrowly avoiding the axe. She then hurriedly got up. Her breathing was ragged, but not entirely gone. It was much better than just a moment ago. Furthermore, circulating the magical power within her body, she was quickly able to forget the pain.

"You're quite the agile one. Is it because of your delicate frame?"

Kara evaluated Luna's agility while holding the one-handed axe. It was unexpected that she would manage to evade since Kara had made it difficult to do so. Her spacing and basics were sound.

It was just her technique and practical application that were lacking, a bit slow on the uptake. This could be improved with experience over time.


Luna accelerated her magical power and charged at Kara. The one-handed axe had a shorter reach compared to the longer curved sword. Now was her chance.

Her sword slashed down diagonally, and the attack was rendered ineffective as Kara moved back. But the attack didn't end there. Luna responded with an upward strike, attempting to prevent Kara from closing in.


Once again, a loud noise of collision echoed in all directions.

Normally, no one should have come out hurt, but this time was different. Instead of evading, Kara had counterattacked by striking her axe down upon the sword.


Luna cried out in a pain-filled scream. Her hand felt numb as if it was paralyzed.

However, she did not let go of the sword. It was one of her masters teachings and something that had been emphasized time and time again.

Kara seemed surprised by this, as if she did not expect it. But of course, it didn't mean the attack was over.


Kara's left fist struck Luna's face squarely, a full-blown hit, just like the initial kick.

Luna shook off the momentary daze and moved her sword. She slashed horizontally so that Kara couldn't even close in.


Whether effective or not, Kara also stepped back slightly. For a brief moment, a lull occurred in the battle.

"Not letting go of the sword until the very end?"

Kara smirked, seemingly pleased with Luna's determination to hold onto her weapon.

Then, it seemed she would need to break that determination. With that thought, Kara moved.

Luna tightened her focus as Kara approached her. A metallic taste of blood was present in her mouth.


Luna swung her sword as if to say, "Don't come any closer," and Kara did not press any further. With the one-handed axe, the initiative was now in Luna's hands. At least, that's what she thought.

"Take this!"


Suddenly, Kara jumped back, throwing the axe.

"Let's start from scratch!"

She said, picking up the fallen curved sword off the ground, nullifying all strategies up to that point.

Just like someone who enjoyed the battle itself, Kara was adept at using weapons and techniques just when required. The basic movements, as well as technical application and utilization, were vastly different.

But Luna did not give up until the end. Her tenacity, almost to a fault, clung to her.



Still, the limits were clear. Luna's capabilities were limited, while Kara's seemed boundless. Close combat brought punches and kicks, and when distance was made, Kara would charge in relentlessly, forcibly closing the space.


Once again, Kara released her curved sword and gripped Luna's wrist firmly the hand that held the sword.

Luna tried desperately to release the grip but to no avail.

Had she learned martial arts, she could've at least tried to punch back. Now she regretted it too late.

"At a time like this, you should switch the sword to the left hand. Youre stubborn in such pointless matters."

"Shut up!"

It was practically toying with her at this point. Still, Luna refused to let go of her sword.

She wanted to land an effective strike, no matter how many hits she might take.


"What was that?"

Luna kicked at Kara's shin, hoping to disrupt her balance.

However, it felt as if she had stepped on steel, solid and unyielding. Luna's foot ached from the effort.

"This is how you should do it."


Kara, on the other hand, was crisp in her execution.

Instead of just kicking, she completely threw Luna off balance as if she was toppling her. In that fleeting moment, the sword slipped from Luna's grasp. She was distracted by focusing elsewhere.

Kara took the sword from Luna and stepped back several paces. The tide of battle seemed to be settled.

"Huff Huff"

Even as the sword slipped out of her hand, Luna couldn't mount a response. She was nearly out of energy. Circulating magical power takes a heavy toll on stamina. Not to mention the effective hits she had taken.

The bitter taste of blood swirled in her mouth, her hands were numb, and the place where she had been kicked ached terribly.

"What are you going to do now? You have no sword. No stamina. Everything you relied on is gone."


Despite Kara's taunts, Luna braced herself on her knees and managed to stand up. Then, clumsily, she raised her fist and stared directly at Kara. Though clearly out of energy, her eyes were still filled with fighting spirit. Could those really be the eyes of someone cornered?

"I'm going to fight until the end."

Kara inwardly admired her eyes just as Luna declared.


Then the words that came from her mouth were.

"Bring it on, barbarian."


For a moment, it was enough to erase the smile from Kara's face.

Of course.

"You really have a knack for landing yourself in trouble?"

It was all in vain.

Kara maintained her smile because she knew the remarks from Luna weren't heartfelt.

At least, not like the others Luna wasn't rude. It was merely the kind of provocation common in fights.

If they were meant sincerely, Kara would beat it out of her until she changed her mind.

"You'll apologize later, won't you?"

"Yes. I didnt mean it."


Kara casually tossed her sword onto the ground and slowly approached Luna.

"I'll teach you martial arts."

With that, Luna's vision filled up with Kara's fist. Luna locked her eyes on that fist until the end.


Before long, her world was engulfed by darkness. Being thrown into the air was just an extra.


Right before Luna hit the ground, one thought crossed her mind.

I want to go home.'

And then she fell with a thud.

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