A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 36: Friend (2)

Chapter 36: Friend (2)

Whether she realizes it or not, Kara possesses a unique characterism; she is the outcast', or loner'.

Before founding the Tatars, Hector ruthlessly destroyed and plundered the neighboring countries, and his notoriety spread worldwide.

Even after establishing the nation, his infamous reputation persisted, and people would commonly revile him as a barbarian. Kara was no exception to this.

For this reason, academy students avoid getting close to Kara, and she is aware of this, conducting herself accordingly.

Of course, if any student crosses the line, she doesn't hesitate to beat them to a point where they can't even speak, and this contributes significantly to her negative reputation.

Nonetheless, the fact that Kara is a loner without a single friend remains unchanged. While she may be represented as a hedgehog bristling with spines, hedgehogs are known to be very docile and retract their spines for trusted individuals. The same can be said about Kara.

The force of the impact was quite good too.'

Internally, I chuckled at Kara as she rambled, trying to appease me in any which way.

The notion that I was truly hurt was, of course, just a joke. Knowing her character all too well, there was no real harm done.

It was just a prank. Though Kara would probably never find out the truth until her death.

"That I'll give you candy later! So dont be too sad, okay?"


Now it seems Kara wants to train me with candy. Nevertheless, not finding the idea wholly unpleasant, I responded affirmatively.

Breathing a sigh of relief, thinking she had lightened my mood, Kara then shot Hector a sharp look with her pointy eyes.

Hector was quietly observing me, his expression showing deep thought. Had he caught onto my prank?


"What is it?"

"I hope you don't mind that I'm friends with him?"

Kara seemed to think Hector harbored unnecessary and precisely rude thoughts.

She had mentioned her single meeting with Hector during Lunas hospitalization, so they likely discussed me.

The wild man who entered the academy. Unlike the barbarians who exist within civilization, here was someone untouched by it.

"I didnt say anything to that effect."

However, Hector responded as if he harbored no such thoughts, with a nuance suggesting she was the one with preconceived ideas.

Kara, hearing this, hesitated for a moment before slyly glancing at me, as if gauging my understanding of his words.

Indeed, even to the Tatar people, they may think, That's a bit After all, he is not even proficient with the language.

"Anyway! Just so you know, he is my friend. Got it?"

Kara hastily grabbed my hand and spoke assertively to Hector, her face still flushed.

Then Hectors expression subtly changed as he stroked his beard, as if pondering something.

It was unclear if his interest was simple curiosity or something more calculated, but the former seemed more likely.

People with strong physiques tend not to be thinkers, and Hectors physical condition ranks amongst the top in the Soul World.

It's no coincidence hes nicknamed the Destroyer King.'

When assessed simply on destructive power,' there are virtually no beings comparable to Hector, with perhaps only two coming to mind.

And those two are entities fitting of being the most powerful in their world, illustrating just how formidable Hector's physical power is.

Even though his skill isn't quite on par with Rod's, as a member of the Tatar, his combat prowess is exceptionally high.

"Well if thats how you feel, then it is what it is. It wouldn't be a bad idea for you to build relationships with nobility rather than commoners. It might greatly aid you in the future."

"I've had enough. I don't want to be near those with loose lips. I prefer him."

"It's not advice but a warning. Didnt I teach you that the more allies you have, and the fewer enemies, the better?"

Hector is wiser than he appears, despite often lacking explanation.

He established the nation sensing that his own people might eventually face extinction due to the abundant enemies around them.

Other countries, despite their irritation, recognized the Tatars based on geographical advantages and individual combat strength. Truly a wise move.

The problem is that it was rather rushed. Instead of taking things step by step, he rather hastily enrolled Kara into the academy. Hence, her current struggles.

"And who's responsible for creating those enemies? Don't even think about shifting that burden to me."

"I'm simply saying, don't create enemies."

"Forget it. I'll decide who my enemies are. For now"

Kara responded bluntly and then showed Hector the hand she was holding with me.

"You see Sivar is on my side, right? You've seen how strong he is, haven't you?"


"So, please leave now. I want some rest."


Granting her request, Hector slowly rose from his chair with an imposing presence reminiscent of a mountain standing up.

Hector then fixed his gaze on me, those green eyes reflecting a complex mix of emotions. I just looked back at him.

"We'll see each other later."

His distinctive deep voice echoed in my ears. Hector walked away with heavy steps.


He lightly patted my shoulder as he passed by, leaving a considerable force in the gesture.

For an average person, the force would have been quite painful. But my body is sturdy, so it was no bother.

Guess I made an impression?'

I had been on his radar since defeating Kara, but based on todays events, Im certainly marked now.

In the Soul World, if Karas affection for you increases, Hector would react too. But the response depended on gender.

If the protagonist was female, like Luna, he would smile contentedly. But a male? Thats when the lasering begins.

It makes sense for him to be wary of his only daughter, beautiful even by objective measures, getting a male friend.

Especially since I'm a wild man with considerable strength, he can't help but be interested, and its not in a good way.


Eventually, Hector stepped outside, and the heavy atmosphere in the room lifted.

Now, only Kara and I were left in the hospital room.



"Hey. No, Sivar."

After a deep sigh, Kara quietly called my name, a departure from her usual brusque Hey.'

Looking at her, she seemed hesitant, moving her lips as if unsure about something.

Even her usual radiant green eyes were cast down, and her face slightly redder than usual.

"Do you know what a friend is?"

Kara finally spoke up but kept her gaze averted, apparently embarrassed by her own question. It was a complete contrast to her usual self-assured demeanor.

Did it happen like this in the Soul World too?'

I don't clearly remember, but I think it was similar.

Due to her status as a princess at home, and the title of barbarian' at the academy.

Kara's position didn't allow her to make friends easily. The more she tried, the more the stress piled up.

That's why increasing her affection was relatively easy, but betrayal would convert her into the worst enemy.

Of course, that would never happen. Acknowledging Kara's question, I nodded in response.

"Know. It."

"What is a friend Never mind. I'm being stupid for even asking."

Changing her mind mid-sentence, Kara chuckled dismissively and shook her head.

Then she lifted her head to meet my gaze, our faces closer than they've ever been.

"Just remember this one thing: friends can joke around, but betrayal is something you must never do. Got it?"

I had heard that statement in the Soul World when Kara's affection grew.

Kara, due to her position as a princess, had encountered every kind of deception back home. Having seen reflections of that at the academy, she had a disdain for it.


"Good. Then let's promise not to betray each other. Alright?"


I tilted my head, a notion like this hadn't been in the Soul World, as far as I remember.

As I pondered, Kara quietly extended her hand, and despite the cast, the tip of her pinky finger was free.

After struggling slightly, she offered her pinky. I think I knew what she wanted.

"Just cross your pinky over mine. That way we make a promise, a bond that shouldn't be broken until death."

This girl is instilling bizarre knowledge on me.

As I blinked, she urged me, perhaps embarrassed about it herself.

"Just do as I say, quickly, before someone sees!"


It seemed like I just had to go along with her wish for now. Ill find a way to make use of it later.

I crossed my pinky over hers, as she instructed. My finger hooked onto the arm I had broken; it felt strange.

Kara smiled softly at my compliance. It wasnt a beaming smile showing all her teeth, but one that seemed somehow refreshed.

Knock knock knock

Just then, someone knocked on the hospital room door. Kara and I turned our heads towards the sound.


Soon after, the door swung wide open, and Kara quickly pulled her hand away.

Hector had just left, so who would be visiting now?

"Ah! Sivars here too?"

"You are?"

An entirely unexpected person made an appearance. Karas voice reflected an equal level of surprise, seemingly bewildered by the visitor.

Brown hair cut to a flattering shoulder length and eyes that glittered like gold. Not to mention the notably prominent chest.


Ellie was visiting Karas room. It was surprising, more so because it was not Luna, but her.

Ellie glanced back and forth between Kara and me, then walked over with her characteristic cheerfulness, asking lightly.

"Why did you come, Sivar? Werent you resting?"

"That's what I want to ask you. Why are you here?"

Kara asked with genuine curiosity. Ellie's visit was totally unexpected.

While it wouldn't have been strange for Luna to visit given their acquaintance, Ellie was different.

There were hardly any occasions for them to meet, and apart from Lunas hospital visit, their relationship was practically that of strangers.

"Me? Of course, I came to see Ms. Kara. I was watching the fight."

"And that's why you came?"

"Yes. I was a bit delayed because I watched Lunas match too. Ah! Luna went to rest for a bit after visiting here."

She even kindly updated us on Lunas situation. That's right, Luna also had her fight.

The atmosphere would typically be awkward, but Ellie's infectious liveliness made it pleasant.

Even if Kara looked somewhat disapproving, she didnt appear troubled. Ellie might be somewhat oblivious, but she wasn't a bad person.

"But why did you come to see Kara?"

Ellie asked me again, her expression filled with curiosity. I answered her, articulating each word deliberately.


"Friend? Who?"


"Ms. Kara?"

Ellie then turned to look at Kara. Her face flushed with embarrassment, Kara fidgeted with her cheek.

"He said he was sorry for hitting me, and he thinks of me as a friend."

"Is that true?"


I nodded while answering, making sure there was no room for misunderstanding.

Then Ellie approached me with a bright expression and quickly closed the distance.


And she hugged my head firmly. Since I was sitting down, my head ended up buried in Ellie's chest.

As I was baffled by her sudden action, Ellie praised me in an encouraging tone.

"You did good! You really did good! That's what friends are for. Sivar, you are really nice."


All good, but could you let go now? I thought about saying it, but decided not to.

It was just too soft. How can something be softer than a bed with just a person's body?

Porori wasn't jesting when he leaned against her like a cushion. I wanted to enjoy this comfort just a little longer.

"Hey. Let go of that quickly. You'll suffocate him."

Kara intervened from behind, her voice carrying a tinge of discomfort, letting me know how she felt about the situation.

Ellie took notice of Karas interjection and gently pulled her face away from mine. Honestly, I wanted to keep cuddling, but I felt sorry.

Ellie would probably accommodate if I asked, but it would make Kara uncomfortable. Better to save it for later.

"I would give you candy, but I dont have any right now. I didn't know you would be here."

While Ellie was apologizing, Kara cut in with a question.

"Why are you looking for me? Just watching a fight doesn't explain your reason."

Ellie answered while standing behind me.

"As you know, Sivar lacks a lot of common sense, right? I came here to explain that he means no harm."

As she said this, Ellie fiddled with my face. She let me lean my head comfortably against her chest.

I savored the indescribable comfort. How could it be so relaxing?

During this time, Kara looked at me, chuckled dismissively, and replied with incredulity in her voice.

"Harm? You wouldn't know, but do you have any idea how much he teased me? Someone taught him really well."

"What? Sivar teased you?"

"Yes. Saying I was weak, and I would lose."

"Strange. Me and The Principal never taught him that"

Ellie said as she stepped back slightly and then came to my side, facing me directly.

Ordinarily, she would have looked down at me, but the size of her chest seemed to be getting in the way.

Poke Poke

Why are you pressing my face? Ellie gave me a poke in the cheek with her finger as soon as our eyes met.

I just looked back at her without reacting, and she smiled mischievously before moving back behind me.


Back to fiddling with my cheeks, she seems to have taken quite a liking to it.

Since I could use her chest as a cushion to lean on, it was a win-win situation for both of us.

"Maybe he learned something while attending classes. It would be bad if he picked up something not good."


Kara gave a guilty expression upon hearing Ellie's words, rolling her eyes to avoid contact.

The provocation was something I self-taught, but from Karas perspective, it would definitely be a sore point.

"Anyway, are you here to apologize? Because you're Sivar's guardian too?"

Kara hastily shifted the topic. Ellie nodded.

"Yes. I was the one who insisted on bringing Sivar from the forest. So, if Sivar gets into trouble, I feel responsible, like it's my duty."

"Hmm I see?"

Kara seemed convinced, as Ellies reasoning made sense.

Initially, even Luna was skeptical about bringing me in since I couldnt understand language, let alone speak a word.

But Ellie was adamant that a person should live like a person and insisted all the way, even when it came to fighting Porori.

So, if I ever caused any trouble, it makes sense that kind-hearted Ellie would feel a sense of responsibility. Though she shared that responsibility with Rod, it didnt change her commitment.

Someone could take advantage of that.'

I need to be careful. Porori might say he'll keep an eye on me, but he can't always be around.

Moreover, Ellie is a character in the Soul World who could die unexpectedly if not careful. It's for balance, they say, but sometimes her death is just ridiculous.

"I'm fine, so you dont need to feel like you have to take responsibility. I prefer someone with their head screwed on right like you."

"Really? That's a relief. If youd like, would you have this?"

Ellie soothed her chest and then offered me a small bottle.

Inside a little cylindrical glass bottle, there was a red liquid.

"It's a recovery potion. I made it myself."

"Thanks. Can I drink it now?"

"No, you've just finished treatment, so the potion's effects would be diminished. Wait about a day."

"Got it. Ill drink it well. Oh, wait."

Kara, who was placing the potion on top of a drawer, seemed to have remembered something else.

Then she delivered a message to Ellie, who was still kneading my cheek.

"I'm going to be Sivar's guardian too, so you better remember that."


"I will be. I haven't received The Principals permission, but in practice, Im already almost like a guardian."

"What are you talking about?"

Ellie was flustered by the news of becoming my guardian. Her stuttering showed she was genuinely taken aback.

Meanwhile, Karas expression was quite nonchalant as she explained in detail.

"You know that I'm in charge of Sivar's training, right?"

"I heard from Luna."

"Listening to you, I thought I should take responsibility, too. It'd be shameful if he used the skills I taught him on the wrong person."

"Theres really no need to go as far as being a guardian"

"Well, the more guardians, the better, right?"

" That's true."

The more people there are to clean up after my antics, the better. Rod is bound to be clutching his neck in frustration more often, thats for sure.

As Ellie reluctantly agreed, Kara smirked triumphantly and decisively concluded the conversation.

"Lets look after him well. I think Ill visit The Principal's office this weekend, so Ill see you then."

"Understood. I look forward to working with you, Ms. Kara."

"You can call me sister too, if you want."

"Is it okay to call you sister?"

"I didnt expect you to start using informal language too."

Kara chuckled. It seemed like she didn't really mind.

"Anything to watch out for while hanging out with him?"

"Not really. I give him lessons on the weekends. Since you're involved with combat, just make sure to warn him not to use it recklessly."

"What if someone curses at Sivar?"

Kara asked with a slightly sharp edge to her voice. She resorts to violence when someone insults her as a barbarian.

The reason shes been able to continue attending the school despite that is thanks to the academy's strict rules against racial discrimination.

Kara's use of violence is seen as self-defense, not mutual fault, because of this.

"I've told him that too. Its okay to strike someone who makes discriminatory remarks."


Pleased with Ellies response, Kara exclaimed. She almost clapped but paused, considering the state of her arm.

Then she smiled broadly and added earnestly.

"I like your thinking. I thought you might just tell me to put up with it, like some people would."

"Directly contradicting the academys principles would be nonsense. Anyone who hasnt learned that isnt fit to attend."

"Hmm. Right. You're straightforward, not like Luna."

Hmm. Is this correct?

I pondered while Ellie massaged my cheek.

Even if it wasn't me, she would have been led in strange directions.'

But seeing that they communicate well, they'll probably get along just fine.

As usual, I would go on, keeping the story in mind.

"But why do you keep touching his cheek?"

"Uh? Oh, this? I dont know the reason, but its incredibly soft. Want to try touching it, sister?"

"Cant you see my arm? He did this to me."

And so, the two girls made a connection, and with it, the sparring event concluded.

There had been a lot of tumult, but after long hardships, a sweet weekend awaited.

On weekends, I used to relax, studying various words.

But that weekend was disrupted by a visitor.

"May I interrupt for a moment?"

"As long as you dont demolish anything."

"That might be difficult."

The Destroyer King had come.

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