A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 37: Destroyer King (1)

Chapter 37: Destroyer King (1)

The sparring event had come to an end. The outcome was not much different from what I had anticipated.

The one notable difference was the number of people who challenged Luna for a duel. Having seen Kara's overwhelming defeat, there seemed to be many eager challengers.

But of course, she swept them all. Kara was just too strong; it wasnt that Luna was weak. As a result, the spars were considerably easy for Luna.

"So how does it work with the points? I don't care about points or anything, but you do, right?"

"Maybe my rank will be higher than yours now? The defeat probably counts for a lot."

After all the spars ended, we were given free time. Even though it was just one day of free time.

Well, the next day was the weekend, so it was pretty much the same as having a long break. That's when I met with Kara.

As you know, it was to take Kara to Rod to get his permission. From now on, Kara would also have a responsibility as my guardian.

Responsibility is just about not being reckless with violence. Even if violence were used, it would be directed at those worse than beasts.

"Ah. And you should bring candy."

"Candy? You don't mean the toasted rice flavored ones Sivar gave last time?"

Kara spoke with an expression of being fed up, apparently the rice candy had left quite an impression. Its definitely an acquired taste.

"No. You don't have to bring those specifically. he'll eat anything sweet."

"Really? Okay. I thought Sivar liked that candy."

"Like. It."

I answered that I liked it. Having eaten so much of it, my taste buds had become quite accustomed.

Kara looked at me with an indefinable expression. Let me say it again; I don't dislike toasted rice flavored candy.

"Anyway, I'll take it you like sweet things. You have to solve your meals at the buffet every day, right? It looks like you eat a lot."

"Yes. Otherwise, I couldn't afford the food expenses."

"I'll treat you to something nice occasionally. I'll take the responsibility."

"Are you sure about the money?"

Luna asked, half surprised, half concerned. Given the amount I eat, her response was predictable.

My usual diet is impressive, but on days I use mana, my consumption increases exponentially.

Recently, there haven't been many opportunities to use mana, so it's been manageable, but it's bound to increase soon. And the food expenses will rise accordingly.

But Kara, appearing not too bothered, waved her hand dismissively and replied with her usual refreshing smile.

"Don't worry. I may not look it, but I am a princess after all. I have plenty of money."

"How much?"

"Enough that it's rotting away, that's how much. Our country makes a lot of money."

As previously explained, the Tatars developed their trade due to geographical advantages. They are sandwiched between the Hwan Empire and the Tatars.

Originally, the shortest trade routes passed through Tatar territory, which meant risking being plundered by the Tatar people.

After establishing the nation, they cleverly exploited this, transitioning the threat of plunder into a trade business.

Plus, with the Tatars themselves providing escort services, trade naturally flourished.

"So don't worry about money. If you want, I can lend you some for a time or two."


"But you have to give it back."


Luna showed a unique reaction to the repayment part, her pretty face crumpling cutely.

Kara, possibly expecting this response, laughed and clarified clearly.

"Sorry, but both I and the Tatar people are meticulous about money. Nothing is easier to lose trust over than money matters."

"What if someone borrows money and doesn't repay?"

"Just consider it a donation and move on. But know that you permanently lose trust in that person."

It's a scenario that exists in the Soul World too. If you borrow money from Kara and don't repay, your affinity drops steeply like a roller coaster.

Unlike Elvin, this is one reason Kara is far removed from the role of a rich patron. Everything else may vary, but she is meticulous with money.



As I was mulling over my thoughts, Kara called for me. I looked back at her, wondering.

"Do you know what money is?"


"Yes. Like this."

Kara then showed me something. She was holding a round object between her index finger and thumb.

The object was mostly silver. In the center, there was a number and a figure inscribed.

It's one of the global currencies used within the Soul World.

Come to think of it, I need to start saving money.'

I had completely forgotten about money matters, never having dealt with living expenses before.

Others had paid for everything around me, and I had lost any sense of money.

"Seeing your expression, you don't know it. Collect these, and you'll find things easier later on. Got it?"


"I heard you can earn money by hunting or gathering herbs, right?"

The question Kara directed to Luna. Luna nodded in response.

"Yes. I go into the forest to gather herbs every weekend. That's where I met Sivar by chance."

"Sivar might be able to get a lot of good game, right?"


Luna considered the plausible point and looked at me, appearing to ponder.

Just the monkey I dealt with to save Ellie is known to fetch a high price.

"I'll think about it slowly. Sivar doesn't understand money yet."

"I'll help you out until then. Later, you can repay me physically."

Isn't that statement ripe for misunderstanding? She must mean hunting, but the way it came out was ambiguous.

Luna seemed to pick up on the strangeness and paused after nodding, then looked at Kara and went, "Eh?"



"That thing you said just now It was a bit"

"What do you mean?"

Kara suddenly froze as if she had made some blunder and realized it. Her face turned gradually redder before sneaking a glance at me. I just stared blankly, the best course of action when in doubt, since she would assume I really didn't understand.

Nevertheless, the embarrassment must have been mutual as Kara coughed and quietly clarified.

"Don't get the wrong idea. It's not like that, okay? Sivar probably doesn't even know what that means, right?"

"Then why would you say it! Youre making people nervous! People are listening."

"Whos listening?"

"I am."

Lunas response couldnt have been more confident, leaving Kara at a loss for words. How peculiar she is.

Kara tried to retort but ended up laughing weakly. It was an admission of defeat.

"Forget it. It's useless to keep talking. By the way, where does Sivar live?"

"Were almost there. Right over there."

Masterfully changing the subject, we arrived at the residential area. This was now my living space, not just The Principal's office.

While The Principals office is in the main building, Rod also works here. But since Im attending classes, we dont cross paths.

"The Principal lives here too?"

"Yes. I believe he takes care of his meals and lodging here as well."

Knock knock knock

Luna knocked gently on the door. Then from behind I sensed someone approaching.


"Ah. You're here?"

"Yes. Is there someone else inside?"

"No one. Ellie is currently in class."

Rod personally opened the door and welcomed us in. Without a secretary, he had to handle things himself.

Kara seemed as surprised as me that Rod came to greet us himself, her face reflecting the unexpected turn.

"Youre the Tatar princess. Your name is"

"Just call me Kara, please."

"Understood. Please come in, Ms. Kara."

Rod swung the door wide open and ushered us in. As soon as we entered, a distinct scent filled the air.

Since two men lived here, they burned incense to counteract any bachelors smell.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"No, that's alright. I'm just here to talk and then leave."

Kara politely declined Rod's offer, waving her hands, indicating she thought it would be impolite to stay longer.

Rod didnt insist any further, but he did prepare a set of tea and light refreshments for us.

For Kara, the grandeur of the situation was apparent as she began to fidget, given its uncommon for a Sword Saint of Rod's caliber to serve guests personally.

Just as she was about to help out, Rod reached out to stop her.

"This is where I and Sivar live. As the hosts, it's our duty to tend to our guests."

"But still"

"Dont the Tatars have their own hospitality customs? So, just take a seat quietly."

Laughing, Rod persuaded Kara, and she finally sat down without further argument.

Kara, who had been so assertive about becoming my guardian, seemed like a gentle lamb in front of Rod.

"So, you want to be Sivar's guardian?"

A moment later, after the setting was complete, Rod sat down and broached the topic.

Kara, who was nibbling on a biscuit, hastily shoved the rest into her mouth at his question.

"Gulp! Yes. You might have heard, but I'd like to be Sivar's guardian."

"I heard the student has been helping with Sivar's training. Do you want to continue managing the training after becoming the guardian?"

"Thats correct."

"May I ask why you're helping him?"

Kara, as if prepared for that question, spoke in her unwavering tone, like she was in an interview.

"Initially, it was out of curiosity. I thought it didnt matter either way. But after sparring with him, my thinking changed."

"How so?"

"Itd be a waste to let that power run rampant."

A very Tatar-like response. Usually, the discourse would be along the lines of this strength is too dangerous; we must teach restraint.

But Kara had gone in the completely opposite direction. Rod seemed unbothered, perhaps having anticipated this.

"It's too inefficient. It's okay to rely on a sturdy body and charge forward, but doing so will lead to trouble later. Youll need to know restraint'."

"You mean you want to teach him how not to accidentally kill someone?"

"Something like that."

Rods interpretation was close to the mark. Kara had mentioned teaching restraint, not forbidding the use of power altogether.

Steady if firm, and violent if violentthat's the mindset. Kara knew this and nodded along.

"Its just a matter of measure when using force; the concept remains the same."

"I agree. However, violence isn't so readily accepted in civilization."

"I understand what you're saying. But I don't resort to violence for no reason. I will be mindful of that."

"That should be enough. It seems you've learned well from Hector."


Kara hesitated momentarily when Rod mentioned Hector. But she did not deny it.

As Rod put it, most of Kara's philosophy was learned from Hector, advice that power shouldnt be used recklessly.

Its also the reason she resents Hectorhaving viewed and learned from him all her life, changing her heart midway and then being forced to adopt a different perspective.

"Regardless, I agree with that."

"Understood. Then"

Thump thump thump

Before Rod could finish, someone knocked on the door. A rough knock.

If it had been Ellie or a professor, they would have knocked lightly. But this one was blatantly aggressive.

"I'll go see who it is."

"Please do."

Luna got up and headed towards the door with Rods low approval.

It seemed he already knew who had come knocking. Being a Sword Saint, he would have identified them by their presence.

I felt the same way. Although it was difficult to identify who it was based on their aura alone, one thing was certainly clear to me.

They were huge.


"Who is oh?!"

Luna began to speak, but halted abruptly and gasped in shock, stepping back seemingly terrified.

It was no wonder the person at the door had an unbelievably large build he appeared to be two heads taller than an average adult male.

The visitor looked at Luna with a puzzled expression before turning his gaze to the people behind her. Then he asked us in a polite' tone, "Do you mind if I interrupt for a moment?"

"As long as you don't break anything," was the reply.

"That might be a bit difficult."

Kara's biological father and the king of the Tatars.

King Hector, known as the Destroyer, unexpectedly visited the Principal's office.

"Father? Why are you?"

Caught off guard by the unexpected visitor, Kara muttered with a bewildered expression.

Meanwhile, Hector entered, bowing his head due to the doorway's low height as he was too tall.

Then Hector looked around the house where Rod and I lived. He nodded as if he approved of the place.

"Not too bad. Do you and the old man live here with that kid?"

"That's the plan for now. Don't just stand there, have a seat."

"If you insist."

With a thud

Hector took a seat at the invitation of Rod, right next to Kara.

And he was also directly across from me. Naturally, Hector and I exchanged looks.

His eyes were still full of interest as they met mine, but today it was different.

How should I put it? His gaze was almost challenging. Anyway, it was evident.

"Shouldn't you put that axe down from behind you? If someone sees, they might think you're here to fight."

"Give me a break. I'll be heading back to Tatars soon anyway."

"That weapon would return even if you drop it in the sea."

"It gets boring without it."

Though the mood grew tense with Hector's arrival, the situation surprisingly loosened up.

Luna, who had been cautiously watching from the door, carefully pulled up the remaining chair and sat down next to me.

"So, why did you come?"

When Hector started chatting with Rod, Kara broke the silence, clearly displeased with the current situation.

Indeed, it would be understandable for her to be angry, as Hector had barged in unannounced. But Hector too had his reasons.

"Just so you know, I'm not here for you I came for him. There's something I need to check."

"Why Sivar?"

"I'm concerned, especially with the redness of his eyes."

Red eyes. I unwittingly touched my eyes.

The crimson pupils shone vividly a symbol of frenzy' in monsters.

Frenzy is triggered in a near-death state. In the past, I had narrowly escaped death several times, causing the frenzy to activate often.

Now, having gained resilience, I've become better off, but it's still dangerous, having activated even during my fierce battle with Porori.

"I should ask since he seems to understand human speech. Was it Sivar?"


"Are you a beast pretending to be human, or a human possessing the power of a beast?"

It was a gravely serious question, one that pierced right into the nature of my being.

Honestly, I couldn't answer that question. The wild instincts within me were turning me into a beast.

Furthermore, due to my drastically lowered faith, I couldn't even properly wield language. In essence, I was a beast with the appearance of a human.

"If it had been someone else getting close to my daughter, I wouldn't have said a word. But you are too dangerous."


"Yes. Dangerous. If those red eyes are real, then there's no way you'll be able to blend into society. In a crisis, you'll lose your reason and become a beast. Every single time."


His words were accurate. Porori had once said something similar.

If I didn't do something about these red eyes, there definitely would be serious problems.

Language aside, the reason a beast is a beast is that its instincts are stronger than its reasoning. As long as the frenzy exists, those instincts are bound to take over.

"Look at this Suddenly, you show up and start saying these things. What's wrong with having red eyes?"

Kara spoke with a voice that could not hide its disbelief. However, Hector paid her no mind.

His gaze was fixed solely on me. I couldn't help but feel puzzled even as I met his gaze.

Was it always supposed to be like this?'

There's an event where, if you beat Kara in a match, you get to meet Hector.

Whether you were in your dorm, at a cafe, or at a restaurant, he'd just appear out of nowhere and have various conversations.

Mostly, they were about taking care of his daughter but also about not getting too close. It was a father-daughter chat.

"Old man."


"Do you know of any place nearby where it's okay to wreck things? I believe there's a forest close by."

With me remaining silent, Hector posed the question to Rod.

Rod frowned slightly at the question before responding tersely.

"Absolutely not. This is an academy. If an accident happened, even you wouldn't be safe."

"So you're saying to leave it be? What if he causes an even bigger accident than me later on?"


Considering it a valid point, Rod turned his head towards me, his eyes lost in deep thought like a tranquil lake.

Then he calmly asked Hector another question.

"If it works out, what then? Will you fix him?"

"No. As you know, I can't leave my position for long now."

"Then no"


Hector interrupted before Rod could finish his objection. It was as though he had an alternative in mind.


Suddenly, he pulled out the weapon he had been carrying on his back and placed it on the desk. Everyone's eyes were immediately drawn to the weapon.

By general appearance, it looked like an axe'. However, it was too big to be a one-handed axe and too small to be a battleaxe.

If compared to something on Earth, it would be akin to the size of a fireman's axe. In addition, its shape was unusual.

One side was sharpened like a blade, while the other was blunt like a hammer.

With everyone focused on the axe, Hector declared his intentions.

"I will lend this to ensure he doesnt display any bestial traits."

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Why would you!"

Rod as well as Kara were shocked, looking at Hector incredulously. Only Luna remained confused, unable to grasp the gravity of the situation.

Deep inside I was also shocked, though I managed to maintain a stoic facade.

That was the case because Hector's weapon was considered among the top ranks within the Soul World.


Hector's prized weapon and a near endgame item. However, it required continued accumulation of faith' to unleash its full potential.

To me, then, it would be just a sturdy axe. It was uncertain if it could withstand my crimson magic.

It was an extraordinary offer for Hector to lend me such an axe. It felt almost excessive.

Yet, it seemed Hector was resolved as he spoke solemnly.

"For safety, it's vital to prevent any outbursts as much as possible. This is the best I can do."


"I just need verification. The moment I know he's a normal human, I'll kneel and apologize immediately. Moreover, I swear to Gulak that I won't interfere with you any further."

A vow made to Gulak carries strong effects. If broken, lightning would strike from the heavens.

This showed the sincerity of Hector's intent. He was willing to sacrifice his beloved weapon for Kara's potential safety.

Rod seemed lost for words at the offer to lend the weapon and fell into contemplation.

After some time had passed with Rod deep in thought, he sighed quietly and began to speak.

"There's a forest 6 o'clock from my position, about 300 meters away."

"Can we just wreck it?"

"I'd prefer you fight further away if possible. Debris could fly over here."

"Good. And you?"

Hector kindly sought my opinion, seemingly leading the event to turn into a duel.

I shifted my gaze towards Kara. She seemed to have grasped Hector's resolution by her shocked face.

Luna felt similarly. Although she couldn't keep up with the topic, her expression showed she realized the seriousness of the situation.


With that, I addressed them both. Their gazes fixed on me.

In an attempt to assure them, I expressed my resolve with a concise but powerful language.


"I don't know who taught you, but you seem to have learned consideration well."

Hector chuckled at my response before slowly rising from his seat.

He grabbed Ragnarok from the desk and began to walk.

It seemed I should follow him. As I was about to move following his broad back.

"Lets not delay and"

Hector tightened his grip on the axe.

"Start immediately."

He swung the weapon upwards, not with the blade, but with the blunt side.


Just a moment.


My body was catapulted through the ceiling and into the sky.

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