A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 44: Breeder (4)

Chapter 44: Breeder (4)

It's a shame. If only I could have held out a little longer, I could have seen something great. That's what I was thinking to myself.

It wasn't that I considered it a waste to see that kind of trivial thing, but rather, I had missed an opportunity to observe their techniques.

Wouldn't they suspect something if I went back now after only doing that much? They must have wanted to finish the sparring first.

In the game, the story unfolds such that the player's location is revealed during the sparring process.

"So, so, what I mean is how did this happen!"

Luna, who should not have seen that secret, was in a state of panic.

Her eyes spun wildly, and her hands fluttered aimlessly. Anyone could see she was reacting with confusion.

The couple discovered in their secret romance was no different, showing faces of complete surprise and embarrassment.

"Anyway, you managed to slip through our detection quite skillfully, didn't you?"

Gloria fanned herself and spoke, her tone not reproachful.

For her, assessing the situation was the priority. First, they had to figure out how we followed them here.

I bet they had been wary up till just before we entered the forest, never letting their guard down in anticipation of such an event.

Rather than being angry that we had broken through their defenses, they must have been filled with questions.

"That, that"

In response to Gloria's question, Luna glanced at me, stammering.

She seemed to be wrestling with whether or not to mention me.

As far as I knew, Luna was incapable of lying. And after much deliberation, she gave an honest answer.

"Sivar said"

"Sivar did?"

"Yes. It was Sivar who said we should follow"

That was the truth. Luna went because I suggested it. That was all she could really say.

But Gloria appeared to think otherwise. Wrinkling her pretty face, she spoke with a voice tinted with disappointment.

"I'm disappointed, Luna."

"Yes, yes?"

"We've heard about Sivar too. That he lived in the wilderness, in the forest."

Luna stood there with a dumbfounded look, apparently not understanding why she was being scolded.

"If you are going to lie, you shouldn't tell that kind of lie. Do you think Sivar knows nothing?"

"Yes, yes? No, that's not what I meant"

There's an expression for this situation: it's both dumbfounding and stifling. That must be how Luna felt.

Sure that she spoke the truth, she suddenly found herself mistaken for a liar, a truly bewildering circumstance.

"It's true Sivar, say something, please."


"But not just that. You're the one who said we should go."

"I did."

Indeed, I did.

"Sigh Luna?"


"You're becoming more disappointing."


That's another matter, irrespective of whether those people would believe us or not.

Luna might have spent a lot of time with me and knew me to some extent, but Gloria and Kronos did not.

They likely regarded me as a naive person from the forest, someone easily swayed by Luna that seemed probable.

For Luna, it must be incredibly frustrating. She did not lie, yet she was being accused of falsehood.

"I've never lied! It's true, Sivar"

"Enough. Let's let this slide for now. The important thing isnt that. Instead, I'll commend you for getting past not just my detection, but also Ria's."

Luna gave up after realizing they did not trust her at all. Injustice filled her expression.

Then, with a deep sigh, she spoke in a voice close to resignation.

"Alright. So, you two are in that sort of relationship, right?"

"If you mean a romantic relationship Yes, that's correct."

"But aren't your home countries at odds with each other?"

"To explain that would take a bit longer"

Gloria, sensing what Luna might say, turned to look at Kronos.

Kronos was just as uncomfortable with the situation, managing only an awkward smile.

They'd never believe it was love at first sight.'

No empty wordsthey had fallen at first sight for each other, even if they denied it initially.

However, after directly confronting each other with weapons, they began to feel an attraction and thus started their secret romance.

What does it matter if their countries are hostile? One cannot resist when the ideal person is right before ones eyes.

Moreover, it isn't a one-sided affair; their compatibility is painfully obvious.

This kind of information is something you learn once a certain level of favor is achieved. It's an indicator of just how much favor has accumulated.

"The important matter isn't that right now. Luna and Sivar know our secret, and we have to prevent it from spreading."

"What if I did spread it?"

"The Marta Empire and the Granada Empire would lose valuable human resources. We would just have to flee, that's all."

Hearing the blunt reply, Luna muttered, "A love's escape?" That's certainly one way to interpret it.

While it sounds romantic, reality is anything but. If the secret leaks, they would live their lives as fugitives.

Whether it's the Marta Empire or the Granada Empire, they would be branded traitors and pursued. A happy life would be far out of reach.

To prevent that, they had to meet in secret. They had no choice but to comply with any demands.

"However, neither Ria nor I want that. Sadly, we each love our homelands in our own ways."

"I see."

"As a condition for not disclosing the secret, we will help you as much as we can, even materially."

Kronoss plea shows that they are well aware of their own standing.

Reluctant or not, they are representatives of their nations. Weapons that both countries can proudly brandish.

Gloria exemplifies the justice and honor preferred by Marta, and Kronos represents the strength and pragmatism adored by Granada.

Both faces indulging in a secret romance? The moment this secret becomes public, things will go from complicated to downright chaotic.

It would make an excellent romance novel plot.'

But reality is a quagmire. To turn reality into fiction, a good deal of toil is necessary.

Should the promise be broken and the secret spilled, not only would favor plunge, but honor would also hit rock bottom.

Thus, unless one wishes to play the role of a villain, it's best to keep the secret.

"Even so, I cannot think of anything right away"

"Well, how about this? You learn the skills we teach. Since Luna is already garnering our attention, no one will suspect anything."

Gloria gestured with her index finger up, as if she just had a bright idea. That's exactly what I wanted.

Luna is a talent of interest to both empires. Even if she were to learn from these two, no one would object.

Had a person of ordinary skill learned from them, it would have been suspicious. But for Luna, her talent provides her with support.

It may appear as a circus act meant to curry favor, but it would suffice as a trade for keeping the secret. It was a win-win proposal.

I'm lucky Luna was the top of her admission class.'

Had she been ordinary instead of the top, it would have been difficult to learn directly from them. Another person would've been chosen, just to appease the onlookers.

This is a hidden piece that becomes feasible only if the player achieves excellent grades and stands out in duels.

Without choosing a side, there is no penalty, and one can glean the benefits this choice offers.

"If you can do that for me, I'd be really grateful. It's not just about keeping the secret, right?"

"Talking is easy. But wanting to spill such secrets is part of human psychology."

"I'm confident I can keep it. I swear to the heavens."

"That promise. You must keep it."

As Kronos emphasized the point with a hint of threat, Gloria poked him with her elbowshowing her irritation at his provocation.

But what was the deal with the teddy bear earlier

"Shh, thats enough. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss, you know?"

Gloria then silenced Luna, forcing her to clam up. Kronos could do nothing but cough awkwardly.

Both created an air of inaccessibility, but with each other, they turned into soft jelly.

Gloria, so far from coquettish, would become affectionate, and Kronos, would dote with cheesy sentiments.

When they teach Luna, they'll show a lot.'

What kind of reaction would Luna have then? There are occasional players who, upon witnessing such scenes, reveal the secret out of spite.

Under the guise of training Luna, they engage in romance within a private practice area. It would surely be quite a sight.

"Then, that settles it with Luna. As for Sivar student"

The conversation was neatly tied up with Luna, leaving me next. As the topic shifted to me, the atmosphere became strangely tense.

From their perspective, I must have been a perplexing figure. First off, it was doubtful if I would keep the secret.

Of course, I would absolutely preserve their secretthere is no reason for me not to, as I'd be harming myself otherwise.



"Does Sivar understand what a secret means?"

"Perhaps not?"

They thought I didnt comprehend what a secret entailed. That was an expected reaction.

I planned to gain as much as I could using their misconceptions wisely.

But even if there was something to gain, it would likely end with just learning techniques like Luna.

It would be quite useful.'

The skills to learn from them were akin to traits'. More accurately, they were skills that would evolve' into traits.

The way it worked was, once a skill reached a certain level, it could transform into a trait. Especially as someone with high base stats, it was nearly essential for me.

Gloria enhances critical hit rates, and Kronos boosts damage output.'

Gloria's fighting style is sharp and lethal in one-on-one clashes, while Kronos excels in battles against multiple opponents due to his heavy, powerful approach.

Their strengths and weaknesses are complete opposites. In actual combat, Gloria prevails more often than not.

In that sense, learning from both could spur significant growth.

"It seems preferable that Sivar student is with us when we teach Luna. That way, besides imparting skills"

"Do you happen to know what Sivar likes? I feel awkward saying this, but it may be best to ensure the secrets safety with something material in return."

Despite Kronos treating me as a wild man, I wasnt offendedin fact, it was exactly what I desired.

Luna overheard this and looked at me with a question.

"Sivar. Is there anything you want? In exchange, theyll"

Luna trailed off, seemingly choosing her words carefully.

Then, with a flushing face, she shot a shy glance at Gloria and Kronos.

The deeper blush suggested she might have some more intimate thoughts in mind.

"Dont ever tell anyone about the kiss. Understand?"

She was troubled over just a mention of a kiss. Such is the purity youd expect from a girl from the countryside.

I smiled inwardly at her cuteness and turned away. Gloria and Kronos looked slightly tense.

Skills were all I wanted. For someone with my high stats, they were apt enough to be wings.

But apart from that, there was something material I wanted.



"Money, that's it."

I indicated money by pinching my thumb and forefinger togethera universal gesture.

The three were flustered by my unforeseen response, not expecting such a demand to come from me.

To build trust, there is no other way. At times like this, material goods are best.

"Why are you asking for money all of a sudden? Is there something you want to buy?"

When everyone was bewildered, Luna spoke with difficulty. Her tone implied she was asking if Sivar understood the concept of money.

Since Kara had explained it to me last time, the plausibility was high. And yes, there was something I wanted to buy with that money.




The very candy that Rod had forbidden. I had become a person who simply couldn't go without sweets.

Since I would also be able to buy other snacks, money was indeed the best option. Hunting or gathering herbs was out of the question right now, so I might as well get it from them.

"Luna? Do you understand why Sivar said such a thing?"

"Uh Yes. Sivar really likes candy, but after a recent mishap, The Principal told him not to have it anymore."

"Is that why he's asking us for money? To buy candy?"

"Isn't that the case?"

Gloria and Kronos looked at me with indescribable expressions.

I extended my hand to them and made a blunt request.


I really want some candy. I'm feeling dizzy for it.


After our agreement (?) to maintain the secret was reached, we had various conversations.

Though the secret was out, we didn't give up on sparring altogether. It just took more time.

Moreover, as there was another sparring session planned after this one, taking a long time didn't raise any suspicions.

"You have another round of sparring after this? What do you mean?"

"It's just as I said. Have you ever heard of body dialogue'?"


"You don't seem to know. It's a thing."

Luna was puzzled with Gloria, who seemed to dote on her, tilting her head not understanding what body dialogue' meant.

Anyway, the situation was wrapped up nicely, and Luna and Sivar were planning to leave.

Staying here would mean gaining nothing, and they would just be in the way of training.

Moreover, lunchtime was nearly over. They couldn't be late for the afternoon classes.

"Um Miss Gloria."

"Please, just call me Gloria. So why did you call me?"


Luna's gaze drifted for a moment. In the direction she looked, Sivar was observing Kronos's weapon.

Whizz! Whoom!

"Wait a moment! Be careful, you might get hurt!"


Sivar was swinging the giant battle axe like a baseball bat with one hand. It was a moment that displayed his incredible strength.

Luna, looking at the two men enjoying themselves, turned her head back to Gloria.

Up close, Gloria was truly beautiful. Snow-white hair and skin, and eyes that shone a clear blue.

Luna briefly marveled at the breathtaking beauty but then asked the question she had been curious about.

"How long have you and Kronos been together, Gloria?"

"I'm turning 30 now so about seven years."

"Did no one ever find out in all that time?"

"No. There were a few close calls, but no one ever suspected."

Luna wore a look of amazement. It was like walking a tightrope without getting caught.

How did they keep from getting caught? It was curious how they managed to create situations like today naturally.

Luna glanced back at Sivar. He was playing with the battle axe, balancing it on top of his head.

He was precariously balancing the end of the handle on his forehead, which was yet another incomprehensible act.

"Then, may I ask you something?"

"What do you want to know? About how we met?"

"Not that. I'm curious how you can be alone together without raising suspicions."


Gloria put her hand to her mouth, shocked. She hadn't expected to be asked that.

She then whispered so quietly that others couldn't hear us, facing Luna who was earnestly waiting.

"Do you find yourself in a situation where being alone together might raise suspicions?"


Luna glanced at Sivar again. Gloria realized something from that look.

There could be something between Luna and Sivar. Thinking about it, there were many odd things that pointed to it.

First of all, the fact that Luna and Sivar had followed them here was where her suspicions started.

Could it be that Sivar student?'

While Luna was mulling over this, Gloria took a look at Sivar. Objectively, he was quite handsome.

Yet, overall, he was too sleek for her tastes. Her preference was for the bear-like build of Kronos.

I have a unique taste. But I'm one to talk.'

Still, she ought to support them enthusiastically. It sounded like Luna had brought Sivar here first.

These kinds of connections accumulate and eventually lead to affection. It was the same when she first started with Kronos.

While Gloria was stacking up her misinterpretations, Luna blurted out without much thought.

"That might be it. There's hardly ever a case where the two of us are alone."


"How could it not be?"

"There's no reason it couldn't be."

Luna beamed at Gloria's answer. She sensed that soon there would be a chance to be alone with Sivar.

"But it's hard to go on words alone."


"If you gain my trust, Luna, I will pass on my know-how to you."

Luna felt disappointed upon hearing the rest of Gloria's words. But it was a logical statement.

What would make Gloria trust her enough to teach her that? Building trust was the priority, as Gloria had said.

The more time they kept the secret, the more trust would gradually build. They just had to wait until then.

There's plenty of time.'

Time was on her side. Only she and Ratatoskr knew about the cave wall paintings that Sivar used to live by.

Since Ratatoskr showed no interest in the paintings, it was okay to leave him out. Thus, she was the only one who knew about the wall paintings.

"I understand. I'll try to gain Gloria's trust."

"Thank you. I don't believe Luna would break our promise, but given our circumstances, we can't help but be cautious."

"I can understand that."

"But this much I think I can share."

Just as Luna nodded and was about to move on, Gloria gave a hint that she was about to offer some advice.

Luna perked up and faced her, and at that moment, Gloria spoke with a graceful smile.

"Love transcends borders. Just as it was with Kronos and me."


"You won't be any different, Luna. I'll be here supporting you."

Luna made a quick judgment upon hearing that advice.


It seemed best to affirm for now.

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