A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 45: Ta-da (1)

Chapter 45: Ta-da (1)

Unfortunately, I didn't get paid. Both Gloria and Kronos said they didn't have any money on hand.

Perhaps because of that, they emphasized they would pay me later, promising there would be no breach of that promise. It appears they're worried I might spill their secret.

Since I didnt want to lose such fine patrons, I pretended to understand and let it slide. They will probably pay me on the day of the self-training session.

"Luna, do you know how Sivar spends his money?"

"He wouldn't know. Hes never bought anything himself before."

"Hmm then, Luna, please hold onto the money. There might be people who would take advantage of Sivar, especially at the academy. You understand what I'm saying, right?"


However, the money wasn't to be given directly to me but decided to circulate through Luna.

I wanted to protest, but Gloria's reasoning was indeed valid. Being stubborn here would've been nothing but childishly unwarranted.

Of course, if Luna were to embezzle or prevent me from buying what I want, I'd have to insist. Claiming it's my money, after all.

"We will be going now. When do you plan to come visit me?"

"We'll likely visit every Wednesday during the self-training sessions at the academy. We'll make sure not to draw suspicion with our attire."

" "

At the mention of attire, Luna's face reddened slightly. It seems the kiss between the two earlier must have come to mind.

If shes reacting like this already, it's going to be a challenge. Not that itll go as far as a kiss, but I'll have to witness all sorts of flirty acts in real time.

" Goodbye. We'll be going now."

"Safe travels. And remember to keep the secret at all costs."

"I'll be counting on you in the future."

With differing forms of farewell left behind us, Luna and I made our way out of the forest.

Before exiting the forest, I turned my head towards where Gloria and Kronos were.


As soon as I turned back, they disentangled their interlocked arms, posing as if nothing had transpired.

Once we leave, they will likely engage in a brief sparring followed by an intimate conversation. Of course, I have no intention of watching.

In the game, it naturally transitioned to the training ground.'

Moreover, its almost time for classes to begin. Diligent Luna would never miss a lesson.



Just as we were about to leave the woods, Luna called out to me. I looked at her, puzzled.

Her face was full of things to sayso many that deciding where to begin seemed difficult.

Understandable, given the number of events that transpired in short order.

"About the money you asked from those two earlier. Its good they are kind people, but you shouldnt do that with anyone else. Got it?"


"And it's fine if you use the money they gave to eat candy. Just don't spend it too recklessly, okay?"


That's easy enough. It seems she's worried about my sense of finances potentially going awry.

I thought Luna would blindly follow Rods orders, but it seems shes not quite so closed-minded.



Luna started to say something more, then stopped. She looked straight into my face.

When looking at someone's face, I usually focus on the eyes, but Luna's gaze was strange. It was looking lower than the eyes.

Simultaneously, her pale cheeks began to warm up slightly. With skin so fair, the redness stood out even at a slight blush.

And then she glanced up and down, stuttered, and urged me.

"A-ah, about what those two did earlier, you must not imitate that recklessly. Especially not with girls. Understand?"


So that's what she was getting at. Pretty innocent on this subject, she is.

I nodded, showing understanding, and questioned.


"Uh, yeah. Th-that"

"A kiss?"

" "

My crisp choice of words caused Luna's face to ripen further.

No resistance to this sort of thing whatsoever.


After exploring the secret romance between Gloria and Kronos, we immediately headed for the training grounds.

Last week, the afternoon was filled with self-training because of the duel, but starting today, classes are in session.

The lessons are mostly about professors sharing various tips and tricks, magic included.

"Running a bit late?"

" There was a small matter to attend to."

Luna and I narrowly made it on time for the lesson. Kara was already waiting for us, having finished changing.

Afternoon lessons mostly involve practice and thus it doesnt really matter if youve changed like Kara or not.

As a result, while many students have changed, its not uncommon for some to stick to their uniforms.

That girl also stands out.'

Someone like Grace, for example. Aside from being a mage, it is known that she insists on her uniform from start to finish.

Characteristically prideful, she regards clothes as merely a cover. Honestly, whatever she wears will carry elegance given that face.

"Looks like everyones here. Let's start the lesson then."

Close to the features of an East Asian and possessing a graceful appearance, Yeonhwa has a beauty spot under her left eye.

She was one of the people I met when I first arrived at the academy. She clapped her hands, signaling the beginning of the lesson.

"Today we're going to learn about various first aid treatments. You all will face various real battles in the future, and with that, the possibility of incurring numerous injuries is high."

Yeonhwa, a professor from the Hwan Empire, is not just skilled in martial arts, her specialty is medical skills.'

One might ask why someone skilled in medicine is teaching in combat roles. However, its justified.

It can be compared to military training where one learns CPR and other emergency first aid techniques.

She would fit the role of a medic if we were to compare it to military specialties. Her skills should not be doubted under any circumstances.

"Bruises, lacerations, fractures, frostbite, electrocution, poisoning, and so on, are all types of injuries. But the one you must be most wary of is bleeding. Surely, nobody here is unaware of what bleeding is, right?"

"Are you suggesting there's someone who wouldn't bleed even if stabbed?"

Someone joked, prompting laughter from the students. Upon looking over, I saw Antonio chuckling to himself.

The joke was well-received, eliciting quiet chuckles or small laughter from everyone, and even Yeonhwa returned the mirth with a short laugh.

The jab was likely not aimed at me but at another teacher, namely Serah. The teacher who was with Yeonhwa previously.

Serah, being rather cool and aloof, was the likely target of the joke.

It's a joke that can only be told in her absence.'

If Serah, who doesnt usually take jokes well, had heard it, she would say You, duel,' and drag the person off. Then she would shame them in front of everyone.

Two weeks ago, I didn't witness it, but if memory serves, Antonio had to endure that humiliation.

"I don't know who it is, but I'll let that slide with a laugh. Anyhow, while some bleeding stops naturally, some don't cease until treated surgically."

The human body is both strong and fragile. There are cases where one can survive severe injuries, and yet die from seemingly minor wounds.

The same goes for bleeding. Situations leading to bleeding vary, and it must never be dismissed lightly.

I still clearly recall how I was nearly killed when a wolf bit me, causing bleeding when I first fell into the forest.

Now I hardly even give it a second thought.'

Luckily, my current condition allows any injury or bite to heal quickly, rendering first aid pointless.

Even close to death, spraying potion will revive me like a cockroachs notorious resilience. Even regrowing broken teeth is just a bonus.

Thus, my interest lies in providing first aid to others. The problem is the volatile nature of the red power I possess.

It could induce unknown side effects, which means I wouldn't be able to provide first aid. First, I need to understand the nature of the red power.

"However, surgery isn't an option during combat. This means you need to learn how to stop bleeding on your ownyes, even amid battle."

"Are we supposed to use magical power?"

A student raised her hand and asked. It was Grace.

Listening to her question, Yeonhwa nodded in agreement.

"Of course. When the situation is dire, and you cannot even use potions, you must use magic."

"Hmm. I don't understand. Doesn't the use of magical power cause significant physical strain? If so, wouldn't that just lead to a vicious cycle?"

Grace, folding her arms and challenging the notion with a tone implying a lack of understanding, was sincere in her curiosity.

Yeonhwa, who focused on the essence of questions regardless of the student's demeanor, replied with a kind voice.

"You're right, student. Seems like a vicious cycle. However, if bleeding is left untreated, the body will suffer from a blood shortage, causing various sequelae. A common one is dizziness. What comes after dizziness?"

"I'm not sure."


" "

The direct mention of death made Grace flinch and show surprise, a reaction shared by the other students.

Yeonhwa, amidst the sudden silence, continued with a smile.

"Human beings can live without magical power. But without blood in the body, they die. Simple logic."

In the game, bleeding would increase the rate at which HP (Health Points) decreases. There, emergency treatment was available for such cases.

However, if you chose to deal with it, your magical power would drain rapidly. The use of magical power often leads to severe stamina depletion.

To be accurate, it is stamina' rather than physical strength we're talking about. The game probably had to lump it with HP due to system limitations.

As Yeonhwa said, dying from a lack of blood is far worse than draining stamina. It's about choosing the lesser evil to increase the likelihood of survival.

"Especially dangerous is when an artery is severed. In such cases, prompt first aid is imperative. Otherwise, you'll lose consciousness in 10 seconds and turn into a cold corpse."

Her explanations were blood-curdling, despite her smiling face. Nevertheless, every bit of it was essential knowledge.

I too, once almost died when Porori bit my neck. I wouldve died for real if I hadn't clamped down on my neck at that moment.

I might not know everything, but I make a point of guarding myself against vital spots as best I can. No matter who it is, getting ones throat cut would mean death.

"Today, we'll practice using magic power to compress blood vessels. Shall we take a look here?"

Yeonhwa rolled up her sleeve and revealed her slender arm to the students. Despite its delicate appearance, one could sense an undeniable strength in it.

"Magic power tends to flow through blood vessels. Thus, if you concentrate magic power on a specific area"


A small something protruded from the center of Yeonhwas arm. It looked as though it had swelled rather than something having surfaced from within.

She had used magic power to press down on a blood vessel, causing it to protrude. Normally, this would be possible only using another hand.

"Did you see that? This is the self-hemostasis technique you'll need to learn today. The learning part isnt difficult, but application can be tricky, so please practice consistently."

The self-hemostasis technique is relatively easy to learn. However, it can't be said that the site of bleeding will always be the arm.

Thats why its difficult to apply. One must identify where the bleeding is and then apply magic power to stop the bleeding.

"Ah, just to be on the safe side, its best not to spill your own blood on purpose. Your body is precious, you know."

With that, the practical session began. As Yeonhwa demonstrated, the aim was to make the blood vessels in the arm protrude.

"Is this how we do it?"

"I'm not sure. I cant quite get the hang of it."

"What exactly are we supposed to do?"

It was clear from the start that everyone was struggling with the practice. Thats natural when learning something new.

Once you get the hang of it, the hemostasis technique is on the easier side. The most difficult thing is to deal with electrocution.

Mastering first aid leads to regeneration, right?'

Regeneration, an ability I had almost upgraded to maximum level, could only be obtained by fully mastering the emergency treatments Yeonhwa taught.

I earned it in order to survive.' Whether fighting with Porori or while hunting, I was prone to receiving a full set of injuries.

I fought desperately every time, preserving as much physical strength as possible, regardless of how depleted my magic became.

And that persistence led to now. Hence, I just sat there idly.

"Errr Kara."


"Arent you practicing?"

"I already know all of that stuff."

Kara, with overwhelmingly more practical experience than the other students, had mastered first aid long ago.

I believe even that was taught to her by Hector. Combat is certainly an area with a lot to learn, if nothing else.

"Aren't you practicing, Sivar?"

Yeonhwa approached me as I sat staring into space.

Apparently, she found it odd that I was doing nothing while Kara was an exception.

I merely raised my head to meet Yeonhwa's gaze while seated. She looked almost mystical, dressed in Eastern-style clothing.

"Yeah. Not practicing."

But irrespective of that, if there's no need, then there's none. I

"Hm? Oh right, you have started speaking now?"

My response seemed to disconcert Yeonhwa briefly, but she soon nodded in acknowledgement.

News of me consistently reached Godin, who in turn informed the professors.

Godin was always among those who could be relied upon to explain things objectively.

"Why aren't you practicing? You know, professors might deduct points for lack of diligence."



I was being reprimanded when Luna called out to Yeonhwa, her face etched with concern.

Then she shot a glance at me before turning to Yeonhwa and opening her mouth.

"Sivar doesnt need to learn separate emergency care. His basic regenerative ability is exceptionally strong."

"What do you mean by having strong regenerative abilities?"

Yeonhwa asked with a slightly incredulous tone. It must be a baffling concept to her.

Luna, too, seemed puzzled about how to explain it. Explaining it verbally would mean delving into complicated matters.

I would have to talk about circumstances leading to severe injuries, and Yeonhwa might harbor further suspicions.

Thats why I gave Yeonhwas body a few light taps. She then turned to look at me again.


First, I showed her my handsscarred with fresh marks and embedded with calluses.

As Yeonhwa looked puzzled upon seeing my hands, I knew that if explanation was complex, then demonstrating by action would be better.

Slowly, I brought my hand, specifically my wrist, close to my mouth.


And then forcefully bit into my wrist.


Like a wild animal, I gnawed on it brutally, tearing a chunk of flesh right off.

"What, what, what are you doing! What is this madness!!"

Blood gushed from my wrist like a broken faucet. Yeonhwa was horrified by the sight.

Students, who were focused on their practice, turned to us upon hearing Yeonhwa's shriek.

"What, what, what's that? What's he doing?"

"Do, do we need a doctor? Shouldn't we call for a healer or a priest?"

They, too, were aghast upon seeing the blood pouring from my wrist, echoing Yeonhwa's shock.

In the meantime, a flustered Yeonhwa reached out to perform first aid.


"What are you doing?! Let go now!"

However, my hand covered the wrist first, acting more swiftly. Yeonhwa, furious, tried to pull my hand away.

Of course, she couldn't overpower me, not with her strength. Hadn't it taken three people last time to barely hold me back?

Feeling it was enough, I slowly removed the hand covering my wrist. The palm was already drenched in blood.

"What in the Huh?"

Yeonhwas face became bewildered as she checked my wrist and found the wound was already healed.

It wasnt that I hadn't been injuredboth my wrist and the hand covering it were smeared with blood.

But it had regenerated flawlessly in such a short time. An injury of this extent meant almost nothing to me.

As everyone watched, I raised both hands, expressionless, and announced.


"How can you ta-da' after giving everyone a heart attack!"

I was immediately scolded by Kara.

"And you didnt need to go that far! You could've just scratched yourself with a fingernail!"


Right, there was that method. Am I really such a fool?

While I lamented my belated realization(?), Kara pointed to the blood-soaked floor, saying.

"You're cleaning all of this up today. Or else, you'll answer to me. Got it?"

" "



How best to clean blood? That, I do not know.

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