Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 326 Trials

[A/N: This chapter is quite essential and it's not a filler because whatever character is being talked about in this chapter will need a backstory for themselves that will be relevant in the future. You can skip it or read it but i recommend you do read it. Thanks for the support guys and let me know your thoughts about this chapter!]

[Third Person POV],

Meanwhile in another location in the true world, Adara and her friends that managed to make it from the old world to the true world were currently in a dungeon and this was no ordinary dungeon as it was the same dungeon that Andrew Dawn got the opportunity that made him reach the current level he was at this moment.

The challenge trial dungeon. One of the rarest dungeons and trials one could ever encounter in the universe at the same time.

It was not an exaggeration to say that this was something that even those who were already seen to be at their peak would fight for.

It was that rare and not something that one could encounter commonly but it appears that Adara had just the same amount of luck her father has she was able to find the portal leading to the challenge trial on her patrol around the territory they had settled on.

The location of the portal was also not far from the sea.

Currently, Adara and a number of her friends were currently in the challenge trial each in a trial relating to speciality and elements.

This was something that showed just how lucky Adara was because a trial that housed other trials was, even more, rarer than the former.


Brian stood on the rocky terrain, his fists clenched and his eyes focused on the towering figure in front of him. 

It was a fire golem. Basically, a creature with a body made of rocks and molten.

The fire golem was massive, its body made entirely of flames, and it towered over Brian, making him feel small and insignificant.

But Brian wasn't one to back down from a fight. He was not a skilled warrior that has trained in the art of combat since he was a child but he did take some martial art classes as an hobby with his friends at that time.

In a world that was as advaced as it was then, a hobby like this was widely practiced.

The thing different about his martial arts now and when it was still an hobby was that it had become much more refined and capable of protecting and especially more capable of taking a life.

Brain continued to look at the fire golem and as he took a deep breath, he knew he had to face this challenge head-on.

The volcanos in the background were erupting, their molten lava spewing out and flowing down their sides. The heat was intense, and Brian could feel sweat pouring down his face. But he didn't let it distract him. He focused on the golem, his eyes locked onto its fiery form.

The golem charged forward, its fists ablaze. Brian dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack. He knew he had to be quick if he wanted to win this battle.

Brian lunged forward, his own fists now glowing with a fiery energy. He struck the golem, his blows sending waves of flames through the air. But the golem was resilient. It shook off the attack and retaliated with a powerful punch that sent Brian tumbling backward.

Brian gritted his teeth and stood up, his body aching from the impact. He knew he couldn't give up. Not when there was so much at stake.

According to the rate of difficulty this trial was, the reward was surely going to be generous and if he wanted to stay beside the person he loves, his Epic grade job should at least not be weaker than her job that appeared to be way impressive than his.

For this, he was ready to even fight a thousand golems. Of course, he wouldn't want it to come to this level though.

Brian charged forward once more, his fists raised high. He struck the golem with all his might, his fiery blows hitting it hard. The golem let out a roar of pain, its body flickering for a moment.

Seeing this, Brain continued to send multiple series of punches at the golem as the latter figure continued to become transparent till it disappeared.

But just as Brian thought he had won, another golem materialised in front of him. This one was even larger than the first, and its flames burned even hotter.

'Seems like this is one of those continuous battles'


Brian knew he was in for another fight, but he didn't falter. He raised his fists once more, ready to face the challenge head-on. The volcanos continued to erupt, their molten lava flowing down their sides like tears.

But Brian didn't have time to dwell on it. He had a battle to win. And with that, he charged forward once more, ready to face the fire golem and emerge victorious once more.


Elsie stood on the ground, her eyes locked onto the towering figure in front of her. The earth golem was massive, its body made entirely of soil, rocks, and boulders, and it towered over her, making her feel small and weak.

Elsie, like the golem, had the power to manipulate the earth element, and she knew that she was in for a tough battle. But she wasn't afraid. She was determined to protect her friends, the people she now regarded as family.

This was something she had set has a purpose for her living now that she was not even aware of whether her real family were even alive or not.

She had set it as a goal for her to be powerful enough to do whatever she wanted to do.

She had no wish to be the strongest but she really wanted power and one that was not weak.

As the golem charged towards her, Elsie braced herself, calling upon the earth's energy to strengthen herself. She was small, but she was powerful, and she wouldn't let the golem intimidate her.

This was something she had learned to do after several battle expereinces; the technique to infuse her element into her body to let her have her element characteristies.

Her element was known for its defence and strenght so now she was able to also have that.

Elsie and the golem exchanged blows, sending shockwaves through the earth with every strike. Elsie could feel the power surging through her body, and she revelled in it. It was exhilarating to have such control over the earth, to be able to manipulate it as she pleased.

But as the fight wore on, Elsie began to realize something. She wasn't as powerful as she wanted to be. She had come so far, but she knew that she still had so much more to learn.

As she dodged the golem's attack, Elsie's mind wandered. She thought about her friends, the people who had become her family. She thought about how much she loved them and how much she wanted to protect them.

But she also thought about how much she wanted to be stronger. She didn't want to let them down. She wanted to be able to stand by their side, to fight alongside them as an equal.

Elsie knew that she had to be more powerful, and she knew that it would take hard work and dedication to get there. She would have to train harder, push herself further, and never give up.

As she took a deep breath and charged towards the golem, Elsie realized that she was willing to do whatever it takes to become stronger. She would do it for her family, for the people she loved, and for herself.

And with that determination fueling her, Elsie continued to fight the golem, her heart and mind set on becoming the strongest she could be.

This was something she had learned to do after several battle expereinces; the technique to infuse her element into her body to let her have her element characteristies.

Her element was known for its defence and strenght so now she was able to also have that.

Elsie and the golem exchanged blows, sending shockwaves through the earth with every strike. Elsie could feel the power surging through her body, and she revelled in it. It was exhilarating to have such control over the earth, to be able to manipulate it as she pleased.

But as the fight wore on, Elsie began to realize something. She wasn't as powerful as she wanted to be. She had come so far, but she knew that she still had so much more to learn.

As she dodged the golem's attack, Elsie's mind wandered. She thought about her friends, the people who had become her family. She thought about how much she loved them and how much she wanted to protect them.

But she also thought about how much she wanted to be stronger. She didn't want to let them down. She wanted to be able to stand by their side, to fight alongside them as an equal.

Elsie knew that she had to be more powerful, and she knew that it would take hard work and dedication to get there. She would have to train harder, push herself further, and never give up.

As she took a deep breath and charged towards the golem, Elsie realized that she was willing to do whatever it takes to become stronger. She would do it for her family, for the people she loved, and for herself.

And with that determination fueling her, Elsie continued to fight the golem, her heart and mind set on becoming the strongest she could be.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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