Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 327 Trial Continues

[A/N: The backstory continues but don't worry, I'll keep it short.]

[Third Person POV],

The fight between Elsie and the earth golem intensified, both of them using their power to manipulate the earth element to their advantage. Elsie's mind was focused on the battle, but her thoughts kept wandering back to her desire to become more powerful.

She knew that she had to push herself to her limits, overcome her weaknesses and become a better warrior. And so, she pushed herself harder, using all of her strength and skill to fight the golem.

This trial might just be the one to make a difference in her life so she had to take it seriously. Putting aside the uniqueness of how this dungeon appeared, her goal would even make her a little serious when it came to running dungeons filled with nothing but slimes.

The Golem was a formidable opponent, but Elsie refused to give up. She was determined to get stronger so she knew she couldn't stop her and that she had to win this battle. 

'I wonder why this trial forced me to use my hands and battle in close combat', Elsie thought but what she didn't know was that she wasn't the only one experiencing this and all the people who had entered the dungeon with her were experiencing the same thing.

Perhaps if she knew, she would have been able to tell that the particular dungeon they were in was putting them in a situation that allowed them to only fight with their base form with no access to any external factor that could boost their combat prowess.

Elsie continued to trade blows with the golem, dodging and weaving as she focused on landing a solid hit. She knew that every strike counted and that she couldn't afford to let her guard down for even a second.

As the battle raged on, the ground trembled beneath their feet, and boulders flew through the air as both Elsie and the golem used their powers to manipulate the earth. Elsie could feel her mana draining but she still kept up with the intense attacks.

"I have to do this," she thought to herself, "I have to become stronger."

But just as she was about to make her move, the golem unleashed a powerful shockwave that sent Elsie flying backwards. She crashed into the wall of the dungeon, the impact knocking the wind out of her.

For a moment, she lay there, dazed and disoriented, but she knew that she couldn't stay down for long. She struggled to her feet, her eyes locked on the golem as it slowly advanced towards her before they began another round.

As she continued to dodge the golem's attacks, she started learning from her past clashes with the golem and began to use more creative tactics, using the environment around her to her advantage.

She kicked up rocks and sent them flying towards the golem, using her powers to manipulate the earth and make them more powerful. The golem retaliated with a powerful punch, but Elsie was ready. She summoned a wall of earth to block the attack, then used the momentum to strike back with a powerful blow of her own.

The golem stumbled backwards, its body breaking apart as Elsie's attack hit home. Elsie took a moment to catch her breath, looking around at the devastation around her. The earth was scarred, the ground torn apart by their battle.

But as Elsie stood there, catching her breath, something unexpected happened. The earth golem began to reform itself, its body pulling itself back together. Elsie's heart sank as she realized that the battle was not over yet.

She took a deep breath and prepared herself for another round, knowing that this time, she would have to fight even harder since the earth golem looked more intimidating than the last one.

The golem charged towards her once more, its body now more powerful than before.

Elsie gritted her teeth and summoned all of her strength, determined to win this battle again as she had just done. She could feel her power surging through her, a fierce determination driving her forward.

The battle between Elsie and the earth golem continued, the ground shaking with each blow. Elsie's mind was focused on the battle, but her heart was focused on becoming stronger, on being the kind of warrior that she could be proud of.


Eleanor stood at the edge of a lake, her eyes fixed on the water golem that had emerged from its depths. She took a deep breath, readying herself for the battle to come. Same with the others that entered the dungeon with her, Eleanor was forced to fight with her magic alone. She had no weapons, no equipment, and not even a magic staff to assist her.

This placed her at a certain disadvantage since there was nothing she could use to further boost her combat prowess.

'This is going to be a little tricky', Eleanor thought as she watched the water golem make its way towards her.

As the golem charged towards her, Eleanor began to weave a spell, her hands moving through the air in intricate patterns. She manipulated the water element which was obviously not one designed for combat but from all her past battles, Eleanor was talented enough to learn a few things.

The golem was massive, its body made entirely of water, and it towered over Eleanor. But she wasn't afraid. She had fought against all kinds of water-based creatures before, and she was confident in her abilities.

As the golem attacked, Eleanor unleashed a torrent of water from her hands, sending it crashing into the golem's body. The golem stumbled back, but it quickly regained its footing, launching another attack.

Eleanor focused her mind, calling forth the water element to do her bidding. She raised her hands and began to weave a spell, her fingers moving with a fluid grace as she chanted the incantation under her breath.

The water golem charged towards her again, its body rippling with power. But Eleanor was ready. She unleashed a burst of water from her hands, sending it streaming towards the golem.

The water crashed into the golem, soaking its body and causing it to slow down for a brief moment. Eleanor took advantage of the opening, sending a barrage of water needles at the golem. The needles hit the golem's body, causing it to burst apart in a spray of water.

But just like the earth golem, the water golem began to reform itself, its body pulling itself back together. Eleanor knew that the battle was far from over.

She began to weave another spell, her hands moving in intricate patterns as she called forth the water element once again. This time, she focused her magic on a powerful stream of water, aiming it at the golem's core.

The water slammed into the golem's body, causing it to shudder and convulse. Eleanor could see cracks forming in the golem's body, and she knew that she was getting close to defeating it.

It wasn't over yet though as the water golem sent an attack of its own.

Eleanor dodged the golem's attack, her mind focused on the battle. She knew that she couldn't afford to make any mistakes. With no weapons to defend herself, she had to rely on her magic alone.

She began to weave another spell, her hands moving faster now as she summoned more water from the lake. The water swirled around her, forming a powerful vortex that spun towards the golem.

The golem tried to dodge the attack, but it was too slow. The vortex hit it full force, breaking apart its watery body and sending it flying through the air.

Eleanor took a deep breath, feeling the strain of the battle beginning to wear on her. 

The situation would have been better though if it didn't seem like there was some higher lifeform having fun by playing with her as the body of the golem she had just destroyed started to show changes.

The golem reformed itself, its body once again made of water. Eleanor knew that she had to keep moving, to keep attacking. She began to weave another spell, this one even more complex than the last.

As she cast the spell, the water around her began to glow with an otherworldly light. She could feel the power surging through her, her magic stronger than ever before.

With a burst of energy, she unleashed the spell, sending a beam of pure water magic towards the golem. The golem tried to dodge, but it was too late. The beam hit its full force, breaking apart its body once and for all.

This attack of hers was obviously more powerful than all the ones she had sent out before but it was of course at the cost of a little price.

Eleanor stood there, breathing heavily, her body exhausted from the battle. But she felt a sense of pride and satisfaction wash over her. She had fought the water golem with nothing but her magic, and she had emerged victorious.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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