Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 329 Spirits

[This is the last chapter relating to this guys! After this, we're concocting pills!],

[Third Person POV],

[Fire Spirit Crystal Fragment],

A crystal fragment that can only be formed in places abundant with fire elements.

It's a rare and excellent crafting material and collecting more crystals fragments and merging them together will form a fire spirit.

It can also be used in cultivation to increase one's affinity with the fire element.


'Fire spirit crystal fragment?'

'Fire spirit?'

Brian was confused by the information given by the primordial chronicle of the red fiery crystal in his hand but he did not have the time to think about the crystal for a long time when a portal suddenly materialised in front of him together with a panel appearing in front of him.

[First floor clear],


Elsie continued to trade blows with the earth golem, her body slick with sweat as she pushed herself to keep up with the monster's relentless attacks. With each passing moment, the golem seemed to grow stronger, its limbs slamming down with increasing force and speed.

But Elsie refused to give up. She continued to dodge and weave, her body moving with a fluid grace that seemed almost supernatural. And whenever she saw an opening, she struck back with everything she had, her fists and feet pounding against the golem's rocky exterior with enough force to leave cracks.

The golem roared in anger, swinging its massive arm at Elsie. She ducked under the attack and countered with a fierce uppercut, her fist connecting with the golem's chin. The creature stumbled back, its rocky body shaking from the impact. Elsie didn't let up, charging forward and delivering a barrage of blows to the golem's midsection.

Despite her ferocity, the golem remained standing, its body regenerating from the damage almost as quickly as Elsie could inflict it. But Elsie wasn't one to give up easily. She dug deep within herself, tapping into her earth magic in a way she never had before. Her fists began to glow with a yellow light, and the ground beneath her feet shook with power.

The golem charged forward, its fists raised to strike. But Elsie was ready. She sidestepped the attack, ducking low and delivering a sweeping kick that knocked the golem off balance. She followed up with a series of strikes, each one amplified by her earth magic.

The golem stumbled backwards, its body battered and bruised. But it wasn't done yet. With a roar, it charged forward again, its fists slamming into the ground with enough force to send shockwaves through the earth.

Elsie felt the impact, her body jarring from the force. But she didn't let it stop her. She channelled her earth magic into her feet, and with a burst of speed, she charged forward. The golem swung its arm, but Elsie was too quick. She darted underneath the attack and delivered a powerful punch to the golem's side.

The creature groaned in pain, its body shaking from the impact. Elsie could feel the heat emanating from the fire spirit crystal fragment in her hand, its power fuelling her attacks. She charged forward once more, her body moving with a fluid grace that belied the intensity of the battle.

The golem roared in frustration, its massive arms swinging in a wild frenzy as it tried to crush Elsie beneath its weight. But Elsie was too quick, too nimble. She ducked and dodged, her eyes scanning the golem's body for weaknesses.

And then, she saw it.

A small crack in the golem's chest, just big enough for her to slip her hand through. With a fierce determination in her eyes, Elsie darted forward, her body twisting and turning as she evaded the golem's attacks. And then, with a sudden burst of speed, she darted beneath the golem's guard, slipping her hand into the crack and wrenching it open with all her strength.

The golem roared in agony as Elsie's earth magic surged through its body, tearing it apart from the inside out. Its limbs flailed wildly as it tried to shake her off, but Elsie held on tight, her fingers digging into the rocky surface as she poured more and more magic into the golem's body.

And then, with a final, shuddering cry, the golem collapsed to the ground, its body shattered beyond repair.

Elsie stood there for a moment, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. She was covered in sweat and dust, her clothes torn and tattered from the fight.

She didn't even have time to fully rest when she saw the earth golem body slowly disintegrate and left a yellow glowling crystal in its wake.



Eleanor took a deep breath as she faced off against the towering water golem, its massive form looming over her. 

With a wave of her hand, Eleanor summoned a surge of water from nearby, shaping it into a sharp, jagged spear. She hurled the spear at the golem, but it merely laughed and swept it aside with a flick of its wrist.

Undeterred, Eleanor focused her energy and summoned a torrent of water, sending it crashing towards the golem in a powerful wave. But again, the creature seemed unfazed, simply absorbing the attack with its body.

Eleanor gritted her teeth, her eyes narrowing as she considered her next move. She knew that she needed to be smart and strategic if she was going to defeat this golem.

With a sudden burst of speed, Eleanor dashed towards the golem, her body blurring as she moved. She dodged its powerful attacks, narrowly avoiding each blow as she closed in on the creature.

Once she was close enough, Eleanor unleashed a devastating attack, sending a surge of water directly into the golem's core. The creature roared in pain, its body shuddering as the water began to dissolve its form.

They had battled for a while before so regardless of how powerful the golem appeared to be, it was already spent.

Eleanor continued to pour all of her energy into the attack, her body trembling with the effort. And finally, with one last burst of power, the golem shattered into a million droplets of water, evaporating into nothingness.

Eleanor stood there for a moment, panting heavily as she caught her breath. 

Well, she tried to do so before she momentarily forgot to breathe when she saw a sky blue crystal suddenly materialised.

*Cough *Cough


Adara took a deep breath as she faced the lightning golem in front of her. The air crackled with energy, and Adara could feel the electricity coursing through the ground beneath her feet. She knew that this was going to be a tough fight, but she was ready for it.

The golem charged at her, its massive fists crackling with lightning. Adara leapt back, narrowly avoiding the first strike. She knew that she couldn't keep dodging forever, so she decided to go on the offensive. She summoned a bolt of lightning and directed it at the golem's head, but it merely shrugged it off like a mosquito bite.

Undeterred, Adara charged forward and began to attack the golem with her lightning-infused punches. She was fast, but the golem was even faster. Its movements were almost too quick for her to follow, and its fists were like sledgehammers, each strike sending a shockwave through the air.

Adara knew that she needed to find a way to slow the golem down if she was going to have any chance of winning. She summoned a bolt of lightning and directed it at the golem's legs, hoping to disrupt its balance. The lightning struck true, and the golem stumbled for a moment, giving Adara an opening.

She seized the opportunity and unleashed a flurry of lightning-infused punches, each strike hitting its mark with deadly accuracy. The golem roared in anger, its fists lashing out in a frenzy, but Adara was too quick for it. She dodged and weaved, her movements were fluid and graceful.

But despite her best efforts, Adara could feel herself tiring. The fight had been going on for what felt like hours, and her energy reserves were starting to run low. She needed to end this quickly before she ran out of steam.

Summoning all of her strength, Adara unleashed a massive bolt of lightning at the golem. The lightning struck true, hitting the golem's chest with a deafening boom. The golem staggered back, its form flickering and fading. Adara knew that she had won.

Breathing heavily, she took a step back and watched as the golem dissolved into nothingness.

'I wonder if that's the t last one, huh?'

'A crystal?' Adara thought as she laid her gaze on the item in front of her.

Summoning all of her strength, Adara unleashed a massive bolt of lightning at the golem. The lightning struck true, hitting the golem's chest with a deafening boom. The golem staggered back, its form flickering and fading. Adara knew that she had won.

Breathing heavily, she took a step back and watched as the golem dissolved into nothingness.

'I wonder if that's the t last one, huh?'

'A crystal?' Adara thought as she laid her gaze on the item in front of her.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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