Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 328 Strange Crystal

[Third Person POV], 

Adara stood atop a hill overlooking a valley filled with lightning golems. Her eyes narrowed as she surveyed the enemy before her. 

'Why did I kill the former ones fast?' Adara thought as she began to regret her actions of having to kill the lightning golems she first encountered quickly.

If she knew that killing the golem does not mean the battle would end and would only cause another battle to begin immediately, she would have not gone all out in the beginning and instead taken her time to grind the golem's health slowly.

They were weaker than her anyway so she wouldn't have wasted the amount of mana she had consumed now and that she has reached the stage where it was not one golem she was facing but multiple, her mana was only draining faster.

The trial she and the others entered made it so that the monster they battled against was not above their level which meant that all the golems that Adara and the others faced were not above level 25 and since they were not rank 1 creatures yet, the monsters were unranked as well.

Well, they were still unranked now.

Adara knew that she had to fight with all her might if she wanted to get out of the situation she was in but although she planned to fight seriously, she was also not in a rush to consume her mana to quickly put an end to the current battle.

Adara also thought of Ace, the one she loved more than anything, and how she wanted nothing more than to be with him again. She missed him so much, and it made her heart ache to think of how they were separated.

Their last meeting was certainly not the best and although Ace might have said some certain words that were just too blunt regardless of how true they were, she was not mad at him and couldn't be mad at him since he was indeed saying the truth.

'If only he stayed though', Adara thought as she remembered one of the reasons why she and Ace also went their ways was that their goals were not similar and even clashed a little. 

What she did know was that if she wanted to do the things she wanted to do and see the people she wanted to see and not be a burden to them but instead as a form of strength for them then she had to become strong. This was the reason she was bold enough to immediately explore the dungeon she was currently in after finding out there was nothing dangerous at the entrance and the only apparent danger seen was the difficulty of the dungeon but this was already a risk Adara and most of the people with her were getting used with taking risks as well.

With a deep breath, Adara charged down the hill towards the golems. She was determined to make it through this battle.

As she ran, she called upon her lightning magic, allowing it to course through her veins and fill her with power.

Just like what happened with Elsie, Adara infused her mana into her body as her already fast speed became faster. She was even the source that Elsie learned this method of increasing the body's combat prowess.

As she reached the first golem, she leapt into the air and landed on its head. With a fierce cry, she plunged her hand into the golem's forehead, using her lightning magic to destroy it from within.

The other golems began to close in around her, but Adara was ready for them. She dodged and weaved, using her lightning magic to strike out at them whenever she could. But what surprised the golems the most was Adara's skill in hand-to-hand combat.

Adara was quick and agile, ducking and dodging as the golems attacked her. She moved with a fluid grace, striking out with lightning-fast punches and kicks that left the golems reeling.

Because of her past battles with the golems, she had already accumulated some experience that made it easier for her to battle them.

As she fought, she thought of all the things she missed about the old world. The smell of fresh air, the sound of birds singing, the feel of Ace's hand in hers. She longed to be back there, and she knew that she had to fight with all her might to make it happen.

The battle raged on for what felt like hours, but Adara never let up. She fought with everything she had, her lightning magic sparking and crackling around her as she struck out at the golems.

Finally, with a final burst of lightning, the last golem fell to the ground. Adara stood there, panting heavily, her hair matted with sweat. She had done it. She had won the battle.

With a sense of determination in her heart, Adara turned and headed back up the hill. She knew that there would be more battles to come, but she was ready for them. She was determined to become stronger, to become a force to be reckoned with.

And, most importantly, she was determined to get back to the true world, to reunite with her family and the one she loved.


*Heavy Panting

Brian stood before the towering figure of the fire golem with his breathing heavy and filled with exhaustion.

The towering figure had flames licking at its feet and casting an ominous glow across the landscape. 

The battle between him and this particular golem has been the most difficult and intense one he had ever since entering the dungeon.

At first, he thought that the golems were just going to keep increasing in waves and because after defeating a wave, another wave appears.

This was how things had been before he encountered the golem he was currently facing.

For some reasons that he doesn't know, the wave that he was expecting did come but the numbers that he had expected to come with it didn't and it was only this particular golem that appeared.

He was supposed to be happy because of this but considering the fact that apart from him being way more tired than when he first entered the golem in front of him was several levels more powerful than all the golems he had faced.

Unfortunately for him, while he wanted to rest, the golem in front of him was not willing to give him the time to do so and wanted to crush him.

The golem lunged forward, its flaming fists slamming down towards Brian. He ducked and weaved, dodging the heavy blows and striking back with quick jabs and punches. The heat was intense, but Brian didn't flinch. Although he was weak now, he fought with all his might, determined to defeat the golem.

Brian was caught off guard as he suddenly felt a blast of heat coming from the fire golem. He quickly dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the flames that shot out from the creature's hands.

He knew he couldn't keep this up for much longer. His mana was running low, and the golem seemed to have an endless supply of fire to throw at him.

Brian took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and took a deep breath to get himself.

As he opened his eyes, he saw the golem charging at him, flames licking at its feet. Brian took a step back and prepared to dodge, but as the golem reached him, he suddenly lunged forward and grabbed onto its arm.

Using his own weight and momentum, he swung the golem around and slammed it onto the ground. The impact shook the earth beneath their feet, and Brian could feel the golem's fiery energy surging through him.

He quickly got to his feet and backed away from the golem, preparing for another attack. But to his surprise, the golem was slow to get up, its movements sluggish and uncoordinated.

As the battle raged on, Brian felt the heat within him growing stronger. He channelled his fire element, allowing it to consume him and fill him with incredible power. With a fierce cry, he launched himself at the golem, striking it with all his might.

The golem stumbled back, its fiery body flickering and sputtering. Brian seized the opportunity and struck again and again, the sound of his blows echoing across the landscape.

Finally, the golem fell to the ground with a thunderous crash. Brian stood there, panting heavily, his hands still crackling with energy.

As he began to wonder if another golem was going to appear, he watched as the body of the golem disintegrated, leaving behind a shimmering red crystal.

Brian approached the crystal and picked it up. It felt warm in his hand, pulsing with powerful energy but this was all he could tell from its appearance.

"Just what is this?" Brian muttered aloud as he used his primordial chronicle to check the crystal information.

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