Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 337 Too Powerful

Ace continued to dodge and attack, his movements fluid and precise as he began to notice a few things from the short encounter he and the monster just had now.

One was that his speed and strength were superior to the gorilla's which caused him to be able to evade most of its attacks effortlessly. However, the gorilla was no pushover, and its attacks were powerful enough to knock down trees with a single blow.

Ace could feel the strength of his opponent with each hit he dodged, but he was still holding back. He didn't want to defeat the gorilla too quickly, as he was still trying to gauge his own strength. 

This was not overconfidence as he could already tell he was superior to the opposite party from the little bout they just had. The gorilla, on the other hand, was growing frustrated with Ace's seemingly effortless dodges and attacks.

Ace could see the look of anger in the gorilla's eyes as it charged at him again. This time, Ace decided to test his own limits and met the gorilla head-on. He blocked the gorilla's punch with his forearm, feeling the force of the blow travel up his arm. He then countered with a punch of his own, hitting the gorilla in the chest and sending it stumbling back.

The gorilla roared in fury and charged again, swinging its massive arms wildly. Ace continued to dodge and block, but now he was putting more force behind his attacks. He hit the gorilla with a series of punches and kicks that sent it reeling.

Ace was now moving at a speed that was barely visible to the naked eye, and the gorilla was struggling to keep up. Ace could see the fear in the gorilla's eyes, and he knew that he had won the battle. But he didn't stop there.

As the fight continued, Ace began to lose control of his strength. His punches and kicks were becoming more powerful, and he could feel the energy coursing through his veins. In a moment of intense focus, Ace unleashed a devastating blow on the gorilla's chest, causing its heart to stop. The gorilla fell to the ground, lifeless.


It was too sudden as Ace stood frozen for a moment, realizing what he had done. He had accidentally killed the gorilla due to his lack of control over his newfound power. 

'Not enough', Ace thought as he looked at his hands. He had not achieved what he was looking for so he wanted to try again with another monster but before that, he bent down and laid his hands on the lifeless body of the gorilla and exchange the body for coins in the store.

After doing this, he used his hand to gesture to the hiding gryphon to come closer which it did but before the little thing get back to its energetic state, Ace carried it in his arms as he searched for another prey.

'I should try not to mistakenly kill the next one at least', Ace thought, knowing that he already had a sense of his power and did not just know the limit which was what he was most interested in finding out.

'Well, I still have the whole day so let's not waste it'


As Ace continued to venture deeper into the forest, he came across a clearing where a large lake was situated. A few fish were swimming in the lake, but what caught Ace's attention was a massive snake resting on a rock at the edge of the lake. 

Seeing the appearance of the snake, Ace knew he had found his next target so he carefully placed the gryphon in his arms on the ground and gestured for it to hide somewhere to which the little thing gladly obeyed as it had already had a little experience.

At least this time it was thrown like garbage.

Seeing as his tamed beast went in a certain direction quietly, Ace wondered when the little thing got intelligent and returned his focus to the snake in front of him.

The snake was at least 10 meters long, and its scales gleamed in the sunlight.

Ace immediately recognized the snake as a level 50 monster and felt really interested at the prospect of testing his newfound physical prowess against such a formidable foe. He approached the snake with caution, and as he got closer, the snake raised its head and hissed menacingly.

Ace braced himself and charged towards the snake, his speed causing a gust of wind to blow through the clearing. The snake responded by lunging towards Ace with incredible speed, its fangs bared.

Ace dodged the snake's attack with ease and delivered a powerful punch to its side, causing it to hiss in pain. The snake retaliated by coiling itself around Ace's leg, but Ace quickly kicked it off and jumped back.

The two continued to exchange blows, with Ace evading the snake's attacks and delivering quick and precise strikes to its body. The snake was no slouch either and managed to land a few hits on Ace, causing him to stumble back.

However, as the fight continued, Ace began to get a sense of the snake's movements and attack patterns. He adjusted his strategy and began to use his speed to his advantage, darting in and out of range and striking the snake from unexpected angles.

The snake became more and more frustrated as Ace continued to dodge its attacks and deal damage to its body. It started to lash out wildly, creating huge gusts of wind with its powerful strikes. However, Ace remained calm and focused, using his agility and reflexes to stay one step ahead of the snake.

As the fight drew to a close, Ace delivered a final blow that sent the snake crashing to the ground as there was no movement coming from it even after a few seconds.

Seeing this, Ace began to wonder if the fight he had had ever since coming to the true world as a ranked human was easy because the monsters he fought were ordinary.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ None of them had any unique features like Anna Crow nor were they unique as a whole like the rat queen Andrew Dawn faced in the earth rat den.


'This is not what I want',. Ace thought as he decided that even if he did not find the result he was looking for, he will still continue to hunt some monsters in the next few hours to have fine control over his strength.

After making this decision, he immediately acted on it.

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