Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 338 Talk About Timing

[Third Person POV],

Adara's lighting element crackled and surged as she moved to support Brian in his close combat fight against the three golems. The water golem moved forward, hurling a wave of water at Brian, who quickly dodged to the side. The fire golem lunged forward, swinging its flaming fists at Brian, who parried with his own fiery punches.

Adara seized her opportunity and directed a bolt of lightning towards the fire golem, striking it directly in the chest. The golem stumbled back, its flames flickering and sputtering. But Adara had no time to savor her victory, as the lightning golem advanced towards her.

The lightning golem was fast and nimble, dodging Adara's attacks with ease. Adara was quickly running out of options, until she remembered Eleanor's presence behind her. "Eleanor, I need your help!" she shouted, hoping the water mage could hear her over the sounds of battle.

Eleanor nodded in response and began to chant a spell. Suddenly, a massive wall of water materialized behind Adara, soaking the lightning golem and slowing its movements. Adara seized her chance and launched a powerful bolt of lightning, which struck the golem directly in the head, causing it to shatter into pieces.

Brian, meanwhile, was still locked in battle with the fire and water golems. The fire golem had regained its composure and was now attacking him with renewed ferocity. Brian's attacks were starting to falter, as he was struggling to keep up with the golem's relentless assault.

But Adara was not about to let her friend fall. She directed a powerful surge of electricity towards the fire golem, temporarily stunning it and giving Brian the opening he needed to strike the killing blow. The fire golem shattered into fiery fragments, leaving only the water golem remaining.

The water golem was large and imposing, and it moved with an eerie grace that belied its size. Brian was wary, knowing that the golem could easily overwhelm him if he wasn't careful. Adara was also cautious, knowing that her lightning element would be useless against a water golem.

But Eleanor had one more trick up her sleeve. She began to chant a spell, and suddenly a massive wave of water crashed down on the water golem, drenching it completely. Brian seized his opportunity and launched a powerful fireball, which struck the golem directly in the chest, causing it to shatter into a million droplets.

The battle was over, or so they thought when the three of them suddenly started to emit lights from their bodies.

'Not this again', Adara sighed as the other two didn't bother to comment on what was happening.

Hopefully, they don't get surrounded by dozens of golem again.


Ace was deep in the forest, the sounds of nature filling the air as he walked through the foliage. 

This particular part of the forest was way too dense with tress so Ace decided to take a quick look aroung this area quickly and hid Blue in a safe place before coming.

Well, he assumed the place was safe.

As he continued to walk, suddenly, three massive snakes, each at least twice the size of a man, slithered out from behind the trees. Ace didn't even flinch. He stood his ground as the snakes circled around him, their scales shimmering in the sunlight.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Seeing the levels of the snakes, Ace knew he was more than capable of taking on these snakes, even though they were level 50. 

'Suddenly a lot of stronger monsters are appearing. I wonder what is truly happening', Ace thought as he crouched low, his muscles tensing, and watched as the first snake lunged at him. 

Ace moved with lightning-fast reflexes, dodging to the side as the snake's fangs narrowly missed his face. In one swift motion, Ace leapt onto the snake's back and grabbed onto its scales, using his impressive strength to hold on tight as the snake thrashed around, trying to shake him off.

The other two snakes slithered towards Ace, their jaws open wide, ready to strike. Ace didn't panic. He flipped off the back of the first snake and landed on his feet. With a thunderous roar, Ace charged forward, his fists striking the snakes with incredible force. With each punch, he felt the impact reverberate through his body, but he didn't let up.

As the snakes tried to coil around him, Ace twisted and turned, using his agility and speed to avoid their attacks. His fists continued to strike, each blow landing with a satisfying crack as the snakes' scales shattered beneath his powerful blows.

This was how he easily killed the first snake but that did not make the fight with the remaining two any easier.

Ace continued to battle against the two remaining level 50 snakes, his fists blurring as he landed strike after strike. The snakes were formidable opponents, using their speed and agility to dodge Ace's attacks and strike back with deadly precision. Their venomous fangs were always inches away from Ace's skin, and he had to be constantly vigilant to avoid getting bitten.

Despite his impressive strength and speed, Ace was starting to feel the effects of the fight. His movements were becoming sluggish, and his breaths came in short, ragged gasps. He knew that he couldn't keep up this pace forever, but he also knew that he couldn't afford to let his guard down.

The snakes were unrelenting, their attacks coming faster and harder as the fight wore on. Ace was barely able to dodge their strikes, and he felt his stamina dwindling with each passing moment. 

Just when he thought he couldn't go on any longer and might need to use pills since he arrived in the true world today, a sudden arrow flew past him, striking the two snakes directly in the head. The snakes let out a piercing shriek as they collapsed to the ground, dead.

Ace looked up to see a female archer standing a few feet away, bow in hand. The female archer smiled at him and raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Sorry about that," she said. "I couldn't resist taking the shot."

Ace was not even bothered about the fact that his kills were stolen. What he really had his attention on what the appearance of the female archer.

Why was this so?

Well, it appeared that the newcomer wasn't a human.

'Talk about right timing'

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