Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 342 Fire Spirit

[Third Person POV],

Brian stepped into the clearing, his heart pounding in his chest as he looked upon the fiery figure before him. 

According to the primordial chronicle, this was his last opponent in this dungeon, the fire spirit.

He knew knowing of this so-called spirit except for the fact that the spirit crystals the damned dungeon always gave to him after every successful floor he cleared and took before every new floor he entered was used to form this fire spirit.

At first, he had no strong impression of the fire spirit or any expectation as to what it could be, he was a little taken aback by the sight in front of him.

The fire spirit was a mass of flames, constantly shifting and twisting, its eyes glowing with a fierce intensity.

Brian took a deep breath, focusing his energy as he called forth his own fire element. Flames burst from his palms, wreathing his arms in a blazing aura. He stepped forward, his eyes locked on the spirit as he prepared to do battle.

The fire spirit lunged at him, its flames shooting towards him like a living thing. Brian reacted quickly, dodging to the side and unleashing a stream of fire towards the spirit. The flames collided with the spirit, creating a massive explosion that sent waves of heat and debris flying in all directions.

Brian gritted his teeth as he tried to maintain his balance amidst the chaos of the explosion. When the dust settled, he saw the fire spirit emerge from the flames, seemingly unscathed.

The fire spirit let out a roar, its flames intensifying as it charged towards Brian once again. 

Brian tried to dodge again, but the fire spirit was too quick. Its flames engulfed him, scorching his skin and sending him tumbling to the ground. Brian screamed in agony as he tried to extinguish the flames, but they seemed to be fueled by his own fire element.

The fire spirit made a strange sound as it towered over him, flames licking at its edges. It seemed invincible, impervious to any damage Brian could inflict upon it. Brian struggled to stand, his body aching and his mind reeling from the pain. He had never faced an opponent like this before, and he didn't know how he could possibly win.

But Brian refused to give up. He had come too far to be defeated by an undeveloped fire spirit according to how the primordial chronicle named it.

Brian focused his mind and summoned all the strength he could muster, his palms glowing with intense heat as he channelled his fire element into them.

The fire spirit was taken aback by Brian's sudden burst of energy, but it quickly regained its composure and charged towards him again. Brian braced himself, ready to face the fiery onslaught.

The two clashed once more, their flames colliding in a fierce display of power. Brian pushed harder, using every ounce of strength he had to overpower the spirit. His fire element roared to life, fueling his attack and causing the spirit to falter.

For a moment, Brian thought he had the upper hand. But the fire spirit quickly recovered and retaliated with a fierce burst of flames. Brian was caught off guard, and the flames engulfed him once more.

But this time, something was different. Brian's fire element was fighting back, pushing against the flames and slowly extinguishing them. Brian felt a surge of hope as he realized he could control his element and use it against the spirit.

He summoned all his energy and unleashed a massive blast of fire at the spirit. The flames hit their mark, engulfing the spirit and causing it to scream in agony. Brian didn't let up, pouring more and more energy into the attack.

Brian gritted his teeth as he felt the heat washing over him, his eyes squinting against the intense light. He could feel the spirit's power growing stronger with each passing moment, and he knew that he needed to act fast if he wanted to win this fight.

He focused his energy once again, his hands blazing with even greater intensity as he unleashed a barrage of fireballs towards the spirit. The fire spirit dodged and weaved through the flames, but Brian was relentless, his attacks never slowing down.

As the battle raged on, both Brian and the fire spirit were pushed to their limits. The ground shook beneath them as their attacks collided, sending shockwaves through the air. Sweat poured down Brian's face as he concentrated all his energy on the fight, determined to come out victorious.

The fire spirit was no longer the invincible foe it had seemed at the start of the battle. Its flames flickered and wavered, and Brian could see the strain etched on its fiery face.

As they battled, the heat and flames grew more intense, the ground around them beginning to crack and split apart. Brian could feel the heat searing his skin, his clothes starting to smoulder as he fought on.

But he refused to give up. He pushed himself harder and harder, his attacks becoming more powerful with each passing moment. Finally, with one last burst of energy, he unleashed a massive inferno, engulfing the fire spirit in a sea of flames.

As the smoke and flames cleared, Brian could see the spirit lying motionless on the ground, its flames flickering weakly. He approached it cautiously, his heart racing as he reached out to touch it.

To his surprise, the spirit dissipated into thin air, leaving nothing behind but a faint scent of smoke and ash. Brian sighed with relief, his body trembling with exhaustion as he took a few deep breaths.

He had won the battle but at a great cost. His clothes were singed and smouldering and his skin blistered from the intense heat. But he was alive, and that was all that mattered. 

'I wonder how the other two are faring', Brian thought as he collapsed on the rocky floor not having even extra energy to move his hands.


'The reward of this dungeon better be enough for me to have an edge over that brother of mine'


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