Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 343 Water Spirit

[Third Person POV], 

Meanwhile, in another part of the dungeon, Eleanor was also about to face the elemental spirit related to her element.


Eleanor stood before the Water Spirit, ready for the final test of her dungeon trial. 

This was what the primordial chronicle said would be her last floor in this dungeon and she really wanted nothing more than to just leave this hell of a trial and collapse on whatever she could collapse on and have a deep sleep.

As she thought of this, she observed the appearance of the water spirit.

The Water Spirit seemed like it was a formidable opponent, and with its fluid form constantly shifting and changing, it made it difficult to predict its movements.

"Show me your strength," the Water Spirit said, its voice echoing through the chamber Eleanor had been teleported to.

Hearing the spirit's voice, Eleanor was taken aback but she quickly got herself and adapted to the situation.

'I've seen a lot of things since all these started so a mass of water being able to talk should not affect me,' Eleanor thought as she circulated the mana in her body and manipulated her element to conjure a sword made of ice for her to use for the battle that was about to unfold.

From her past experience in the trial, she could tell that it always put them against opponents with the same element. This did not even need to be said as it was obvious that her current opponent could manipulate the water element just like her from its appearance alone and seeing as this one had a certain level of intelligence, it was possible that it could use the water element better than her.

Unlike the golems she fought before that could also use the water element, due to their physique perhaps, they were still limited to fight in close combat and as their level of intelligence was not high enough to improvise in a battle, Eleanor could afford to stick to one style of attacking method.

However, it seems she could not do the same here, at least not fully as the water spirit in front of her appeared intelligent enough to counter her attacks so instead of sticking to one style of attack like she had done most of the times throughout her battles in the trial, she figured it was better to take the initiative this time.

She was of course not a swordsman but the apocalypse and all the battles she had in the past taught her a few things.

Eleanor took a deep breath and charged forward, her sword raised high. The Water Spirit met her attack head-on, its body morphing into a powerful jet of water that slammed into Eleanor, sending her flying backwards.

Undeterred, Eleanor got back on her feet and charged forward once again. This time, she swung her sword in a wide arc, trying to catch the Water Spirit off-guard. But the Water Spirit was too quick, and it evaded her attack with ease.

Eleanor gritted her teeth in frustration. This was not going well. She needed to come up with a new strategy, and fast. She knew she had to keep the Water Spirit on the defensive, but its agility was making that difficult.

As Eleanor circled around the Water Spirit, she noticed something. The Water Spirit's body seemed to be weaker in certain areas. She had to take advantage of that.

Eleanor continued to circle around the Water Spirit, analyzing its movements and trying to find a weakness. The fight was becoming more difficult by the second, as the Water Spirit seemed to be adapting to her attacks and growing more unpredictable.

Eleanor tried a new tactic, summoning a wave of ice to crash down on the Water Spirit from above. But the Water Spirit was too quick, and it slipped away from the attack at the last second, leaving Eleanor vulnerable.

In a split second, the Water Spirit launched a powerful jet of water at Eleanor, knocking her off her feet and sending her sliding across the ground.

Eleanor grunted in pain as she hit the ground, but she refused to stay down. She quickly got back to her feet and prepared for the next attack.

The fight dragged on, with both Eleanor and the Water Spirit exchanging blows and dodging attacks. Eleanor was becoming exhausted.

The Water Spirit seemed to sense Eleanor's growing weakness, and it began to press its advantage. It moved more quickly, striking harder and dodging more efficiently.

Eleanor's attacks were becoming less effective, and she was struggling to keep up with the Water Spirit's movements. 

A little desperate, Eleanor tried a risky move. She summoned a massive wave of ice and sent it hurtling towards the Water Spirit. The attack was powerful, but it left Eleanor feeling a little drained.

The Water Spirit saw its chance and seized it, launching a devastating attack that sent Eleanor flying across the chamber and crashing into the wall.

Eleanor's vision blurred as she struggled to get back up. She was bruised and battered, and her mana reserves were getting dangerously low. She knew she couldn't take much more of this but she had to get back up. 

At least, it wasn't as if the exchange just now was without merit because despite being beaten up, it did not look like the water spirit was an opponent that could easily get rid of her which meant a lot already.

With a low roar, Eleanor charged back at the water spirit.

The Water Spirit was caught off-guard by Eleanor's sudden charge, but it quickly regained its composure and met her attack head-on. The two clashed once again, their weapons and elements colliding in a fierce battle.

Despite her exhaustion, Eleanor refused to give up. She continued to push forward, striking with all the strength she had left. The Water Spirit was starting to show signs of wear, and Eleanor knew she had to capitalize on this.

The battle continued on, with Eleanor and the Water Spirit locked in a fierce exchange of blows and elemental attacks. Each one was trying to gain the upper hand, but neither seemed to be able to gain a significant advantage.

Eleanor was starting to feel the strain of the battle. Her movements were becoming slower, and her attacks were less powerful. 

Eleanor knew that she needed to turn the tide of the battle, but she wasn't sure how. 

The Water Spirit launched a powerful jet of water at Eleanor, and she barely managed to dodge it in time. She could feel the water droplets splashing against her skin, and she knew that if she got hit directly, it would be devastating.

Eleanor gritted her teeth and summoned a wave of ice, hoping to catch the Water Spirit off-guard. But it was too quick, and it evaded the attack with ease.

The battle dragged on, with Eleanor and the Water Spirit exchanging blows and dodging attacks. Each one was trying to outmanoeuvre the other, but neither seemed to be able to gain the upper hand.

Eleanor was starting to feel depressed. She knew that she couldn't keep up this pace forever, and her mana reserves were running dangerously low. She needed to end the battle soon, or she would be defeated.

The fight continued like this for several minutes, with Eleanor launching attack after attack, only to be met with the Water Spirit's seemingly infinite supply of water-based abilities. But Eleanor refused to give up. She knew that this fight was her chance to complete her dungeon trial.

As the fight wore on, Eleanor also began to notice a pattern in the Water Spirit's attacks. 

Perhaps it was because it was also beginning to feel the strain of the battle as It seemed to favour using its more powerful abilities when Eleanor was at a distance and its weaker attacks when she was up close.

With this in mind, Eleanor changed her strategy. She closed in on the Water Spirit, dodging its weaker attacks and landing several solid blows with her sword. The Water Spirit tried to back away, but Eleanor was relentless, pressing her attack and not giving it any room to breathe.

After a long and gruelling battle, Eleanor managed to gain the upper hand against the Water Spirit. She had noticed that the Spirit was weaker in certain areas and was able to exploit those weaknesses to her advantage. She landed a powerful blow on the Water Spirit, which sent it crashing to the ground.

Eleanor took a moment to catch her breath, trying to regain her strength. She had sustained several injuries during the fight, but she was determined to see it through to the end. As she looked up, she noticed the Water Spirit slowly getting back on its feet, looking more furious than ever.

Eleanor knew that she couldn't let her guard down, and she quickly prepared herself for the next attack. The Water Spirit lunged forward, but Eleanor was ready. She dodged the attack and delivered a swift kick to the Spirit's midsection, causing it to stagger backwards.

She continued to land a series of attacks, trying to wear the Spirit down. The battle continued on for what felt like an eternity, but finally, Eleanor saw an opening and she ruthlessly attacked.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Water Spirit let out a deafening roar and dissolved into a misty cloud. 

"Ah" "Ah" "Ah"

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