Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 348 Thoughts

[Third Person POV],

After returning to the settlement to rest after everything he had been through in the rat den, Andrew Dawn decided to take things a step further after he had rested enough.

Although he did not know how well his settlement faired when compared to other settlements, Andrew Dawn believed it should be one of the best in the true world but lately, the peace of his settlement has been getting threatened.

For one, a territory he claimed was almost taken away from him by a strange race and after that, a rival king also wanted to claim his main territory. If it wasn't for the incident that happened to his daughter, Andrew Dawn could already know the number of casualties that would have occurred had the war started.

The latter was something he did not have to worry about again because apart from outpowering the rival king now, Andrew Dawn doubted the other party would even have the time to look for trouble again when he should be looking for a solution to his daughter's situation.

The former though, which was the issue relating to the ogres was something that Andrew Dawn had been helpless again before he fused with the dragon heart.

For one, the leader of the strange race was already as strong as him then so this made the amount of decisions he could take against the ogres limited.

It was a different story now that he was stronger though so he thought that instead of waiting fr the other party to come knocking at his door again and destroy things, he should instead go out and bring the destruction to them.

This was his reasoning so even though it was already nighttime, Andrew Dawn flew out to the dark skies to see if he could trace the ogres after saying a few words to his family and men.

His decision was actually more of an action based on a sudden whim because of his confidence that significantly grew and made him believe he could do whatever he wanted with his present power.

It was only after he flew to the skies he realised just how rash his decision was.

For one, his last encounter with the ogres should have been long enough for the other party to have travelled a great distance.

When Andrew Dawn thought of this, he held no hope in finding the ogres again but since he had already made the decision to look for them, he still had to put in some effort.

Aside from this, he could not suddenly go back to the settlement when it hadn't even been a dozen minutes since his departure.

In the end, he decided to take this as a little scroll except this particular scroll of his was up in the sky.

Since Andrew Dawn had already decided to still go ahead with his plan except that it was with much less drive now, he flapped his wings to the location he first saw ogres.

The location was not far from his settlement so it was not going to take Andrew Dawn a long time to get there.

If it had been before he fused with the dragon heart, it was only going to take him a couple of minutes at most to reach the location he was heading to currently but now that he had fused with the dragon heart, even Andrew Dawn himself was not sure how fast he'd reach the location he encountered the ogres if he was to run on ground at full speed.

Something was for sure though, Andrew Dawn was going to be very fast.

He was currently flying now and since there was no form of obstruction in the air for him, Andrew Dawn was only going to arrive at his location faster.

In fact, it was so fast to the extent it only took less than a dozen big flaps of his large wings to arrive at his location and perhaps it might have been faster if he was experienced in flying.

He was just that fast.

At the rate things were moving, it would only be a matter of time before Andrew Dawn had another identity apart from currently being the fourth strongest human to the fastest one.

In any case, Andrew Dawn had arrived at his desired location with men patrolling the location he claimed his territory and fought the ogres for.

Since it was nighttime, Andrew Dawn could spot the magic lanterns placed around the location beneath him.

Seeing that everything was looking good, Andrew Dawn nodded his head in satisfaction and flapped his wings in the direction the ogres had retreated in during their last encounter before his men on the ground could see him.

So in order not to cause needless commotion, he went in another direction while wondering if he should take several nights like this to patrol around the places he claimed his territory when he had time.

Since it was only a thought, Andrew Dawn put the matter to the back of his mind for later consideration.

What he did not expect was to meet a horde of earth bulls shortly after just a few hundred metres away from his territory he just left and looking at the direction they're heading, it seems that it was exactly his territory these monsters were heading to.

"Those boys were lucky I happened to pass here tonight", Andrew Dawn muttered in the sky as he continued to look at the slowly advancing earth bulls.

How he knew them based on their appearance alone without using the primordial chronicle was because he was familiar with them.

They were the settlement's alternate meat after all.

Without thinking much, Andrew Dawn spread out his dragon wings as they gave the impression that they had become larger as he then did a free fall to approach the monsters on the ground.

'I should harvest some meat for the settlement while I'm at it', Andrew thought as he stared at the earth bulls that were only a few dozen metres away from him now.

At this point, the monsters on the ground had already noticed his presence and the aura Andrew Dawn was emitting sub consciously as he got closer to the earth bulls on the ground immediately made them restless.

Andrew Dawn did not care about this though as he prepared to fight these monsters not bothering about the fact that earth bulls as big as this horde of a few dozen of them had the weakest of them at level 40.

With his wings spread wide, Andrew Dawn descended from the sky like a higher being. The earth bulls, sensing the imminent danger, grew even more restless, their massive bodies shifting uneasily. But Andrew paid no heed to their unease.

As he landed gracefully among the horde, Andrew's presence seemed to emanate an aura of raw power. His eyes narrowed, focused on the weakest of the earth bulls, its level 40 strength no match for his enhanced physical abilities. 

In a split second, Andrew closed the distance between himself and the earth bull. With explosive speed and precision, he unleashed a devastating punch aimed at the creature's head. The impact was like a thunderclap, a shockwave of force that reverberated through the night.

The earth bull didn't stand a chance. Its body was sent hurtling backward, crashing into the ground with a resounding thud. The sheer power behind Andrew's punch had instantly ended the monster's life, its body lying motionless on the battlefield.

Silence settled over the horde as the other earth bulls stared in disbelief at their fallen comrade. The realisation of the formidable opponent they faced dawned upon them, their confidence wavering in the face of such overwhelming strength.

Andrew's single punch had sent a clear message—a message that resonated through the minds of the remaining earth bulls. Fear flickered in their eyes, their primal instincts urging them to retreat. The aura of invincibility surrounding Andrew grew stronger with each passing moment.

With a menacing glare, Andrew readied himself for the ensuing battle. The remaining earth bulls, now filled with trepidation, cautiously approached, unsure of their chances against the indomitable warrior before them.

The battle raged on as the earth bulls lunged at Andrew with their powerful horns and hooves. But with each attack, Andrew evaded their strikes with remarkable agility and countered with devastating blows of his own. His fists moved with incredible speed and precision, delivering bone-crushing punches that shattered the earth bulls' defences.

As the earth bulls charged in a frenzy, Andrew's movements became a blur. He weaved between them, dodging their attacks with ease. With a swift kick, he sent one of the beasts flying into the air, crashing down to the ground in a cloud of dust.

Another earth bull attempted to trample him under its massive hooves, but Andrew leaped into the air, soaring above the creature's reach. He descended upon it like a hawk, landing a powerful strike that shattered its thick skull, instantly ending its life.

The remaining earth bulls hesitated, their confidence shattered by the overwhelming power of Andrew. Fear gripped their primal instincts as they realised the futility of their efforts. Some attempted to retreat, but Andrew was relentless in his pursuit.

Moving with unparalleled speed, Andrew closed in on the remaining earth bulls one by one. With each encounter, his strikes became more precise and lethal. The earth bulls stood no chance against the wrath of his fists.

This was because he had finally found a way to adjust his strength to kill the earth bulls with little effort making him move like a fluid warrior in between the earth bulls.

In a matter of moments, the battlefield was strewn with fallen earth bulls. Their once-mighty horde now lay defeated and lifeless. The silence that followed was broken only by Andrew's soft breathing and the wholesome of his wings beating against the night sky.

Andrew stood amidst the carnage, his body drenched in little blood. 

He could not help it, his strength in the beginning made things a little bloody.

Andrew Dawn's eyes scanned the surroundings, ensuring that no more threats lingered nearby. 

Satisfied that the immediate danger had been eliminated, he took a moment to catch his breath and collect his thoughts.

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