Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 349 Ogres

[Third Person POV],

After the battle, Andrew Dawn turned to look at his surroundings carefully and saw the mess he had made.

For one thing, it was really messy and although Andrew Dawn wanted the meat the earth bulls had to offer, he was in no mood to start the process of harvesting their meat himself.

What he did instead was head to the earth bulls that still had their body almost complete and not completely damaged and placed them in his storage ring.

For the other bodies he could not harvest, he gathered them together in one spot and used his newly advanced fire element to burn them to ashes.

The sight was not surprising to Andrew Dawn since he was already aware of how potent his flames were.

After this was done, Andrew Dawn looked at his surroundings again and after making sure everything seemed normal, he took to the skies again to continue what he was doing before the encounter with the earth bulls which was the search for the ogres. 

Although he will very much want to just return to the settlement and take a beautiful nap with his wife, Andrew Dawn was aware that he still hadn't reached the point in his journey tonight that will show that he tried to look for the ogres.

It was only when he saw that he had indeed tried his minimum best would he return back to the settlement but this did not change his thoughts that what he was currently doing was a chore.

Well, this was his mindset until he actually came across something that made him rethink his previous claims.

Although it took a while before he could see it, after hundreds of meters away from the territory he fought the ogres and away from the location he just battled the earth bulls, Andrew Dawn began to see some signs on the ground beneath him.

Ruins of various battles and destruction started to form a trail the further Andrew Dawn flew.

At first, he took the first few signs as something that was caused by intense fighting but after he began to see more signs of destruction as their scale also grew as well, he began to get suspicious of what he was seeing.

It also did not help that from what he was seeing from the sky, the destruction on the ground did not seem to have been caused by just two parties but multiple.

While this puzzled Andrew Dawn, he continued what he was doing and continued to follow the trail of destruction on the ground beneath him.

He only came to a stop when he saw something on the ground made one of his earliest suspicions become confirmed.

Slowly descending to the ground without bothering to retract his wings, Andrew Dawn came closer to a huge green body on the ground.

It was the body of an ogre and Andrew Dawn knew he was not mistaken since the ogre did leave quite an impression on him.

'Seems like the destruction I've been seeing was caused by them after all', Andrew Dawn thought as he observed the body of the dead ogre.

Apart from the fact that its body was really mutilated, the one thing Andrew Dawn could take as a form of a clue of the battle the ogre fought that led to its death was the claw mark that was all around its body.

The ogre's body also lacked a right arm and looking at how bad the cut was, it seemed to have been beaten off by something.

'At least I can tell the ogre fought something much more than itself', Andrew Dawn thought as he turned to observe his surroundings.

"Truly a bunch of savage animals!" 

Seeing the damage that had been done to the environment that he was in, Andrew Dawn could not help but imagine what would have happened to his territory had these brutes had their way.

"I do not know If they'll come back someday but it's better I do something about them before it's potentially too late", Andrew Dawn stated softly and after taking one last look at the surroundings, he flapped his wings hard and took to the skies.

He was serious about hunting this race now.


The more Andrew Dawn followed the trail of destruction the ogres occasionally left, the worse they became.

It was like this creatures was specially created for destruction.

They were so savage that the bodies Andrew Dawn continued to encounter were only from the ogre race.

Apart from the messy surroundings, it appeared the ogres prioritised whatever they got in the battle over their fallen comrades seeing as they just left the bodies to rot.

In any case, it didn't take long for Andrew Dawn to finally see what he had been searching for.

"To think I'd end up finding them", Andrew Dawn muttered.

Under the cover of the night sky, Andrew Dawn soared high above, observing the scene that unfolded beneath him. 

Deep within the heart of the untamed forest, a recently claimed enclave emerged amidst the dense foliage. The ogre's rough camp sprawled in the darkness, their presence hidden from prying eyes. The air hung heavy with the lingering scent of spilt blood, mingling with the earthy aroma of torn foliage.

As he ventured closer to the camp, slivers of moonlight pierced through the twisted canopy, casting an eerie glow upon the scene. Makeshift huts, constructed from splintered logs and torn branches, stood as symbols of the ogres' dominance. Blood-stained vines slithered around the structures as if nature itself recoiled from the raw violence that unfolded within.

The camp exuded a palpable sense of aggression and brutality, amplified by the absence of daylight. The echoes of fierce roars and guttural snarls reverberated through the night, blending with the sounds of cracking bones and anguished cries. Sinister laughter, sharp and menacing, mingled with the unsettling rustle of leaves and the distant howls of predators, creating a discordant symphony of savagery.

Andrew Dawn was not sure if he heard right but he could have sworn he heard the cries of humans. When he thought of this, he feared for the worse but did not act immediately and continued his observation of what was in front of him.

The ground beneath him, marred by deep gouges and trampled underbrush, bore the fresh scars of recent battles. Patches of moonlight reflected off the splatters of crimson that marked the soil, a vivid reminder of the violence that permeated the camp. Broken weapons and discarded armour lay scattered about, discarded remnants of fallen foes, their glimmers caught in the moon's pale light.

Adornments of gruesome trophies hung from the huts, casting eerie shadows in the darkness. Skulls and severed limbs dangled from crude hooks, their grotesque display intended to intimidate any who dared challenge the ogres' dominion. Symbols of war, crudely carved into tree trunks, spoke of a relentless pursuit of power and a thirst for conquest, their eerie outlines visible under the moon's faint illumination.

Although the sight really irritated the human king, he kept on with his observation of what he figured was the camp of the brute race.

The camp's inhabitants, the green ogres, revealed the brutality that defined their existence. They feasted upon raw meat, tearing into fresh kills with sharpened fangs and clawed hands, their faces smeared with the blood of their victims. 

Thankfully it was monster meat they appeared to be eating.

A cacophony of fight cries and war chants filled the night air, punctuated by the rhythmic pounding of fists against chests, a display of unyielding dominance that echoed into the darkness.

In the heart of the camp, a crude arena served as a savage spectacle. A towering green ogre adorned with bone-studded armour, presided over the gladiatorial contests. Battered and bloodied combatants clashed with brutal force, their primal instincts unleashed in a frenzied dance of death. 

Nature's beauty twisted into a distorted mockery under the cover of night. Once vibrant flowers, now trampled and crushed, lay wilted and stained with blood. Pools of stagnant water reflected the horrors that unfolded, their still surfaces mirroring the twisted faces of the camp's inhabitants, the moonlight casting haunting silhouettes.

As the moon continued to cast its silver light upon the camp, some ogres revelled in their dark dominion. They gathered around smouldering bonfires, their frenzied movements resembling shadowy ritualistic dances of conquest. It was like a celebration of their unyielding ferocity, a relentless reminder that within their veins flowed the bloodlust of their ancestors, their wild nature fully awakened under the cloak of night.

The ogre rough camp stood as a monument to the brutality of the wild, where violence reigns supreme and the ruthless.

All of these played before Andrew Dawn's eyes and as he stared at the race beneath him with a cold expression on his face, wishing he could just blow these brutes into a cloud of blood, there was something holding him back as he turned to stare at a particular ogre in the camp.

Unsurprisingly, it was the ogre king.

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