Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 353 Mother's Worries

[Third Person POV],

In the end, Andrew Dawn chose not to linger near the ogre's territory and instead retreated back to his own domain. It wasn't because he was afraid of the newcomers, but rather a prudent understanding that any attempts to meddle with the ogre's camp could come back to haunt him.

Upon closer observation, Andrew discovered that the ogre races heading towards the green ogres were not only numerous but also had leaders among them. These leaders stood out due to their significantly more powerful mana readings compared to their followers. Andrew acknowledged their leadership based on this distinction.

However, there still existed a disparity between the mana readings of these leaders, Andrew himself, and the green ogre king. While he and the green ogre king possessed greater power compared to the newcomers, the powerful ogres had the advantage of outnumbering him with their followers.

Andrew didn't believe that the other ogres were coming to engage in a fight. Their approach, even from a distance, indicated familiarity with the terrain. Furthermore, their behavior lacked violence and seemed more akin to a friendly visit.

Taking all these factors into account, Andrew made the conscious decision to retreat, prioritising his own safety and avoiding any potential complications. It was a strategic move to maintain a position of advantage and protect his interests.

With caution, Andrew left the ogre's territory behind, returning to the comfort of his own domain. He contemplated his next moves, considering the implications of the ogre's presence and preparing for the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Whatever the circumstances may be, it appeared that a confrontation was unlikely to erupt. Andrew Dawn recognized the potential risks of being discovered by the newly arrived group, which could lead to unfavorable outcomes. With that in mind, he made the prudent choice to depart from the area.

Previously, Andrew had held only a partial commitment to the idea of attacking the ogres before they took action, but now his resolve grew stronger. The situation demanded a more serious approach. Determined to protect his interests and ensure his territory safety, he set his sights on the ogres with a renewed sense of purpose.

Opting not to deviate from his course, Andrew swiftly traveled back to his settlement, covering the distance in less than a dozen minutes at full speed. However, upon his arrival, he did not immediately summon his men to plan for war. Recognizing the lateness of the hour and the importance of rest, he decided to pos

Before he did go to sleep though, he called out his primordial chronicle and sent a message to a lad that seems to have a lot of pills.


Meanwhile, Lily wasn't the only want who thought she needed a break as well since Agneya also left the camp they made to take a scroll.

Rather than saying she took a stroll, it was better to say that she was on a mission to look for a suitable monster to vent her accumulated stress on.

She was not worried about the camp since it was not like it was only her and her daughter that were the only capable people.

In any case, she could also use this to train her air magic so it wasn't like her decision was a bad idea as long as she doesn't encounter a monster stronger enough to kill her with one hit.

Unlike her daughter who was fortunate enough to come in contact with magic that allowed her to use a wide range of elements, Agneya could only use one and it was because of her smarts, talent and hard work she could keep up with her daughter and even make the other desire to keep up in a way.

Either way, she had many reasons to want to become more powerful so she could afford to be lax in her actions.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before she found a suitable opponent.

A 3-meter big tiger.

Agneya's heart quickened at the sight, her body tensing with anticipation. She knew she had discovered the perfect adversary to test her mettle. The tiger exuded an aura of primal power, its piercing eyes fixated upon her as if sensing the challenge she presented.

Unfazed, Agneya readied herself, her mind focused and her breath steady. She acknowledged the risks but trusted in her abilities to overcome the impending battle.

With a calculated stride, the tiger approached, muscles rippling beneath its sleek fur. It lunged, its claws aimed to tear into Agneya's flesh. Reacting with the agility of a seasoned warrior, she swiftly evaded the attack, narrowly evading the onslaught of razor-sharp claws.

Seizing the moment, Agneya retaliated, unleashing a concentrated gust of wind to knock the tiger off balance. The force of her assault connected, sending the creature stumbling backwards, its snarl transformed into a surprised growl.

The tiger regained its composure, its primal instincts urging it to fight back. Agneya knew that relying solely on raw power wouldn't be enough to claim victory in this prolonged battle. She had to embrace strategy, finesse, and a deep understanding of her elemental affinity.

The dance continued each move and countermove a testament to Agneya's unwavering determination. She circled her opponent, her body attuned to the whispers of the night air. With a subtle motion of her hands, she summoned gentle breezes, gradually transforming them into a swirling vortex of wind.

The swirling vortex of wind enveloped Agneya, serving as both her shield and her weapon. She harnessed the raw power of the air, directing it with precision and control. The gusts intensified, whipping around her in a mesmerizing display of elemental mastery.

The tiger, caught in the vortex's grasp, fought against the relentless assault. Its muscles strained, attempting to break free from the tempest that threatened to overwhelm it. But Agneya's focus remained unbroken, her connection to the air element unwavering.

Sensing an opportunity, she seized the moment to launch a barrage of concentrated air blades, each one slicing through the air with lethal accuracy. The blades tore into the tiger's hide, leaving deep gashes that oozed crimson.

Yet, the tenacious predator refused to yield. It lunged forward with renewed ferocity, its fangs bared and claws extended. Agneya met its attack head-on, her movements fluid and calculated.

As they clashed, the battlefield transformed into a whirlwind of fury and grace. Agneya's control over the air element granted her unparalleled agility, allowing her to evade the tiger's strikes with remarkable dexterity. She retaliated with precision, striking at the beast's vulnerabilities whenever an opening presented itself.

The moonlight bathed the battlefield, casting ethereal shadows that danced along with the ongoing struggle. Agneya's body glistened with a thin sheen of sweat, evidence of the exertion she poured into every movement. Her breaths came in measured bursts as she maintained her focus, fully aware of the formidable adversary before her.

The tiger, fueled by instinct and a primal desire to survive, matched Agneya's determination with its own relentless onslaught. Its powerful jaws snapped inches from her, forcing her to twist and contort her body in an intricate dance of evasion. The air crackled with tension as the two combatants weaved through the night, each manoeuvre executed with calculated precision.

Agneya's eyes narrowed, a spark of determination igniting within her gaze. She had to dig deeper, pushing beyond her limits to turn the tide of the battle. With a surge of willpower, she channelled her inner strength, calling upon the very essence of the air element that coursed through her veins.

Gusts of wind intensified, swirling around Agneya in a cyclone of power. She became one with the tempest, her movements synchronized with the ebb and flow of the air currents. The tiger, momentarily disoriented by the sudden escalation, hesitated for a fraction of a second.

In that instant, Agneya launched herself forward with a burst of speed, closing the distance between her and the tiger in the blink of an eye. She executed a series of lightning-fast strikes, her fists infused with the force of the wind. Each blow landed with a resounding impact, driving the tiger backwards, its pained growls echoing through the night.

Seconds turned into minutes, and the moon traversed the night sky, casting its pale glow upon the relentless battle. Agneya's stamina was tested, her body aching from the strain, but she refused to falter. Her determination burned like an unquenchable flame, driving her forward.

The tiger, though wounded and weary, refused to back down. It fought with a primal instinct, a relentless desire to survive. Agneya admired its tenacity, recognizing the strength of her opponent. The fight had become a test of wills, a clash of primal forces.

In a moment of respite, as the tiger momentarily withdrew to catch its breath, Agneya seized the opportunity to gather her focus. She closed her eyes, delving deep into her connection with the air element, seeking guidance and strength.

A calm settled over her as she found her centre. Opening her eyes, she embraced the night air, feeling its gentle caress against her skin. With a renewed sense of purpose, she unleashed a devastating tornado, a maelstrom of wind and power.

The tornado engulfed the battlefield, sweeping the tiger off its feet and tossing it through the air like a ragdoll. Agneya stood at the heart of the tempest, her presence commanding and unyielding. She directed the cyclone's fury, guiding its path with calculated precision.

As the tornado subsided, Agneya stood amidst the aftermath, her chest heaving, her body covered in dirt and sweat. The once-mighty tiger lay defeated before her, its breath shallow and its spirit is broken.

Agneya stayed where she was as she continued to pant heavily from exhaustion, wondering if the night was still young for her to continue.

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