Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 352 More?

[Third Person POV],

"How exactly did they all get so strong?" Andrew Dawn pondered the fact that not only the ogre king appeared to be more powerful than when he first saw them; other ogres also appeared to have grown more powerful.

Andrew Dawn had no means of knowing the ogres that had accompanied their king to invade his territory, but he reasoned that some of the ogres on the ground ought to have taken part.

Because the magic readings on the ogres from above indicated that the weakest should be level 30, Andrew Dawn found it frustrating that the ogres' overall power wasn't weak.

Since Andrew Dawn also believed that the ogres should have a racial advantage that made them more powerful than their level, this was already terrifying enough.

Perhaps if they had ambition, they would have had their own settlement, except that there should not be many ogres in the true world to produce the settlement atmosphere, as Andrew Dawn believed.

Andrew Dawn, however, understood from what he saw that he could not simply descend and start a battle.

Even though he had the advantage of flight, Andrew Dawn would not be able to destroy the camp today depending on how the other party would react.

Andrew Dawn scowled, "Seems like I'll have to wage a war," as he disliked the idea that these creatures might one day return to his territory and attack. If he left them now, only heaven knows how powerful they would grow should they ever come and attack.

Andrew Dawn pondered again, "I don't want to involve anyone else in this, though," as he considered what was involved in enlisting people in the battle against the ogres.

For starters, he was certain that many people would perish, and he never wanted this to happen.

He made a settlement in the first place to avoid this and show people in the true world that they can still have a place to call home here, but he never wanted it to become a reality at the expense of countless lives.

He was aware that this was illogical because nothing worthwhile could be obtained in this world without a struggle, but he still desired it.

As he pondered these thoughts, Andrew Dawn released a sigh, wondering why the present and future of his life and the lives of his people had to be so complicated.

After giving the matter some thought in the air, he concluded that eliminating the ogres from the root would at the very least avert more conflict, and he was certain that if he asked the soldiers to prepare for war, they would.

It was simply unfortunate that slaying the ogres didn't really accomplish much other than averting a significant issue in the future.

How can I reduce my losses, though? When Andrew Dawn was ready to consider this issue in depth, he saw something in the distance and had to stop what he was doing.

What he saw was not in the orge camp, but rather, far from it.

It was better to say multiple locations because ahead of Andrew Dawn were several armies of ogres steadily approaching the green ogres camp.

"What in the name of hell is this?"


Meanwhile, in another location in the true world, Lily Blaze had just intended to take a stroll from the camp to get herself, but what she didn't expect was to run into an earth serpent that immediately began fighting the soon it lay eyes on her.

Lily's breath came in ragged gasps as she dodged the earth serpent's relentless attacks. Her green robes were torn and dirt-stained, evidence of the fierce battle that had been raging for what felt like an eternity. She had been fighting with all her power with her nature magic, but the serpent proved to be a formidable foe.

The serpent lunged, jaws wide open, its razor-sharp teeth aimed at Lily's vulnerable form. In a split second, she called upon the powers of wind, propelling herself high into the air, narrowly escaping the creature's deadly embrace. As she descended, tendrils of lightning crackled around her, forming a protective shield against the serpent's venomous breath.

Undeterred, the earth serpent coiled its massive body and sent shockwaves through the ground, causing tremors that threatened to knock Lily off balance. With a quick incantation, she channelled her energy into the earth beneath her feet, merging her essence with the very ground she stood on. Roots erupted from the earth, wrapping around her legs, granting her stability and grounding her against the serpent's assault.

Lily's hands glowed with radiant power source as she gathered the essence of the surrounding forest. She unleashed a barrage of thorny projectiles, each one guided by her unwavering will. The serpent thrashed and wriggled, desperately trying to evade the onslaught, but the thorns found their mark, leaving behind deep wounds that oozed with dark ichor.

With a roar that shook the treetops, the serpent retaliated, unleashing a powerful blast of earth and rock. Lily's instincts kicked in, and she created a swirling cyclone of air, redirecting the debris away from her. Her eyes gleamed with determination as she chanted ancient words, commanding the elements to do her bidding.

A torrential downpour drenched the battlefield, transforming the ground into a muddy battlefield. Lily seized the opportunity and channelled her magic through the water, manipulating its flow. Streams coalesced into razor-sharp blades that sliced through the air, targeting the serpent's vulnerable underbelly.

The serpent writhed in pain as the water blades tore through its scales, eliciting a guttural growl of fury. It lunged forward, its massive body propelled by pure brute force. Lily's instincts kicked in, and she somersaulted backwards, narrowly evading the serpent's deadly strike. 

As the earth serpent crashed into the ground, the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the terrain. Lily used this momentary alleviation to summon the strength of the forest once more. Vines erupted from the ground, snaking around the serpent's limbs, binding it in a temporary prison of nature's embrace.

But the serpent was not so easily subdued. With a mighty heave, it broke free from the constricting vines, shaking off the remnants of its botanical prison. It lunged at Lily once again, its massive jaws aiming to crush her in their vice-like grip.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Lily sidestepped the attack, feeling the serpent's hot breath graze her cheek. She retaliated with a swift strike of her own, conjuring a whip made of pure energy. The crack of the whip echoed through the forest as it lashed against the serpent's scaled hide, leaving searing trails of light in its wake.

The earth serpent recoiled, its eyes narrowing with fury. It thrashed its tail with wild abandon, sweeping through the air in a deadly arc. Lily leapt high into the canopy, narrowly avoiding the crushing blow. From her elevated vantage point, she surveyed the battlefield, seeking her next opportunity.

Spotting a cluster of ancient trees nearby, Lily knew what she had to do. She channelled her magic into the very essence of the forest, willing the trees to come alive. The ancient giants responded to her call, their branches intertwining and weaving into a colossal barrier, shielding her from the serpent's attacks.

The earth serpent, sensing its prey eluding its grasp, let out a roar that shook the earth. It began to slither towards Lily, a relentless determination burning in its eyes. But she was not one to be easily defeated.

Summoning the strength deep within her, Lily infused her body with the power of the elements. Flames danced along her fingertips as she unleashed a torrent of fire, engulfing the serpent in a blazing inferno. The scorching heat licked at its scales, causing it to writhe and contort in agony.

But the earth serpent was not without its own tricks. It summoned the very earth beneath it, creating a towering wall of rock that shielded it from the flames. The flames dissipated, leaving behind only smoke and the faint scent of burnt vegetation.

Unyielding, Lily called upon the winds to her aid. A cyclone formed around her, swirling with increasing intensity. She directed the gusts towards the serpent, tearing at its defences and exposing its vulnerable underbelly.

With a surge of determination, Lily unleashed her final assault. She summoned the raw power of nature itself, channelling it into a single, devastating blow. The air crackled with energy as she thrust her hand forward, releasing a concentrated beam of pure elemental force.

The beam collided with the serpent, engulfing it in a blinding explosion of power. The force of the impact shook the very foundations of the forest, rattling leaves and dislodging debris. When the dust settled, all that remained was a scorched patch of earth and the defeated form of the earth serpent.

Lily stood amidst the aftermath, her body heaving with exhaustion. The forest was silent as if holding its breath in awe of the battle that had unfolded within its ancient embrace. She gazed at the fallen serpent, a mix of reprieve and satisfaction washing over her.

"Fortunately, I've gotten better at magic", Lily muttered as she turned to look at the sky while wondering how her little brother was fairing in this world that seemed to hate peace.

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