Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 371 Second Battle

[Third Person POV],

In the depths of the forest, Blue, the Solarflare Gryphon, found himself facing a new challenge. Before him, coiled a massive Two-Headed Serpent, its scales shimmering with a dangerous iridescence. Each head possessed gleaming, razor-sharp fangs, and their eyes glowed with a malevolent intensity. Blue's golden eyes narrowed, his determination resolute as he prepared to engage in another fierce battle.

The Two-Headed Serpent struck first, lunging with lightning speed toward Blue. The dual heads snapped at him, their fangs glistening with venomous intent. With a swift beat of his powerful wings, Blue evaded the attack, narrowly avoiding the serpents' venomous strike.

Knowing he had to be nimble to outmanoeuvre the serpent, Blue relied on his aerial prowess. He circled the serpentine adversary, his wings slicing through the air as he sought an opening. The Two-Headed Serpent coiled and twisted, anticipating Blue's every move, its eyes fixated on him with an unyielding focus.

Blue conjured a swirling vortex of solar fire around him, its heat radiating in waves. He unleashed a barrage of searing feathers, aiming to disrupt the serpent's concentration. But the Two-Headed Serpent was agile, swiftly dodging the fiery assault and retaliating with a venomous spit that hissed through the air.

Blue evaded the venomous projectiles, the acrid scent of the serpent's poison filling the air. He decided to change tactics, taking advantage of his own unique abilities. Concentrating his energy, he called upon the power of the sun within him, letting it surge through his magnificent form.

The warmth of the sun enveloped Blue as he unleashed a brilliant burst of solar fire, its intensity matching the blinding radiance of the midday sun. The flames danced and licked at the serpent's scales, causing it to recoil in pain. Blue seized the moment, swooping down and aiming a precise strike at one of the serpent's heads.

His talons collided with the serpent's scales, creating a cacophony of metallic screeches. Blue's talons seared the serpent's flesh, sending plumes of smoke spiralling into the air. Yet, the Two-Headed Serpent was resilient, and its second head lunged at Blue, attempting to sink its fangs into his flank.

With a swift twist of his agile body, Blue evaded the attack, narrowly avoiding the venomous bite. He retaliated with a barrage of solar fireballs, each one exploding upon impact and searing the serpent's flesh. The fight intensified, the forest echoing with the clash of elemental forces.

Undeterred, the Two-Headed Serpent coiled and struck again, its fangs glinting with lethal intent. Blue's wings beat with incredible speed, propelling him to higher altitudes as he sought an advantage. He summoned the sun's energy, harnessing it into a focused beam of searing light.

The beam cut through the air, aiming for the serpent's exposed underbelly. But the serpent was swift, contorting its serpentine body in a serpentine dance, evading the attack. Its heads retaliated, snapping and biting at Blue with unmatched aggression.

With each near-miss, Blue's determination grew stronger. He knew he had to dig deeper into his untapped powers to overcome this formidable opponent. Gathering his strength, he unleashed a devastating shockwave of solar energy, rippling through the clearing and stunning the Two-Headed Serpent.

Seizing the moment, Blue dived towards the serpent, his talons pulsating with intense heat. He aimed for the vulnerable junction between the serpent's heads, where their shared body met. His talons pierced through the scaly armour, drawing forth a pained roar from the serpent.

But the serpent was far from defeated. It writhed and twisted, dislodging Blue from its body. The impact sent Blue sprawling, his wings momentarily winded. The serpent coiled around him, its dual heads poised to strike.






As the Two-Headed Serpent coiled around Blue, its fangs poised to strike, the Solarflare Gryphon acted swiftly. With a powerful surge of energy, he summoned a burst of solar fire, engulfing the serpent's coiled form in intense heat. The scorching flames licked at the serpent's scales, causing it to recoil in pain.

Blue took advantage of the serpent's momentary distraction, his wings beating with renewed vigour. He wriggled free from the serpent's grip, his feathers singed but determination burning fiercely within him. Rising into the air, he unleashed a dazzling display of aerial manoeuvres, his every motion a testament to his newfound control over his powers.

The Two-Headed Serpent, enraged by its injuries, unleashed a furious onslaught of venomous spits and biting strikes. But Blue deftly evaded each attack, his wings carrying him with unparalleled grace. He twisted and turned in mid-air, leaving trails of shimmering flames in his wake.

Drawing upon his deep connection with the sun, Blue summoned a radiant aura of protective power source around him. The serpent's venomous projectiles dissipated harmlessly upon contact with the barrier of solar power. Blue was untouched, his focus unwavering as he sought an opening to launch his counterattack.

With a sudden burst of speed, Blue dove towards the serpent, his talons aglow with the scorching intensity of the sun. He aimed for the exposed underbelly of the serpent, determined to strike at its weakest point. The serpent writhed and twisted, its heads snapping and lunging at Blue, desperate to defend itself.

Blue's agility and precision proved to be unmatched. He somersaulted in mid-air, evading the serpent's jaws with inches to spare. With a calculated manoeuvre, he extended his talons at the last moment, slicing through the serpent's scales and leaving behind scorch marks as evidence of his formidable strike.

The serpent recoiled in pain, its head hissing and thrashing. But Blue was not done yet. He utilized his mastery over solar fire to unleash a torrent of scorching feathers upon the serpent. Each feather burst into flames upon leaving his wings, raining down upon the serpent's body and leaving a trail of smouldering embers.

The Two-Headed Serpent, now engulfed in flames, writhed in agony. Its movements grew sluggish, its once-threatening strikes becoming feeble and uncoordinated. Blue saw his chance and seized it with unwavering determination.

Summoning the full force of his solar powers, Blue soared high above the serpent. His wings glowed with an ethereal light as he prepared for his final attack. With a powerful sweep of his wings, he generated a colossal vortex of solar fire, a swirling inferno that spiralled towards the serpent below.

The fiery vortex descended upon the serpent, engulfing it completely. The flames raged with an intensity that matched the sun itself, reducing the once-menacing Two-Headed Serpent to a charred husk. Silence descended upon the forest, broken only by the crackling of the dying flames.

Blue hovered above the scorched battlefield, his eyes gleaming with triumph. He had faced a formidable opponent, a creature of venom and aggression, and emerged victorious. 

"Hmmmmm" A voice suddenly resounded as Ace's figure emerged in mid-air with his hand on his chin.

"Seems like I'm not the only one that will stay in a particular level for long."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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