Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 372 Last One

A/N; Thanks a lot for the Golden Tickets! As a form of appreciation, two chapters tomorrow and thank you very much for reading!


[Third Person POV],

In the end, Ace and blue were unable to have enough of the battles that had just happened.

Blue on one hand, were enjoying each battles and Ace could already envision a battle hungry pet and Ace on the other hand, due to the insanely strong monsters Blue had fought, the primordial records he gained was steady accumulating to the point he was closer to levelling up 

Ace decided to have another battle for blue again seeing as it seems like there was still some time before noon arrived.

Apart from wanting to make his tamed beast familiar with its new body and powers and wanting to accumulate more primordial records, Ace wanted to also test out his team work with his tamed beast and if he was going to do this, monsters like the drake and the two headed serpent were out of the question since Ace knew he'd be more of a burden than a teammate. Another irony based on past experiences.

Immediately the thought of fighting together with blue came to him, it did not leave and after a few minutes of of contemplating, Ace decided to give it a try.

If the worse happened, he'll just run away. He was at least confident in his running speed so after cleaning up the battlefield with the two headed serpent, Ace mounted blue as thy began to search for a potential prey.

It was likely still going to be a level 50 monster but not one that was insanely strong like the past ones.


As the scorching sun reached its zenith, Blue found himself standing alongside his master, Ace, facing a colossal Ice Snake. The serpentine creature, with scales glistening like ice, towered over them both, its breath crystallising the air around them. Blue's golden eyes met Ace's determined gaze, and they exchanged a nod, ready to combine their powers and take on this icy adversary.

Ace, who had long decided to use his transmutation ability for any fight he was going to team up with blue for, extended his hand, and a surge of mana flowed through his fingertips. The air shimmered with a bluish hue as Ace transmuted the surrounding moisture into a dense mist, obscuring the Ice Snake's vision. The snake hissed in frustration, unable to pinpoint its targets.

Seizing the advantage, Blue unleashed a torrent of solar fire from his beak, the intense heat cutting through the mist like a scorching blade. The flames wrapped around the Ice Snake's body, causing its icy scales to crack and melt. Blue's attack weakened the serpent, but it was far from defeated.

As the Ice Snake writhed in pain, its icy form began to regenerate rapidly, healing the damage caused by Blue's fiery assault. Ace realized that this adversary was more powerful and resilient than they had anticipated. He knew they needed a different approach to overcome this formidable foe.

Drawing upon his knowledge, Ace conjured a swirling vortex of swirling winds. The winds carried with them frosty particles, surrounding the Ice Snake and intensifying the cold around it. The serpent struggled against the biting chill, its movements slowed and labored.

Seeing an opportunity, Blue unleashed another torrent of solar fire, but this time, he infused his flames with Ace's winds. The result was a devastating combination—an inferno of scorching heat and freezing winds that clashed against the Ice Snake's icy defenses.

The serpent recoiled under the onslaught, its icy scales cracking and splintering. But even with its weakened state, it refused to yield. With a menacing hiss, it struck back, unleashing a powerful blast of freezing breath that threatened to encase Blue and Ace in a solid block of ice.

Ace acted swiftly, transmuting the air around them into a protective shield of warmth. The freezing breath collided with the shield, causing it to crack and splinter, but holding strong against the icy onslaught. Blue, unfazed by the close call, prepared for his next move.

Blue launched himself into the air, his wings propelling him towards the Ice Snake's vulnerable underbelly. His talons glowed with the intensity of the sun as he aimed for a precise strike. However, the Ice Snake, with its enhanced reflexes, anticipated Blue's attack and twisted its serpentine body, narrowly evading the talons.

Undeterred, Blue adjusted his flight pattern, circling around the serpent and launching another assault. This time, Ace joined in the attack, utilizing his transmutation ability to transform the ground beneath the serpent's coils into slippery ice. The serpent thrashed and slid, struggling to maintain its balance.

Taking advantage of the serpent's momentary disorientation, Blue dived down, his talons slashing through the air. With a powerful strike, he pierced through the serpent's icy scales, causing shards of ice to splinter and shatter.

The Ice Snake let out a piercing roar of pain, its massive form convulsing with fury. It retaliated with a desperate surge of power, summoning an intense blizzard that engulfed the battlefield. The biting winds and swirling snow threatened to obscure Blue and Ace's vision, making it difficult for them to navigate the chaotic storm.




Caught off guard by the sudden escalation of the battle, Blue and Ace found themselves disoriented within the blizzard. Their movements became sluggish, and the biting cold began to sap their energy. The Ice Snake seized the opportunity, launching a series of rapid strikes with its icy fangs and tail.

Blue and Ace desperately fought back, trying to evade the serpent's attacks while searching for a way to turn the tide. Ace utilized his transmutation ability to create a protective barrier around them, but the relentless assault of the Ice Snake was pushing them to their limits.

With a surge of determination, Ace gathered his remaining strength and focused his mind. He tapped into the depths of his transmutation powers, drawing upon the winds he had created and activated his naturally gotten fire element. As he did, a brilliant glow emanated from his hands, infused with the essence of fire and ice.

As the blizzard raged on, Ace unleashed a powerful burst of energy, creating a vortex of swirling flames and frost. The intense heat clashed with the icy winds, creating a temporary clearing in the storm. Blue, seizing the opportunity, dove towards the Ice Snake with renewed vigor.

Blue's talons glowed brighter than ever as he descended upon the Ice Snake. With each precise strike, he managed to puncture through the serpent's defenses, leaving behind trails of melting ice. The combined power of fire and ice surged through the serpent's body, causing it to writhe in agony.

Ace, sensing an opening, channeled his transmutation abilities to amplify Blue's attack. He transmuted the surrounding moisture into sharp icicles, which he then launched towards the weakened Ice Snake. The icicles pierced through the serpent's flesh, causing it to roar in pain.

But the Ice Snake, driven by sheer determination and survival instinct, summoned its remaining strength and retaliated with a forceful sweep of its tail. Blue, caught off guard, was struck hard and sent hurtling through the air, crashing into a nearby tree.

Ace, witnessing his companion's plight, rushed to Blue's side. He could see that Blue was injured and struggling to get back on his feet. The Ice Snake, sensing an opportunity, slithered toward them, its icy fangs poised for the final strike.

Realizing that they're on the brink of defeat, Ace mustered every ounce of his power source and tapped into a reservoir of untapped power. He focused his mind and channeled his mana into a focused blast of energy. With a thunderous roar, he unleashed a devastating shockwave that rippled through the battlefield, knocking the Ice Snake off balance.

Taking advantage of the serpent's momentary disorientation, Blue managed to regain his footing. His determination burning brighter than ever, he launched himself back into the fray, his talons slashing through the air with renewed ferocity. With each strike, Blue aimed for the serpent's weak points, causing it to falter.

Ace, supporting Blue's assault, summoned his elements, the fire and earth element and slammed the ground with his feet to transform the ground beneath the serpent into molten lava. The scorching heat seared through the Ice Snake's icy exterior, weakening it further. Blue's relentless onslaught combined with Ace's prowess pushed the serpent to its breaking point.

Finally, with one last mighty strike, Blue delivered a fatal blow to the Ice Snake's heart. The massive creature let out a final, ear-piercing shriek before collapsing to the ground, its icy form shattering into countless shards.

Blue and Ace stood amidst the aftermath of the intense battle, their bodies battered and bruised, but victorious.

"That's was certainly dangerous to attempt next time but....I wonder what this feeling in me is", Ace muttered in heavy breath as he contemplated on the almost unfamiliar feeling he felt.


"Was the fight to me...…fun?" Ace muttered as he made his way closer to the ice serpent corpse with blue.

"No more battles for a while blue"


"Well we have a meeting with an emperor that's why"


"Well, what do you know?"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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